£ ̂ ."'i/' -*7 ' .-. " J.' .""""̂ L. J ',. . ' ̂.'_ J . > i^ap *v Till! Ifott'ENEY 'pt^INDEALTR^/^McHENRT, ILI<^ -:" "" "' " '•' . ' 1' r" mail order business is large and growing. It has become so important a feature of our business that we have made special provisions for handhng it. " Don't deprive yourself of anything you need in Drugs, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Sick Room Supplies, Prescriptions, Recipes, Etc. ? Our stock is large and complete and wc always have precisely what is needed. Send us a trial order. N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W t NEIGHBORING NE WS,AS CHRONICLED B Y { OUR ABLt tORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I House Dresses | | AVE you seen our House I • Dresses and Aprons late ly? You will not feel like doing any sewing yourself if you see these. :: :: Smith Bros. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, III. RINGWOOD Miss Mildred Wolkos spent two days of this week in Milwaukee. The farmers' institute held here last week was good and well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Del Abbott visited their daughter, Mrs. Maud Clark, at Ostend last Thursday. A goodly number of our people went to McHenry last Saturday afternoon to hear Mrs. Durand. All report her talk good. Willis Kittle of North Crystal Lake | will speak to the farmers in M. W. A. I hall Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 23. j All come out. M iss Walkington of Genoa Junction visited her sister, Mrs. Clarence Hop per, last Friday ai)d attended the memorial meeting. M iss Elsie Smith entertained two of her college friends over Sunday, Miss Nickerson of Coral and Mr. Wil cox of Barrington. The M iss Willard memorial at Mrs. ! Allen's last Friday night was a very ' pleasant meeting and enjoyed by all. (The next meeting wilt-be with Mrs. ! H. P. Buckland on Feb. 26. J Both of our churches will unite in a 1 union service in the M. E. church next : Sunday, Feb. 20, at the usual hour. ! A man, sent out by the Anti-saloon ! league, will speak. This day is known ! as field day in McHenry county. Let 1 all come out. <s j Richard McLaughlin Richard McLaughlin was born on a JOHNSBURG Nick Nett passed Monday ift Chi cago. Miss Mary Freund of Volo called on friends here Monday. Anton Schmitt spent Tuesday in the home of Peter Miller. x George Stilling of McHenry was a caller in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Nett were Mc Henry callers Wednesday. Mrs. John Mertes^ is visiting with friends and relatives in Chicago. M iss Helen Adams was a business transactor in Chicago Wednesday. Joe Miller of Ringwood was a Sun day guest in the home of John P. Lay. Mrs. Ben Stilling and children vis ited Wednesday with Mrs; Fred Die- thorn. Miss Barbara Smith is spending a couple of days in the home of John< Stilling. Misses Mayme Miehels and Matilda Freund were McHenry visitors Satur day last. M iss Kate King of Mc Henry was an over Sunday guest in the home of Wm. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund and chil dren visited Tuesday in the home of Ben Tonyan. George Lay and Arthur Adams took in the movies at Spring Grove last Sunday e\ening. John V Freund. who resides north of here, was a business visitor in Mc Henry Wednesday. Mi. ami Mrs. Ben Schaefer are the home of I farm south of McHenry in December, i 1862, and died at his home in Ring- j spending the week j wood on Feb. 12, 1916, being a little! John Pitxen at Volo. | more than forty-seven years of age. J Quite a number from out of town I On June 12, 1900, he was married to j attended the card party at the parish Miss Tillie Forick, whp, with tys aged ! hall last Sunday evening. 'mother, four brothers and two sisters, Mr*. John K#tfi is spending a few I are left to mourn his loss. He was I days this week w ith her daughter employed in the Bowman factory for , Mrs. Geo. Wirfs, at Mi Henry, 'two years. The past year he has been j Joe" Freund. son of Xick L. Freund, j unable to woik. He was one of pleas- of North Dakota visited among relu- ing manner, and all extend their sym-Stives and friends here Tuesday. pathy to the bereaved ones. The fu- Quite a number from here attended ! neral service was held in the Catho- the auction sale of .Michael Freund , lie church in McHenry Monday fore- near Pistakee Bay last week Tuesday, noon. ; Frank Mathieu. who has just filled I, Emma Margaret Shales Anderson a long theatrical engagement, is pass- ' Emma Margaret Shales Anderson ing a couple of weeks' vacation with iwas born in Nunda. 111., on April 10, his wife here. 1873, and died at her home near Ring- | Mr. and .Mrs. Joe King and children wood on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1916, aged passed Sunday afternoon as guests of 42 years, 9 months and 28 days. Her Mr. and Mrs. John M. SchmitU who girlhood days were spent at Nunda. ' reside near McHenry. From there she came with her parents j A number of our young people are to Rihgwood and later to Spring already preparing for the Eagles' Grove, where she was united in may- masquerade dance at McHenry. which riage to Alec Anderson on Nov. 20, (.is to be held at the Central opera 1902. Three children were born to house next Tuesday evening. this union, Alice, aged eleven years, | Miss Coletta Freund entertained a Irene, aged ten years, and Andrew number of her young friends last Sun- David, who passed away at the age day afternoon to help her celebrate ' " ~ ~ Jof two months. There are left to1 her birthday anniversary. An enjoy- Keep your rugs clean and bright by using Bissell's or Richard- j mourn her early departure, besides able time was had bv all who were son's Vacuum Sweepers. A demonstration will convince the! the husband and little girls, her fath- j there. most skeptical. Fine rugs and furniture are lifetime invest- .er, David Shales of Wilmot, three sis- j cai i ters, Carrie Allen of "Valley Junction, THE-- -w fcsft-'-ri--.m Hoy Banking Co. BANK OF RINGWOOD Now open for business. A general banking business will be transacted. Deposits received on time and sayings plans. Usual interest paid. The business of the public welcomed. * H. F. Wharton, Cashier THE Hoy Banking Co BANK OF McHENRY In establishing the bank of Ringwood we have endeavored to extend the benefit of our EFFICIENT SERVICE to those of our patrons and others who will find it more con venient to deal at that place. The service at this bank will be maintained and, where possible, improved. Ample resources are at our command. CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President J ments. Wis., rties are getting quite pop ular in and around Johnsburg. It Mae Westlake of Chicago and1 seems to t><- the chief sport for this r Undertaking Day or Night Service. Automobiles or Horse Drawn Vehicles N. J. JUSTEN & SON Phones: Office, 63-W; Res. 89-M. * WEST .McHENRY, ILL. Sarah Shales of Wilmot; two brothers, Charles of Richmond and Earl of An- tioch. besides other relatives and I friends. She was a woman of many i noble traits of character, truly relig- | ious and a devoted wife and mother. 1 Funeral services were held on Thurs- 1 day, Feb. 10, in the Woodman hall, i Rev. John Ratcliff officiating, and who ' spoke comforting words. Mrs. Martha Bradley of this place and Sarah Jo- ! honnott of Richmond sang some fine 'selections. The Mystic Workers, of i which she was a member, came in a ; body to pay their last tribute to their sister and she was tenderly laid to rest beside her baby boy in Rihgwood eemetery. OSTHND Henry Hobart was a business caller *t the county seat Monday. Joe Harrer cut one of his feet quite badly while cutting dawn a tree last Friday. John Harrer of Wisconsin, a brother time of the year and certainly is good way to pass the long wintef evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Adams, who live a short distance from town, en tertained a party of friends and neigh bors at their home last Saturday evening, the occasion being Mr. Adam.-' namesday. A nunil>er of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. <;Wike Pit/.en on a recent evening to assist the latter in celebrating her birthday. The evening was passed at cards, after which refreshments were partaken <>f. The guests also left a number <-i pretty presents with the holtess. 'lhose present were: Messrs. and Mesdaines Joe May, Frank Miller, John Meyer. Fred Diethorn. Jacob R. Justen, John Miller, Jacob Miller and John Pit/.en. The event was thoroly enjoyed by all. Communications for this column are received by the editor almost weekly that the con-, r. i tr • * %a and it very often occurs of Mrs. Frank Kaiser, spent Monday ( - at the Kaiser home. . ""'s l" """"V 'iate" having all the wood!1"" • <"mmunKat'*'n was t&mimemtmta afalNHM Mr. Cooley is on the Martin farm, which he bought about two years ago, cut down and drawn away. E. G. Lincoln of Harvard drove over to the McHenry flour mill last week Wednesday and stopped over night with relatives here. Earl L. and Clifford J. Sherman sold a span of large gray horses to a Huntley man on "Monday last. Con sideration, $500.00. Two Minute Title Talks X. Little Flaws Block Big Deals THE TROUBLE in your title may be small, and still be fatal. One ! feels quite independent. sent in this week giving an account of a party, but the writer failed to say when same occurred and for this reason it was up to us to say that it was held recently. It also happens quite frequently that personal items are sent in without giving the names of places, For instance, an item will read "Mr.'Tom Jones passed Sunday as the jjfuest of John Smith." This is wrong, as the item should state where John Smith resides. If our contrib-Henry Hobart and Warren Francis . , . , co both sold their porkers to F. H. 1 ut°rs kindly bear this fact m mind Wattles and delivered them Friday, iwh^ wrt^ ,tems 11 W'H *ss,st us Feb- 11. at |7.40 per hundred, greatly and make their items the more We cloud is enough to eclipse all of the-sun. .is also improving and m It is the almost invisible flaw that sends the big diamond to proped up e .1 VOLO the junk heap. If there is but one cloud on y<Dur title it will cast its shadow Marketability is the first; Charles Sherman is now able to take 'nterest'nK «» »«" »» ™mplet» few steps alone unattended. He, appr«nate the manner in whah the His mother Pe°Ple of Johnsburg and vic«uty are able to be 'nterest'nK themselves in the Johns burg department and trust that their interest will grow as ^he weeks pass by- A The Dramatic club of the Mystic Workers' society of this place are re- Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was in .... r- town last Friday. and hinder the Side of your property. Marketabllltj IS the first j gjmon stoffel of McHenry w%8 in hearsing a home talent entertainment essential to real estate before it can claim any true value. And.town Thursday l^st. J^0 be given at the parish hall on Sun- the only way it can be handled in the market is after a satisfactory j Mrs. John Walton spent Wednesday Jday evening. Feb. 27. The entertain- ment will be given for the benefit suf 8t. John's C^thoJic churcb and those having charge of the event feel cer tain that it will be one of the best ever held at Johnsburg. The follow- showing by means of an abstract. If this has not been done pre- ^ Luak.s viously your deal must await the completion of this tedious work 1 --with the chance of being "queered" by one little flaw. McHenry County Abstract Co, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS O f f i c e r s * store Thursday to collect taxes. Miss Ella Moore was a Wauconda visitor on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Frapk Hironimus and Miss js the prp^ram: Emma Bacotn spent Mpnday- in Orchestra W 'EED "A .Successful Dairyman's Feed." Here is your chance to profit from over three years of thorough and careful experiments sad tests tha have been made on Mr. Arthur Meeker's "Arcady Farm" at Lake Forest, 111. Arcady Paify Feed for over two years has proved to be the best milk producer that could be fed to over 550 cows on the Arcady Farm. The cows get no other grain ration, and the herd averages 30 to 35 pounds of milk per day the year round, summer and winter. Many other big farms are using t h i s f e e d s u c c e s s f u l l y -- W H Y N O T Y O U ? We are specializing on Arcady Dairy Feed because what it has dbne for others it' surely can do for you. It is made from Malt Sprouts, Dried Brewers' Grains, Cottonseed Meal, Grains and Grain Products, Cane Molasses and Salt, specially treated to get maximum digestibility, bulky and extremely palatable. Arcady Dairy Feeds are sold on a quality basis only. They are not merely theoretical rations but successful, -practical, ready rations sold at reasonable prices. Be sure to come In and gel your trial order soon. Wilbur Lumber Co.,. West McHenry, Good Reasons Why You Should Buy and Use Gldredge Cwo Spool ROTARY SEWING MACHINE No Bobbins to Wind! With the ordinary machine it is necessary to spend a large part of each day's work in winding and changing bobbins. The average bobbin holds les£ than 50 yards of thread. The average spool holds 200 yards. Think of the time you save and the labor! You sew direct from two spools of thread. The lower spool fits in the spool case, which answers the purpose of a shuttle, while the other is placed on the spool pin, as usual. You will not be annoyed by the lower thread running out unexpectedly in the^middle of a seam. The amount of thread on the lower spool is indicated by the condition of the upper spool. . Q,Fhe automatic tension is a genuine time-saver. It produces a perfed Stitch, without ad justment, on all classes of work. It saves the time necessary in changing tensions on ordinr ary machines.' This innovation in sewing machines--this triumph of the Twentieth Onturj*--is unique ly simple. It is easy to understand and to operate and you will soon become proficient in its use. In easy running qualities--in the wide range of work possible and in the points of per fect sewing and durability, the Eldredge Two Spool is pre eminent. To see it, is to want it --to try it, is to buy it. N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENRY Solo, Characters Mr. Bhrks *....... Peter Freund, Jr. Mrs. Briggs . . .Susie Baei Bobbie, their SOB....Peter F. Freund Elder Peters Jos. J. Freumt Jim Duet, "I Love the Name <jf Dixie". . .Anna Oeffling and Barbara Smith Ferkel Peter Characters f. F. AXTELL, President L. R. MENTCH. V RMIL ARN0LP, See- Pres. G. L. MI RPHY, Treas*. go- I Mr. and Mvs. f. Crocker of Liber- i tyvilie spent 3unday with Lee Huson and family. Solo, "You'd Never Know Old Home Town" Richard Ouyser The Train Leaves in Minutes Character* Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings Alice Russell was on the sick list Gray Helen Diethorn last week. Dr. Byle of Round Lftke Fraflk, husband attended her. On Saturday evening, Feb. 1$, there will be a basket 'social held in the M. E, church. Everybody come and ladies bring baskets. .Jos. B. Hetternftann Petty, their child.. .Catherine Frwind Monologue, "Kelly's Dream" .Jos._,B. Hettermann Beat It Frau Miller. . . Lieschen .... Peter % Waldfrai* ... . Gvusel Solo, "Mother' Helen Kin£ .Catherine Freund . . .Alfred Debrecht . . . .Mamie Miehels . .. .John A. Miller . .. Miss Deua May Address .Dr. Arnoki Mueller Aunt Lucitxla Stays Characters Mr. Rocks J. C. Debrecht Mrs. Rocks Helen Hettermann Aunt Lucinda Susie Baer Uncle RastusJ,.. .Jos. B. Hettermann Comic Duet, "Love Sentence" .. .Jos. B. Hettermann, Susie Baer The Old Oaken Bucket" Richard Guyser Fun In a Restaurant Characters Peter F. Freund Alex Fred Diethorn Lolly Jos. B. Hettermann Clementena Anna Oeffling Seraphina Helen Diethorn .Mrs. Derfielii. Susie Freund Whiskers Lawrence Baer Bricks .Jacob A. Miller A general admission of 25 cents will be charged and the company is looking forward to a packed house. Seventh Card Party The seventh of the winter series of card parties, given by the Riverview camp, R. N. A., will take place at Weber's hall on Saturday evening, Feb. 19, with Mrs. John Niesen acting as hostess. Cards and dominoes for prizes. Usual admission. Everybody welcome. Illustrated Lecture On account of unforeseen circjlpr- >tances the illustrated lecture, which a as advertised to take place at Stof- fei's hall last Tuesday evening, wis postponed to Maudav evening of" next week. Feb. 21. at which time Arthur A. Burt, M. W. A. lecturer, will be at <toffel's hall with an illustrated leo ure on. Woodcraft. The lecture Is mven under the auspices of Valley amp. M. W. A.j Ot" this village the members extend an Lnv.tution te> everyone to be their guests on tfaift t evening. The lecture will be brosid and instructive and 'those who attend . will be given a treat. No admission charged. MM" '2^ < ••• 1- •&. Ray McAndrews, expert and paper hanging. When you get ready for that job of painting ear paper hanging give me a chance to figure on same. Phone 620-W-l* ^35 • < v ' s js; 4. . "M. r-v*- Ti