§ f - • • V • •/>>.; ^.'V>jh- 'S: £vV£ r ••••?& - • m f. i§# ft- -S--" f'V;. ';3f'i<v: Given to "Parcel Post" Orders The farmers' busy season is at hand. This may cause you to postpone a trip to town until a more convenient time. But don't do without drug &ore goods on this account If you live on a rural route, we shall be glad to deliver drugs or other drug &ore goods at your door. Ju& phone to us or mail your order and we will send you the goods as quickly as possible--usually by fir& mail after your order reaches us. - Supply your medicine cabinet with special rem edies which are apt to be needed during the summer season. Foot Powders, Headache Remedies, Rem edies for Sudden Stomach and Bowel Troubles, and many other items which should be kept regular ly on hand Let us fill your prescriptions and recipes. We are agents for Dr. David Roberts' Remedfes and carry a full line of medicines with which to properly fill veterinary prescriptions. # N. Hi Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W & We Offer Relief • V ' from the garbage can its flies, vermin and offensive smells. "The mo& necessary and desirable household applances developed since the gas range." Ask about it at the gas office. /jjjfeWesteroUrjited Gas a>j»V '-OLaod Electric Company B. M. WORKMAN, DWUbMa LIMITED Sale Canned Goods 25c can pineapple . ._ 25c can peaches 15c can cherries 18c can blueberries 20c can apricots 20c can pineapple _ _ 15c can blarkfcrmr q_._ cans corn _i 3 cans peas____^ 3 cans hominy 3 cans pumpkin .... 3 cans kraut Good house broom 19c 19c 11c .14c 15c 15c 10c 25c .25c 25c 25c 25c 23c JOHN STOFFEL Phone 89-J T=dJ DR. CARL STRUEITS Sanatorium and Health Resort A *clfanr*.m- • place lor the sick and fcflfthose -?:ie6ld8|r re& and recreation amidol the mod pleasant aqd home-like rural surroundings., ̂ y tV NATURAL METHODSlSllftl ̂' T'~" ^^7• f _ 211msilMn.InttvrA kAjkLlA. ' * ^ ^ Write for illustrated descriptive booklet.:. T* *'*• TELEPHONE McHENRY M-M. « ...«»«»> -» *»•«*««« i NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KtUtiKmUi. _ Cfcrl iklja was a Cary vtsitof 9Mtir- day. Mr. Oakroot had bosineM at brysial Lake one day last week. If you want to sell jour pnoperfy, list it with D. F. Quinlan. W. H. Levey and J. H. Slater had business at Crystal Lake Saturday: Mrs. V. Stephenson and daughter, Edna, were callers at Woodstock Sat urday. Mrs. Ft. L. Dufleld was a Woodstock business caller the latter part of the week. Mrs. Hans Nelson and daughter and Mrs. John Gould were at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. C. F. French and two children spent Saturday with her son, Will, and family at Crystal Lake. ^ f Mr. Mickleson is building on hla lot a 20x40 ft. bl&cksmith shop and will be ready for business in a short timo. Mrs. P. HodgAkitfcon and Mrs. J. B. Lynch and two grandchildren spem Saturday at Woodstock, calling on rel atives and friends. The township exercises held her* last week were considered the best ever held in years. The church was packed and the admittance fee will be used by. the schools in supplies for the benefit of the pupils. R. E. Harrison, wife and two daugh ters of Marley, 111., and Mr. Harrison's parents of Crystal Lake autoed to Ridgefield Saturday, calling on their many friends. Mr. Harrison was in the store with Mr. Risley for some time, also superintendent of the Sun day school, and was missed by both young1 and old. CHUBOH NOTES The Ladies' Aid society was enter tained last week Thursday by Mrs. J. Mickleson. A large attendance is re- port ed and an enjoyable and profitable afternoon was passed. Mrs. MacGofran is now on her way back. She is at present in the Galla tin valley, Montana, where she and Mr. MacGowan spent four years, leav ing there four years and a half ago. The Y. P. S. C. E. met at the home of Robert Knilans Tuesday evening of this week for the quarterly business meeting. Refreshments were served. A report of the meeting in full will appear later. Children's day services will be held at the -church next Sunday morning at the hour of church service, eleven o'clock. A good program is being pre pared and it is hoped that there will be a generous turnout of parents as well as children. Next Monday will be the fourteenth and all should remember that that is Brother Button's birthday. It will be his ninety-fifth anniversary. May he be spared to round out an even hun dred and to have as good a time of it as possible. This may be wishing him bad luck, for we know that he is not anxious to live except for otheis. Butf however that may be, we all congratu late him and wish him the fulfillment in his own case of those word6 of Holy writ: "At evening time it shall be light." t sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. OSTKND. If you want to sell your property, list it with D. F. Quinlan. . C. E. Sherman is the first farmer in this section to harvest alfalfa. Warren Thoipas and wife of Wood stock were recent visitors at the farm here. Frank Kaiser, wife and children at tended o^ur^h services at McHenry Sunday morning last. Nearly eveby voter in tills neighbor hood turned out Monday to cast their vjt< g for their choice of candidates. Fred Eppel's frame for his new barn is raised and ready for covering. There are six 'carpenters at work on the building. C. B. Durkee nnd wife enjoyed a visit one 'day last week from Fred Dana, wife and children of Shermer- ville, Lake county, 111. Another bountiful shower of rain Sunday and the farmers are jubilant. They feel sure of being rewarded. The corn recently planted will soon show itself. Walter Bradley, wife and daughter 9Dd Chas. Carr, wife and daughter of Ring wood passed thru here Sunday, looking for a lame automobile, stalled somewhere on the road, but where no (me knew. Mrs. Delis Holwrt and Mi** Amtnie Francisco attended the closing exer cises of Miss Goldie [loin 's school last Friday afternoon. Mi«* Howe ha* taught what is known m Bull Vallry Brhool three vears. rs i Rf NO WOOD Miss Ellen Hall is very Ul M this time. • Mrs. Libbi* Bell isvery Mok at this writing. > •;)' Henry Stephenson and family were Delavan visitors Sunday. If you want to sell your property, list it with D. F. Quinlan.. Glenn Esh, wife and little abn were Sunday callers at Ed. Bell's. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding was'the guest of relatives in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen and Mrs. Emma Matthews visited in Woodstock Tuesday. The figures of the Sunday school con test last Sunday were Ringwood, 74; Greenwood 1 HO. A little son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting Wednesday evening of last week. William Thomas, wife and daughter of Ostend were callers at James Harn ey's last Friday evening. Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow returned last Friday afternoon from their trip to the coast. The Children's day exercise* have been changed from evening to after noon.* Let all bear this in mind, 2:30 p. m. Harry and Paul Stephenson and mother, Lora Walkington and Corabel McOmber spent Saturday with friends at Belvidere. Mrs. May Hawver and children of Lake Geneva, Wis., visited relatives here and at Woodstock from Saturday until Monday evening. The Children's day exercises at,the M. E. church will take place on Sun day afternoon at 2:30. A very inter esting program will be given. Mrs. Dora Williamson and little daughter of Pauls Valley, Okla., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Coates, and other relatives. The Flower Mission meeting last Saturday was well attended. Miss Em ily Smith had a good program, after which ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Emma Merchant was called to Terra Cotta Tuesday to care for her husband, who had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse. Miss Irma McCan- non is now caring for Mrs. Whiting in Mrs. Merchant's place. The M. W. A. memorial services Sunday were well attended and en joyed by all. The music was good.2 Rev. Baker gave a good address. The following is the report of the M. W. A., April 1, 1915: Total membership 931,- 549; since its organization thirty-two years ago, 80,000 have died; there has been paid to their beneficiaries, 1142,- 000,000. Every, year adds about 7,000 to the death list. The M. W. of A. has no reserve fund, but has a sur plus in cash and bonds of $4,383,213 and pays all legitimate claims without de lay. Head clerk's statement, James McNamara. •4mm* ' V"1" I.1,1 '-w s i The men who compose this company are in# dividually liable to depositors to the full ex tent of their personal and real estate holdings! This assures maximum security of deposits* In seeking a banking connection, this fad: is worthy of mo^t serious consideration. Ample security of funds, coupled with service of the highest efficiency, make this the Bank for conservative peqple desiring the utmo& in modern banking service. lit jW1'. •ttm %•§ J'tMs M ' -$06 'M M (sell farms. I). K. Quinlan. IMS. fc'DITH (UTTER DO WELL Mi-s. Edith l:itter Dowe'l passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hora t,. Hitter, at Lily Lutve on Wednesday of this week, after only a few days' illness. Mrs. Dowel), who has taught school over in Lake county during the past term, finished her school work for the year only a short lime ago and her sudden illness and death comes as a great shock to her many friends in McHenry and Lake counties. She leaves, besides her par- entSj two small clrildren, which makes her death an unusually sad one. ImpoHed pure Olive oil at C. Unti's. AYLWARD-DIBETT The marriage of Phil Aylward to Miss Katherine Dibett, both of Worth ing, S. Dm took place at St. Edward's Catholic church at that place on Wed nesday, June 9, at nine o'clock. Mr. Aylward is a former McHenry boy and has many friends here, who extend congratulations. The couple will be at home at Canton, S. D., after July 1. Graduation day gifts at Petesch vis- I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. XKKKA COTTA. If you want to sell your property, list it with D. F. Quinlan. Paul HolTman of Spring Grove ited at McMillan's Sunday. Miss Frances Knox spent Friday with Miss Mary Burke at McHenry. Miss Lola ftoyle of McBenry visited Miss Eleanor Phalin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward of Mc Henry visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin passed Fri day at the home of Henry-McMillan. Henry Shales of Chicago visited rela tives here*a couple of days last week. Misses Florence and Frances Knox were Crystal Lake callers last Wednes day. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Lola Boyle were Ridgefiekf callers Thurs day. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Saturday evening and Sunday with McHenry relatives. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler of Mc Henry called at M. A. Conway's Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Marjorie, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gracy and family were out of town visitors one day last week. Mrs. Marion McMillan splnt a re cent day at Crystal Lake as the guest of Mrs. Charles La Plant. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grave was the guest of his daughters, Mesdames Henry and Frank McMillan, Sunday. M. A. Conway, Ed. and John Conway and M. Knox autood to Harvard Sun day and attended the K. of C. initiation there. I well fan D. F. Quinlan. JOHNSIIUBOn. Chas. Michels has returned from Woodstock, where he recently served a jail sentence. Our people wpre grieved to learn of John Bower's condition at Spring Grove. His wife and family have our heartfelt sympathy. A wedding dance will take place at Smith's hall here on Wednesday even? ing of next week, June 16. The same good time arid the same good music. You and your friends are invited. Dance tickets, CO cents. "Butch" Freund of this place was among the candidates to make the trip to Harvard last Sunday with the Mc Henry Knightsof Columbus. "Butch" is not sorry that he joined them and is now trying to induce more of *our boys to become Knights. Some of the county supervisors were here again last week, looking over the Johnsburgh bridge. It was decided to have the bridge repaired and placed in a safe condition. Among the re pairs needed are the strengthening of the abutments, tightening up of the steel work and a new flooring. The contract for the impebvement, we are told, will be let at an early date/ ym. ...w •:R .J\K: . . . . r -fill? FREMONT CLAR HOY 11=11 5ale.. Vycitars Novelty Store McHENRY, ILLINOIS SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915 BOYS' surr$p 98c ' TOILET PAPER 6 for 25c White and Blue COFFEE POTS 2 quaitfc.^^MkriJ5c CURTAIN RODS 10c BOYS' White and Blue v TEA POTS " ̂ 11-2 quart w-.-iSKk: 25c and 50c Local View POSTCARDS BOYS' BLOUSES 24c White and Blue TEA KETTLE m Na 9 'i45c MEN'S SHlRtS 48c and 24c COFFEE CANISTER 2 pound l#c •V iffy BLUE KETTLE 10 quart 35c LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS 48c White Cups and Saucers 6for. ___40g White and Blue STEW PANS 3-quart Children's Aprons 5c, 10ct 15c and 25c White DINNER PLATES 6 for 35c GRAY DISH PAHtS & quart. 25c TURKISH TOWELS 10c and 25c Fancy FLOWER VASES 10c Gray Preserving Kettle li quart ---25c MEN'S STOCKING? 10c and 25c BERUN KETTLE $ quart 25c uart 15c FINE CANDY Pier pound...10c and 20c EMBROIDERY SILK 2 skeins for.- -Jfc 11=11 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Ail *Uv«rtlsementa Inserted under tills he*d at the or i~. £u»4 lti*^rtion, 16 cents for each subM^ueiit itumrUon. ore than live lines, 6 cents a line for flrat insertion, and S cents a line for addltionl insertions. Beds etccrs for Inqulnt of 43Ttf TdeplKMMM Office 17 ^ Ked<ie«(-e I7*A K.MS KOK HALE-luquireof C. W. Stkng '•a. West McHenry State Bank. 1» __ 8ALK--A one-year-old black coH. Will sell for |75. John F. Mim.ir, McHenry. 47-tf HALE--Khode Island batchInK; alun'tlmbthy hay. Jacob Dikdhich, McHenry. tM)K HALK--Gentle family borse; also good * rnblier tired liu^Ky aud harness. Kea- Honable. L. F. Hoitstit Wtsrt, Mclietiry. 49-tf Ij>OK SALK -- A team of five-year-olds, weltfbt iano nomids 1300 poun F. O. 71-M. Will drive sIiikI*' or double West MctJtsury, 111. 'I'houe 45-tf HALE--A (rood power boat and also a A row boat. Very, reumouable price. W. F. Kohkbbck, PlsUktw Bay. Phone W0- K. 51-3t "C>OU SA iiE--Fl\ »--rooui cottaje'e. barn, chick- en houst- andKood well; al.so twouud one- half acres of land, location. Grant U)wn- sliip. 2H miles soutb of ItiKleslde. Inquire of H.tiiirtiu, McHenry, 111. 44-tf F. J . AICHER DENTIST Office la Telephone Exchange Bldg CenterviUe McHenry* Illinois Telephone No. W-W Elizabeth, the fourteen-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Meyers, passed away at the family home at 1:30 o'clock on Monday morning of this week. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic church here at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning. Rev. Chas. Weber officiating. Inter ment was made in the Catholic ceme tery adjoining the church. The be* reaved ones have the ijmpethj of our people in general. The heated season now takes its place with this community as its base. The season of delight for the urchin, but one of discomfort for many of us. That you may take as much comfort as possible, you should avail yourselves of the many helps we are offering in the way of light weight, cool fur* nishings for men, women and the tots. They help lots. No where will you find a wider range for sdedkm and our prices are right. 2 s u :: r 2 •sr SMITH BROS. Mci!ry Telephone No. 1W-R -SIMON Office Hour* «:M tolfcMa.Mk l:Mto«£»p.a?V p. BO. Insurance agent for all elaasee of property in the besVoopipaniee. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS A. I. FROEHLIGH ^ - Physician and Surgeon 'ft Schaorr BI4§> WEST McHBNKJT " f 1% 4 i v, C * & 'Ls