Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1916, p. 4

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. •> ; . •:,' v • ••.•'iV-"' '-* '?• i»-.r " -"H .. <• >f -J* " .»• ' V-»". *7'Vt/ &y>v--".';'^--v '• •*'. .1 •••*• <•«<*.• • »£ I McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHENRY, Itt. ' • •-;': , -: *• ' •::* ;'v$4 |6 *•? i CARRY A CHOICE LINE OF • Ms and Vefflto AT ALL TIMES Piper's Ma-Ma bread and bakery is the best. Try it once and you will al­ ways want it. :: :: JOS. J. MILLER RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS FOR AT LEAST TWO MONTHS TO COME YOU WILL BE KEEPING FIRE IN YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE. If your bin is nearly empty order two tons of VULCAN COKE now. That will be enough to last out the season and will prove to you that the cleanest, cheapest and in every way the best fuel for next year is Vulcan Coke. Price $6.75 per ton. Phone your order. /i|feWesteroUr)ited Gas ^£*ai)d Electric Cumpai))' *sz& D. M. WORKMAN, District Manager 90 ViV r we'VE 6o»v~^p:ftnri ( D m c A C l £ S ^ K , M f S IFOR. TEAS OP- YHj^ LUNCHtOHS \EAT [ST.VAUNTI1^ PAY Our delicious table delicacies will strike t h e h e a r t o f e v e r y housewife and delight the TASTES of the whole family. Preparing a dainty luncheon will be easy work if you1 ll^.«?p^e to our store and buy our already prepared dainty delicacies. You will save more in LABOR and anxiety by buying these thing® already prepared thar. they will cost in MONEY. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry Our Dollar Days Specials ALL THESE FOR $1.00 4 lbs Evaporated Peaches 2 lbs Fancy Prunes 8 bars Swift's Pride Soap 7 cans of Sunlight Cleanser 'Phone 26 McHenry, 111. S. J. DEINLEIN All Eyes Are Not Alike OTf TKtl Y ,SVXT YoUi Tomcnm$& Hence glasses should be fitted especially for each person. Do not ruin your eyes by wearing glasses not suited to your needs, but have your eyes thor­ oughly tested and accur­ ately fitted. :: :: No Drugs Used HATTIE B. ROGERS Of flee At Jewelry Store OPTOMETRIST Please make appoijit* . of H. Rogers & Son Lake Geneva, Wis. meat when possible f-: < - V WE BAKE Every Day! Nearly every day someone comes into our store and asks whether our goods are fresh. We wish to state that we bake every day and that our goods are always fresh. We also wish to state that we came to McHenry with the expectation of putting out a first-class line of bakery and this we are doing. Compare our goods with others and we feel certain that you'll find ours to be as good as any you have ever eaten. If you have not already done so, give us a trial and we are sure that you'll buy nothing but home made bakery in the future. OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL: Good Coffee Cakes--Try One / The McHenry Bakery ALBERT LALLINGER, PROP. THE N'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Office in 'Bank Building Telephone 98-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year $1.5# Six Months, 75c Three Montha, 40c Thursday, February 10,. 1916 MAKE FOX NAVIGABLE Movement Now On Foot to Make Our River Navigable Stream For Collector I feel obliged, due to my condition, having been an invalid for many years and in need of the financial earnings, to announce myself a candidate for the office of collector and respectfully ask the legal voters of the town of McHenry for their support at the coming town caucus iu uc nciu odtiu- day, March 18. Math. Miller. For Tax Collector ' I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of tax collector for the town of IfcHenry and will appre­ ciate the support of the legal voters at the annual town caucus to be held March 18. Thanking the voters for past favors, I am, Respectfully yours, John Niesen. QUARTER OF A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaindealef Of Twenty-Five Tears Ago Another cold wave struck this sec­ tion on Monday. Lent begins today (Wednesday). This is somewhat earlier than for many years. A small child of Henry Meyers died on Thursday last. Also one of Theo. Meyers of the McHenry House. Miss Barbara Mills, teacher in the primary department of our public school, was on the sick list one day last week. There will be a Washington birth­ day party at the Riverside House in this villgae on Friday evening, Feb. 20. We learn that Jacob Justen has purchased the store now occupied by him as a furniture store, of E. W. Howe. We did not learn the consid­ eration. Mrs. Stephenson, wife of Chas. Stephenson of Ringwood, died on Sun­ day last after a somewhat protracted sickness. Her funeral was held from the Methodist church in that village on Tuesday, Rev. H. Slade officiating. A debating society, held in the Ger­ man language, is being held at the McHenry House hall every two weeks on Sunday evenings. On account of the storm it was not held on Sunday evening last, but will take place on Sunday evening next, Feb. 15. The board of trustees of this village have made a contract with the firm of Ballard & Bailey, bridge builders, to put a new bridge across Boone creek in this village. It is to be a first-class wooden structure and to be completed within sixty days. Messrs. Ballard & Bailey are practical men at the busi­ ness and the board will be sure of a good job. The order of Foresters in this vil­ lage has probably two of the finest flags in the county. One is a United States flag, 9x5 feet, made of silk, with a large gilt eagle on the stand­ ard. The other is the society flag, al­ so made of silk, on one side of which is the Foresters' emblem, and on the other the motto of the order. Each flag is made and decorated in the finest style and ean honor to the sentiments they represent. They were made by Bansinger Bros., Chi­ cago. W. E. Colby had quite a serious tip over- on Sunday evening last. He was going home from the village, having in the buggy Mrs. Benj. Gilbert, when, it being dark, he in some man­ ner got into the ditch just north, of the cemetery and tipped over. The horse, being a spirited one, ran away, but fortunately the occupants of the buggy escaped with only a few bruises. It being a covered buggy and the top being up, it was a miracle they were^ not killed. The buggy was left in a rather demoralized condition. Report of the West McHenry school for the month ending January 30: Number enrolled 5G Average daily attendance 49 Per cent of attendance 88 The following is the average Schol­ arship for the month of the pupils named: Fred Lincoln, 85; Donna Lin­ coln, 88; Eddie Cobb, 90; Henry Block, 90; Worthen Kimball, 91; Amos Wolff, 87; Henry Nickels, 76; Willie Dett- mar, 91; Charlie Feltz, 73; Willie Gil- les, 91; Orten Gilbert, 60; Willie Krause, 88; George Slimpin, 89; Frank Cobb, 91; Clarence Parker, 86; Willie Thurlwell, 89; Annie Wolff, 75; Nettie Schiessle, 92; Lizzie Feltz, 91; Edith Krause, 88; Emma Feltz, 87; Minnie Feltz, 74; Rachael Krause, 83; Har­ old Cristy, 89; Newton McLean, 87; Pearl Nellis, 90; Eddie Thurlwell, 88; Willie Osborne, 85; Willie Comisky, 87; Agnes Myers, 86; Tillie Myers, 85; Altie Kimball, 89; Henry Kamholz, on. or. J - - - - - - - - Pomrehing, 83. The following were not absent dur­ ing the month: Henry Kamholz, Em­ ma Feltz, Rachael Krause, Edith Krause, Lizzie Feltz, Annie Wolff, George Slimpin, Willie Krause, Orten Gilbert, Charlie Feltz, Willie Dettmar, Amos Wolff, Worthen Kimball, Henry Block. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Village Trustees Meet In Regular Ses­ sion Monday Evening ^ Council Room, Feb. 7, 1916. The village trustees met in regu­ lar session with President Wells pre­ siding. Trustees present: Barbian, Hei- mer, Stoffel, Schumacher, Simes and Spencer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: J. W. Kimbhll, police magis­ trate's docket $ 4.00 Public Ser. Co., street light and guide posts 9^80 Donavin & Reihansperger, set­ ting meter 50 Standard Oil Co., gasolin$. .. . 16.50 Electrical Ser. Co., globe 3.00 W. G. Schreiner, sup & postage. 1.00 Linus F. Newman, marshal ser­ vice and meals 53.50 James Revor, police service and meals 51.50 Wilbur Lumber Co., coal 8.86 P. J. Schoewer, lbr on pump. . . . 1.00 Gerald Newman, lbr with team 2.25 John J. Vycital, bat. & plugs.. 5.55 D. G. Wells, president service.. 12.00 N. E. Barbian, trustee service.. 12.00 John Heimer, trustee service.. 9.00 Simon Stoffel, trustee service.. 12.00 Wm. J. Schumacher, trustee ser 12i00 Wm. Simes, trustee service... 12.00 Wm. Spencer, trustee service.. 12.00 W. G. Schreiner, ^lerk service.. 25.00 Motion by Stoffel, seconded ;>y Schu­ macher, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Barbian, that the treasurer's, col­ lector's, police magistrate's and at­ torney's reports be accepted as re£d. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Simes, that orders be drawn on the treasurer for the amount of bills and if not money enough in treasury the treasurer should advance the money and receive interest on same until money is received from tax collector. Motion carried. J.? Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Simes, that the matter pertaining to the crushed stone that the gas com­ pany used for filling up holes in streets be left with the village clerk. Motion carried. Motion by Schumacher, seconded by Heimer, that the township primaries and elections be held in the village hall and in consideration for use of hall the township is to let the village have \|se of the booths free of charge, but for the county and state primaries and elections the village is to receive $5.00 for each time the hall is used for that purpose. Motion carried. Motion by Schumacher, seconded by' Stoffel, to adjourn. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clffk. Valentines at Petesch's. ANY CHILD Gan Make Good Bread with EARLY RISER Flour. Good mixing, kneading and baking will not overcome the effects of poor flour. With Early Riser flour you will al­ ways have white, appetizing, fine tasting bread, lightest cakes and pastry. Ask your grocer for Early Riser flour. WEST FTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS f Feb. 11 and 12 Call at our store and see the many bargains we have prepared for these two days. Space does not permit men­ tioning them all here, but come and see them for yourself and take advantage of their money saving possi­ bilities. John Stoffel | Notice to | Farmers! GROW PICKLES FOR C. F. CLAUSSEN & SONS The Chicago Tribune of -Dec. 31, 1915, says one boy at Orchard place cleared $370.00 from one acre last season. CONTRACTS AND SEED AT f.A. WEST McHENRY, ILL. $ Day AT LODTZ'S Three 50 cent ties .$1.00 Five pairs 25c all wool Sox $1.00 $1.25 wool Union Suits $1*00 $3.75 rope Sweaters $2.75 With each $1.50 cap we give a 50c Tie $1.50 Khaki Pants ..$1.00 Four pairs of 30c Garters $1.00 $1.50 soft dress Shirts ,.$1.00 50c Belt with each ready made Pants $1.50 Flannel Shirts $i.00 $20.00 two piece Suits $16.50 Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing J. D. LODTZ McHenry, Illinois DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bide. Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 7t-W I; Eledtric Motors wa&e no powc*; JfThey for current only what they actually consume* ^ J They possess a flexibility of application which adapts them to any kind of work. They re­ quire no special or expensive foundations. They are not affected by dirt, dust or water. Their control system is simplicity itself. They are the nearest foolproof of any machine and they secure the most economical power in the world. :: :: ELECTRIC HOTOR DRIVE exhibits all its features of superiority anywhere and that is why every small shop, every estab­ lishment employing small machinery--even only one piece--caii,'by using Bleflric Power, com­ mand the same advantages as the big installa­ tion in a proportionate degree. :: :: We shall be particularly interested in demon­ strating this to small power users. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS DOLLAR DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 11 and 12 $0.r> Lantern __$1.00 •$1.25 Milk Strainers $1.00 $1.00 Flour Bin, 25c Flour Sieve $1.00 $1.00 Wash Tub, "Joe Wash Board $1.00 $1.00 Safety Razor, 25c Shaving Bru^h $1.00 $1.25 Food Chopper • $1.00 $1.25 Slop Pail $1.00 50c Hay Fork, t>5c Manure Fork $1.00 35 pounds Common Nails $1.00 OUR NOVELTY DEPARTMENT (FROM REGULAR STOCK ONLY) Any 10c items Any 25c items 12 for $1.00 5 for $1.00 JOHN J. VYCITAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS Two Minute Title Talks IX. The Comfort of Really Knowing TALK IS CHEAP; and it is easy to SAY a title is good. But if your money goes into it you want to KNOW. No guesswork or supposition goes in a land deal. See that everything is O. K. and the abstract up to date. Then you have the whole transaction in black and white--a defi nite something that fixes the responsibility for those little unfamil­ iar details that make or mar your title. The abstract and the lawyer's opinion together make you safe. And "it's better to be saftMhan sorry." Knowing is better than supposing. McHenry County Abstract Co. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS O f f i c e r s F. F. AXTELL, President L. E. MENTCH, V. Pres. EM1L ARNOLD. Sec. G. L. MURPHY. Treas. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SAIJt OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Ess* Thic in the oldeet boiuo on the street. Tttge and price list* (tfrnished on application. COLO STOKAOfc! FKBH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, SV Mall • * j, PiHm St. WboUtaU Market. &

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