Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1915, p. 4

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"Just What I Want!" *Give me cake made with Calumet--I know what I'm getting---I know it's pure,wholesome, nourishing tempting and tasty "It's all in Calumet's won­ derful leavening and raising power--its absolute parity Use Calumet for unifbnil results and economy Received Higheet Awards Km Coci Bent Fnt-- Bm Slit in Psumi Cam. U *}4DEBYTHETm#L i wimte & iMtoNGPOWO^ . :$% t'UMBT ^heatpand big canBaldngPowdersdonot Hve you money. Calumet does--it's Pure and far superior to sour milk and soda. HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER rVBUSHEB EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER puin la Baak Building Telephone W-W TOMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ^fetisYe* .«U» As Moatha, 35c Thne Months. «c Ttarsday, December 2, i •: i-- ' 1i*c 1919 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Whe Come and Ge Darinf * Wedc V ¥? ', Wm. Felts was a Chicago visitor1 Monday. / Peter Engeln was a county seat Visitor Tuesday. Joe Wrede was a metropolitan city Visitor Tuesday. I Jay Schneider was a Chicago vis­ itor last Saturday. Walter Simon was a Chicago vis- IjbSr last Thursday. ' Mrs. C. E. Gay lord was a county seat visitor last Saturday. John Unti was among those to board the Chicago train Monday morn- fo* Everett Hunter attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. •Geo. Jasten was among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Y John R. Knox was a business vis- * ttor in the metropolitan city last Sat- Vttday. Rollin Babcock was among those to y .board the Chicago train last Saturday ||f: :l)Borning. ' Miss Myrtle Gans was among those to board the Chicago train last Friday morning. Mrs. W. A. Martin is spending the Week as the guest of relatives at the V county seat. i Misses Clara a^d Julia Stoffel and %{:i ^.gnes Dodge were Chicago visitors za^:. ij^gt Saturday. Mrs. W. F. Bassett is spending a iJ-; few days as the guest of friends at ||v the county seat. • John W. Fay and son, Walter, of Woodstock were home on Thanksgiv- J*. and Sunday. ffe.'V Miss Mary Burke spent the latter part of last week as the guest of her parents in Chicago. | < Albert Freund of Woodstock spent jy . Thanksgiving day and Sunday as the || "guest of home folks. jp' / F. J. Barbian was a business visitor p'fs At Kenosha and other lake shore towns 1: the first of the week. fe H. J, Winteringham of Dtrndee was ff *• -M guest in the home of Thos. Thomp- Y son Thanksgiving day. J||k Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bending and f| daughter of Woodstock were Sunday *(' guests of relatives here. ipv: Chris Burkhartsmeier of Chicago p: |pent the latter part of last week as the guest of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer and < 'daughters were guests of relatives in ^.'. ' Chicago last Thursday and Friday. 'Stf- ' < ^r* an<* ^rS* A* Burns of Chi- were guests in the home of the "letter's mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger, v.; i.'-7^ .>-7. '•> 'm- Mv* m f / ' ] Sunday. W - . •#vr I" ' V-:i .'•li*.- John Engeln boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning* Theo. Schiessle was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. E. S. Wheeler spent Tttesday in t|ie metropolitan city. Atty. A. H. Pouse was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. F. O. Gans transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Wm. Smith attended to business matters in the windy city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Heimer were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Miss Anna Knox of Hebron spent Sunday as the guest of home folks. Arthur Wright of Crystal Lake was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Frank Pufahl of Hebron spent Sun­ day as the guest of McHenry friends. Cecil Grover of Woodstock passed Sunday as the guest of friends here. J. C. Bickler was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Mrs. Ella Hanly passed the first of the week as the guest of relatives in Elgin. Miss Irene Frisby passed Thanks­ giving day as the guest of friends in Elgin. Adolph Tietz spent a few days this week as the guest of relatives at Men-: dota, Wis. i ! Will Powers of Woodstock spent Thursday last as the guest of rela­ tives here. Raymond Howard was among those to board the Chicago train Wednes­ day morning. Emil Feffer spent Thanksgiving day as the guest of his daughter, Loretta, at Watseka, III. Miss Maude Curr ate Thanksgiving dinner with her sister, Mrs. Hille- brand, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Golf of Crys­ tal Lake attended the baseball dance here last Thursday evening. Glenn G. Waite of Woodstock spent last Sunday in the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward of Chicago over Thanksigiving. Richard Dwyer of Elgin was a Thanksgiving day guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. John McDonald of Richmond was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Tuesday. Miss Maude Schau of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Arthur Rasmussen of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Ward. Miss Anna Dwyer of Elgin spent hanksgiving day as .8 gOEnv in the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. Leo Zimjner spent Thanksgiving and the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer, at Long Grove. Fred Schoel and Erwin J. Kakara of Chicago spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. SchoeL - Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and son of Crys­ tal Lake passed Tuesday as the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Misfc Marietta Klein of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Miss Gladys Mason spent the latter part of last and fore part of this week as the guest of Miss Mabel Schau in Chicago. * Ed. Bower of Crystal Lake called on friends in town last Thursday even­ ing and also took in the dance at Stof- fel's hall. Misses Cecelia Geary and Irene Vasey of Wauconda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. SchafFer several days last week. Misses Esther Matson and Irene Issebet of Chicago are guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Peter Wirfs. Miss Dora Engeln of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Bar­ bara Engeln. Miss Lillian Pouse of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse. Miss Mae Kane of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the home of her mother, who < resides northwest of 'town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch and chil­ dren spent Thanksgiving day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robi-, son at Crystal Lake. Miss Mildred Henry of Carpenters- ville passed Thursday and Friday of last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and daughters, Alta and Varina, passed Thanksgiving day as the guests of relatives at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bolger have re turned from their honeymoon trip and are making their temporary home with her father, William Doherty. Thos. Knox of Chicago spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox George Jones and Miss Mabel Gor­ man spent Thanksgiving dpy as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Wingate, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Randall of Decoma, Fla., are guests of the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Mary Ferguson, at the A. M. Schille^ farm near vil­ lage. Alvin Kimball, Raymond Grover, Glenn Shales, Arthur Sahs, John Reil- ly and Ed. Freund were over from Woodstock to take in the Thanksgiv­ ing dance. John Carey and son, Gerald, left last Wednesday for an extended trip thru the west and south and while gone they will visit the California expositions. . 6iH Butner and Bard Elwell of Chi­ cago spent Sunday as the guests of friends in McHenry. Miss Mabel Kemler. of Woodstock was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Perkins on Thanksgiv­ ing day. , Mr. and tMrs. Chajs. Nickels and children of "Woodstock spent Thanks­ giving day as the guests of McHenry relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger of Chi­ cago spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger. Earl Mead of Oak Park passed last Thursday and Friday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead. Ed. Nickels of Elgin spent the lat­ ter part of last week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels. ^ George Heimer of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as a guest in the home of his parfents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer. Miss Margaret Millar of Chicago, was a guest in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dwyer of Chi­ cago spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and daughter of Lake Geneva» Wis., spent Thanksgiving day as the guests of McHenry relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Britton Klampett of Chicago were guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh on Thanksgiving day. * Miss Helen Horning xd Evanston was a guest in the home of Postmas­ ter and Mrs. T. J. Walsh the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Freund and daughter passed the latter part of last week as guests of relatives in the metropolitan city. John Caspers, who is employed at the Oliver typewriter factory at Woodstock, spent Thanksgiving day with his parents here. Miss Margaret Ward of North Chi­ cago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sattem and son of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the latter part of last week as guests of rela­ tives in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield and daughter, Flora, of Woodstock were guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. E. E. Bassett on Thanksgiving day. Misses Harriet and Marion Chapell of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as guests in the home of their grandmother, Mrs.. Alsena Smith. Roy Sahlberg, George Brailsford and Johnny Koob of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as the guests of McHenry friends and remained over to take in the baseball dance in the evening. Mrs. Sam Naeher and daughter, Helen, of Barrington spent the latter part of last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Land- wer. Mr. Naeher came up for a Sun­ day visit. Mr. and^Mps. Victor Meyers and children of West Chicago were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Francis Corby of Chicago and Mrs. B. S. Parker of Kalamazoo,; Mich., passed several days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mershon. Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell at public auction on the old Isaac Harsh place, situated two miles southwest of Ring- wood and four miles west of McHen- ry, on the Greenwood and McHenry road, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1915 commencing at ten o'clock a. m., sharp, the following described prop­ erty, to-wit: 39 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 39 ---consisting of-- 18 Choice Milk Cows Some fresh milkers, balance close springers; three-months-old heifer, Holstein bull, fifteen-months-old reg­ istered Holstein bull. Four Horses Brown mare, eight years old; brown driving mare, eight years old; brown mare, fifteen years old; brown colt, coming four years old. About fourteen shoats Y Hay and Grain Fifteen tons of timothy bay in barn, 2 stacks of straw, 700 bushels of oats, about 250 shocks of corn in field. Machinery and Tools McCormick grain binder, vmarly new; McCormick corn harvester, Champion mower, International hay rake, nearly new; John Deere sulky plow, walking plow, 2 John Deere cul­ tivators, single cultivator, 3-section drag, Moline corn planter, 3-horse pulverizer, 2 farm wagons, hay rack, grain seeder,hay fork and rope, milk wagon, set of bob sleds, 2 sets of work harness, grind stone, 5 milk cans, and about thirty grain Good Free Lunch at Noon mtHm THE GIFT GIFTSTQRB •IhL., Easy Rockers Morris Chain Brass Beds Dining Tables Dining Chairs Chiffoniers Dressing Tables:v. Cedar Chests Matting Chests Cretonne Boxes ' : / Vacuum Oa-- Buffets Rugs, !ar«« end anal! Library Tables Couches Davenports Bed Room Suites Book Cases Velocipedes Rocking Horses Sleds Wheelbarrows High Chairs Smoker Sets Excellent line of Pidww Federals Brass Jardiniere* • Kitchen Cabinets £l< '£ Card Tables r-"> Children's Chairs& llockers Doll Go-Carts W**°nS •*'- Coaster Wago® f̂. , Minors ~-a. Gedat Mopa " • Serving Trays ^m N. Phones: your Christmas buying at "The Gift Store" ; ^ J.-JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Office, 63-W; Res. 89-M WEST McHENRY, ILL. b thai *JI ? to keep from "for- ^gettiiig,t anything MAKflt A LIST of what you need before you come to our store. If you can't come yourself, send one of the children. A child ife always welcomed in/ our store. I f you' l l g ive your child some money to spend v for himself» we can se l l h im PURE candy and fresh, this year's nuts. Schneider Bros., - We^l McHenry A N S C O CAMERAS tLSPEEDEXFUM The Box Buster Brown illus­ trated above is made for boys and girls who must make their selection suit the pocketbook. It is essentially for snapshots, tequiring no focusing--noth­ ing but the "snapping" of the picture. The diaphragm has three different openings for time exposures. The Box Buster Brown takes splendid pictures. Four sizes. Look over our wide assortment of Ansco Cataeras from $2 to $55. EV. WEST McHENRY i Snow Man Is Coming - * How are your roofs? Ncwr is the time to patch up those holes. Don't wait until the snow man for you. ^JVhen you buy Red Cedar Shingles of us you get only the best, out full thickness from straight grain heart timber, dried under slow, heat so as to retain their life. They will last for years. Phone us your order TODAY. ' WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 Groceries p. J. DEINLEIN * * •*' McHenry, 111. Phone 26 MEATS FRUITS THE as a Christmas Gift stands supreme Picture frames of all kinds and amateur supplies Schnabel's Photo Studio Member of The Photagraphers' Association of America Phone 61-R McHenry, III. SATURDAYS AT CRYSTAL. LAKE wm Buy Flour of Steady SatisfacJHon You'll gfet good results always (not sometimes) when you use EARLY RISER flour, because the most exacting care i* taken to keep its quality unfalteringly up to its high standard of goodness. Early Riser flour never fluctuates in quality. The finest of plump, full ripened wheat, careful milling and a thoro system of grinding and bolting make Early Riser flour as good as it can be made. Inquire of your grocer or. WEST IFBENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS IF IN THE bhri^tmas Presents you propose to make you seek novelty that always interests, finish that pleas­ es the eye, durability that lasts and practically work­ ing always, efficient and always exact, you'll find the essentials in ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Lamps--they make 'em like jewels--Cooking Utensils of many descriptions, Articles for the Toilet Table, Elec­ trical Toys and Trimmings Articles that increase com­ fort and increase conven­ ience, appliances that do all kinds of queer things in the shape of labor, fur­ nishing their own intelli­ gence, and all at low prices •t our nearest display rooms PUBLIC SERVICE (0. of Northern Illinois PROBATE NEWS LJ Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of eight months' time will be given on good approved bankable notes bearing in­ terest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to pur­ chaser until settled for with clerk. Gust Peterson. Clayton Harrison, Clerk. [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Hli- nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of fiye hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 908 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers James Neish & w to Isabella J Moss, pc e of it 7, Assr's plat, village of Spring Grove ,fl.OO E. A. Eames & w to Edward ' '; Mikkelsen, It 5, River Park . v - M c H e n r y . ; UrtrwMi for Cold Weather It is best te get your sup­ ply of underwear before the real cold weather sets ., in. Women's fleeced union suits 50c and up. Men's and boys* fleeced union suits, also the two- piece garments for men, women and children,* at reasonable prices. We carry Goodyear First Quality rubber footwear. John Stoffel (-. --• 'a- J-. 'i* • yj A' §11: Georgie E. Lamoreaux to An- rew J. Schultx, pc of lnnd in nw frac qr sec 17, Mcr ' Henry l&g) John M. Hogan to Millie A. Hogan, undivided one-third Of S% 8% SW% S9\i S«C 80; pt It 1 nw% & pt ne % sec 31, in all 131.75 acres, Marriage Licensee Fred H. Kamholz, 23 Union Caroline Schroeder, 20. Union Matthew A. Bieber, 25..... .Chicago Anna Beierlotzer, 22 .RtChWnd Sam E. Gabrielson, 25... .Woodstock Ingabor Jacobson, 21 Kenosha Frank Blake, 2&. McHenry Cecilia E. Freund, 21...... McHenry Thomas A. Bolger, Grace Doherty, 28. Charles Korn, 27.. Emma Oeser, 2S". Frank H. Sisson, 28...--McHenry .McHenry ..;....... Marengo .........McHenry 66... .Marengo Margaret Ofis, M ̂ HER SKIN IS ALWAYS CLEAR soft, smooth and comfort a bl e--en­ vied by other-wom­ en and admired by the men, for she ust s Rexall Cold Cream It is n pure skin cream, delightful­ ly soothing, deli- ciously fragrant, and extremely pleasant both to use aud in its effect. Price, 25 cents. & E. Sold only by v. MCALLISTER IF IT'S or Underwear you want, te£ ephoneusyour order and W#>. will have It'-' neatly done up when you getv here. :: it Phone 625-M>l - Johnsburg Telephone No. IM-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of , property In the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS j Growing Childrif frequently need a food tonic and builder for their good health. Olive Oil Emulsion is tin praMriptuQ f<* ttfc pju&J, Mcwm .. dentist V;; :L:' ^ Office Jn Telephone Ex* * Centerrille McHenry. ;-t JBHnobl Telephone No. 7f-W will soon be here and the wise shopper is the early shopper. In order that you. may have first choice of our Christmas stcck of Candies, Nuts, Fruits and other delicacies, we invite you to make up a list and bring it to our store. By placing your order now you will not only get the cream of the as­ sortment, but you will be avoid­ ing the eleventh hour disap­ pointments as well. Give us your.order esrly and we will hold the delivery qntil wanted. M. M. ISEN. McHenry Phone 86-W OMic* ia< > $jpaiildlns Btds. Phone No. 73-R £JJF0RI> H. POUSE F :<VAttoroey-«t-Law WeA McHenry, Office Houra Ml to 1*0* a. oa. 14S to 4JI p. a, 7:M to 8:00 p. m. Telephone* . Office 17 RMMmoB-W A. h FROfiHLICH Physician and Surgeon If Sclmorr Bldg. WEST McHENlttf f * f*. wiL'.l'. ^5 • • ;SiS>

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