bp. '*' k'J-'r ?.V h^v;,- r; ?£:' ' : l|«& ?v :• What a Woman Wants *•'£• - • F&&. £1- R' I f ; ' " j*- ^ jW'V p-t- fcc . s*- .T. A woman like . pretty things as well ajj^' "*' the useful. Our &ock contains a worn W'^* derful array of suitable gifts- for women. I Books, Stationer?, Cut Glass, China, " Leather Goods, Manicure Sets, Ivory Goods, Toilet Cases, Perfumes and scores of other items which will be acceptable to any woman. Make your selections early while assortments are complete. :: :: :: N: H. PETESCH DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W 4 SlflldS ARE what all are now thinking of. As usu al, you can depend on get ting 100 cents' worth for every dollar you spend at Smith Bros. 'Phone 79-J - McHenry, II Christmas Gifts! In our store you will find many valuable Gift Suggestions, a few of which are enumerated below, but in the store you cannot purchase $ USELESS Gift. A beautiful display t>f Alum inum, put up in holly boxes, reasonable prices. Casseroles, Nickel Plated ware, Knives, Carving Sets, Vacuum Bottles, , Skates, Rifles, Shotguns and Hunt ing Accessories. Do not for get THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE STORE Donavin &Reihansperger (Successors to F. L. McOmber) 'Phone 65.J "Mere Man" Give Him Something Useful It's easy to please a man. All he wants is something useful. The selection of suitable gifts for men is apt to be a puzzling problem for the ladies. If he is a smoker, cigars are always in order. Pipes, cigar cases and other items of smokers' supplies are also ac ceptable. Safety razors make excellent gifts. Hair brushes, clothes brushes, traveling sets, books, shaving sets, etc,, come in the list of practical gift goods for men. Don't worry about the men. Come in and see our sftock. It will suggest just what they need. < f. A "Shop Early" .H. PETESCH DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W Q: NEIGHBORING NEIPS$*5 '&WQNICLED BY j OUR ABLE COUPS OE CO A* RESPONDEN TS j JOHNSBURG Miss Barbara and Ben Smith were McHenry visitors Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Barbara Smith is still confined to her bed with an attack of rheu matism. Don't forget the New Year dance to be held at Smith's hall <here on Monday evening, Jan. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart of McHenry spent Wednesday afternoon as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann. C. M. Adams is holding his annual clearing sale here this week and Christmas shoppers are taking ad vantage of the many bargains of fered. Rev. Geo. Nell of Effingham, 111., spent the latter part of last and the fore pact of this week as a guest in [the hafee of his mother, Mrs. Geo. N etL Jos. J. Freund and Anton Schmitt drove to Kenosha, Wis., last Sunday where they saw the exemplification of the K. of C. degrees upon, a large class of candidates. Peter and George Oeffling, aged 21 and 18, respectively, sons of Mr. and ' Mrs. Wm. Oeffling of this place, ttiet 'with quite a serious accident on Mon day morning of this week and as a re sult of which the former is still con fined to his home. The boys were at work on the old Hess farm, situated about one and one-half miles north of this plaoe. They were Engaged in giving the place a general cleaning > *|>D^IONAL PERSONALS , People Who Come and Gt During a Week M. L. LaVelle was a Chicago vis itor today. J. H. Miller was a Crystal take caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber passed the day in Chicago. Geo. Hanly boarded the Chicago train this morning. Mrs. C.-E. Gaylord was a county seat visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Clara Starritt spent the week end with Dundee friends. Atty. A. H. Pouse boarded the'train for Elgin Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. E. Trimmer is spending the day in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Miss Theresa Barbian passed the day in the metropolitan city. Rev. Edw. Berthold passed the first of the week at Milwaukee, Wis. Ray F. Conway was a business vis itor at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Francis Bonslett and John May motored to Chicago last Saturday. Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter, Marian, were Chicago visitors today. Miss Lillie Wagner of Chicago is the guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs. Frank Thurlwell was among the Chicago passengers thi^mom- and as they gathered up the old rub- j mS* bish they would throw it in the stove j Mrs. N. H. Petesch was among the to burn. While thus engaged theyj^^c*f»° passengers Wednesday morn- came across a number of packages 'n&- which contained various useless ar- Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward spent tides. At first they would open each Sunday as the guests of relatives at package to ascertain its contents, but! Elgin. after opening a number of them and N. J. Justen attended to business finding the contents worthless they (matters in the metropolitan city Wed- decided that it would be a waste of jnesday. time to open any more. The boys | Prut. A. E. Nye attended a teach- kept right on with their work until all j ers* meeting at the county seat last of a sudden an explosion took place.: Saturday. In one of the unopened packages was j Houghton and Clayton Palmer of evidently some explosive and before Hebron were visitors in town last the boys could get out of the way the Saturday. ball of fire had struck them. The Miss Florence Rockwell of Delavan, elder of the two being right in the! Wis., is a guest in the home of Mrs. direct path of the fire received a full {charge right in his face, while j George's burns about the face were of C. E. Gaylord. Gilbert Howard transacted matters of a business nature in the metropoli- a l6ss serious nature. The boys were j tan city Wednesday taken to their home, where Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry attended them. Peter's fa<?6 and .eyes were quite badly burned and for a while it was thought that he would lose his eyesight. The younger one of the two is again able to be out, but it will J>e some time be fore Peter will be able to leave the house. Their many friends were pained to learn of the misfortune and all hope that Peter will y>on recover form his injuries. RIDGEFIELD J. H. Slater was a DesPlaines pas senger Friday. Mrs. Howe was a Chicago visitor Friday and Saturday. J. Mikkelsen and children drove to Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. EL E, Shepsrd and Miss Rose Peterson were Chicago shoppers Mon day. Miss Ella Mollohan entertained her aunt from Crystal Lake one day last week. Mrs. Will Morris transacted busi ness at Williams Bay the latter part of last week. # Mrs. P. Hodgkinson and Mts. H. Nelson were Woodstock shoppers Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Saaby and children of Crystal Lake were visitors in the home of J. Mikkelsen Sunday. Kenneth Smith of Champlain, 111., visited his brother, Gerald, also with Mrs. Chas. B. Harmsen and daugh ter, Elsie, were Elgin passengers 'Wednesday evening. Mrs. S. S. Giddiiigs of Lake Geneva, Wis., passed Tuesday evening as the guest of friends here. Mesdames C. II. Parks and Emma Mudgett are passing the day as the guests of relatives at the county seat. Frank Muldoon of Whiting, Ind., and Mr. Gentlemen of Chicago were Sunday ^guests in the home of «^)hn Boyle. Mrs. Emma Starritt and Mrs. Clyde Starritt and little son of Crystal Lake spent Friday last with Mrs. Clara Staritt. Mrs. F. J. Mershon is spending the day as a guest in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Osborn, at Woodstock. Mrs. Glenn Robison of. Crystal Lake spent Saturday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mr. and M*$. Jos. J. Sutton mo tored up frotq Crystal Lake last Thursday evening and passed a short time calling on relatives and friends here and at Emerald Park. Bulk candies th jjpat variety at C. Unti's. RINGWOOD Mrs. Mary Ingstrom was 'an Elgin visitor Saturday. JajvHawver and family returned his grandfather, J. C. Button, Satur- ^ Lake Geneva Sunday. day and Sunday Little Glenn Risvold is very sick and under the doctor's care. Mrs. Lynch is also among the sick. Grand pa Button is able to be out again. Church Notes The Reds are over 100 ahead of the Blues in the S. S. contest. Ralph Walkup is leader for Chris tian Endeavor next Sunday evening. The Christmas tree and cantata will be observed on Friday evening of next week. Regular Sunday morning service at 10:00. The theme for the third of the series of sermons will be "Meaning of Christ to Old Age." Remember the choir rehearsals on Saturday night. We would like more of the young people to come and help with the Christmas music. OSTEND Will A. Sayler husked his entire corn crop last week. Ernest Brott spent Sunday after noon with home folks at Woodstock. R. H. Richardson tried corn husking last week. Some people who have not seen corn husking tried this year would be disappointed at the nioisture still in the corn. The friends and old neighbors here of Ed. H. Thompson were grieved to learn of his falling and breaking one of his shoulders on the sidewalk near his home in Woodstock. F. B. Thompson and wife attended the farmers' institute at Franklinville i last week Wednesday. Mrs. F. R. Eppel accompanied them and spent ' the day with her mother. Some men from the factory at Ba- tavia motored up to Henry Hobart's Went an Tuesday of last week and put Sher- proved a Richard Lawson of Elgin visited at H. W. Allen's Sunday. Mrs. Florence Bell returned from Spring Grove Thursday of last week. Sherman Watson of the Lumber company was in town Monday on busi ness. The Sunday evening meeting will be held at E. P. Flanders' next Sunday evening. Mrs. Libbie Stephenson spent Satur day night and Sunday at her home in Ridgefield. Mrs. Lillian Conway and daughter, Flossie, visited relatives in Elgin Sat- urady and Sunday. Joe Holly of McHenry and a Mr. Thompson of Chicago were business callers in town Tuesday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Callie Rainey Saturday of this week. Leader, Mrs, Emma Brown. Miss Grace Harrison passed Sat urday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Belle Cairns at Richmond. Hoy Banking company commenced breaking ground Monday for the bank which they will erect in our village. A full line of Christmas cards and booklets at Petesch's. Sudan Grass Six to eight tons produced to the acre in Illinois. Is very nutritious. Is relished more by horses and cows than timothy or clover. Ask Wm. Simes for further particulars. Becker's electric weld soldering wire mends granite ware. Mrs. M. A. Thelen returned home Monday from the .West Side hospital in Chicago, where she recently under- operation. The operation Mrs. & successful- one and man brothers' corn husker in working Thelpn is now slowly recovering from order. They report it to be doing the effects of same. perfect work, better than ever before. Chicken feed at M. M. Nieeen's. I Fountain pens for Christinas gifts I at McAllister's.. The La^t Few OF GHpiSJMAS BUY1NQ We enter upon the last week of holiday business with a stock that has been replenished in nearly every department. You stand a better show of finding what you want here than any place we know WE ARE CONFIDENT OF PLEASING YOU . mM » v f' vM V l",,, \i t f ;^jjj -' 'Hi TSp.1 Black Enamel Mantel flocks, very dependable .$5.00 up Mahogany Chime Clocks, import ed $24 to $40 Silver Toilet Sets, 3-piece combina tion in case $5 up Waldemar Watch Chains, solid gold and filled.... $1.50to $15 Casseroles and Bakers $5 up Signet Rings, heavy gold : $3 to 5 to 12 Beautiful Cut Glass Bud Yases, $1.50 to $3 Combination Sets, link buttons, tie v pin and clasp $1.50 Ladies' Cameo Rings, extra tine cut- ----- - - $6 to $20 Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, with leather belts $3 Up ^ Pearl Strings, beautiful Oriental lus tre, graduated or uniform__$2.50-16 Cut Glass Water Sets $9 up Cut Glass Salts & Peppers, sterling silver tops $1.10 Pair Ladies' Set Rings, special assortment $2 each Fine Engrav ing Free on Goods Sold Beautiful Pickard China, Leather Novelties, Sheffield Silver, Nickel and Brass Goods, at popular prices Rovelstad Bros. THE GIFT STORE OF ELGIN Open Evenings Until Xmas c (.;« if ?'• - -•?v if w••*I »ll^sf ? M- 'M Give Fur niture ~ this Christ- ill Appropriate Gifts For Everybody mas r'^m. The store of the Christ- Gifts of Furniture are most substantial--Useful things are most appreciated "Hit.. if " i iii' c* ll1 ' :>V \ X *• •"V Podeatals--all sizes, style* and prices Revolving Seat Bed-Davenport Clean, Sanitary, Attractive Library tables of. quality. You can not afford to be without one. '*Rl^^leBldlon-BackIfec]ffles, Rest Morris Chairs and Easy Rockers Brass Beds Dining Tables Dining Chairs Chiffoniers Dressing Tables Vacunm Cleaners Buffets Rugs, large and small Couches Brass Jardinieres Excellent line of v Pictures Card Tables Mirrors Wicard Mops Serving Trays Smoker Sets CHILDREN'S Rocking Horses Velocipedes Sleds Wheelbarrows Chairs and Rockers Doll Go-Carts Coaafter Wagons Keep your Furs, Clothing, Blankets, Underwear, Hats, Etc., in a Cedar Chest or Cretonne Box. ... K .1 For her Christinas present a Kitchen Cabinet. It's better than the best i vant. ' •* N. J. Justen & Son, West McHenry Furniture and Undertaking :x> •»r Ml GET YOUR CHRISTMAS ADS IN .EARLY "V>i s'V