Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1915, p. 8

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4 '*• I" wsmmt DTHJENBTj --~rn**+*mmki jw^yf &->^y WATCH: '•'*• M ?ev. r>v IP $& tt'v' faO #i¥'.'V 'gr«h : :v &?•• ; I?" "if if- :v ! :"4* ! />*. 1 m "•' l ', . y !& •^A • Wf^'j mmm in all the fashionable colors and at prices ranging from $10.00 and $22.0Q per suit* You will save 25 per cent by buying a ready made suit and get workmanship which is equal to any made to order suit. Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Gents' Furnishings. Jos. W. Freund We& McHenry* 111. /F 9j^ *<„ e- Good Shoes For the whole family Our line of Men's Heavy Work Shoes is now com­ plete. New easy shapes in brown and black leathers at :__$2.50, $2.25,$3.00 to $4.50 Fine Dress Shoes in new popular shapes $2.50 to $4.25 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes in lace and button with cloth or leather tops. Combination blacks and dolors. DRESS GOODS and Suitings in a big range of col­ ors and qualities. All wool and dainty wash fabrics. MEN'S HATS AND CAPS, latest models for the correct dresser. Shirts, Collars, Ties, Etc. SUITS AND OVER COATS made to your measure. ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES M. J. WALSH, Phone 63-R Goods Delivered 1 M- p4=- te; »fesi. - S^: s§ f7 --HAVE YOU-- A Gas Water Heater? Are you enjoying the comfort of hot water in any quantity you want supplied to you with the least possible effort? Now that the furnace fire is out you realize what it means to do without hot water'unless you have a Gas Water Heater To supply the bathroom the kitchen the laundry with just enough hot water for your needs. You have it, then, any time of day or night at the ex­ penditure of little time and comparatively little money. Install a gas water heater this spring. /•jfeWesternUnited Gas /£% •̂ 5&ai)d Electric Company D. M. WORKMAN, District M*nac«r *4 '• as.^v-:;' Spring Is Here THIS is the time of year when the housewife is busying herself cleaning house and dis­carding the old rugs and carpets and pieces of furniture which have not only outlived their usefulness but become an eyesore to the home. . We wish to call to the attention of the women folks that our line of carpets and rugs is larger and better than ever, and, what's more, our prices are most attractive. These are not dam­ aged, but new goods right from the factory and it will pay you to call and inspect what we have to offer. Our furniture line is also quite complete and easy to select from. Come in and let us talk shop to you. •/. :: :: Jacob Ju^ten McHenry, Illinois 1 W*NTY-FIV| CHICAGO BAfHCLMf fOR GENIAL NATES OSol^ '--solved once fat all by Calumet. For daily use In millions of kitchens has proved that Calumet is highest not only in quality but in leavening power as well--un­ failing in results--pure to the extreme--and wonderfully economical in use. Ask your grocer. And try Calumet next bake day. Received Highest Awards Warffthra f~i i i r i • dbp.ll. ' Pmri» Fifl ' SRE*""* 1112. 4UARTER OF A CENTURY ITEMS CUPPED PMN PLAMDEALEK OP TWENTY-riVE YEABS AGO WL^ iCRC^S YOUR CHANCE S8 Jacob Bishop is treating bis residence to a coat of paint, inside and out, and making other substantial improve­ ments about his premises. Peter Thelen has built an addition to his residence, and his son-in-law, A Fisher, will hereafter occupy the house with him. The school board met on Monday morning and organized for the coming year by the election of Isaac Went- worth, president, and J. Van Slyke, olerk. A chorus of twelve or fifteen little girls, under the direction of Miss Mary Wentworth, is a new and pleasing at­ traction at the Methodist church ser­ vices in this village. The summer residents «at Pistakee Bay are already coming in, notwith­ standing the cold weather. Coroner Hertz, Mrs. John Wightman, Mr. Melander and several others are oc­ cupying their cottages there now, and more are expected soon. Chas. R. Huber, at the home bakery, has been painting and renovating th e interior of his bakery, and has now one of the cleanest and best arranged bakeries in the county. He under­ stands his business in every particular, and is receiving a liberal patronage. At the Republican caucus, on Satur­ day last, the following were chosen delegates to represent the town in the county convention at Woodstock on Tuesday: F. K. Granger, J. W. Cristy, J. Van Slyke, R. A. Howard, C. T. Eldredge, L. E. Bennett, H. C. Mead, John I. Story, John Bell, R. Lawson, and W. A. Cristy. The residence of H. C. Mead, west of this village, had a narrow escape from being destroyed by fire'on Monday night lpst. When discovered the fire was under good headway, but prompt action saved the building with but slight damage. The fire is supposed to have caught from the propping of a match in some dry straw in the rear of the house. i The following letter is self explana­ tory and undoubtedly will be of interest to the girlp Of this village: McHenry, April 28, IMS. JdcHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, Illinois. . Gentlemen--I am herein SBbmitting jou a report of the club being organ­ ized in Chicago called "The Bachelors Club." This club has been organized about a month ago. Most of these boys spend their days of leisure at the town of McHenry and for that reason if it is not asking too much would like to have you copy this and print in your next issue of the McHenry Plain- dealer. Kindly reply to J. J. Weiler, 1126 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Yours truly, JOS. WEILER Fr*m Th* Dormlt»r? Ha» Lonely Knights of Columbus bache­ lors send out cafl for genial mates. Way out in North Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois, isolated in a Knights of Columbus dormitory far from the sound of a sewing machine or a breath of the biscuits likQ, mother made, are twenty-five bachelors, tired of .restau­ rants, Weary of the freedom that knows no feminine touch and laughter- There are twent-five of us n.en, ages from twenty-one to forty-five. We are all well bred, most of us are college men, yet some of the girls here do not seem to consider us seriously. Most of us are business and professional men and able to provide a good home for the right kind, of a girl. While we do not want to be understood as ad­ vertising for wives, we would like a few nice girls who are also lonely and leave the rest to cupid. If the McHenry girls want to meet some lonely bachelors they need not go to Crystal Lake or Elgin, send them to 1120 North Dearborn street, Chicago. Respectfully yours, DORMITORY MAN. L*Ok 'Em Ov«r, Glrli Here, girls, a?e the qualifications, look 'em over: George Teehan, the haberdasher kid; Arthur Theilen, bookkeeper; Ed. Zender, "lawyer," fireside man; J. J. Weiler, traveling salesman; James Ferry, assistant physical director, dark hair, black eyes, good looking, stout; George McNichols, lawyer, light cu^ly hair and blue eyes, prefers heiresses; James Curran, bookkeeper, prefers blonds: Patrick J. McCarthy, blond with blue eyes, fine carriage; Edward Leahy, qteel man, bald head and blue eyes, devotee of skating, both ice and roller, and fond of widows; Tom Grif- fen, lawyer, no opinion; Harvey Dohm, student; James Donnelly, traveling salesman; Wm. Clark, salesman, open to conviction; Hugh Syron, in private business, secretary, very studious, admires religious type; Hugh Cruden, contract agent, favors trained nurses; John Brady, motor expert; Jim Mc- Donal, credit man, former basket ball star, likes the athletic type of girl; Ed. Gleason, clerk; Harry Griffen, railroad man; Joseph Lanser, blond likes music and new dances, would marry good dancer and singer; Tom Loftus, in­ spector of gas heating, retired news­ paper man, leaving soon to look after extensive interest on the Pacific; Andy McDopald, organist; Robt. A. Simon, handsome Je\y book agent and insur­ ance agent, admires good housekeepers, prefers plump girls; Ed. Helmus, tired of mending own clothes; Louis Retzer, machinist, red hair, blue eyes, very loving and affectionate, yachts­ man, fond of stout girls. MAY FESTIVAL FOR WOODSTOCK MUSICAL EVENT PLANNED POR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, HAY, 4 AMD » "SAVOY" SUPPER The Ladies of. the Universalist church will hold a "Savoy" supper in the church parlors Thursday, May 0, from 5 to 1 p. m. The proceeds of the supper are to .defray the expense of wiring the church for electric light and a large attendance is desired. Supper, 35 c. Rugs and aprons will also be on •ale. •c PICKLES Vat run, 75c; large, 30c. Contract norw with John L. May or at F. A. Bohianders a Lore. 36-lOt c. F. CLAuasmr & SONS. A chorus of one hundred voices, In­ cluding the best local talent, has been at work for the past few months under the direction of Adele B. Medlar, pre­ paring several splendid choral works, which will be given in the Woodstock opera house in three concerts on May 4 and 5. In the first concert, Tuesday, May 4, at 8 p. m., besides choice selec­ tions by the festival and male choruses, Earl R. Drake, a famous violinist, will give two selections. For the matinee on Wednesday, May 5, at 3:15 p.m., the high school orchestra will play and the Junior Festival chorus will give a cantata and Maypole dance. The ladiefg chorus will also sing, on this program the cantata, "A Garden of Flowers," by Denza, with solos by local musicians. Lilly Lohrv, a blind soprano with a wonderful voice, will be heard on the program Wednesday, May 5, at 8 p. m., in solos and with the festival chorus and a quartette of solo voiees will give a song cycle, "The Morning of the Year," by Cadman. This festival is to be a rare treat for WoodBtock and community and it is rumored that auto parties from the neighboring towns are arranging to avail themselves of the opportunity to hear these musicians. The season tickets are only one dollar and single admission, 35 cents. M E. CHURCH NOTES Services as follows next Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Preaching services, 11:00 a. m.; Junior league, 2:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:45 p. m. W. C. EVKBS, Pastor. NOTICE ~ Notice is hereby given that the Mc Henry postofllce will hereafter be closed at 7:90 p. m. M J. C. HOLLY, Postmaster. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Services as usual: Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Preaching service at 11:00 a. m. JOHN M. RATCLIPF, Minister. Our work pleases eve prices will pissse you. ' the plumber. Tel. rybod^; our hi * 1; ' • _ Is#-' % "ATCH him climb/« k o^ay be slow it firft. He may have to deny himself more things than other ® (joys. But he's building lor the future. And as sure as he continues in his course he iwill some day have all the things that he (Mice did 'without, and many others that the non saver can never enjoy. The bank is glad to open accounts wit^ ^niJ>mous bQj?8- l3L takes a boy's dol­ lar and pays him for the use of it.* So that the interest helps him to (turn his one dollar into two dollars. v Apply here-'for mejobei^hip in thcr. jKmenry Membership fee, $1;M. .CVJKV'-. Ifecociatioa. We& McHenry, Illinois. -CENTRAL. OPERA HOUSE / THE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY The latent and be& PICTURES.. THE Every Thursday Night WEDNESDAY Admission :: 10c WUCOME HEWS FOR LOCAL KOPLE People in this town Will he glad tq bear that the mixture of simple buck? thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler>l-ka, can he obtained at our store. This simple remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it has been found that JUST A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN- flTAWTry hoponao It nff aii^b a surprising amount of old foul mat* ter from the body. E. V. H'ALLISTER, DRUGGIST DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerviile McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W Mc- W. C. T. U. NOTES During the past few days the Henry and Ringwood societies of the W. C. T. U. have been holding an in­ stitute under the leadership of Mrs. H. D. Hall of Aurora, 111. We were very fortunate to be honored with in­ structions from a woman of such wide experience in the temperance work. Mrs. Hall is a national worker and has visited every state in the Union and has helped to dry out many of the eighteen states which now stand for total abstinence. With all the helpful and practical methods which Mrs. Hall presented, her wonderful sense of humor made her discourse very inter­ esting. Mrs. Hall appeared at the school auditorium on Tuesday, where she entertained the children with an entertaining as well as instructive talk intermingled with a story each for the bovs and girl®. Her audience gav>- the speaker their rapt attention and evidently her visit to the school was not made, in vain. BY THE SECRETARY. ; » ,SPBWO A DAY FISHING Fof those who wish to pass a day ash­ ing at Pistakee Bay I am prepared to provide them with fishing tackle, bait, boats a place to stable their horses or leave their automobile. If you wish anv 40^tf. f Pistakee Bay. 1Q8-R, Herbts the plumtwr. This ̂ retefc'*£al*oi jGal- vaiiic ' ',l§c to worth of Palm Olive Soap FREE THIS WEEK With every purchase of the famous well known Galvanic easy washing White Laundry Soap amounting to 45c or more. When you buy Galvanic Soap you get one of the best Laundry Soaps made and in addition you get from 2 to 10 cakes of Palm Olive* a high gra^e Toilet Soap, Free. With 100 bars at $4.05) *!.M you will i;et'10 cakes > ,S2rih of Palin Olive oi- j With 20 bars at 85c ) 20c you will get 2 cakes V worth of Palm Olive or ) Free V With 50 bars at $2.10) HE you will get 5 cakes > Worth of Palm Olive or j Free With 10 bars at 45e) ltc you will get 1 cake >- worth of Palm Olive or ~ ) '• Free F. A. Bohlander Prompt Delivery 'Phone 5W Subscribe for the Plaindealer • ^ and keep posted on local happenings ,; *•» - In our business relations you will find us a^nfflted by a strong desire to supply you with merchandise that will prove entirely satisfactory in every way. / See our straw hats at 25c up to $2.50 each. The warm weather last week has already brought*us s good many customers for them. Also silk, poplin, and white crushers are hats most everyone wants, at 50c each. a "'1.% :i '.f,;51 u Phone 79-J McHenry, I1L PHILIP JAEGER -ĉ QfiNERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT hip- 4;./ 9PKC1AL ATTENTION QivXN TO TBS SALE OF. i&ySi&i'P***9** R--*t Jlvttoo, Hogs, VMI, Poultry,' ^ Hides, Etc., Buttisr and Egfs Thla is the oldest boose on the street Tags and prfc* ttfe f&o&M WJ •ppMeelloe..' v • • . COLD 8T0RAQB PKBB ' £SSr"- • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. * 1 < " " :&h " " " " " " ;

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