Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1915, p. 9

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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Jjfitfice in Bank Build in* Telephone «-W M.; TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year $1.50 Sty Months, 75c Three Months, 4*c Thursday, August 19,1915 FOR SALE--Farms and lots on the river front in the village and at Pista- kee Bay, some including buildings. Also fire insurance in three different companies. O. N. Owen, Notary Pub­ lic. 1-tf Don't forget that The Plaindealer will print your legal notices just as cheaply as any paper in McHenry county. Imported pure olive oil at G. Unti's. ADMIN IBTRATOR'8 NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT Chas. 8. Norturop, Attorney STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County ( Estate of Walter Bolger, Deceased. To El leu Bolger, Thomas A. Bolger, Anna M. Bolger, Jolia A. Bolder, Edward R. Bolger and Mary liolger, heirs and distributees of Mild estate. You are hereby notified that on Monday, the tltli day of September, 1»15, the Adminis­ trator of said Estate will present to the < ionn- tyi-ourtof McHenry County, at the Court Itouse in Woodstock, Illinois, his final report Of his acts and dolugs as such Administrator and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and his adminis­ tration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you cboose so to do. 6 3T THOMAS A. BOI-DICK. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE C. P. Barnes, Attorney STATE OF ILLINOIS i In the County McHenry Oounty f Court of Mc Henry County. To the August Term, A. It. 1015. C. W. Harrison, Administrator) of the Estate of CI and D. Hut-) •On, Deceased, Petitioner. ) VS. I Alice L. Hutson, Anita L. Hut-) SOn, Charles W. Harrison guar-» dfan of Anita L Hutson, Will ) Petition to lam H. Harrison, Mary Hutson.) sell Keal George Hutson, Kllla llutson.) Estate to Senjanin Hutson. Ella Hutson.) pay debts, annah French, Fred French,) Etc. Frank Hutson. Minnie Hutson,) Mark Hutson, Lulu Hutson and) Frank Hutson and Mark Hut-) son, Executors of the Last Will) and Testament of »Vllliarn Hut-) son. Deceased. Defendants ) By virtue of a decree of the County Court Of McHenry County, Illinois, made lu the above cause on the petitiou of the under­ signed Administrator of the estate of Ciaud D. Hutson. deceased, which decree was en­ tered in Bald Court in the above entitled cause 011 the 4th dav of August, A. I). 1015. notice is hereby given that on Saturday. the 11 th day of September, A. I). 1915, at the hour Of li» o'clock a. m. of said dav at the east door Of the court house In the city of WoodstocK. County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the Undersigned, In pursuance of said decreetal Cfrder. will sell to the highest and best bidder tor cash the undivided one-sixth Interest, formerly owned by Claud I) Hutson, de­ ceased. "in and to the following described real estate, situated In the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wlt: The fouth one-half (V4) of the Southeast quarter C4) and the South one-half (H) of the Southwest quarter (M) of Section twentv-nine (29) in Township forty-five (4T>) North of Hange eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, Subject, to the payment to Mary Hutson. sur­ viving widow of William Hutson. deceased, of S2.V00 per month for and during her life time, and subject to the unpaid claims ajtainst the estate of William Hutson. de­ ceased. and subject to the costs and expenses of the administration of the estate of William Hutson. deceased, and subject to the ow ner­ ship of an undivided five-sixth (.i t). Interest In and to the said premises by George Hut­ son, Benjamin Hutson, Hannah French, Prank Hutson and Mark Hutson. surviving helro and legatees of William Hutson, de­ ceased. „ TERMS OF SALE, CASH Ten per cent (10) of the amount of the pur­ chase price to be paid to the undersigned at the time of said sale, and the balance of the purchase price to be paid when said sale is approved and leed delivered to said pur­ chaser or purchasers. Dated this llth day of Augnst, A. D. MIS. C. W. HARRISON. Administrator of the Estate of Claud D. Hutson. Deceased. 8-4t DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bids Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W An Ordinance Concerning The Oper­ ation of Vehicles and Motor Ve­ hicles and Prescribing Rules Therefor Be it ordained by the president and board of trustees of the village of McHenry, Illinois. Section 1. That the term "motor vehicle" shall apply to and include all automobiles, motor cycles, motor trucks and all other vehicles pro­ pelled otherwise than by muscular power. The term, "vehicle" shall in­ clude all vehicles drawn or propelled by horses, mules or other animals. Section 2. That the driver of any vehicle or motor vehicle in turning fr6m one street into another, if he turns to the right, shall turn the cor­ ner as near to the right hand curb as practicable; if he tjjrns to the left he shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning; if he desires to pass from one side of the street to the other side thereof he shall turn to the left so as to head in the direction in which traffic is moving. ' Section 3. That it shall be unlaw­ ful to stop any vehicle or motor ve­ hicle on any street within the busi­ ness districts, unless the same be stopped facing in the direction in which traffic is passing on the side of the street where such stop may be made, and with the right side next to the curb and not more than eigh­ teen inches from such curb, and ex­ cepting only when such stop is made unavoidably or to avoid accident or in obedience to the order of a police officer. Section 4. That it shall be unlaw­ ful for any intoxicated person to drive any vehicle or motor vehicle upon any public street^ of the village. Section 5. That it shall be unlaw­ ful to operate a motor vehicle with power supplied with gas engine, un­ less same is provided with a muffler properly attached xto said motor ve­ hicle and of such construction and so attached that the same shall muffle or deaden the sound of the exhaust from such motor and it shall be un­ lawful to operate any motor vehicle without causing the exhaust from the engine or motor thereof to pass thru such muffler so that the sound of such exhaust will be effectually elim­ inated. Section 6. That it shall be unlaw­ ful for any person to operate or cause to be operated any motor ve­ hicle with power supplied with gas engine, in such manner that smoke shall be emitted therefrom or from the engine thereof. Section 7. That no motor vehicle shall be left standing on any street, with the motor or machinery thereof running or in operation, without an attendant in charge. , Section 8. That no person under the age of fifteen years, unless ac­ companied by his parents or guar­ dian, shall run or operate any auto­ mobile or similar motor vehicle, and no person under the age of sixteen years shall run or operate any motor cycle upon any of the public streets or alleys of the village. . Section 9. That any person driv­ ing or operating any motor vehicle upon the streets of this village shall drive or operate such motor vehicle in such a way and manner that the same shall travel upon and along the right hand side of the center of the street. Section 10. That any persons vio­ lating any of the above provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dol­ lars for each offence. Section 11. That sign boards, not less than 24xS0 inches in size, shall be located in the publio streets at the village limits, warning the public, in general terms, that speed and traffic laws are strictly enforced in this vil­ lage. Section 12. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, heretofore passed, in conflict with the provi­ sions of this chapter are hereby re­ pealed. Approved: Dr. D. G. Wells, President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry. Attest: W. G. Schreiner, Village Clerk. Passed August 16, 1915. Approved August 16, 1915. Published Aug\ist 19., 1915. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO SELL REAL ESTATE Alford H. House, Attorney 8TATEOF ILLINOIS, i County Court of County of McHenry, McHenry County In Re Estate of George Beckwith, Deceased, 1 August Term vs. James B. Perry Trustee, A. D. MI5 William Bonslett, successor In trust, John Knox. Krn> st.lne Beck with. Delia Bock with, brtba Beckwith. By Virtue of a Decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, entered on tlie Fourth day of August. A. it. 1«1.">. on the peti­ tion of Joseph O. Holly, ada.lnistrator of the estate of George Beckwith. dece sed, wherein James B. Perrv, vViiii.m Bons eft. John Knox. Ernestine Beckwith. i>ela K'Ckwith. E<:na Beckwith were def' ndants, for leave to sell the real estate "f deceased to pay debts, I will on he 2nd day of September. A. I). r.»lf>. ai^rra^prernises to be sold in said Oounty. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., sell at public vendue to the higbtst bidder for cash, all the Interest which the said deceased. George Beckwith. had at the time of his death in and to the following de­ scribed premises and real estate, situated In the Comity of McHenry and State of Illinois, as follows: Part of the Northwest quarter of the north­ east, quarter of Section No. i"». In -Tow. ship No. 4.r> North, of Hange S. Eastof the Third P. M.. bounded and described as f >llows. towlt: Beginning at the Nort beast corner of the said Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and runnlnir South along the Eighty line. Eight(N chafhs and Ninety three («•!) links; thence West, parallel with the section Hue, Seven (7) chains and Fifty (f>0) links; thence North, parallel with said Eighty line. Five (V chains and Forty-three (43) links, more or less, to the creek; thence in a Northeasterly direction along the line of said creek to th»* North line of said Section No. ; thence E»st along said North line to the place of begin­ ning, containing 6 07 acres of land, moreor less, excepting and reserving therefrom, that part conveyed by Chauncey Beckwith and Soplironia Meckwlth, his wife, to Herman N. Owen and Edwin M. (>*en. by deel dated March HO. A. I). IK'w, i«nd recorded in the Re­ corder's Office of McHenry t)oun*y, Illinois, in B<*>k 4. of Deeds, paire MMS. situated In the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. The aliove property will be sold free of all Incumbrances and for cash, flOO to be paid by the highest bidder on the day f sale and the balance to be paid at the time the deed Is given purchaser. Deed will tie delivered whe« the report of Said sale is confirmed by the Oourt. "* Dated August 4, 1915. Joseph C. HOIXY, Administrator of the estate of George Beck­ with, Deceased. 7-4t Office Hours Telephones 9:M to 12:46 a. m. Office 17 1:M to 4:34 p. n. Residence 51-W 1M to Ml p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon Schnorr Bldg. WEST McHENRY Telephone No. 1#8-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS Office in Spsuldlng Bldg. PhoM No. 7A*R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law Wert McHenry, - - 111. The Air Dome, open every night. Riverside park,

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