Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1915, p. 5

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Volume MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 26. 1915 NO. lO :h. W7&& V 5*kw£.<;bs* • um vj- ' • ' Invent in tried and true Cole's Hot Blast Range Double the buying power of your money. Its reputation for durability and economy is now nation wide. Such uni­ versal satisfaction can only be based on tin- equaled value for your money. Come in early with your friends and have the expert show you part by port--the many valuable labor saving, time sav­ ing pnd money saving exclusive features. Rain or shine we are expecting the Finest Exhibition in the hi||pQr p£ oiu; business. It will profit you to come. -y. the benefit of this great , . FREE Counting Contest to be conducted during the three Hot Blast Exhibition Days--remember- the date:; below. You may be the winner. > ^ } • To the man or woman (Anting the nearest correct number of separate parts in Cole's Hot Blast Range will be presented this beautiful set of Aluminum Ware ABSOLUTELY FREE Also, to each and every purchaser of this great range during dates given below, we will give Free this handsome set of heavy Aluminum Ware. O" 61" ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Cone and G« During a Week .: visitor Cook the family rrteals with one-third less fuel by1, using Cole's Hot Blast Ran^e, The Hot Blast Draft stops the scandalous waste of fuel now going up the chimney unsaved. The Fresh Air AutomaticOven insures san­ itary even baking--easily doubles the oven capacity. Made of Copper-alloy Boiler Plate iron-- greatest rust-resisting iron known. Malleable Iron features, air-tig- t, hand riveted construction. Exclusive san tary features. So easily cleaned the year around, just one ortwo rubs with a soft cloth instantly brightens it up. ttftiple to operate-- aavea miles of st«*a. Odorless and Smokeless Broiler. Broils meats to a Queen's taste--all the tenderness and nourishment saved--a perfect toaster too. :> 'i^l f ,r^i| 7AC Mia Demonstration Dates, Sept. 3 and 4 t It /f TT . J. Vycital, McHenry f Let Us Supply You with our staple and fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. We are ever at your service and will try our hardest to please you. Telephone in your next order and get the prompt service that you are en­ titled to. Everything in the Canned Goods and Bakery line. :: :: M. M. KIESEN. wM 4 Wtteh Your Children < WllB liiililnm iln iinllnl fiTnntnT ri ^^awaooatipated. Thevfear some- distasteful. They will like Rexall " -* mild laxative thai tastes ,fc8old only by us, 10 cents, C. V. McAllister. | DR. F. J. AICHER " DENTIST Office la Telephone Exchange Bldg CentervUle Illinois Telephone No. 7f-W Office Hoen StolMla. as. to tol.-Mp.aa. Telephones Office 17 _ Residence N-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon Bldg. WEST McHENRY l^ltphooe No,' 1M-R SIMON STOFFEfc. Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS Oflk* fas No. 7J-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law WeA McHenryt - QL Petition to sell Heal Estate to pal debta, Etc. ADMINISTRATOR'S HALF. OF REAL ESTATE . O. P. Barnes, Attorney STATE OK ILLINOIS I _ In the Onnntjr McHenry County f Court of Mc llenry County. To the August Term. A. D. 101ft. C. W. Harrison, Administrator) of the Estate of Olaud 1). llut-) sou, Deceased. Petitioner. ) vs. ) Alice L. Tlntson, Anita L. Hut-) son, Charles W. Harrison ftuar-) dian of Anita L. Hutson. Will-) lam H. Harrison, Mary Hutson.) George Hutson. Killa Benjariin Hutson. Ella Hutson.) Hannah French, Fred French,) Frank Hutson. Minnie Hutson.) Mark Hutson. Lulu Hutson and) Frank Hutson and Mark Hut-) son, Executors of the Last Will) and Testament of William Hut-) son, Deceased. Defendants. ) By virtue of a decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made in the above cause on the petition of the under­ signed Administrator of the estate of (Maud !>. Hutson. deceased. which decree was en­ tered in said Court in tiie above entitled cause on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1815, uotice Is hereby given that on Saturday, the 11th day of September, A. l>. 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the east door of the court house In l he city of Woodstock. County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the undersigned, in pursuance of said decreetal order, will seii to the highest and best bidder for casli the undivided one-sixth interest, formerly owned by Claud D. Hutson, de­ ceased, in and to the following described real estate, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: The South one-half (H) of the Southeast quarter (X) and the South one-half (Vt) of the Southwest quarter (H) of Section twenty nine (29) in Township forty-flye (45) North of Kange eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian. subject to the payment to Mary Hutson. sur­ viving widow of William Hutson. deceased, of^S.OO per month for and during her life time, and subject to the unpaid claims against the estate of William Hutson, de­ ceased. and subject to the costs and expenses of the administration of the estate of Willjam Hutson, deceased, and subject to the owner­ ship of an undivided five-sixth (.>-6) Interest in and to the said premises by George Hut­ son, Benjamin Hutson, Hannah French, Frank Hutson and Mark Hutson. surviving heirs and legatees of William Hutson. de­ ceased. _ TEUMS OF SALE, CASH Ten per cent (10) of the amount of the pur­ chase price to be paid to the undersigned at the time of said sale, and the balance of the purchase price to be paid when said sale is approved and deed delivered to said pur­ chaser or purchasers. Dated this 11th day of August. A. D. 1915 C. W. Harrisoh. Administrator of the' Estate of Olaud D. Hutson. Deceased. 8-4t TO 8KLir ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE REAL ESTATE Vlford II. Pouse, Attoria? STATE OF ILLINOI8, f County Court of County of McHenry, (*"" McHenry County In lie Estate of George Beckwlth, Deceased. "I August Term James B. Perry. Trustee, ) A. Q.«H» William Bonslett, successor In trust, John Knox. Ernestine Beckwlth, Delia Beckwlth, Edna Beckwlth. By Virtue of a Decree of the Ooonty Court of McHenry County, Illinois, entered on the Fourth day of August, A. D. 1815. on the peti­ tion of Joseph C. Holly, administrator of the estate of George Beckwlth. deceased, wherein James *B. Perry. William BoosU*tt» John Knox, Ernestine Beckwlth, Delia Beckwlth. Edna Beckwlth were defendants, for leave to sell the real estate of the said deceased to pay debts. I will on Thursday, the 2nd day of Septoiubuf. A. D. !«!?•- at the premises to be sold in said County, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, all the interest which the said deceased. George Beckwith, had at tin* time of his death in and to the following de­ scribed premises and real estate, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, as follows: Part of the Northwest quarter of the north­ east quarter of Section No. 15. In Township No, 45 North, of Range 8, East of the Third P. M., bounded and described as follows, towlt: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and running South along the Eighty line, Eight(h) chains and Ninety three (std) links: thence West., parallel witli the section line, Seven (7) chains and Fifty (50) links; thence North, parallel with said Eighty line. Five (5) chains and Forty-three (43) links, more or less, to the creek; thence in a Northeasterly direction along the line of said creek to the North line of said Section No. H5; thence East along said North line to the place of begin­ ning, containing ti.07 acres of land, more or less, excepting and reserving therefrom, that part conveyed by Chauucey Beckwith and Sophronia Beckwith, his wife, to Herman N. Owen and Edwin M. Owen, by deed dated March 30. A. I). lx .7. and recorded in the Re­ corder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 4, of Deeds, page itHH. situated In the County of Mcl{enry and State of Illinois. The above property will be sold free of all incumbrances and for cash, f 100 to be paid by the highest bidder on the day of sale and the balance to be paid at the time the deed Is given purchaser. Deed will t»e delivered when the report of said sale is confirmed by the Court. Dated August 4,1813. C. Holly. Administrator of the estate of George Beck­ wlth, Deceased. 7-4t J. 1. Lang, Solicitor STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ McHenry (Vmnty, t In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois. September Term.^A. D. 1915. Joseph May, Complainant vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Richard P. Hart, deceased; the unknown heirs or de­ visees of David Thomas Vail, deceased; the unknown lielrs or devisees of F.bei/ Couant. deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Lambert S. Reynolds, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Augustus R. Gray, de­ ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Dewitt Clinton Gray, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Alice Gray, deceased: the unknown lielrs or devisees of Julia Condlct, deceased; the uuknown heirs or deviseos of Walace (Xmdict, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Henrv Condict, deceased; the uuknown heirs or devisees of Lulu C. Nixon, deceased; the unknown heirs or de­ visees of Kate A. Nixon, deceased; the un­ known heirs or devisees of Ella Hoetf, de­ ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Ed­ ward Hoes, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Hannah Maria Reynolds, de­ ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Moses Jones, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of W. W. Smale. deceased: the un­ known heirs or devisees of William Langham. deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of John B. Nixon, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Henry T. Brown, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Malcomb Mc­ Neil, deceased; the uuknown heirs or de visees of John Merchant, deceased; the un­ known heirs or devisees of Charles H. Forth, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Benjamin C. Rainthorp, deceased; the un­ known' heirs or devisees of John Pint, de­ ceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Elizabeth PLnt, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of F. Langham,deceased; William Cristy. Joseph Cristy, Mary Jane Herbert. George W. Herbert, Fred Ooates, Frank Coates, Calvin L. Coates, Mary Kemmerling, Haiana E. Coates. Charles H. Stephenson, Mary F, Stephenson, Wilbur Lumber Com­ pany, Maggie Blake and the unknown owners of the following described premises, to-wit: Lots Numbered Five (5) and Six (6) of the As­ sessor's Plat of the Village of Kingwood, as surveyed and platted by C. M. PrU'kett, Dep­ uty County Surveyor of McHenry County. Illinois, said Plat being recorded fn the Re­ corder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 62 of Deeds, on page 504, (excepting Lot Number Six (<$) a bounded and described as fol­ lows, to-wit: Beginning at t iie Northwester­ ly corner of said lot Number Six (6), and run­ ning thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said lot. two (2) chains and forty-seven (47) links to the Southwesterly corner of said lot; thence South, sixty-eignt (6K) degrees East, along the, Southerly line of said lot, for­ ty-four and one-half I41H1 feet; thence Northerly on a straight line to a point on the Northerly Hue of said lot, eighteen [181 feet Easterly from the place of beginning; thence westerly along the Northerly line of said lot. eighteen [Ifi feet to the place of beginning]; said lots beiug located in and being a part of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Nine 181 and the Southwest quarter of Sec­ tion Number Ten [10]. In Township Number Forty-Ave 1451 North of liange Number Eight (Hi East of tne Third Principal Meridian, situated, lying and being in the County of McHenry, In the State of Illinois. Defendants. title of the court and the names of the parties to a suit which N now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the Sheriff of said Count y re­ turnable to the said Court, at Its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHen­ ry and Slate of Illinois, on Monday, the 27th day of September. A. I). 1815. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 23rd day of August, A. D. 1915. l0-:st Theo. Ha MBit. Clerk. and reserving from said piece of land 1 In Chancery Bill to Correct T1 tie Hetice is hereby given that the above Is the ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE OF FIUNG FINAL SETTLEMENT Chas. S. Northrop, Attorney 8TATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County f Estate of Walter Bolger, DeceaSS4> To Ellen Bolger, Thomas A. Bolgtir, Anna M. Bolger, John A. Bolger, Edward R. Bolger and Mary Bolger, heirs and distributees of said estate. You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 6th day of September, 1815, the Adminis­ trator of said Estate will present to the Coun­ ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court house in Woodstock, iiiinois. nis ntiai report of his acts and doings as such Administrator and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and nis adminis­ tration thereof, lit which time and place vou may be present and resist such application If you choose so to do. Thomas A. Bouiss, Administrator. QUARTER OF A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Pla^ndealer Of Twenty-Five Years Ago The county fair is in progress at Woodstock this week. About seventy-five couples attend' ed the party at Heimer's hall on the 21st, Old Settlers' day. John B. Frisby left on our table one day last week a cucumber that measured fourteen and one-half inches in length. We understand fht Methodist Ladies' Aid society contemplates giv­ ing a contest at an early date, ex­ clusively by home talent. At the medal contest at the city hall on Friday evening last the medal was awarded to Miss Grace Stevens, daughter of the late C. V. Stevens. The losses by the late fires of Ben Laures, Dr. Childs, S. Stoffel, Mrs. Schreiner and John Evanson & Co. were promptly settled by. Simon StofFel, agent. A. H. Hanly' has lately met wi*h considerable loss by dogs coming among his sheep. Two were bitten so badly he was obliged to kill them at once and it is feared more will soon die. A good work horse belonging to John W. Smith fell dead in the street here on Thursday last while drawing in a load of wood. We also learn that son of the late Robt. Richardson had a horse die in the harness while coming to church here a week ago last Sunday. Our public school opens on Mon­ day next, September 1, with the fol­ lowing corps of teachers: Prof. F. M. Overaker, principal; Mrs. Mary Cobb, intermediate department; Miss • • •V"/N<r* Barbara Mills, primary department, and Prof. J. H. Burger, West Side division. We are looking forward to a very profitable school year. Ed. Kinz, engineer on the steamer Pilgrim, was drowned in Fox lake on Friday evening last. He fell from the stern of the boat and not being able to swim, and it being after dark the pilot was unable to rescue him. He was a single man and his mother resided at Evanston. His body was recovered on Saturday afternoon and taken to his home at Evanston on the 7:36 p. m. train from this station on Sunday. The Old Settlers' party at the Riv­ erside House on the 21st was a grand success in every particular. Ninety- six numbers were sold and all report one of the best times of the season. The music by Smith's orchestra was first-class and the supper was pro­ nounced by all present as one of the best ever sat down to at a party in that house. Landlord Brewer is mak­ ing himself justly popular with the dancing public, leaving nothing un­ done to please them. Sunday Night Special A special Chicago train was made up in McHenry last Sunday evening to accommodate the big crowd. A week ago last Sunday evening, wo are told, a large number of passen gers refused to pay their fares on account of the crowded condition of the coaches. Most all of those who were forced to stand up all the way to Chicago, it is said, refused to pay their fares. This fact, together with the ever increasing Sunday night crowds, undoubtedly prompted the C. & N. W. railway company to give McHenry the special Sunday night train. Patrons of the Northwestern naturally expect this service to con­ tinue until the end of the season. Cob Game Posters Out The large posters, advertising the Chicago Cubs game in McHenry, are out and distribution of same will be made during the next week or ten days. The arrival of the posters has stirred up interest in the coming event and every baseball booster is now talking of the coming of the Cubs. Manager Walsh has been East on important business during the past week or more, but just as soon as he returns he will pull off his coat and get busy with his plans and prep­ arations for this big game. He will have the assistance of a number of the business men 'and loyal fans of the village in this direction. Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what * neat job we put out for you. G. C. Boley was an Tuesday. Fred Wolff spent Monday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. M. L. Ott was a Chicago vis­ itor last Thursday. . ~ - F. O. Gans was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Paul Meyers was a Chicago visitor last week Thursday. Miss Kate Laughlin passed Mon­ day at Channel Lake. Misa Ellen Walsh is the guest of relatives at Whiting, Ind T. J. Walsh was a business visitor in Chicago last. Thursday. Peter Heimer was a Chicago vis­ itor on Thursday of last week. Thos. Thompson boarded the Chi­ cago train last Saturday morning. Wm. Smith attended to. business matters in the windy city Monday. A. M. Brown was among the Chi­ cago passengers Monday morning. C. M. Buel and daughter, Rose, of Elgin were visitors in town Sunday. Henry Heimer, Sr., spent Thurs­ day of last week in the metropolitan city. F. J. Deinlein was a business vis­ itor in the metropolitan city Mon day. Miss Florence Granger spent Sun day as the guest* of relatives in El gin. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward spent Sunday as guests of relatives in El gin. John R. Knox WM ft business vis­ itor in the metropolitan city last Sat­ urday. George Schreiner spent Thursday and Friday of last week in the metro­ politan city. William Howard of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of Mc­ Henry friends. Jay and Misa Mary Burke and Miss Irene Frisby motored out from Chicago Sunday. Miss Anna Weber and little Caro­ line Steffes are visiting relatives at Turtle Lake, Wis. Miss Irene Herdklots spent a few days last week as the guest of rela­ tives at Woodstock. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Stephen H. Heimer was among the Chicago passengers on Thursday morning of last week. F. J. Von Fishman of Elkhorn, Wis., passed the first of the week as the guest of friends here. George Heimer of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burger of Chi cago spent last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel. Mr- and Mrs. Will Heaney of Chi­ cago are spending two weeks as guests of friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muffley and children of Ridgefield were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. C. E. Gay- lord. Mrs. Sarah Dermont spent a few days recently as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. V. Cobb, at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Chi­ cago were Sunday guests in the home of the letter's mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger. Mrs. Mike Conway, daughter, El­ eanor, and son, LeRoy, spent Satur day and Sunday as the guests of El­ gin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoffel of Mil­ waukee, Wis., motored to this village Sunday evening for a week's visit among relatives. Miss Hanna Schmidt and John Mosel of Blue Island, 111., were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel. Miss Margaret Aylward returned to her home in Chicago Sunday even­ ing after a week's visit here with rel­ atives and friends. Miss Georgonia Wegener of Lily Lake spent a few days last week as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Michael Lenzen, at Gray slake. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page and son, Frank Chance, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thom­ as at Oconomowoc, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and son were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Covalt, at Crystal Lake. Theo. Hall, Ed. Baumel, Geo. Rau- bal, P. Urlie, W. Urlie and B. David­ son of Chicago were week end guests at the farm home of Dr. H. H. Vau- pell. Gerhart Wegener and son. Palmer, of Lily Lake motored to Grayslake one day last week, where they vis­ ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenzen. Mr. and Mrs. William Erving and Misses Emily Estergren and Emma Mitchell of Carpentersville motored to this village Sunday and enjoyed a pleasant outing here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aebischer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aebischer and child of Chicago motored to this vil­ lage Sunday afternoon and spent a few hours a» the gnejtjii ^jrajativea and friends, V * •33. i Miss Kate F*. Howe passed a ..••• celft day at River Forest. ^ T; M. J. Walsh and son, Quintin, wen % Chicago visitors Tuesday. ^^§'3% M. D. Wilkins boarded the Chkft* - 4 - 0 | go train Tuesday morning. Bobbie Jones of Crystal Lake Sunday with McHenry friends. ~ Miss Mayme Schaefer was a cago passenger Tuesday morning. Miss Adelaide Warner of Elgs was a recent guest of friends here. ., r ^ Miss Elola Boyle passed Friday ef •; last week in the metropolitan city. • John Pufahl was a business via- itor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. ">.* - /I -fti John KeJter 01 Chicago spent Suar* day at Lake Defiance, east of this vil­ lage. v John K. Knox attended to ma&teci of a business nature in Chicago Wed* . ;.:-v •"v *5 Smith attended to hnirinmi in the metropolitan city. "'$^3 •?*- -M 4$ V At nesday. Wm. matters Tuesday, Robert and Miss Margaret McNoH of Ingleside were visitors in town Monday. , , _ Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional" 5- - • ' " visitor in the windy city Tuesday ^ v|r morning. ; X1? F. 0. Gans attended to hnirinsajf ' ' matters in the metropolitan dtf Wednesday. - • ^ Mrs. Clara Starritt spent Satur- day and Sunday with Dundee and El- gin friends. .j|4, ^ Miss Margaret Walsh of Whiting; ind., is visiting relatives and friends ^ -^ in and around McHenry. "'I ̂ '4 Thos. Thompson spent Saturday ^ and Sunday with Floyd Thompson "'•§ ̂ and family at LaGrange. . | Mrs. Geo. Frisby and son, Francis, ' j Bpent a few days last week as the J guests of relatives at Elgin. || Miss Emily Sumervalt of Chicago ^ is spending the week as the guest ol her cousin, Miss Mayme Ibsch. if Mr. and Mrs. John Francisco and -h Mr. and Mrs, Peter Miltenberger of Hebron were recent day visitors in McHenry. Miss Edith Kunda of Woodstock spent a few days recently as a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Gu» Herdklots. Miss Christina Pint of Chicago passed a few days, this week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mrs. Michael Lenzen of Grayslake spent a few days last week as a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ hart Wegener, at Lily Lake. Miss Florence Portman returned to her home in Austin Tuesday morning after a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frisby. Mrs. G. C. Bosma and daughter and Misa Grace Dailey of Algonquin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth Monday. Michael Gilles returned Sunday evening to his home in Kenosha, Wis., after spending a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karges. Mi8s Mabelle Wheeler spent the past week in Chicago, where she at- jtended the national Spirella school of corsetry, which was held in the crys­ tal room of the Hotel Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jus ten have returned from their extended visit hi Iowa, where they were the guests of relatives and friends. Mr. Justen re­ ports Iowa crops the very best that he has ever seen them and that the farmers in the vicinity of Stacyville, Meyers and Osage as well as Adams, Minn., are looking forward to a bumper crop. While In Iowa he had the pleasure of being driven around a 90-acre grain field by Wm. Mueller, a former resident of this vicinity. He and Mr. Mueller followed the bar- . vesting machines around the field and the McHenry man states that it was one of the most pleasing sighta he had ever witnessed on any farm. Mr. Justen is highly impressed with ; ^ Iowa's future. He also mentioned a a number of instances where farm land in that state has doubled in value during the past five years. , . : Mrs. J. E. Wirfs of Chicago, *ac4 companied by her niece, Miss Rita. Deehr, of Oak Park, passed Monday as the guests of relatives and friends in McHenry. They went to Auroti% • III., from here, where they are spend-. ing the week as guests of the for* mer's uncle. Dr. J. E. Garrey. j Undergoes Operation Miss Ella Newman, daughter of>'< Police Officer and Mrs. L. F. New# man, underwent quite a serious op*; eration at the West Side hospital Chicago on Friday of last week. Thif: little girl suffered an injury to th#" upper part of her right limb whil# - getting off the merry-go-round i#.: the village park on July 1. The inr-.. jury became more troublesome afcr., time went on, with the result that iir was found necessary to take her ti; Chicago for the operation. Report^ from Chicago are to the effect thaft she went thru the operation nicely and that she is doing aa well as could be expected. She will probably ba confined to the hospital far week. FOR SALE--Farms and lots on tb| river front in the village and at Pist%> kee Bay, some including building* Also fire insurance in three different, ^Q, & Owen, otory Pub» 1-tf

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