Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1915, p. 5

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•J?&4 to "M The farmers* busy* season is at hand. This may w.h - fcause you to postpone a trip to town until a more s- 'V convenient time. But don't do without drug &ore /s^%oods on this account. If you live on a rural route, ; > > ^ve shall "be glad to dteliver drugsor other drug &ore i - j&oods at your door. Ju& phone to uS or mail your |( ^rder and we wiU send you the goods as quickly as ; possible--usually by fir& mail after your order > reaches us. x Supply your medicine cabinet with special rem« ifcdies which are apt to be needed during the summer Reason. Foot Powders, Headache Remedies, Rem* ~$dies for Sudden Stomach and Bowel Troubles* , and many other items which should be kept regular* on hand. Let us fill your prescriptions and recipes, „ I We are agents for Dr. David Roberts' Remedies ^tind carry a full line of medicine^ w|$.w&ick |SI inary prescriptions, 5 ^ < NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLEssCORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS properly fill veterinary prescriptions^ * ̂H; i>RUGGIST£ "PHONE GAS-FIRED INCINERATOR OR GAR­ BAGE BURNER IS THE MODERN SUBSTI­ TUTE FOR THE GARBAGE CAN AND THRASH BARREL. It is installed conveniently •^tn the kitchen or basement, requires very tittle space and works without dirt, waste or odor. All of the kitchen waste is thrown into the incinerator. When it is well filled you light the •Vj^as and in a short time the entire accumulation is reduped t o a scoopfu l o f f i ne a shes . , . . i , . . , 'i>«^Westerr)tJr)itedGas a>n% and ElectricCompaiy \ -I fen. WORKMAN, \ (f ^ ^ « KS , LIMITED LOT Sate Canned Qodds 25c can pineapple1 .T •*. 25 ̂can peachea ̂ ____ 15c can cherries . I--r.--lIC 18c can blueberries 14c . . | 20c can apricots .__15c ^ 20c can pineapple 15c v 15c can blackberries-_ ̂ -s _ _• 10C" ' 3 cans corn . __25c , 3 cans peas --25c 3 cans hominy _ ̂ - -25c 3 cans pumpkin r „r ̂ »,4 .̂- ̂25c 3 cans krau|̂ ^J__ 25c Good house Ibroom. 23c t V J O HMITOFFEL^ 1--7^-- , " uuuimm Ray Lynch "hiked" to Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Miss Mabel Murphy spent Saturday and Sunday at Elgin. HoBt. Knilaas was calling on the dentist at Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Helen Baker was » Crystal Lake caller Saturday afternoon. The Cemetery society meets Thurs­ day, June 24, with Mrs. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates visited the latter's parents at Woodstock last Sun­ day. Miss Mabel Murphy was hsviog den­ tal work done at Woodstock Thursday last. Mrs, John Mikkelson was taking in the sights at Woodstock Thursday $|Wt. C. M. Keeler of, Elgin was a week end goest to (he borne of bis mother here. '... Mrs. A. H. Skinner transacted busi­ ness at Woodstock Thursday Of last week. School closes Friday, with a pienjc to be held in ths woods if the weather favorable. Mrs. Herman Wille and Miss Dora Breymeyer were Crystal L&ke visitors Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Haldeman and son Gtefo., of Woodstock visited at George Wheeler's Sunday. Mesdames R. L. Dufield «nH. A Jacobs attended the funeral of Chas Kiltz at Gary Shnday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yanke and Mr and Mrs. A. Purvey enjoyed the movies at Woodstock last Thursday night The annual meeting of the Ridge- field Cemetery association will be held at the cemetery on Saturday, June 19 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. ' A. WALKUP, Pres. E. LOCKWOOD, Sec. & fnu. 08TKND. F. B. Thompson has his pateb of new ground nearly ready to plant. Mrs. C. B. Durkee has 18(h Utile chicks, all hatched under hens. The Ostend school closed last week and the children are eujoylng vaca­ tion. Albert Buehert has six men, includ ing himself, at work on F. R. Eppel' barn. R. H. Richardson is pushing his hauling along for his barn to be erected soon. Fred Eppel's barn shows off fine. The frame is up and can be seen a long-dis­ tance. There is a fine prospect for a bounti ful crop of apples in this looality again this season, Carl Mead and family are the proud owners of a span of spotted ponies and a little basket phaeton. Alfalfa grows fast this wet weather and it is hustling the farmers to get it cut before corn cultivating. Henry Hobart was in McHenry Mon day, getting his team of colts shod and Frank Kaiser ifas getting his corn cul tivator repaired. (? " "'$1 DR. CARL STRUEH'S Sanatorium and Health Resort McHenry, HI, ^Ideal place for the sidfc. and lor those re$ and recreation amidst the mod pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS Write for illustrated descriptive hsofcltt TELEPHONE McHENRY 92-M. 'M. i ^ rfus\ j&7* ' ;*/'• £ S» VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon spent Wed­ nesday of last week in Waukegan. - -Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld left Monday for a two weeks' visit with her parents at Oregon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and son of Wauconda were Sunday callers at John "Walton's. Services June 20 at the M. E. church by Rev. J. J. Williams. A good at­ tendance is -desired. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hirooimus and Chester of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Dunnill. Alvin and Arthur Fey sibd Walter Luebking of Chicago spent a few days last week with Volo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clif Benwell and Lloyd Benwell attended the entertainment at McHenry Saturday night. Mrs. Frank Dowell died at the home of her parents at Lily Lake on Wed­ nesday, June 9, after a short illness. She leaves, besides the husband, two small son8 to mourn her loss. The funeral was held Sunday at the M. E. church and burial in Volo oemetery. KNBRALD JPA.&K. Joe Frye spent Sunday at his cottage. Billy Aim of Chieago spent Sunday here. Jas. Haxton and sons spent Sunday here. Leo Smith spent one day recently in Chicago. Walter and Harry Blum spent Sun day here. Miss Nancy Frisby spent a lew days recently in Elgin. Mfg. John R. Smith spent a day re­ cently in ChioSgo. Geo. Klum nnd sons of Chicago spent Sunday HI the Park. Mr. »u.d Mr*. Chas. CoWn ami bhii <lrt»n sp. iit .Sunday lifrn*. Mi». U Hpeui :i ft'* d<tjv» IHSL WI **k N( II> r wiilHjii' ii« if. A1 i*» AHH;» Mnh'fvt nnd MEd- sitl Anitii spent Suddit.v imra. Ifenrv Ili'iKliug and >»uu of Chicago H »«'w o*ys lane wet*k at their tlOir. .\< Mai m»* Sjuith lif Lhke Gwiovi >l>i,in. Su (i:iit n> On* trn of l»«r par- •Miif, Air. mtri :VJi*s. Joliu Smith. M'*/ VV. K !t«irns itnd diu^hter, .Vli * | Jack, Alien, and tOtiidt't'ii tif Olu- a>*e f|»emii<i^ a tew wmki at the t'ki-k. Mr. nud Mrs 10. R. Sutton and son, Mr and Mrs Mack Sutton and W. K. Sutton attended the Conway ding yestei-dav. ' : y CONWAY-KNOX ^if.. -J The marriage of MissKathryn Leon.- na Knox to Mr. Raymond Francis Con­ way was solemnized at St: Patrick's Catholic church in this village at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning of this week, Rev. Lynch, temporary pastor qf the churoh, officiating. The cere­ mony was one of the prettiest ever solemnized at that church and a large concourse of relatives and friends were on hand to witness same. A reception was tendered the couple at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox, south of town. The couple left that evening for a short wedding trip. Full particulars of this happy event reached us too late for this week'8 paper, but will be published RIMOWQOD ' Mrs. Libble Bell still oontinnes wry ill. x*C. W. Harrison and family of North Nunda visited at J. C. Ladd's Sunday. Robert McLean and wife of Wood­ stock spent Sunday wtth RSngwood relatives. A little son arrived at the home of M r. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison Satur­ day night. A goodly number from here attended the rrlass play at McHenry Friday and Saturday evenings. J. C. Ladd and C. W. Harrison at­ tended the Donnelly smoker at Wood­ stock last Saturday evening. Misses Katie Krohn, Flossie Conway and Agnes Bigelow were callers in Woodstock Saturday evening. Floyd Howev and Harry Stephenson left Mondav morning on an auto trip to the coast to visit the exposition. The W. C. T. U. meets Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Abbie Martin. All are cordially invite$to attend. The carpenters are progressing well on James Green's new house. It will greatly improve that part of town when finished. Mrs. Georgia Harrison was pleasant­ ly surprised by a number of her lady friends and relatives coming in Friday afternoon to help her celebrate her birthday. ^ A little -daughter arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrt. Vivian Esh of Spring Grove Thursday night of last week. Grandpa Bell now wears a very broad smile, indeed. There were seventy-two present at the Sunday school session Sunday. Every scholar is urge*) to be present next Sunday as the contest with the Greenwood Sunday school will then begin in earnest. The ordination of John M. Ratcliff at the Univerealist church in McHenry Sunday evening was very impressive and beautiful. There was a good at­ tendance from Ring wood. Also some from North Crystal Lake. Clarence Morey, wife and son of Minneapolis, Minn., Frank Roe, wife and children of Chicago and Philo Roe and wife of Woodstock called on E. T. Chase and at H. W. Allen's Sunday afternoon. Mr. Morey is taking an auto trip thru to points in the East. Children's day was very successfully observed at the Ringwood M. E. church last Sunday afternoon, when thrfchurch was orowded to hear the messages of the ohildren. The Sunday school schol­ ars won the praise of all for the man­ ner in which they gave the program. Double votes on fly sprays at Mc­ Allister's this week. %*• F-** V,. •• 3-Al. r ,1 -<e-i . fefv.r . ADDITIONAL PERSONALS F. A. Bohlander was a business Tie in Chicago Wednesday. Henry Simes of Crystal Lake visitor in town Tuesday. Dr. A. I. Froelich was a professional visitor in Chicago Tuesday. John F. Claxton attended to business matters in Chicago Wednesday. Charles Owen of Chicago spent Sun­ day as the guest of McHenry relatives John Knox, Sr., was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. ;Geo. W. Owen of Elgin were guests of relatives here Sunday. Geo. Kramer was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Jacob Justen attended to matters of a business nature in tlie windy eity Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Sayler is spending a few days this week as the guest of rela­ tives at Elgin. Miss Tessie Worts motored to Volo Sunday and spent the day with rela­ tives and friends. Miss Margaret Casper was enter­ tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint Sunday. Miss Florence Rockwell of Delavan, Wis., is a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Gay lord. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Worts were among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee, Wis., is spenping the week as the guest of McHenry relatives. ^ Miss Theresa Barbian passed Thurs­ day and Friday of last week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Celia Geary of Wauconda spent a few days this week as a guest in the home of ner sister, Mrs. H. J.Schaffer. Miss Lucile Bvrd returned home last week from a short visit with her •OSUM', Mi*. John Quartel, at Plymouth, Midi. ~ f 'mnk Hchumadter of Chieago was i»ntetiHiu d hi the home of his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.jJ. Schumacher, Sunday. MesdsniHR W. . D. Wentworth and Frank E. Cobb were guests of Mr* and Mrs. C. G. Bos ma at Algonquin Wed­ nesday. Misses Helen and Christina Freund were Sunday gbests in the home of their grand parents, Mr. abd Mrs. John May, at Johusliurg. Mrs. Josephine Heimer returned home Monday eveuing from a three weeks' visit in the home of her son, Charles JM in Chicago. Ed. L. Hayes, Jos. W. Freund, Mrs. Peter J. Freund, C. Unti and Rev. Edward Berthold were among the Chi­ cago passengers this morning. Mrs. Ray Thomas and Miss Clara Schiessle left Tuesday afternoon for Raymondsville, Tex., being called there thru the serious illness of their mother and 6ister, Mrs. W. H. Mead. Miss Josephine Walsh, a nurse em­ ployed at the Iowa college for the blind spent the past two weeks as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Gidd- ings. She was on her way to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. John Hlller and Michael Freund, who reside east of this village, in Lake county, returned * home Tuesday from a visit with rela- dltivesat Stacyville and Meyers, la. ro basic points to consider in every Savings end interest in loll metsiti** Our statement, "3 per cent on Sevings Deposits," that deposits earn exactly that much interest. No "average V&te of iutereit'riowers jhe actual return depositees receive. t)ejM)Slto« fn this instifiitfcn know that their money b working Iw day that it ia in our .f-S'J •jrp-n FREMONT HOY G1 ' NCE F. 0 'i4i 51 m; MfrJ: •m *4 iW. ar Ratal's Novelty Storei ̂ McHENRY, ILLINOIS .JUNE 19, 1915 •iX-M BOYS* surra 96c BOYS' PANTS 25c sad 5#c • i j r BOYS'BLOUSES 34c MEN'S SHIRTS 48c and 24c LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS \ 48c y/ Children's Aprons 5c, 18c, 15c and 25cr| • • . . . . i TURKISH TOWEMf 18c and 25c ̂ L MEN'S SlPOCKINGt UcuuUhT < : " EMBROIDERY SILK TOILET PAPEK 6 for--..-- 25c CURTAIN RODS ... 18c _ • Local View POSTCARDS COFFEE CANISTER 2 pound 18c 1 White Cups and Saucers 6 for .48c White DINNER PLATES 6 for ^5cl Fancy FLOWER VASES 18c • .1;̂ i t --111"" m!h 1 FINE CANDY Per pound.__ 18c and Tffe iviji &y -J 4 • •Ui IE 3EE1E ni White and Blue COFFEEPOTS i 2 quart 1 Br White and Bhie* r : TEA POTS ̂ t'l-t quart j®r White and Blue •. TEAKETTLE No. 9 Lme - BLUE KETTLE 18 quart __3£c White and Blue , STEW PANS 3 quart. 15c GRAY DISH PANS 17 quart--....*--_25c Cray Preserving Kettle 14 quart 25c BERLIN 8 quait- $ ",I| SI I ilG LASSIFIED DEPARTNEHT All xlT.rtU»a««U liiirtrt iiiir (Ma kaad ttth. foUowtBcrataa: n**llMi«r laaa, S «--U tot flrat taaaittMi M e««i far aaeh ntMiiat iaaartioa. Moiataan AT. Ilm,» utli a Baa tor Snt taeertlon, and 1 NnU a lino for addMoal * FOB SALE--Inquire of O. W. KB, West McHenry State Bank. 7UJR SALE--Kbode Island Beds eggs for hatching; also timothy hay. Inquireol JACOB DIKDHICH, McHenry. 43-tt ^OB 8ALB--Gentle family horse; also good rubber tired buggy and harnetifl. Rea­ sonable. L. F. POUHK, West McHenry. 49-tf 3*OB SALE--A team of flve-year-oldn, weight e 1800 tKJundK. Will drive itlngle or double. K. C. West McHenry, ill. 'Phone 71-M. V-tt ^OU 8ALE-A fond power boat and also a row bout. Vory MMtaottaOle price- W. F. HonuBBCK, Hstakee Bay. i'bouu uuS- H. si-at "pVJUND---full case on road between Mclien- ry and Jobusburiih. Owner may hare same by proving i>ropw1jy aud paying for this notice. Tj^OR SAL®--Ftvu-room cottage, barn, chlck- en iiouHe and good well; also two nud one- half acres of land. Location. Grant town- vhlp. 2Vi miles south of ingloslde. Inquire of B. OA8PCB8, McHenry, 111. 44-tf "C^OR BALE--I»U 2-speed Indian motorcycle *• and side car. Eoulpped with lights, gas tank, apeedometer, exhaust born and tandem. Alio new Address .. _ Phone 1S17-M-1 :ine 'starter. Will sell cheap. HAVILAND, Woodstock, 111. 52-2t» DK. F. J. AICHER DENTIST t Office In Telephone Exchange Bldg Centcrvllle McHenry, Blinoia Tcltpfcoai No. 7J-W village were also included in the party to make the lows villages but they re­ mained for a longer stay. The object of their visit to Iowa at this time was to be present at the celebration of the first mass of Rev. John Theobold, a relative, which was solemnized at ' \ $ ; The heated season now tains its place with this community as its base. The season of delight for the urchio, but oneof discomfort for many of us. That you may take as much comfort as possible, you should avail yourselves of the many helps we are offering in the way ol light weight, cool fur­ nishings for men, women and the tots. They help lots. No where will you find a wider range for and our prices are right z z zt s s ~ SMITH BROS, "tr7 Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFELSl Insurance agent for all clawes of property in the beat eompaniw. Wssre a:' MrsMiohael Juste« A. L HtdEHUGH WIST '

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