Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1915, p. 4

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M/HEXRY PLAXNDEAXER, COUNCIL PROCEEDI o& Jpff ' fk rM-*^ •'$&' ^ *,-A<$vv • '.: • OCTtote mmriMimLm tfrmrrmiutoArax F. G. SCHREINER ^ IWlweeSB-# Hfe TCRM8 Of SUBSCRIPTION. 9M TMT FT* Kt Moath*, Me Time Month#, *c Thursday, July 8,1915 $UMMER RESORT NEWS ,Aa Gathered Up and Handed la By j # * > , ; » F r i e r i d s ik&X; The passenger boats along the river and lakes report good business daring the holiday*. Waukegan Gazette, " Friday, July 2: A cruise, such as was yesterday taken by James Hayes thru the legal highways and byways of Lake coun­ ty's courts, will probably never be Experienced by him in his twenty foot steam launch on Pistakee bay, when he came to this city, retained Attorney P. L. Jorgenson, and filed a suit of replevin against Sheriff Elvin J. Griffin, by which he seeks to prove right of ownership to the afore-mentioned craft. On October 15, 1914, Hayes pur­ chased the boat from one Frank Lew- C"' 'is paying $600 for it. He received a |f'C bill of sale for same and had it filed in the recorder's office.. After this •tv;fy sale took place the Pistakee Boat and Engine company secured a judgment against Lewis in the Chicago munici- f< y*.'! pal court for $292.30. This judgment was granted on March 12, 1915, a on June 31 this year the company, which H. A. Meyer is president, levied on the boat ! Not being in the mood to allow the craft to get out of his hands so easi- •J! • - 0 ' ly, Hayes came to Waukegan, consult- • ed his attorney and the suit to re- ' plevin was filed against the sheriff. Ths ownership of the boat will bs settled at the October term of the cir- coit court. ̂ Drowned in Pistakee The first fatality of the season occurred at Pistakee Bay at about .. two o'clock last Sunday afternoon, - i w^en Joseph Schelling of 2646 y :. Florence street, Chicago, lost his life The unfortunate man, with his vf, wife, had come from Chicago to spend the holidays at the cottage of his I&.-A brother, John, which is situated on the Michael Justen farm on the east ^ shore of the bay. H&; On Sunday afternoon he, with four Cf*L:' /others, started out on a fishing trip in a small power boat. When they i reached a point near the Busch cot- Ife tage, on the east side of the bay, where the water is from -twelve to ; fifteen feet deep, the occupants of pi/1. - the craft discovered that the boat , was leaking. The drowned man reached over for the water pump ' and just as he did so a huge white ' cap struck the side of the boat with such force as to upset the craft. f t" 1 No sooner had the boat upset be- .rfore Joe disappeared beneath the waters, niever again to come up. the drowned man, as well as Paul |;f ~ - t Frank and John Schelling, nephews of ^;, , Schwan and William Bischoff, all Chi- c^i^cans, saved themselves by grab­ bling onto the cork-filled seats carried in the boat, which also served as life preservers in causes of accidents of v this kind. / ' After floating around for several minutes the four were picked up by the Lady Busch, a launch owned by Mr. Busch, the St. Louis brewer. The body was later found by searchers and was taken to the un­ dertaking rooms of Jacob Justen at McHenry, where it was prepared for shipment. The body was sent to , Chicago on Monday. The deceased is survive^V by his widow. A u: Report Commencement Exercises Receipts Gross receipts of art exhibit $ 58.50 Gross receipts of class play. .. 113.40 Gross receipts of com....... 41.75 s Total receipts..y.. .f218.65 Expenses " Express & drayage on exhibit.f 11.70 Printing bill for exhibit 6.25 Elson Art Co., for pictures... 41.80 Miss Leach, com on play 45.70 Printing for play 6.00 Muslin for scene. 4.77 Curtains & decorating 6.18 Wall paper 6.50 Electric supplies 6.20 State Supt. Blair's expenses.. 12.00 Mr. Scoro, music.. 10.00 Hunter Boat Co., Gladene. .*. 16.00 Total balance expense $170.10 $ 43.55 ; EXECUTOR'S NOTICE f ®enKt Nordqnlst, Deceased. Ine undersigned having been appointed of the last Will and Testament of [items Clipped Fraaa Tl|e Plaindealw Of Twenty-Five Year* Ago A small runaway on Monday morn­ ing created a riffle of excitement for a few minutes. No one was hurt.. The celebratoin at Ben Stilling's Pistake Bay, on the 4th was attended by a large crowd, and a general good time is reported. We learn that Mrs. C. V. Stevens has received the appointment of post mistress at West McHenry in place of her late husband. Died--At the home of John B. Blake in this village, on Satuday, July 6, 1890, of rheumatism of the heart, Miss Lizzie Hemmes, aged 15 years. The Fourth of July party at Grand hall, Parker house, was a success in every particular! One hundred and ninety-seven couples are reported as in attendance and report a grand time Mrs. Steph Smith, who resides east of this village, fell from a wagon in West McHenry on Saturday last and was quite severely injured, for a time it was feared fatall.y, but, she is now better and improving. Our police court had but two cases on the morning of the 5th. Jack Hart of Ringwood, who was fined $3 and costs, and Wm. Musgrove, who was fined $10 and costs. Drunk and disorderly was the charge. The annual Fourth of July party at the Riverside house on Friday evening last was attended by one hundred and fifty-nine couples, and was pronounced, by all in attendance, as one of the most enjoyable ever held at that popular dancing resort. The baseball game on the fourth between McHenry and Wauconda proved a very interesting game and resulted in a victory for McHenry by a score of 20 to 11, the home nine not playing the last half of the ninth inning. The game was fairly and impartially umpired by Mr. Smith of Lake county and, we believe to the entire satisfaction of both clubs. Mc­ Henry plays good ball and are, now anxiously awaiting for other worlds to conquer.. Village Dads Decide t* Mike Village Hall ImproVemfnt i Read The Plaindealer advertise­ ments. It means money in your pocket. An Ordinance Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois: Section 1 That all motor vehicles, carriages and conveyances of every kind, shall keep and pass to the right, side of all safety posts placed in the streets of the Village of McHenry for the regulation of public traffic. Section 2. That any person violat­ ing any provision in the above section shall be subject to a fine not exceed­ ing ten (10) dollars. Approved: D. G. Wells, President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, Illinois. Attest: W. G. Schreiner. Village Cleric. Passed: July 6, 1915. Approved: July 6, 1915. Published: July 8, 1915. Chosen Baseball Captain At the annual meeting of the Mc­ Henry Baseball club, held last Sun­ day, L. P. Bending, the second base­ man, was chosen captain of the team to succeed Jay Comiskey, who has served in 'that capacity daring the past two years. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 24th day of June, 1915, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law: BK80CKCE8. Loans: Loans on real estate... LOADS on collateral se­ curity Other loans and dis­ counts 115,480J&7 Overdrafts Investments: State, county and mu­ nicipal bonds J)£M&09 Other bonds. Stocks of corporation^ Miscellaneous resources: Hanking house Furniture and flxtnres. Due from banks: National. Cash on hand: Currency < Gold coin Silver coin Minor coin Other cash resources: Checks and other cash Items 1.504.07 Maoo.oo HOO.OO 401.00 10.1M 114.11 S0.88S.OO 17,051.00 28,032 6K 11.811.12 Total resources.. MABILITIER. 1 stock paid In Capita Surplus fund. Undivided profits Less current interest. expenses and tax paid Deposits: Time certificates 28,288.45- Savings, subject to no­ tice ..i».8ao.<& Derhand, subject to check 85,501.64 Demand certificates.... H75.00 Miscellaneous liabilities: Ooptingent fund .• 500.00 Postal savings fundJU.. ltUK Total liabilities*.-. STATE OF ILLINOIS, > S342.260.U1 25,000.00 16,(100.00 10.OOH.B6 S9LSS5.12 686.51 934XJM0.61 SS. CARL W. McHenry W>\r *^ourt House In Woodstock, at the September S&y first Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims' against said Estate are notified and requested f-.' : tu attend for the purpose of having the same (5M . adjusted. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to : the undersigned. ifc. Dated this 21st day of June, A. D. 1015. ISii. 1"8t ANNA BYRD, Executrix. ilpfe ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Barnes & Barnes, Attorneys > TSsUteof Catherine Wirfs, Deceased. M** T The undersigned having been appointed fcw Administrator of the Estate of Catherine Wirfs, deceased, late of the County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives no­ tice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the September Term, on the H(Kfc Monday in September next, at which •U persons having claims against, suld Ste notified and requested to attend j>ose of having the .same adjusted. OCXS Indebted to said Estate arere- to make immediate payment to the this 18t h day of Jun< D. 1915. County of McHenry, f c's" I, STENGER, Cashier of West State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. FOR SALE--Farms and lots on the river front in the village and at Pis­ takee Bay, some including- buildings. Also fire insurance in three different companies. O. N. Owen, Notary Pub­ lic. ltf We deliver our cream for parties and all special events in any part of town at wholesale prices. C. Unti. Binder twine, best grade, only »}c cash. International twine only 7c while present supply lasts at Wm. Bonslett's. l ne regular iuuutLuy meeting' of the Knights of Columbus takes place at K. of C. hall next (Thursday) evening. FOR SALE--House and four lotsl Excellent building sites. Mrs WeatMeHenrft iU. Qevncil Rooms, J>ily 6, 1&15. The village tmsteesj met in regular session with President Wells presid­ ing. • / Trustees present:'Barbian, Heimer, Stoffel,v Schumacher, Simcs and Spencer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee, including officers' salaries: Standard Oil Co., gasoline... .$ F. J. Herbes gravel Math.Thelen, cup grease Wm. Herbes, lbr. on ww..... Geo. Meyers, lbr with team i i r- John D. Lodtz, two. uniforms. Hubert Caspers, labor........ Public Service Go., st light... Neptune Meter Co., meters & supplies Jas. B. Clow & Son, lead pipe Joe Engeln, safety post...... Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber cement W. G. Schreiner, fgt & dray .. Geo. Meyers, lbr with team.. Paul Meyers, lbr with team. ; E. Hunter, gravel....,...... Peter Weber, lbr on wwv. .. Linus Newman, marshal ser .. James Revor, police ser.... John Mulch, labor. Gerald Newman, lbr with team Albert Freund, special police Frank Thurlwell, special pol. Pete Worts, special police.. Frank Zuelsdorf, special pol. Wm. Spencer, rubber rings & express N. E. Barbian, trustee ser... John Heimer, trustee ser...- Simon Stoffel, trustee ser... Wm. Schumacher, trustee ser. Wm. Simes, trustee ser..,.. Wm. Spencer, trustee ser.'.. W. G. Schreiner, clerk ser... Motion by Schumacher, seconded by Heimer, that the minutes be ap­ proved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Heimer, seconded by Spencer, that the treasurer's police magistrate's and village clerk's re­ ports be accepted as • read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by with the exception of Theo. Winkels and John Glossen's and keep back $10 until our village attorney gets a settlement. Motion carried. Motion by Schumacher, seconded by Spencer, that the ordinance .pertain­ ing to vehicles, carriages and con­ veyances be passed as read. Mo­ tion carried. Motion by Heimer, seconded by Stoffel, that Peter J. Freund be awarded the contract for improve­ ment on the power house for the sum of $2400.00, according to the plans and specifications of F. H. Opfergelt also a certified check of 10 per cent to be deposited with the village clerk or one of the officials of the villager board when contract is signed. Mo­ tion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Spencer, that the appropriation < or­ dinance of the following amounts be passed: Salary, $2000.00; street and alley, $2000.00; sidewalks, $1000.00; water works, $100.00; public prop­ erty, $3000.00, and contingent, $500. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by. Heimer, to adjourn. Motion carried,^ , D. G. Wells, President. ~" W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. Large Classes Confirmed Two large classes received the sac­ rament of confirmation at? St. Mary's and St. Patrick's churches here last Sunday. The confirmation services at St. Mary's were held at eleverf o'clock in the morning, Bishop P. J. Muldoon being present to confirm the large class, which had previously been prepared for the solemn occa? sion. In the afternoon the bishop, with the McHenry as well as the vis­ iting clergy, appeared at St. Pat­ rick's church, where another large, class received the sacrament. The bishop preached splendid sermons at each of the churches, which were lis­ tened to by large congregations. At noon the bishop and priests enjoyed a banquet at St. Mary's parsonage^ while a sumptuous repast was also served them at St. Patrick's parson­ age in the evening.' Later they en­ joyed a boat ride up the river. Everything considered, the day wat one of the most glorious in the an­ nals of church events in McHenry. Celebration at Johnsburg The Fourth of July celebration held at Columbia park, near the Johnsburg bridge, and given for the benefit of St. John's Catholic church of that place on Monday, proved a huge suc­ cess and was attended by a large crowd. The parade in the morning proved a big success, every business house as well as many private citi­ zens and farmers taking part in same. In fact, the parade feature surpassed all expectations. The sports and races in the afternoon were all lively contested affairs, while the spacious dance pavilion was crowded during the entire afternoon and evening. A neat sum was realized for the church as a result of the celebration. ~\K ifliiiiiss E N T R A L O P E R A H O U S E ^ -4 BOATLINE *' /r^ 18.00 1.40 6.00 .50 11.00 42.00 27.75 98.00 s U How making daily trips Bay and at 1(^(1. m. and 2:00 6. m I IU1KV1IU1 45.00 ITTLEST By Edward Peple- ; ̂ m. Saturdays for Mertes'and Stilling's Resorts 157.43 59.00 The Play Made Famous by Dustin and William Farnum ' V- -if/. - -50.00 50.00 ALL SPECIAL SCENERY A FIRST-CLASS COMPANY OF FLAYERS. OUR SPECIALTIES I 12.00 ;£-f> and small launches to rent at any time, night or day, by the hour, day, week Of season, with or without engineers^ 15.00 15.00 Between Acts 12.00 25.00 is without doubt or question the &ronge& company and highest class play that, ever played in McHenry PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c Seats on sale at I t f O W O N D I S P L A Y ^ ̂ ' .vy.1 1A, • •. •JH "' S(" m. Please Ring Off when you have finished a telephone talk and replaced the re­ ceiver on the hook. A quick, sharp turn of the little crank is all that is necessary to notify the operator you are through with the line. Don't forget to do this; otherwise, the operator at the switchboard gets no signal and does not know that'the line is released for the use of others, while subscribers wishing to use the line find it difficult, if not impossible, to attract her attention so long $s your connection remains up. Get in the haJbit Qf Ringing Off. Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager ^tkphoiM 0803 Mary Building New Boat Another new passenger boat Is now being built for the E. Hunter boat line. "Gladys" is the name that has been chosen for the new water pal­ ace and from those who know we are given a tip that it will be one of the nnest ever constructed at the local factory. The boat will be placed in service shortly! ^ * -be had: '"ivR "" 1:.> • \'>v I 4̂ $̂ Mpnti mental Wppk of every description. We handle the famous Montello, Wis., Granite which has no equal for beauty and durability. Write for designs and prices, - - - J. H. Miller, McHenry Brick ice cream may | l7nti's at an j time Annual Appropriation Ordinance BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OP TRUSTEES OP THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY, IN THE COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLI­ NOIS: Section 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated from any money that is now or that may be hereafter in the village treasury of the Vil­ lage of McHenry, not otherwise ap­ propriated, the following sums of money for* the purpose herein speci­ fied to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May. A. D. 1915, viz: For salaries , v.... .$2000.00 For sidewalk .. 1000.00 For streets and alley* «. , k.. 2000.00 For wat^r wwtfci 100.00 For public property fund .. 3000.00 For contingent expenses .. 500.00 Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in foree and effect ten (10) days after its passage, approval and publi­ cation according to law. Approved: D. G. Wells, President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, Illinois. Attests W. G. Schreiner, ^ Village Clerfc - Passed, July 6, 1915. • ••'• * Approved, July 6, 1915. >*?%'.'•* Published, July 8, 19157 ; - Pennant For Home Run v V. McAllister, the West Side druggist, has again come to the front by offering a large pennant to the home player making the first home run of the season. Imported pare ohve oil at Oi lJntf'a* Touring Car Roadster - F. O.B.TOLEDO Demonstration at anytime bVERTON & COWEN Agents for McHenry; Richmond, Burton, Grant, £ast half of Antioch andl . v north half of Wauconda townships Before After These^all "steel gates are made of No. 9 wires, high carbon steel tubing, galvan­ ized 3 times heavier than fence win* Their adjustability on end to raise over snow and other obstructions, or to allow small stock to pass from one enclosure to another is another good point in their favor. Sold to you on 60 day /rfa/--with­ out obligation--and for less you would expect to pay fot such quality. Come in and learn of our iron-clad guarantee and easy payment plaa, Wilbur Lumber Go, West McHenry, ̂ HI. one of our customers bought the famous Iowa Gates. The same condition as pic­ tured above exists on many farms in the country. There's no earthly excuse for it. The amount of money it costs to re­ pair these old contraptions will pay for several IOWA GATES (The Sensation Off THp YMT) f P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COnjIIISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVWf TO THX or V«al, ',s>v % ,1^' Driiwd Bod, rtutte*, Hogs, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and pr!o« IbrtSF fWKdshed on appHoatliMii ?• . ')Jri ' . Stall i A M. Wtolmh MUM, •OLD 8TORAOB FRBB V , .. ,?>• . CHICAC^" ILLINOIS.

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