iSu^. Real Rubber vH?5' If you are not a judge of honest rubber • goods, then you should rely upon the word of some reliable druggist. By |buying rubber goods of us you will savoid the cheap "made-to-sell" kind. In saving you this risk we can consis tently claim to have aided you. See our grubber goods and compare quality and prices with those you see elsewhere. Household Rubber Goods, Sick Room Supplies, f A < | «. '$* > * Nurafcry Supplies; Etc. A* iot-witer bottle will provi3e a world of comfort during cold weather •M DRUGGIST fHONE 56-W NEIGHBORING MEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE COFPS OF CORRESPONDENTS * M~V Rubbers for Shoes Rubbers for Socks Rubbers for Felt Boots Rubbers for old and young Good Rubbers, the Beacon Falls brand. Look for the cross at Smith Bros. Phone 79-J McHenry, IH. R1DGEFIELD E. Colby was a Crystal Lake busi ness caller Saturday. Miss Edith Nelson resumed her school duties in Chicago Monday. J. J. Reser of Lake Geneva was a business caller here Friday afternoon. Frank Reed is ttome from the Woodstock hospital and is gaining slowly. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille spent Thankgiving day with relatives at McHenry. C. M. Keeler of Elgin spent, the week end with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Mrs. J. G. Hartman has been en tertaining a cousin from Peoria the past week. . / Mrs. Rmc Goddard and daughter, iMiss Genevieve, ate turkey. Thursday at Greenwood. Miss Hazel Diiford of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day at the home >bf i Mrs. M. Irish. | Mrs. E. M. Stephenson is caring for •a niece at McHenry, who is under the care qf a doctor. { Miss Edna Stephenson spent the | week end with her sister, Mrs. J. W. ISchaffer, at McHenry. I Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughter | of Woodstock were guests of relatives here Thanksgiving day. Mr. Wheeler of Rockford is visiting in the homes of his sisters, Mrs. M. Irish and Mrs. S. Wakeficl.d Miss Margaret Millar of Chicago JOHNSBURG Mrs. Peter Wagner of Griswold Lake was a visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. J. Michels is again able to be up and around after a short ill ness. S. H." Smith spent Monday and Tuesday as the guest of friends in Chicago. Dr. Arnold Mueller was a profes sional visitor in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith and children were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith Sunday. Miss Gertrude Williams spent the first of the week as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt, in Mc Henry. Cards have been received from Frank Mathieu, the juggler. The cards show a street scene at King St. Chatham, Ont., Can. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as a' guest of Rev. Schmidt at Aurora. , A new floor is needed for the parish hall here and the Church officials are working out a plan whereby money may be obtained to make the improve ment. Miss Helen Kline met with a pain ful accident here at about 5:80 on Monday evening of this week. She was walking along the street near the J. C. Delirecht store when a team, which had been hitched to the tie posts spent the week end at the home of 1>y their owner, suddenly tore loose and Mr. and Mrs. August Wille. before Miss Kline could get out of the Mrs. A.- Westerman and daughter, way of' the mad animals she was Mae, of Capron are visiting at the knocked down, with the result that home of Geo. Baker this week. j she received several cuts about the Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and face and also numerous body bruises, sons of Alton, 111., arrived here Sun- Dr. Mueller was called to attend her day morning and expect to reside here and under his care the victim of the in the future. unusual accident is getting along .Ray Lynch and cousin, Miss Loret- nicely. ta Bonnell, spent Sunday afternoon ' Rev. Weber, our popular pastor, had and evening with Mr. and Mr-,. L. M. a most gratifying announcement to Goddard at Woodstock. make to his parishioners last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of morning, when he made known the Woodstock ate Thanksgiving dinner receipts for last week's bazaar as well Winter oveninqs a re su rely pJeosanl and comfbrtablewiJb A Genuine Round Oak Square Dose Heater in the Home V* ' iat the home of the lattev's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. i Miss Loretta Bonnell returned to jher home in Green Lake, Wis., Tues- |day after a two weeks' visit in the home of her uncle, J. B. Lynch. Church Notes E. Colby led the C. E, meeting'on Sunday evening.. last. Next Sunday evening Miss Lois Levey is There will be special music. The S. S. superintendent, Mr. Ralph Walkup, "has a contest ready for the Sunday school and next Sunday will start the reds against the blues for attendance, lesson, study and new members. A series of sermons, leading to'thc Christmas season theme, will be started next Sunday by Mr. Blayney. as the estimated expenditure. He further added that with his parish ioners working along in the same manner for another year or so the church debt would be wiped out en tirely. The members of the church are more than jubilant over the good news and, altho they worked mighty hard to make this year's bazaar the leader.: big success that it proved to be, they will work still harder in the future. "Billy" Burke brought three of his friends out from Chicago one night recently for the express purpose of bagging a mess of dill doves, but sad to relate the boys had to go home minus the birds. "Billy" had ex plained to his friends that dill doves were quite numerous in the immediate vicinity of Johnsburg and no one, ex- "The Meaning of Christ to Little Chil- I cept those who were in on the joke, dren" will be the first theme. What, can fully appreciate how much en- does he mean to you? out. Come and find thusiasm had been worked up in the trio. One of the three, who appeared OSTEND particularly anxious for the dill dove Frank Kaiser hauled several tons '^ w»s delegated to bag the game, of ground feed for his dairy cows one!whil* t e r,est of the ^ were busy- day last week I™* themselves rounding up the imag- Mr. and Mrs. Schmarge left Sunday ]***** birds Just about the time that to *tt*nd the funeral of the latter'* jthe y°un^ Chicagoan thought that his sister's child at Elburn. |Prey was at hand two bur,y officers of Mrs. Cornwell visited one day last week with our old neighbor. Mrs. T. A. Abbott, at Ring wood. $v.:f v Round Oak F&Sks Hake Good Goods only This has been the experience of thousands of users of the genuine Round Oak &ove. It will be your experience if you sele<ft the genuine. Perhaps >01 ̂ don't know the Round Oak 4iory. May we tell it to you? Donavin & Reihansperger (Successors to F. L. McOmber) aft Amber Glow Lights Are Sight Saving Lights Father likes them to read by. Mother needs one ̂ -;{ifor her evening sewing. Daughter plays the H i |>iano better with Amber Light on her music. Everybody Likes Them 'Amber Glow Light gives approximately 150 jpandle power and consumes but 1-3 of a cent's vorth of gas per hour. Special campaign price \ cents down and 60 cents each month for three tnonths. Guaranteed against breakage for three vffoonths, I ffrfSi^MfesternUnltedGas Electric Company •'1 A. M. WORKMAN, DbtilttlCaaafer We try hard to serve you. If we. fail please tell us. iite Mr. Marks, the purchaser of T. A. Abbott's farm, has 1>een spending Bome time here with his renter, Mr. Cornwell. Ernest Brott was a Woodstock vis itor Thanksgiving day and ate dinner with his mother, who has just re turned from California. E. G. Lincoln and a neighbor of harvard drove over to have some mill ing done at McHenry and made a few " brief calls on relatives. Ed. Atridge and wife autoed over from Lake Forest and ate Thanksgiv ing dinner with Mrs. Atridge's par ents, Frank Chatman and wife. Frank Kaiser recently purchased a new traction engine apd several plows. He wil be prepared to do his spring work in haste the coming season. Henry Hobart and wife entertained their daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, and family and brother and sister, Warren Francisco and Miss Ammie, at dinner Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 0. Clark en tertained Mrs. Clark's parents, T. A. Abbott and wife, of Ringwood, Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. R. J. Clark, his two sisters, Mrs. Lutie Thomas and husband of Woodstock and Mrs. Matie Harrison and twd children, Henry and Bessie, of Alden at dinner Thanks giving. ^ ; VOLO Mrs. Maty Compton is on the sick )ist. John Walton and faiqily spent last Thursday in Gray slake. Ves Wagner entertained friends from McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ben well ftre vis* iting relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Lee Huson and daugh ter spent Thanksgiving in Liberty- ville. Mrs. Ben Martin and daughter of Round Lake spent Saturday with Mrs. Ray Paddock. Jas. Gainer and family a$d Martha Rossdeutscher of Waucotida were Volo callers Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon have an eight and one-half pound daughter, born Thursday, Nov. 26. J the law stepped up and arrested hira !,and from that time until he awakened j to the fact that the whole thing was a j well-laid joke general excitement J reigned and not a few were present to take in the fun. The bazaar came to a close at the parish hall here last Thursday even ing and with it came the close of the biggest and best event of the kind ever held in Johnsburg or any other town in McHenry county. The total receipts were something over $1,800, while it is estimated that the net gain, will be a trifle over $1,500. This is truly a grand showing for the people of Johnsburg, who have every reason to feel proud of the success attained. After all, it only goes to show what can be accomplished In unity. How ever, to attain unity perfect harmony mu6t prevail and that this is the case in Johnsburg, especially in our church affairs, has now been proven beyond a shadow of doubt. The pastor is also rejoicing with his flotfk and he wants it distinctly understood that he thoroly appreciates what the good people of Johnsburg and the vicinity have just accomplished. He feels grateful towards those whose labors made the fair the success it turned out to be and also to the public in general for the part they took in the affair. RINGWOOD Bacon is building • new Charles cow b»r£. Carl Krohn moved i«tQ kit MW house Tuesday, James Bell was a Spring Grove vis itor Friday last. Miss Myrtle Riggers was a Chicago visitor Friday of last week. Fred Carlson, wife and daughter, Lillian, were recent Elgin visitors. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raeger on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly of McHen ry were calling on friends here Sun day. A seven pound daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Pierson took dinner at Claus Larson's at Green wood Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Walter HuflF ef Spring Grove passed Tuesday lust as the guests of friends here. There will be a parcel post social j The festival, given by the Univer- at the home of Chat Thompson at Fort! salist church at the M. W. A. hall last m- r- Hill on Dec. 3. Everyone come and Saturday, was Well attended. Mr. V v. V ' . ? 'n ' • * .Nv. • I'l'MifiiiiiiiiMiiif"!' I'.ii mi'riM'yMo '..Xiu I*'- "j ,v. IN BANKING |Si? Limited responsibility is usually the aiin of the proprietor of a business in seeking the prote&ion of incorporation. The big difference between a private banker and an incor porated institution is the fad: that the private banker is per-f f sonally and individually responsible for every dollar entrust ed to his care. ; This company seeks no self protection, for its methods are so conservative that every transaction is safeguarded by sane judgment as ^ell as ample resources. Fremont Hoy Clarence F. Hoy A Merry Jewelry CHRISTMAS Nothing jrou can give pleases both old and yoUng so much article of lewelry. Jewelry has been the gift of ages--easy variety, appreciated because of its charm and durability. as some carefully chosen, pretty tO SAlfifit hAAaiMa a# Ilia Infinite WATCHES Our rftock of watches is complete in laterfk models, newest designs of cases, and the beA movements to be had at popular prices. Thin models for men--wrist watches for ladies. ' DIAMONDS -'W-s We have especially mounted some beast-. ̂ tlful pieces of diamond jewelry for the hoi- " 1 Iday trade. Our Stock of diamond rings Is a delight to the eye, while the ,, peal to the moft careful bnyem,' JEWELRY ' . '̂1 Jewelry lines offer the widest range of possible gift seleetion. Good jewelry is more a matter of careful selection than of price. If you buy it here jou are assured of ita • • FOR LADIES Beautffttf tfteslgns in la vallleres, brooches, pins, buttons, rings. Our display will appeal to the feminine ta&e in every particular. SILVERWARE For a more or less corftly gift this department is fully etpcked. You may buy pret ty and substantial gifts as low as a dollar* t • FOR MUf "We have made it easy for ycim lo seleA a man's gift here by our careful selection of Stock. You are sure to please him if you buy the gift here. CUT GLASS Beautiful, sparkling, cut glass that will delight every lover of the beautiful and {the artistic. MISCELLANEOUS it Many appropriate sifts may be sele<fted„ in the more bulky lines, such as clocks, percolators, brass goods, etc. " HOUSEHOLD GIFTS--The practical kind ̂ hat partake of beauty, usefulness and durability. Many gift opportunities here •inff.3# V-'v All gifts sele<fted now may be held for later delivery if desiredv > ̂ . Open Evening* Until Nine Rovelstad Bros. Jewelers and Optometrists THE GIFT STORE OF ELGIN ArtUUc Engraving Done Here MM f: Mi m Tuesday as guests in the home of Mrs. C. E. Gaylord in McHenry. Miss Arline Harrison of West Mc Henry passed the latter part of last week as the guest of relatives here. Roy Wolkos, Neil Carlson and Mil ton Hopper were at the skating rink at Genoa Junction Thursday evening. Mr. end Mrs. Roy Harrison passed Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Walker at Richmond. 'John Milter has sold his blacksmith shop to Clarence Tuttle of Union. Mr. Tuttle expects to start a garage in the spring. Messrs. and Mesdames Glenn and Vivian Esh and Miss Kate Miller of Spring Grove ate Thanksgiving din ner at the Ed. Bell home here. Will Smith, south of town, has sold his farm to Del Whiting. He had a sale Nov. 30. Clarence and Will Whiting will run the farm for the coming year. Audtion Sale! Geo. E. Vogel* Auctioneer I Having sold my farm, situated 3 miles south °f McHenry, 2 miles north of Terr* Cotta and 5 miles north of Crystal Lake, on the Terra Cotta-Mc- Henry road, I will sell «t public auction on THURSDAY, DECEMRER W, 1915 commencing at 10:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to- wit: 85 H£AJ> OF LIVE STOCK 8& i ewisiiitiim^4r-> 21 Milk Cows new milkers and close springers; 5 two-year-olds, 8 yearling calves, two- year-old Holstein bull, yearling Hol- stein bull. The above herd was raised on this farm. 5 Head of Horses Black mare, six years old, weight 1100 pounds; bay mare, six years old, weight 1200 pounds; brood mare, sev en years old, weight 1200 pounds; roan mare, nine years old, weight 900 pounds; bay gelding, twelve years old, weight 1200 pounds. / Hogs Four brood sows, 2 sows with 16 four weeks old pigs, 10 shoats, weigh ing 160 pounds, 14 shoats, five months old. \ Hay and Grain Twenty tons of tame hay in barn, 2 stacks of straw, 500 bushels seed oats, 150 bushels of barley, 50 bushels spring wheat, 10 acres corn in shock, 600 bushels hand husked corn in crib, 3 stacks of stalks, 20 bushels of seed corn. 75 Chickens Machinery, Etc. Corn binder, hay loader, mower, manure spreader, grain binder, pul verizer, seeder, 2 cultivators, walking cultivator, 2 plows, potato hiller, fan ning mill, grind stone, truck wagon and box, lumber wagon top box, top buggy, open buggy, milk wagon, 2 set work harness, 2 single harness, 5 milk cans, 800-pound scales, corn sheller, sled, corn planter, 100 rods of wire; drag, land roller, horse rake, 140 feet of hay rope, milk canvas, forks and shovels, and other numerous to mention. articles too Godd Free Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.0d' »j| and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given Jj. on good approved bankable note$; m bearing interest at the rate of sevettJ per cent per annum. No property to. i ̂ be removed or possession of same giv- en to purchaser until settled for witil f' 4., clerk. Mike A. ConyUj. , Simon Stoffel, Clerk. "4 Entertains Gaiety Club " • Miss Gertrude Weber acted as host ess to the members of the Gaiety club at her home on Washington street on v' Tuesday evening of this week. Pro» si gressive cinch was enjoyed, while re- '4 freshments were partaken of at the, .-jJ close of the games. All present en-: ? ^ j o y e d t h e o c c a s i o n t h o r o i y . 1 ^ Basket Social. j} ] A basket social will be held in the1 Creek school on Saturday evening, Dec. 4. Program begins at 8:00. All v-l invited. Inez Bacon, Teacher; Mrs. T. B. Turner of Belvidere was a guest in the home of her daughter, • Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, the latter part off last wedc. ' -'i'- I Misses Genevieve Doerscher Margaret Costello of Elgin weref ^ Thanksgiving day guests in the home|< of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mil dred, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wilkins, J. Walsh and Jos. W. Freund wwet\ among the Chicago passengers thiai ; V - \