Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1915, p. 5

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fp P*: '-«P7e" W ••tf^y^y'-'^l^'-|j^ :?Y^**r|$i^:;S^ w.frsfa i'^iv'f V ,•/'• - ' * :•• '*' >;:v^-' '"_ '">V: '" '*•' )' • : '•S/%ii%-' ' t * , " ^ V " *,.'. OF THIS BANK f M $EE OUR STOCK. OF f'i'i ̂ " n T the beghnrfcr *rf t ttew school year there W are so many items needed that it is al- ̂ most impossible for pupils to start in the fir£ day with a full equipment. We cany a very complete line bf school supplies and shall be glad to supply your needs at all times. PENCILS, PENS, PEN HOLDERS, ERASERS, INKS. CRAYONS, WRITING PAPER, PASTE, TABLETS, RULERS, MUCILAGE, DRAWING MATERIALS, ETC. :: :: :: • • . ' % A child can buy at our store as safely as the grown-ups N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W Are You Making We have as fine batts as you will find anywhere at 10c 15c 20c Large size 3-lb batts at 75c. Also a good selection of Challies and Sultana robes to choose from. :: :: p&"= SMITH BROS. ""ST7 Special Sale For this Week 10-quart Tin Dish Pan_ . 10c 10-quart Granite Dish Pan_ 10c 14-quart Granite Dish Pan 25c 17-quart Granite Dish Pan_.^ 25c 12-quart JOairy Pail--_ 25c Scrub Brushes 9c Flower Pots_ l'_ __ 5c and 10c 6 Light House Cleanser 25c ^ Gold Dust 25c Boys' Overalls. 25c Stockings, per pair 10c to 50c 50c Butcher Knives -3Wc 6 Tea Spoons 10c 3 Table Spoons -10c Du& Pans 5c and 10c Vycital's Novelty Store Centerville - - McHenry Jf fr ^r<JIeiider Feet! A RE °f a s9rt that ' will interest ev­ ery wearer of shoe3 who wants comfort and ease. No pain­ ful and tedious "breaking" in of Truease shoes.They are built for ease and comfort and com- / • bine unusual material and workman- • ship in their construction. :: Women's Lace or Low Cut ~ $2.50 Men's Blucher Cut $4.00 JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J I -- NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONWLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RINGWOOD Mrs. Hattie Buckland has a niece from the east visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. William Merwin of Hinsdale spent Sunday at Frank Fay's. Miss Arline Harrison of West Mc­ Henry spent Monday night with Miss Dorcas Foss. Clarence Tuttle and family of Coral were Sunday visitors at Mrs Mary Noonan's. Mrs. Alice Peet *ent to Redfield, Sv D., Thursday of last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Carr. Mrs. Jessie Smith and guests and Florence Smith took a trip to Lake Geneva Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Ebon Weeks, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gates of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Alden visited at Win. Coates' Friday of last week. Miss Margaret Bennett of Belvi- dere, who has been visiting Miss Lora Walkington, returned home Tuesday night, Mis3 Lora accompanied her as far as Elgin. Mrs. Emma Brown and Mrs. Lib- bie Allen attended the county W. C. T. U. convention at Chemung. It was a very interesting meeting. The Unions of the county have done good work the past year. Mrs. Goodknecht was re-elected county president, re­ ceiving every vote of the convention. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleas­ ant meeting at Mrs. Brown's last Thursday afternoon. The next meet­ ing will be with Mrs. Nellie Dodge on Saturday, Sept. 25. A good program will be prepared. Leader, Mrs. Lib- bie Allen. Report of county conven­ tion. OSTEND R. H. Richardson's old . barn is dis­ appearing and the new one is fast appearing. Mr. Corn well sold and delivered thirty porkers to F. H. Wattles Mon­ day, Sept. 13. Russell Thompson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Thompson, is at­ tending school at McHenry this year. E. H. Thompson and wife are at the home of their son, F. B., caring for the children during their parents' ab­ sence. Ostend school opened Tuesday of last week. The attendance is small, there not being any pupils from the Greenwood side of the district. There are none of school age. Mrs. Sylvia Thompson went to Wau kesha, Wis., last week Thursday for a vacation and to be with her husband at the sanitarium. They both expect to return Thursday of this week. Frank Kaiser, wife and two chil­ dren drove to Rockford in their little Ford Thursday of last week. They report com in that section in bad condition, small and badly blown down. Freeman Whiting is in a very feeble condition since the first of last week, when he had a poor spell. His ex­ treme age renders it impossible to ex­ pect a speedy recovery. Later: Since writing the above, Mr. Whiting has passed away, aged 93 years and 8 months. TERRA COTTA Fred Klein of Crystal Lake visited relatives here last week. Mrs. W. H. Grant was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and children have moved to Huntley. M. Knox spent Sunday and Mon­ day with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan spent Friday evening at M. Knox's. Miss Marie Dolan of Chicago vis­ ited with relatives hero last week. Mrs. Merton Gracy and children are visiting relatives in Chicago. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Ridgefield spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. P. H. Conway accompanied his daughter, Agnes, to Dubuque, Iowa, last Tuesday. Mrs. M. Foley and daughter, Marie, of St. Charles were recent visitors at John Riley's. Atty. and Mrs. L. D. Lowell and son, Gordon, of Crystal Lake were business callers here Sunday. Mrs. Harry A. Lazier of Dixon, 111., passed several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foer- ester. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan of Crystal Lake spent last week at the homes of Ray Cox and Mrs. Marion McMillan. JOHNSBURG Don't forget the next dance at Smith's hall next Wednesday even­ ing, Sept. 22. Quite a few from this vicinity saw the Chicago Cubs wallop the Mc­ Henry Sox at McHenry last Thurs­ day. Local members of the Knights of Columbus took in the boat ride and basket picnic at Fox Lake last Sun­ day. The new boilers for the church have arrived and are now being in­ stalled. A Chicago firm is install­ ing same. The ladies of St. John's Catholic church ar» planning on holding a har­ vest festival in the parish hall here some time in the near future. During the electrical storm on Tues­ day lightning struck the home of Nick Hess* situated near the cream­ ery here. As a result of the bolt con­ siderable plaster was torn down a.»d the building also suffered other dam- age. No one in the house was in­ jured. Mrs. E. W. Fall millinery at / RIDGEFIELD Walter Cobb spent Sunday in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Walter Reed visited at Bar- rington Saturday. M. H. Fitzsimmons was a Chicago passenger Monday. * Mrs. R. L. Dufield was a Woodstock shopper Saturday last. Mrs. A. Purvey was an Elgin pas senger Monday morning. Miss Elsie Willq was a Woodstock caller Monday afternoon. Chauncey Stephenson was a busi­ ness caller. at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Mary Irish was a shopper at Crystal Lake Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett of Missouri visited at Mrs. S. Wakefield's last week. Mrs. Lola Bennett attended the fu­ neral of Will Bennett at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Dike is spending this week camping on the shores of Crys­ tal lake. Mrs. C. H. Elsworth of Woodstock visited with relatives here Thursday of last week. Mrs. John Mickleson was. a recent visitor at the home of her sister at Madison, Wis. Thomas Hansen left Tuesday morn­ ing to resume his studies at Jack­ sonville, 111. Ray Lynch is taking a course in electricity at Coynes National Trade school in Chicago. Miss Ruby .O'Neill and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock were Sunday evening callers here. Mrs. John W. Schaffer of McHenry was a recent caller at the home of her mother, Mr^, A. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son and Mrs. H. N. Cooper were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday las.t Mrs. Henise and daughters of Clear Water Lake, Wis., were over Sunday visitors at the home of A. Jacobs and A. Skinner. The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a ten cent social in the church parlors this Friday evening. Everybody come out and have a good time. Miss Cora Lockwood left Monday for Charleston, 111., where she will attend school. Mrs. Lockwood ac­ companied her as far as Chicago. Miss Rhoda Locke, after a several weeks' visit at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. E. E. Knilans, returned to her home in Delavan, Wis., Satur­ day last. VOLO Miss Lydia Russell waa a recent Waukegan visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright of Wauconda spent Saturday here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk of Mc­ Henry were Volo visitors Sunday, Mr. Walkington and family enter­ tained company the latter part of last week. Misses Clara Wagner and Clara Rossdeutscher were in Wauconda Sat­ urday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Monohan of Chicago spent the latter part of the week with W. Converse and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frost of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Frost, who returned home with them for a visit. On Friday evening, Sept. 17, 1915, there will be a pound social held at the M. E. church. Everyone come and bring a pound. MAT ORGANIZE BAND are assured that their every reasonable need for accommodation will be prompt­ ly met. It will pay you to become a 4 • V customer of this-bank. :: :: :: Hoy Banking Co. Fremont Hoy :: Clarence F. Hoy j II OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business ons the 3rd day of September, 1915, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law; BHOURCII. Loans: Loaua ou real estate... tM.SUO.OO Loans on collateral se­ curity 87.SM. 11 Other loans and dis­ counts. .. ... 10H.fiW.fll *47,083.73 Overdrafts Investments: Htiit*', county and mi- bonds 10,500.0® Other bonds 2f>.20T>.0fl Stocks of corporation..- 2,1 HO.00 Miscellaneous resources: Hanking house i:i,lttti.50 Furniture and fixtures. 4,500.00 Due from banks: Nattouul 30.2S9.13 Cash on hand: Currency 12.1)00.00 Gold coin 1,505.0*1 Silver coin 1,2(52.00 Minor coin S0.&I Other ciish resources: (Jhecks and other casta Items 1,731.95 43.18 37,885.00 I7,««.50 *389.13 1*717.68 L7&1.95 Local Musicians Willing to Organise If Encouraged With a little encouragement Mc­ Henry will be given a brass band, something that the old town has not had in a dozen years or more. This important news came to us on Wednesday of this week, when Prof, W. N. Sears of Barrington, who has a class in band and violin music in this village, called on this office. Mr. Sears informed us that a num ber of the older musicians of the vil­ lage have asked him whether or not it would be possible to start a brass band in McHenry. His answer to them was that just such a thing could be done with a little encourage­ ment from the people of the village. It seems that there are a half dozen or more of the older musicians who are willing to join such an organiza­ tion and, according to the Barrington professor, there are at least ten youngsters in the village who would come into an organization of this kind. The proposition of organizing a band has already been talked over with a few of our business men and in nearly every instance the question has met favor. A musical organization is a fine thing for any town and we sincerely hope that the village will be given another good band. EXTRA PERSONALS Mrs. G. E. Schoel was a Chicago visitor today. Peter B. Freund boarded the Chi­ cago train this morning. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander ajid son, Roy, were Chicago visitors today. Harry Kist was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint Sun­ day. Miss Birdie M. Small passed Wed­ nesday night with Lake Geneva, Wis., relatiyga&c T. L. Grot of Ottawa, I1L, attend­ ed to business matters here a few days last week. Miss Marguerite Caspers of Chi­ cago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Total resources.. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits Loss current Interest, expenses & taxes paid 8,07&A Deposits: Time certificates 27,495.15 SavluKs, subtect to no­ tice ICS. 445.00 Demand, subject to check 98,403.60 tM0.42fi.10 &000.00 000.00 8,073.71 Central OPERA HOUSE MOVIES TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Demand certificates.... Miscellaneous liabilities: Dividends uqpald, Contingent fund Postal savings funds... 2,2(9.05 Wl.6dS.80 4H.00 500.00 188.57 710.57 IMM3B.10 Total liabilities... State op Illinois, { Qe County of McHenry, 1 * I, CARL W Stkngkr, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Car?, W. Stenoer, Cashier. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein and son, Carl­ ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Paul Meyers and R. Wheeler at­ tended to businiess matters in the metropolitan city today. Ralph Van Natta £>f Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Miss Mary Stoffel returned home Saturday after spending two weeks with her brother, Chas., at Milwau­ kee. Mrs. E. Rauders and Miss L. Rie- mann of Milwaukee are spending a few weeks with their sister, Mrs. Hen­ ry Degen. Miss Clara Degen returned home Thursday evening after spending two weeks with friends and relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Floyd Thompson and little daughter, Virginia, of La Grange, 111., are guests in the home of Thos Thompson. PROBA TE NEWS j Tuesday Charlie Chaplin Thursday Famous Players Saturday and Sunday Pathe Program Admission :: 10c Special (KUUt suit WHILE THEY LAST the following brands 7 for Excellentes Alomino-Porto Rico Philadelphia Five Key West Perfects Worthmore Hoffmanellas Comet Morrison Cabinet [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers Matt L. Welter & w to Harry H. Fay, sub-Its 2 & 3 of It 7 A strip 16 ft. e of sd sub- Its 2 & 3 off of sd It 7, con­ veying a frontage of 48 feet, village of Ringwood $600.00 Marriage Licenses James Gilbert Mason, Jr., 31 ... Metuchen, N. J. Irene Louise Jaycox, 25.... Marengo James Garfield Anderson, 19. .Bigfoot Mary Lovina Hollister, 18...Harvard Revere E. Dean, 22 Chicago Hazel I. Robison, 21 Crystal Lake Charles C. Evertz, 30.... Milwaukee Minnie C. Woller, 22 Marengo William Erving Carlson, 23..Batavia Nellie Beardsley, 26...West Chicago Thomas P. Garland, 32 Chicago Bring this ad and set 1,000 GRAFONOLA E. V. McAllisteir SteftaBfcQtdei&iett? Sick headache, biliousness, piles and bad breath are usually causexf by inac­ tive bowels. Get a box of Rexall; Orderlies. They act gently and effeo-j lively. Sold only by us at 10. cents. E. V. McAllister. DR. F. J. AIGHERfcJl DENTIST Office in Telephone Exjdunge Bldig Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 7f-W Office in Sp*ulding Bldff. Phone No. JJ-H ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney- At-Law Wedt McHenry, 111. Go to Petesch's and get what you want when you want it. Charlie Chaplin comedies' Tuesday Frances R. McEwen, 29.. .Woodstock]evening of each week at the -Central. % % m HERE'S AN INSIDE AND AN OUTSIDE m to most all questions and the fellow who knows the inside of the house building game from actual experience, as we do, is a pretty good friend to any home builder, whether you seek his advice for material best suited to either inside or outside. We specialize in lumber and build­ ing material and are here to serve. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 St YOUR GROCER WILL SMILE with pleasure when you order a sack of EARLY RISER flour. He knows you will be pleased with the results and will come back for more. It can be depended upon for quality--it never varies. Try a sack today. WEST fTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED NILU ' V4' 1 . v: Let Us Supply You with our staple and fancy ^Groceries, Vegetables and flRruits. We are ever at tptur service and will try oer hardest to please you. Telephone in your next order and get the prompt service that you are en­ titled to. Everything in tiie Canned Goods and Bakeiyluie. s HI " V? •2 1 J& w

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