FtmUSKED EVERY THURSDAY F. G. SCHREINER Offle* to laak Ballding T»Wphons M>W TiaUO Of WBSGRIPnON: OH Ml Moaths, 75c Thra* Months. «c Thursday, December 30, 1915 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Frank Buhr was a Crystal Lake visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse were Chi cago visitors Tuesday. Wm. Smith was a business visitor in the windy city Tuesday. E. V. McAllister attended to busi ness matters in Chicago Tuesday. C. Unti attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Everett Hunter was a business vis itor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Granger Smith of Elgin pass«d the week end as the guest of relatives here. Herbert Landwer of Barrington spent Christinas day in the Claxton home. Raymond Howard was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wed nesday. Miss Anna Pagilarul of Chicago spent Christmas in the home of F. J. Claxton. Gene Larson spent the latter part of last week as the guest of Hebron relatives. Henry Langan was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. A. Cristy of Joplin, Mo., is the guest of friends in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huff of Spring Grove were McHenry visitors last Thursday. N. H. Petesch transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday and Wednesday. Arthur Wrede of Crystal Lake was a guest in the home of his parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block of Cary spent Sunday as the guests of Mc Henry relatives. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, daughter, Bertha, and son, Theo., were Chicago visitors Tuesday. J. B. Murphy of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week as the guest of friends in town. Miss Alts Wsntrworth nagged last week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Laura Barbian is spending the week as the guest of relatives and friends in Chicago. Gilbert Howard attended to matters of a business nature in the metropoli tan city Tuesday. Misses Pearl and Ruby Claxton left Monday evening for a week's visit with Chicago friends. Miss Jane Owen of Urbana, 111., is spending her vacation in the home of her father, O. N. Owen. Dr. C. H. Fegers and Miss Eleanor McGee were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. George Jones spent Christmas day as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Wingate, at Crystal Lake. Harry Turner and Henry Stem- wedel of Huntley were business vis itors in town the first of the week. ' Vaughan Jones left this morning for Ladd, 111., where he will pass the re mainder of the week with his father. O. N. Owen and daughters, Ethel and Jane, were guests in the home of Geo. W. Owen at Elgin over Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wray and daughter went to Harvard this morn ing for a few days' visit with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce of Spring Grove were among the out of town shoppers in town one afternoon last week. Mrs. Chas. Fleury of Chicago spent Christmas day and Sunday as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Feltz. Mrs. Joe Ruentz, daughter, Ruth, and sister, Bertha Schram, of Spring Grove were visitors in town one day last week. Mrs. A. Wiswall of Chicago was en tertained in the home of her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, Christmas day and Sunday. Misses Margaret and Ruby Young of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and son, Arnold, of Crystal Lake were Christ mas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. - Gladys and Sherman Cobb of Heb ron are spending the week as guests in the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Dermont. Mrs. E. M. Owen Was the guest of her son, Charles, and family in Chi cago over Christmas. . She--returned |ome the first of the week. ' \ F. O. Gans, Dr. D. G. Wel^s, S. J. fceinlein, Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and Mrs. Sarah Dermont were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers of West Chicago passed Christmas day as ^ lh quests in the home of the former's | j,*/' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Helen Salvage and children of - •- }, Chicago passed the latter part of last 4 , ®nd the fore part of this week as the I'j'- guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Cham- |L'. •' -V •"' < berlin. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and fe i Slaughter, Varina, passed the letter Is, * } part of last and the fore part of this || h:--'.V/greek as the guests of relatives in the kiC^jfrptropolitan city. If t H : ' Mrs. S. Sieman and daughter, Eliz JOHNSBURG Joe Michels was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. Theo. Meyers spent Christmas as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Simon in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and child of McHenry were visitors in town the first of the week. The Christmas" services ' at our church were most beautiful and were very well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt of McHenry were guests of relatives here the first of the week. A number of our chicken enthus iasts are attending the poultry and grain show in McHenry this week. « Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove spent Sun day as the guests of relatives here. Don't miss the New Year dance at Smith's hall here next Monday even ing. You are assured of a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann and Mrs. S. H. Smith were guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Laures at Mc Henry last Sunday. Miss Ella Huemann of Chicago is spending the holidays as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Huemann, here. Mesdames Al. Pepping and August Huff of Spring Grove passed a day last week as guests in the home of Mrs. Joe Hettermann. Those from here, who in past years have depended on work on the ice fields, are anxiously awaiting the opening of the season. A number of our young people are planning on taking in the New Year dance at Knox's hall, McHenry, to morrow (Friday) night. Edwin Debrecht of St. Louis, Mo., is spending a couple of weeks as a guest in the home of his parents, ̂ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht. Santa Claus left a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer here on Christmas day and the father is just as happy as he can be. Misses Barbara Smith and Ella Huemann spent a couple of days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Huff at' Spring Grove. Dr. A. Mueller gave a reception at his home one night last week in honor of Mrs. Tillman, who has just re turned from a three week§' visit with St. Louis, Mo., relatives. In appreciation of the excellent ser vices-rendered, Dr. Arnold Mueller of Luis pmCc prcScutSu tnc jsicncnry telephone operators with a 5-pound box of candy on Christmas morning. The epidemic of grip has struck Johnsburg and many of our people are now suffering from this disease. Many of the children are down, while a few of the older folks are also suf fering. The disease here is of a rather mild form and it is hoped that no fatalities will occur. A Christmas feast was enjoyed at the home of Dr. Arnold Mueller at six vicinity to warrant the putting on of dinner over the happy gathering set out to pass the balance of the even ing in a social manner, singing and dancing. Those present were Fred Weinschenker, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, Miss Matilda Freund, Mrs. Kassack, Mrs. Fillman and Dr. Mueller. A de lightful evening was spent by all present. In honor of his namesday, Stephen H. Smith, the popular proprietor of Smith's dance hall here, celebrated the event on Monday by inviting a number of his friends to pass the day with him. The day was passed in a social manner and the serving of a roast pig featured the occasion. Those who were present were: Tony Smith, Ed. Tonyan, Joe, Peter, Frank, John and Tony Freund, Joe Thelen, Mike and Jacob Schaefer, John Schaid, Stephen and John King, George Lay and Joe Hettermann. A number of his friends tendered Jacob Miller a very pleasant surprise at his home here on Monday evening of this week. While the victim was anything but prepared for an occa sion of this kind, his wife soon had things arranged for the enjoyment of the guests, who passed several hours at euchre playing. At ten o'clock re freshments were served. A delight ful time is reported by those in at tendance. The guests of the occasion were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Die- thorn, Mrs. Geo. Nell, Mrs. Fillman, M iss Laura Miller, Mr. and Mrs Jacob Miller, Wm. Niesen, John M Thelen, Dr. Arnold Mueller. All adrertlaementg Inverted und«r this ti*«d at the following rmtea: Five line* or lmui, 85 cent* (or Ornt Insertion; 16 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, i oenU t line (or first insertion, and J oents a line (or addition! insertions. FOR SALE--Five passenger Mitchell touring car. First-class shape in every way. Star Garage. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire*, of C. W. Stenger, Bank. West McHenry State 19 LOST--On road between 5 McHenry and Johnsburg, a Ford tire holder. Finder kindly leave at this office. FOR SALE--Four Berkshire brood sows; one pedigreed boar. A. M. Schiller, West McHenry, 111. Phone 603-J-2. 24-tf FOR SALE--Five passfenger 1913 Overland. Good top. Good paint. In good running order. Star Gara re, phone 50-R. WANTED--An experifenced poultry man. One who understands incuba tor. Inquire of or write Mike Pitzen, McHenry, 111. 'Phone 616-M-l. 27-tf FOR SALE--A few pure bred Hol- stein-Freisian bulls. Ready for ser vice. Eligible to register. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. 24-tf FOR SALE--Twenty-five Duroc Jer sey brood sows. Price, $20 each. These sows are insured against chol era. Geo. J. Sayer Stock Farm, Pis- takee Bay, 111. 27-3t FOR SALE--The residence of t]he late Sarah E. McOmber. Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Smith, McHenry, 111., or J. M. McOmber, 4181 W. Congress St., Chi cago, 111. 15-tf WANTED--Men who desire to earn over $125.00 per month. Write us today for position as salesman; every opportunity for advancement. Cen tral Petroleum Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED--A married man to work on dairy farm. Will pay $40 per month, furnish house, milk, garden, etc. Address F. B. Thompson, .West McHenry, 111. phone 610-W-l. 28-lt NOTICE--Will the party who picked up man's wool lined mitten March 8, 1915, about 4 o'clock p. m., kindly leave same with its mate at W^st McHenry State bank? I value it as a keepsake. Geo. Harrison. * FOR SALE--A modern seven room house, together with one acre of land. Three lots of this land face the street. House has electric i ignis. uutDuna- ings in good condition. Inquire of J. Holly, McHenry, 111. • * 23 tf Happy Family Next Christmas will be the one in which every member has re ceived a check from Our Land is Christmas Savings Club Imagine how much merrier Christmas will be when everybody has money to make others MERRY It's nice when all have money of their own--there's no asking--no coaxing--no disappointments--no "broken hearts." Let every Family be the Happy Family Next CHRISTMAS Let every one-----the baby included enroll right away It's the sure way to have the money when you need it HOY BANKING CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS & vac 3C • L DC IE FOR SALE--I have twenty Duroc boar pigs eligible to register. $25.00 each. First come first choice. Pleas ant Hill farm, one mile northwest of Greenwood. Marion Kiser, Wood stock, HI. Phone Greenwood" 748. Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, • . . . ' fcY, i £ , V - Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen's. Want River Flooded While the lovers of the sport in other cities and towns of the county are asking for municipal skating ponds, the skaters of McHenry are making the best of the sport with what the pond and river afford. How ever, the more enthusiastic lovers of this healthful winter sport are of the opinion that the village of McHenry should allow them the use of the water and hose for the purpose of keeping a good skating body on the river thruout the entire skating sea son. No demand has yet been made to the village council, but this may be forthcoming at the next regular meeting of that body. At Woodstock an artificial pond has been provided by the «Sty and Crystal Lake and Hebron are now asking their author ities to establish like places of amuse ment for their lovers of the sport. Reld Plaindealer ads. J. M. E. Church Services * as follows next Sunday ftbeth, of Chicago and Miss Irma Bau-1 Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preach ttiann of Dundee passed Wednesday ing services, 11:00 a. m.; evening as guests /in the home of Mr. and services, 7:45 p. m. 1 W. C. Ever*, Pa tor. Jk " gue&us uic si Jlrs. Simon Stoffel. Auctioneer Having sold his farm, the under signed will sell at public auction on the place known as the H. C. Mead farm, situated about one and one-half miles west of McHenry, on the Mc Henry-Woodstock road, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1916 commencing at 10:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to- wit: 36 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 36 --consisting of-- 24 Head of Cattle Fifteen young cows, all close spring ers; Holstein bull, 4 spring calves, 4 fall calves. Hogs Three brood sows, due to farrow the last of March; Chester White boar, eligible to register. Horses Span of mules, one two years old and one yearling; bay mare, twelve years old; gray mare, five years old; gray gelding, three years old; roan mare, two years old; roan mare, one year old. Hay and Grain Eighteen tons of timothy hay in barn, 8 tons of second cutting clover hay in barn, 8 tons of slough hay in stack, 30 bushels of old seed corn, small crib of hand picked corn, about tons of old corn, 30 bushels of spring wheat. Machinery, Etc. Hay loader, hay rake, hay mower, hay rack and hog rack, combined; sulky plow, walking plow, potato plow, potato digger, potato hiller, 3 section drag, 2-section drag, single top buggy, 2-seated trap, good as new; hand wagon, heavy truck wagon light farm wagon, road cart, corn sheller, fanning mill, manure spread er, good as new; McCormick binder, corn plows, corn planter and wire, row boat, 2 sets of pipe dies, hay rope, fork and pulleys, scalding ket tle, wheel barrow, broadcast seeder, John Deere spader disc, wagon tongue, double wagon box, buggy pole, bob sled, hog crate and troughs, 3 swarms of bees, 95 oak posts, 15 cords wood, set dump boards, 16 ft. and 20 ft. ladders, 5 stock pups, and other ar tides too numerous to mention. Twenty bushels of early seed po tatoes, 20 bushels of late, or eating potatoes, 100 chickens. Usual Free Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good ap proved bankable notes bearing inter est at the rate of 7 per cent per an num. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with the clerk. 'C. I. AUendorf. Simon Stoffel, Clerk. C. W. Stenger, Settling Clerk. Vegetables Groceries S. J. DEINLEIN Phone 26 McHenry, 111. MEATS FRUITS WITH THE GREETING TO old friends, enclose your portrait. It's the ideal remem brance, because it's the next best thing to a visit. For real artistic picture frames call on us. We also sell kodaks and films. :: :: Schnabel's Photo Studio McHenry Phone 61-R Saturdays at Crystal Lake PUT YODR MONEY INTO A HONE of your own. There's no in vestment that produces more lasting returns than the building of a home. Resolve January 1 to stop paying rent and start on the road to happiness and con tentment. "Our years of experi ence in the lumber business en ables us to save you money on everything you need for build ing. Come in and let us prove it. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 - % . • 1 J*-'* «§ New Year Greeting #3 f k f The good will and patronage of all our friends for the pa& year is appreciated and we trust we may merit a contin uance of same dur ing the year to come t? PHILIP*- JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION QlVBN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Taga and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAQK PREB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A 3, Pultoa St. Wkolmli Market. a&im WW* •sr E. V. McAllister The Rexall Store McHenry, :: 111. You will find at your grocer's a &ock of Early Riser Flour in different sized packages. He will be pleased to take your prder for Early Rsier Flour, because he knows it gives genuine satisfaction, bakes the finest bread and biscuits, the flakier pie cru& and the mo£ toothsome cake you ever ate. WEST M'HENRY AND FEED HILLS 1916 We want everyone of our customers to know that this company appreci ates their patronage and desires their good will. If we do not serve you perfectly, kindly call our attention to the fault. :: :: :: :: :: WesternUpited Gas and Electric Company D. M. WORKMAN, District Manac«r VOLO I Mrs. Clyde Wright spent Thursday at S. S. Russell's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton spent Saturday in Wauconda. Miss Ella Moore was in Wauconda Thursday of last week. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher of Wau conda was home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were Wauconda callers Thursday. Lee Huson and family entertained company over Christmas day. M rs. Wm. Dillon and children spent Saturday with relatives at Oak Park. Mrs. Rose DunnifrHuld Miss Mable Hironimusu spent Tuesday in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cushman and daughter, MAirel, of Round Lake spent Saturday at Jas. Kirwan's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son of Round Lake spent Christmas day with Mrs. Rose Dunnill. Back From Hospital "Grandma" Nickels, mother of Wm, Nickels and Mrs. Chas. B. Harmsen of this village, returned home from the West Side hospital in Chicago last Friday evening, where she recently underwent quite a serious operation. Altho very weak, Mrs. Nickels is re covering fronr the effects of the oper ation nicely and it is hoped that the trip to the city has done her much good. She is now being cared for by Miss Marie Block of Elgin* a trained nurse. Automobile Owners Denatured alcohol will prevent your radiator from freezing in zero Weath er. On sale at the Star gprage. 75 cents per gallon. for Cold Weather It is best to get your sup ply of underwear before the real cold weather sets in. Wometfs fleeced union suits 50c and up. Men's and boys' fleeced union suits, also the two- piece garments for men, women and children, at reasonable prices. We carry Goodyear First Quality rubber footwear. John Stoffel IF IT'S (ilMIICi or Underwear yon want, tel ephone us your order and we will have it neatly done up when you get here. » » Phone 625-M-2 - Johnsburg Ask Wm. Simes about Sudan grass. V We Appreciate The patronage that has b'een extended us dur ing the year now com ing to a close and sin cerely hope that our goods, prices and ser vice have been such as to again make you a regular patron of this store during the year 1916. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I am, Respectfully, M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-VV s To Exchange! Lake and McHenry county farms for Elgin city prop erty. Two Elgin houses for store building or stock of goods. Bargain--quick sale- tfood improved farni, main Chicago road, six miles from Lake Geneva, Wis.: 102 acres. :: :: Watch our sale and exchange items H. L. DUNNING Rooms I & 2, Hubbard Bldg. ELGIN :: ILL. Chicago Phone, 2362; Interstate, 146 DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville McHenry. Illinois Telephone No. 79-W Office in Spaulding Bldg. Phone No. 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law We^t McHenry, - - , 111. Telephone No. I08-R SIMON STQFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY. ILLJNQS Don't forget that The Plaindealer will print your legal notices just as cheaply as ariy papnr in McHenry county. -