Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Feb 1916, p. 4

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THE MoHENRT PT,ATNDEAI,ER, McHENRT, lit ""' vA '•>t-^.; ,4> y>. TIE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER rminm EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Oflle* In' Bank Building Telephone 1*W . > TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS , OilVitf *1.» pci'! ,- "it* W--thi. 98c Three Months, 4*c P'^T^iandiy, February 17,1916 -Wft- - - For Collector I feel obliged, due to my condition, having been an invalid for many years and in need of the financial earnings, to announce myself a candidate for the office of collector and respectfully ask the legal voters of the town of McHenry for their. support at the coming town caucus to be held Satur­ day, March 18. Math, filler. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and • Week Go During ,;'W • " >3PT/> •Vi For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of tax collector for the town of ITcHenry and will appre­ ciate the support of the legal voters at the annual town caucus to be held March 18. Thanking the voters for past favors, I am, Respectfully yours, 0 John Niesen. For Town Clerk I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry and respectfully ask the support of the legal voters at the coming town primaries and elec­ tion. Respectfully yours, Chas. B. Harmsen. For Highway Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of highway com­ missioner for the town of McHenry and will be thankful for the support of the voters at the coming town pri­ maries. Chas. W. Harrison. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that can­ not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex­ pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 76c. Nunda Taxes Notice is hereby given that I will be at the following places for the pur­ pose of collecting taxes for Nunda township: Wednesday, Wilbur Lum­ ber company's office, West McHenry; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at the L. and P. Frederick's news stand, Crystal Lake. Fred Bozee, JJ4-tf Collector Nunda Township. Leap year dance by the Just Us club at Stoffel's hall on Saturday even­ ing, Feb. 19. anything made with Calumet Powder. Mother never such wholesome bakings until •he used Calumet. It's Calumet surety, uniformity, punty, strength, that makes every bak­ ing turn out right--that saves millions of housewives Baking Powder money Be fair to yourself--use Calumet. " RMCMTMI Highest Award* I tint Cook Boole Free -- 8t* Slip <» Pound Can.. HOT MADEEtfTHt mam CHtCA®2 F. £. Covalt boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Miss Lelah Claxton is spending a few days with Barrington friends. Miss Eva Stilling was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Nick Bohr attended the cement show in the metropolitan city Wednes­ day. James B. Perry was a business vis­ itor in the metropolitan city Wednes­ day. George Golden of Ringwood spent Saturday and Sunday at J. F. Clax­ ton's. Mrs. Jack Walsh entertained Mrs. Scott Durand of Lake Forest Satur­ day last. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh of Wood­ stock attended the Davis funeral here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sayler of Elgin were guests in the home of Mrs. S. Sherburne last Friday. Miss A. M. Gillespie of Chicago called at George Ygung's Thursday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Nick F. Freund and son, Henry, passed Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Everett Hunter and niece, Miss Gladys Mason, spent the latter part of last week in Chicago. Mrs. Bert Driscoll of Elgin passed Sunday as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Christina Schreiner. Mrs. A. A. Landwer attended a sur­ prise party on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Naeher at Park Ridge Saturday even­ ing. Miss Mildred Beahm of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter. Mrs. A. A. Landwer and Miss Lelah Claxton attended a bridal shower at Barrington Wednesday evening, given in honor of the former's sister, Miss Jennie Homuth. Richard Wray, M. J. Walsh, A. M. Schiller, M$s. Sarah Dermont, Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Hayes were among the Chicago passengers this morning. Peter Wirfs went to Chicago Sun­ day evening, having been summoned there by telegram, announcing the death of his brother-in-law, Lawrence J. Coffey. Mrs. Wirfs was there sev­ eral days previous. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Ray McMillan is quite sick at her home here. Mrs. M. Knox was a McHenry vis­ itor last Friday. W. G. Kennedy was a Chicago vis­ itor over Sunday. Miss Frances Knox visited relatives in McHenry Saturday evening. Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited her cousins here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway of Mc­ Henry visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Frances Knox visited the Crys­ tal Lake high school Thursday last. Thomas Phalin, who has been quite sick for the past week, is now improv­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday at M. A. Con­ way's. Miss Gertrude Klein is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Ray Mc­ Millan. M iss Alice Knox of McHenry spent last Wednesday and Thursday at M. Knox's. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was a professional caller here several days ast week. ,,v Mrs. J. M'lPhalin and son, Howard, called on McHenry relatives Sunday afternoon. Harry Brantingham of Chicago was the guest of friends here Thursday evening last. Mrs. W. G. Kennedy left Thursday last for Ames, la., where she will be the guest of relatives for several weeks. MT. and Mrs. John Riley were in Elgin Friday to see Mr. Riley's sister, Mrs. M. Foley, who is sick at St. Joseph's hospital. Miss Eleanor Phalin has returned to her school duties in the Walkup dis­ trict after two weeks spent at her home here on account of sickness. A number of young people tendered a farewell surprise to Walter Conway Sunday evening. The guests, num­ bering about twenty, arrived at the Conway home about 8:30 and after Walter had recovered from the sur­ prise, all enjoyed a pleasant evening at cards. Cinch and euchre were played, after which dainty refresh­ ments, consisting of ice cream and cake, were served. About the mid­ night hour all departed for their homes, wishing the Conway family miich ̂ happiness in their new home. Auction Sale! Chaa. Leonard R. £. Haeger Auctioneers .Ch*«pand big canBa^jpgPowdirsdonotl ? - I save you rroney. Calumet does--it'sPurel A.&.V. . |«nd far superior to soui milk and soda.I "* " "" • ' Big Crowd at Social The box social, given for the bene­ fit of the M. E. church at the inviting country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page last Saturday evening, proved one of the most delightful social func­ tions of the season. Not forgetting the dandy times previously enjoyed at the Page home, a large crowd of McHenryites availed themselves of this excellent opportunity of enjoying another evening as guests of this jovial couple. The night was a per­ fect one and with ideal sleighing the ride to and from the scene of merri­ ment also added to the pleasures of the evening. A short program was rendered, after which Auctioneer Carl W. Stenger disposed of the boxes, which netted the tidy sum of $40.80. j The program, sale of the boxes and guessing contests made up an evening of rare enjoyment and those who were present are not sorry for turning out. Having rented for a term of years, I will sell at public auction on CRYS­ TAL SPRINGS FARM, formerly the J. R. Sayler place, situated two miles west and one and one-half miles south of West McHenry, five miles south of Ringwood, seven miles east of Wood­ stock and seven miles north of Crys­ tal Lake, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28> 1916 commencing at 11:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to- wit: 37 HEAD OF CATTLE 37 A heavy producing, high testing dairy of 36 cows, all in milk and every one of them sound in mouth, teat and bag; 1 high-grade Holstein bull, two years old, a sure breeder. 14 Head of Horses Pair of black geldings, 6 years old, weight 3000 pounds; bay mare, 14 years old, weight 1540 pounds; black mare, 11 years old, weight 1450 lbs.; brown mare, 9 years old, weight 1600 pounds; black mare, 8 years old, wt. 1720 pouqds; gray gelding, 8 years old, weight 1760 pounds; bay gelding, 7 years old, weight 1400, pounds; bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1200 pounds; black driving mare, 10 years old, weight 1000 pounds^ team heavy mules, six years old; black yearling mare, sorrel yearling mare. I believe this is as good a lot of horses, taken all together, as there is on any farm in McHenry county. Corn and Straw Will also sell some shock corn and about ten tons of clean, bright straw under cover. Machinery, Etc^, McC^rmick corn harvester, 2 John Deere 2-row cultivators, John Deere single row cultivator, John Deere 16- disk pulverizer, four-section steel har­ row, John Deere gang plow, 4 lays;_ John Deere sulky plow, 2 lays; 14- inch walking plow, 2 lays; McCormick grain harvester, Champion grain har­ vester, old; Deering 6 foot mower, Thompson hay rake, Deering hay tedder, side delivery rak^» hay loade'r, 5-s hovel plow, road slush grader, 2 hay racks, 3 low wheel wide tire wag­ ons, high wheel road wagon, Bane milk wagon, 4-section iron land roller, broadcast seeder, 2 pairs Of bobs, 2 feed bunks, breaking cart, • 4 sets of heavy breeching harness, 2 sets back jpad harness, hip breeching; set chain tug harness, single harness, swill cart, 20 milk cans, 4 pails, strainer, hand churn, and many other articles. Most of these tools are nearly new, having been bought during the past two years and all are in first-class condition, ready to go into the field. Usual Refreshments at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be giv­ en on good bankable notes bearing in­ terest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of sanle given to pur­ chaser until settled for with clerk. Conveyances will meet the 10:17 a. m. train at McHenry and return in time for the 5:00 p. m. E. J. Fellows, Prop. Simon Stoffel, Recording Clerk. C. W. Stenger, Settling Clerk. Audtion Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having divided her farm in two and rented them for cash, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Mrs. Jos. H. Justen farm, known as the old Nick Schaefer estate, situated 3 miles southeast of Ringwood, 3 miles west of Johnsburg and 3 miles north of Mc­ Henry (from all towns 2 miles by pub­ lic road and 1 mile in field), on the Mc­ Henry and Lake Geneva road, lying between McHenry and Ringwood, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916 commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 20 MILK COWS 20 13 brood sows, 327 bushels 'of oats, 21 tons of timothy hay, 17 tons of up­ land hay. Cigars Will Be Passed Lunch Instead of Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes bearing inter­ est at the rate of 7 per cent per an­ num. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with the clerk. Mrs. Jos. H. Justen. Geo. Rossing. Stephen H. Freund, Clerk. PROBATE NEWS t Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sGms of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers Otto M. Stone to Florence D. M. Stone, Its 2 & 3, Grand View sub-div, sec 7, McHenry, $1.00 Marriage Licenses Bucaro Andonino, 25 Harvard Mary Passantino, 17 Harvard Hernial Zimmerman, 25. .Duhham Tp. Ella Pierce, 24 Dunham 1). Glenni J. Haven, 42 Marergo Jennie Mae Roberts, 41... ..Marengo Ernest Knaack, 22.... * Cary Meta Roewer, 18 Crystal Lake Alorizo S. Wirsing, 25 ..Marengo Lilly C. Meyers, 23 M^reago We Badke ^ .* • v v* * Graham WholeWh^at • Bran and Pumpernickel Bread Cakes Cookies Doughnuts Pies and in fact everything usu­ ally turned out at a first- class bakery. Have you given our goods a trial? If not, we ask you to favor us with a trial order. THE M'HENRY BAKERY A. Lallinger, Prop. fr- We Are Not At War But we do love to make lots of noise about our choice line of staple and fancy Groceries, as well as Canned Goods and Fruits. Not only do we take great pride in our select stock, but we also delight in telling you of our prompt and careful service. A phone call will bring your order to your very door. Try it. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-W FARMERS! I can show you hemaa In any town in northern Illinois that you mo own I.hat. are now renting so as to pay fronijt(«10 per I 'fnt on the invest < inent. 1 can ahow you farina in your own com­ munity that, you do not. know :m* for •saU*. and at prices t hat will h»»:ir in­ spection. t I can ahow you WHAT to buy for an in­ vestment. to make money. I can ahow you farms or homes at what, t hey are worth if you will let mr know your wants. I can ahow you 100 homes or farms in northern Illinois, personally inspect­ ed and priced at what they lire wort h hut. It is impossible to advertise them all. You can ahow me any property priced at what. It. is worth and I will move it. H. L. DUNNING Rooms 1 & 2, Hubbartf BlUg. ELGIN :: ILL. Chicnjro Phone, 2362; Interstate. 146 Office in Spauldins Bids;. Phone No. 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law We& McHenry, - - 111. Office Hours 9:M to 12:00 a. m. 1:00 to 4:30 p. m. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephones Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over McAllister'* WEST MrHENRY DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg. Centerville McHenry, :r: Illinois Telephone No. 79-W Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL ftasuranee agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. William Laue, 31 Coral Tp. Elizabeth Brasch, 27 Coral Tp. ^ Executor's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Attorney. Estate of William J. Harris, De­ ceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of William J. Harris, de­ ceased, late of the County of McHen­ ry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the «County Court of McHenry County, at the Court'House in Woodstock, at the Apr'l Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which tim^ aTl persons hfcving claims against said Estate are lotified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 19th day of January, A. D. 1916. 32-31 P. A. Bohlander, Executor. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs visited relatives in the metropolis recently. fj^ IT IS NOT MAGIC that produces EARLY RISER flour. It is just a combina­ tion of good wheat and scien­ tific milling:. We buy only the best wheat to begin with and put it thru a process of milling that insures a uniform product at all times. If you haven't tried Early Riser flour do so today. WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Dr. Price's At Special Prices Dr. I Vice's Health I Iran 2 fori'.") Dr. Price's ('orn Meal for 2") Dr. Price's Corn Flukes.4 for 20 Dr. Price's Wheat Flakes for 25 Dr. Price's < 'ivam of A 11.2 for Dr. Price's Condensed Soups.. .. .. tS for 25 Dr. Price's Making Soda . 7 Johrv Stoffel /? I Notice to | Farmers! GROW PICKLES FOR C. F. CLAUSSEN & SONS The Chicago Tribune of Dec. 31, 1915, says one boy at Orchard place cleared $370.00 from one acre last season. CQNTRACTS AND SEED AT F. A. Bohlander's WEST MCHENRY, ;I.L. E,e<?ric Mot<?rs waefte no pow^r. They cosft ̂ current only what they actually consume.^ P 1K>«V _ 1 •r "• ii ' p They possess a flexibility of application whicfc adapts them to any kind of work. T hey re­ quire no special or expensive foundations. They are not affected by dirt, dust or water. Their control system is simplicity itself. They are the nearest foolproof of any machine and they secure the most economical pow:er in the world. •• * ?? ELECTRIC HOTOR DRIVE exhibits all its features of superiority anywhere and that is why every small shop, every estab­ lishment employing small machinery--even only one piece--can,'by using Eledric Power, com­ mand the same advantages as the big installa­ tion in a proportionate degree. We shall be particularly interested in demon­ strating this to small power users. :: OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS -A GREAT HATCH MADE WITH A- CYPHERS INCUBATOR ^ ;v We are now carrying a full line of CYPHERS INCU­ BATORS AND BROOD­ ERS. Also a full line of ready mixed Poultry Foods ^ made of sound, sweet grains only. No weed seeds, by­ products or grit. Finely granulnted. Ask for free printed matter. SOLE LOCAL AGENTS Dona vin &Reihansperger We^t McHenry "THE CURE" Are you troubled with d>spepsiaV Do you ever have a chill? Then try Rexall Remedies, There is one for every ill. INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR RHEUMATISM If you have rheumatism and are tired of trying the inef­ fectual methods of external treatment we would ask that you try our REXALL RHEUMATIC REMEDY We are so confident that this preparation will help^you will help to drive out the pain, joint stiffness and in­ flammation, that we offer it with the guarantee that if it does not satisfy you in every way we will gi\£ you back your money. E. V. McAllister West McHenry Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what a n< at job wo put out for you. Imported pure olive oil at C. Unti's. All Eyes Are Not Alike tzwrr rfftiYjSozr voir? Hence glasses should be fitted especially for each person. Do not ruin your eyes by wearing glasses not suited to your needs, but have your eyes thor­ oughly tested and accur­ ately fitted. :: :: No Drugs Used HATTIE B. ROGERS Office at Jewelry Store OPTOMETRIST Please make appoint- of H. Rogers ^ Son l^ake Geneva, Wis. menc wh£« possible We want to sell you your, groceries for a good business reason:. You will SAVE MONEY if we do ; because, for the AWAY-UP quality of the groceries that you gat from us, our prices are AWAY-DOWN. It will also pay you to deal with us , because OURS is the store where the HUSTLE is. This means that we sell our goods so fast they don't have time to grow STALE. You want FRESH gro- qeries, don't you? You get them from ua. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry Read Plaindealer Ads * % t.'-i •, f&rvv •i-'-'&Sfi • :y" '

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