" n ' „ _* ' * '"* - " fl ' " " " «<•* "•***»' '¥• -M'l '•JV& ;\*.i •f-* 'Y,€< &L '.I . •.. ^ ry|'" - '»< /, is-,:®- te,!l;. fsCvX. i h9FW» • •FALL"-' * "-"• Overcoats and Suits Call and see the new line. We can save you money, $10.00 to $20. * ,T;- will buy you an Overcoat or Suit that equals any T«yde to order garment and save you $5.00 JOS. W. f REUND IS COMING SOON ̂ Get your new Suit or Overcoat before this Important day arrives and order it now. Get it made to measure by the Internation- Sk vt if you want to save your money, yet at , the same time obtain the finest tailoring, the newest styles and the promptest, quick est service. We have a fine line of Mack- inaws, Sweater Coats, Rain Coats, Flannel - Shirts, Underwear, Etc., to select from. JOtir line of Shoes, Rubbers, and everything deeded for winter wear is very complete. \ t̂ all and see them. Warm Caps, Gloves fc*nd Mittens will soon be needed. Buy £arly and secure just what you want s . Groceries, pure and fresh, at correct prices * ifry our Coffee at 25c, 30c, 35c. None better PmJ fefr>: & Ife * -f. ^tf; M. J. WALSH Phone 63-R Goods Delivered * f. '::r ^ ^ ?, * If. if G: rAN be cheerful without being neatly and comfortably furnished. We are in the house furnishing business and that's why we always take great pleasure in talking about the excel lent line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and the many other things that go to make up the cheerful home. Come in and let us talk over these matters with you. You will be surprised at what little cost you can make your home just as cheerful and comfortable as any. We gladly extend credit to responsible customers. Ju^ten McHenry, Illinois M'lUKNftTr FLAJXQPJUUB&» POULTRY $HGW NE£T (Continued from first page) Id x-"-' It III jjplf-;' §i<'r% t &;£ w>},\ ' * •y.SXX-.- : . p. y'- 'Phone 58-J U Keep Warm In our Bradley Sweaters. We have one of the largest assortments of sweaters lor Men, Women, Misses and Boys and p' the Kiddies to be found in McHenry ||county. Not only can we fit any mem- . ̂ i ber of the family, but we have an assort- " ment of colors that makes a selection an few ' |̂ -1; easy task here. Prices range from $2.00 Come while selection is good. Ff4 A./ Bohlander iii M Prompt Delivery plies to the bird one year old or over; term "chick," a bird under one year old; term "cock," a male bird one year old or over; term, "cockerel," a male bird wider one year old; term "hen," a female bird of»e year old or over; term "pullet," a female Jrird under one year old. A breeding or exhibi tion pen shall consist of one n^ale and four females and may be either young or old stock, or both. Rule No. 7. Permlums to be award ed and paid on singles and pens for both lines of breeding, cockerel bred or pullet bred specimens. Exhibition pens are eliminated. Rule No. 8. In all poultry classes the following entry fees will be charged, which allows the specimens to compete for all cash and special" prizes offered by the association on the respective classes: Single speci mens cocks, hens, cockerels and pul lets, 25 cents; breeding or exhibition pens--one male and four females--to be made up of old and young birds, or both, $1.00. Entry fee foSr pigeons will be 15 cents a pair. ' Entry fee on pete stock will be 25 cents per specimen. For pet stock only. • QUARTER OF A CENTURY All MTlWIrtMMi imnn foltowtaf MktMl VtWltaM •» and V T ' " T , * / « A FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 10 FOR SALE--About 500 rock-face ce ment blocks. Inquire of or write Mrs. Jos. H. Jus ten, McHenry, HL 22 FOR SALE--Fresh Jersey cow and heifer calf. L. F. Pouse, West Mc Henry, 111. 'Phone 638-M-l. 24-tf FOR SALE--A number 6t Chester. White boars, ready for service. Jjk quire of or write S. W. Smith, Ring- wood, 111. 22-4t* FOR SALE--Four Berkshire brood sows; one pedigreed boar. A. M. Schiller, West McHenry, HI. Phone 603-J-2. " 24-tf LOST--Between Terra Cotta and Mc Henry on Tuesday, Nov. 23, a robe. Finder kindly notify Joe Wxede, Mc Henry, 111. ' 24-lt Items Clipped From The Plaindealef Of Twenty-Five Years Ago FOR SALE--Reliable gas range. Cost $21 when new a year ago. Will sell for $15. N. S. Pitzen, McHenry, 111. Phone 602-M-2. 24-lt*-tf FOR SALE--A few pure bred flftol- stein-Freisian bulls. Ready for ser vice. Eligible to register. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. 24-tf C. T. Eldredge dressed and shipped over 10,000 pounds of poultry in the month of November. One hundred and fifty-four numbers were sold at the Thanksgiving ^>arty at the Riverside House on Thursday evening last. Miss Dora Besley, who is attending school at Waukegan, spent a short vacation with her parents in this vil lage last week. 0. W. Owen and wife took Thanks giving dinner at the penitentiary, Joliet, 111., the guests of Commissioner Wright and Warden Berggren. Some lawless individuals, among whom are some not very small boys, have been mutilating and breaking fences in front of residences in this village of late. Turkey and chicken thieves made quite a haul east of this village last week and we learn that quite a num ber of "the boys" are likely to get in to trouble therefor. Mrs. E. W. Howe will move her millinery and dressmaking rooms to the Owen building, one door north of Perry & Owen's store. The building is now .being , repaired for the pur pose. Died--In Chicago on Saturday last, Nov. 29, of consumption, Mrs. Maggie Woodard, aged thirty years. Mrs. Woodard was a daughter of Wm. Kenaelly, who formerly resided here, arid a sister of Mrs. Edward Sutton, who lives east of this village. Her remains were brought here on the 10 a. m. train on Monday and her funeral held from the Catholic church and at tended by a large concourse of rela tives and sympathizing friends. We are glad to be able to inform our readers in McHenry and surround ing country that C. H. Albrecht, a graduate of the American dental col lege, has decided to locate here for the practice of dentistry and will open an office sometime next week, prob ably in rooms over Evanston's store on the West Side. This is something McHenry has needed for a long time and as Mr. Albrecht comes highly rec ommended we predict for him a liberal patronage. There will be an entertainment for the benefit of the West McHenry school held at the city hall on Friday evening, Dec. 5. Following is the pro gram: Piano Voluntary Myrtle Brill FOR SALE--A motorcycle and side car. In first-class condition. Will sell at a bargain. Inquire of or write Dr. A. Mueller, Johnsburg, I1L 19-tf FOR SALE--Good hard coal stove; also other articles of household goods. Inquire at J. McDonald's near the Lutheran church, West McHenry, 111. '•••X FOR SALE--Full blood rose comb Rhode Island Red cacklers. Price, 75 cents. apiece. Inquire of or write Jacob M. Diedrich, McHenry, HI. 20-6t FOR SALE--The residence of the late Sarah E. McOmber. Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Smith, McHenry, HI., or J. M. McOmber, 4131 W. Congress St., Chi cago, 111. 15-tf FOR SALE--One of thi best Jacks ever imported into this country; seven years old; can show his stock. A bar gain. Inquire of Carl Mead, 3 miles west of McHenry, 111. 23-2t* - ' ::Sf. T-eif i" W'tfcii- • ORKS by a definite plan, lie has ft purpose ̂ Jieason behind his efforts, ail intention to^do us and so at some future day, near or remote. This plan acts as an incentive. It stimulates the saver to save. Young man, formulate a plan, then act in accordance therewith, without once wavering, through thick and thin, and success cannot get away from you. This bank .fpUi help you with its highest rate oi interest. * - < ̂ ,ea i : ĵiply here for 'membership in the McHenry Poultry and Grain ectociatkm. Membership fee, :y - ŷ r M':- -i o '-+&A • \. -r #iT WeA McHerify. Illinois. OPERA HOUSE FOR RENT--Five-acre farm, situated two miles south of Ringwood and two and one-half miles southwest of Mc Henry. Inquire of Thos. Kane, West McHenry, 111. 'Phone 607-J-2. 23-3t* FOR SALE--Farms and lots on the river front in the village and at Pista- kee Bay, some including buildings. Also fire insurance in three different companies. 0. N. Owen, Notary Pub lic. 1-tf FOR SALE--A few choice Holstein cows, close springers; also one double unit Empire milking machine; 4 brood Berkshire sows; one pedigreed boar. A. M. Schiller, West McHenry, I1L Phone 603-J-2. 22-tf FOR SALE--About 40 bushels of fine oniohs at $1.00 per bushel; two or three bushels of hickory nuts at $1.50 per bushel. Also a number of pigs. Mrs. James Haverin, McHenry, 111. Phone 614-M-l. 24-tf FOR SALE--360 acre farm, known as the old Freeman Whiting home stead, located two miles southwest of Ringwood. Inquire of Mrs. Abbie Martin, West McHenry, or C. W. Har rison, Crystal Lake, 111. 22-tf ;;r ̂ TUESDAY TSURSDa SATURDAY SUNDAY v TuesdayK^:'/:t (vC Special Features Thursday Famous Players Saturday and Sunday Pathe Program Admission :: 10c FOR SALE--A modern seven room house, together with oner acre of land. Three lots of this land face the street. House has electric lights. Outbuild ings in good condition. Inquire of J. C. Holly, McHenry, I1L 28-tf State of Illinois,) County of Mc-) Henry _ ) Jacob Juqten vs. Welcome George Slimpiris Solo Lizzie Osborne Recitation Eddie Cobb Recitation Emma Feltz Solo Lenora Stevens Recitation ............. Lynn Cristy Recitation Worthen Kimball Song .' Sohool Recitation Lizzie Feltz Recitation Willie Gilles Recitation Henry Pomrening Piano Solo Prof. J. I. Sears Recitation Orten Gilbert Recitation Miss Annie Andrus Piano Duet Miss Myrtle Brill and Miss Mary Wentworth Recitation Lizzie Osborne Solo Mrs. G. E. Dickenson Select Reading.. .Mrs. F. K. Granger Piano Duet . .The Misses Wentworth Recitation Fannie Osborne Trio ..Donna Lincoln, Nettie Schies- sle, Pearl Lincoln Recitation .Jennie DemxiBon Piano Solo Prof. J. I. Sears Recitation.... Annie M. Andrus Solo ......Mrs. G. E. Dickenson Recitation ........Grace E. Stevens Piano Solo............. Myrtle Brill Recitation Jennie Qennison Good Night............ Frank Cobb Song Male Quartet Notice The Public Service company an nounces a change in the date of ren dering their electric bills, consequent ly a change in the date of payment of net bills. In order to accommodate the arrangement a reading of our meters was omitted in November. The bills for our customers in McHen ry will be rendered on the 15th day of December and-each succeeding month. Discount period, 25th of each month. No Hunting or Trespassing On account of the pievalence of the foot and mouth disease hunting and trespassing is 'Strictly prohibited on my farm occupied by Mr. Gee. Rosing. Will positively prosecute. FOR SALE--I have twenty Dnroc boar pigs eligible to register. $25.00 each. First come first choice. Pleas ant Hill farm, one mile northwest of Greenwood. Marion Kiser, Wood stock, 111. Phone Greenwood 748. FOR RENT--My 200-acre farm near Pistakee Bay. 114 acres under culti vation. Eight room house, good barns and other outbuildings. For further information address Jos. F. Haas, 2712 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. 28-lm WOOD FOR SALE--I have about 100 cords of dry wood for sale on Crystal Springs farm, formerly the J. R. Sayler place. This is all second growth body wood, thoroly seasoned. Price, $4.00 per cord on the place. I also have about 500 oak posts at from 15 to 25 cents, sharpened. E. J. Fel lows, West McHenry, 111. 22-2t* Executor's Notice Estate of Jacob Adams, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Jacob Adams, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Coun ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February term, on the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend ' for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated this 22nd day of November, A. D. 1915. s:v * $v-Mrs. Katharine Adams, : 24-81 «<$%;. Executrix. . St. Mary's Bag&ap St. Mary's bazaar came to a dose at Knox's hall last Thursday evening. The attendance and receipts this year were far below those of previous years. In fact, in point of attendance and money taken in it was the poorest ever attempted by St. Mary's parish. Master's Sale of Real Estate Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor Circuit Court of •aid McHenry County. ) , In Chancery./ < .) - General This Week Only Reduction |on Stoves. Be sure to come and seledt the one . you want at the price that will .fit your pocket boofe l̂̂ r' i-r WM Ottilie Schoel, et al. ) ""Number 18692 Public notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said court in the above en titled cause, on the 15th day of No vember, A. D. 1915, I, Calvin J. Hendricks, Master in Chancery of said court, will, on Monday, the 6th day of December, A. D. 1915, at the hour of i o'clock in the afternoon, at the East door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of McHen ry and State of Illinois, sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all and singular, the follow ing described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to sat isfy said decree, to-wit: Lot Number Four (4) in Block Number Twenty-three (23) of the original Village of McHenry, except-* ing and reserving therefrom, however, that part thereof which is bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Com mencing at a point on the North line of said Lot Number Four (4), which point is 155 feet westerly from the Northeast corner of said Lot Number Four (4); thence Westerly on said North line of said Lot Number Four (4) to the Northwest corner of said Lot; thence South, on the West line of said Lot to the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly, along the South line of said Lot, to a point which is 155 feet Westerly from the South east corner of said Lot; thence North erly 66 feet to the place of beginning, situated in the Village of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Dated at Harvard, Illinois, this 16th day of November, A. D. 1915. Calvin J. Hendricks, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry Coanty, Illinois. 22-ftt , Installs Heating System Dqnavin & Reihansperger, the West Side hardware men, have just in stalled a steam heating plant in the R. J. Overton garage and a number of car owners, we are told, have already made arrangements with the West Side garage men for the winter stpiv age of their automobiles. • limited p» olive dH at C. Vwtif** Cidic Td&et Artidet CIDIC Cidic Red Gross Stands for PURITY and QUALITY Proprietary Reme««i and Applications ***» Rem Mannfartarwt by The Cidic Company, Chicago, 111. Chemists-- Cidic Toilet Article* and Remedies have been on the market for 10 years, sad are known the country over, as the best preparations made. Once tried, always used.--ASK FOR CIDIC. We call attention to a few of the most popular items in the Cidic liae. CIDIC TOILET ARTICLES Cold Cresai Creme Marquise Rouge Freckle Cream Peroxide Vanish ing Cream Egg Shampoo Hair Tonic Eau De Quinine Nail Polish Deodorant Pow der . CIDIC PACB POWDER is the best made,--no grit or dirt.4 Produces that velvety nnish to the face that all women like--and it lasts! 2S0 and 50£ rises, f-' • ' CIDIC PEROXIDE TOOTH the tooth paste without an equal. It cleanses and is so refreshing. 2S£ the tube. ODIC TALCOLINU'";^ far superior to Talcum Powder, either for baby or the grown-up. One of our best sellers. Try it. 2St the box.. ,• CIDIC REMEDIES Headache Pow ders Hepatic Salts Liver Pilk Kidney Pills Teething Syrup Castoria. Kandy Laxative Tableti Pile Ointment Parasite Killer Stomach Elixir W&i£ P H I L I P J A E G E R OpNERAL COftMISSlON MERCHANT JPBGIAL ATTBNTION GIVBN TO TBS SAIJt t» sl? _ M pre--H Beef, flutton. Hog*, Veal, Poultry, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs This le the oW aouUoati^ it house on the street. Tags and pries Hstf furnished on sstittSsac «Ko-«ivKAuti «pr ̂ ' CHICAGO. (LLINdtS. ;y •• - iff -Vf'h < K ̂ \ \ jT" " > . " ty'V '