Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1916, p. 4

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l I ' * - S ' " " J ' * ' - * * ' ' * * " " * • - ' A ^ £ ^ 1 - * ~ i * £ • T g g " Mchenry" PiiAntDEAtEE, *MctnljniY, ii.iL' '"""*u ^"--S "}f " M* #"w'~ '" - •> • *' v i smH. f V - ' 1 ' 5 M%/ " i.-t ^V $>.- THE PRESIDENTS WEDDING Cttt- an example of dec­ orative art never equaled in the his tory of cake decorat­ ing--an example of deliciousness, light ness andwholesome ness that would be a pride to any house wife. It is / Another Testimonial for CALUMET BAKING POWDER This world-famous Wilson-Gait Wed ding Cake was made by Mrs. Marian Cole Fisher and Miss Pansy Bowen, both wellknown domestic science experts. CalumetBakingPow der was usedbecause both these experts use it exclusively in their work and know it is the purest, the safest, most whole some and econom ical to use. So do millions of housewives who use it everj' bakeday--so will you if you try it on the things hardest to bake. Send jour name aod address for free recipe and history of the Wedding Cake. Then bake one just like it yourself. Received Highest Awards World's Pure Food Expo­ sitions, Chicago and Pari* CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO. Chicago • For Highway Commissioner I hereby announce myself A c^ndi- (jftte^or the" office of highway com­ missioner for th<j town of McHenry and will be thankful for the support of the Voters at the coming town pri­ maries. Chas. W. Harrison. For Assessor 1 I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry and will be grateful for the support of the voters at the com­ ing town primary to be- held itn Sat­ urday, March 18. :W John W. Kimball. Kor Highway Commissioner 1 hereby' announce myself a candi­ date for the office of commissioner of highways for the town of McHenry and respectfully ask the support of the legal voters at the coming town caucus to be held on Saturday, Mar. ]S. Wm. B. Tonynn. For Constable 1 wish in this manner to announce myself a candidate for the office of constable for the precinct of Ring- wood, which became vacant recently, and will be thankful for the support of the legal voters of the town of Mc- Henrv at the coming caucus. W. H. Kelly. Town Caucus Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the town of McHenry that the annual town caucus will take place in the village hall, McHenry, 111., on Saturday, March 18, 1916, for the pur­ pose of nominating candidates for the various offices to be filled in the spring election. Offices to be vacant are town clerk, assessor, collector, one constable (to fill vacancy) and com­ missioner of highways. Polls will be open at 1 o'clock p. m., and close at f> o'clock p. m. Town Committee. •jr. ' . .Richard sons T ^ e l i a b l e *We offer the greatest values in Brussels,, Velvet and Ax* minster Rugs. jMl shown- on display racks. ?: :v Best Made in all Grades • r iKl&liHS wpy I**- :"£'.> Al Linoleums New and stylish patterns for you to selec't from. PLAIN, PR1NTF.1), lNI.AID N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Automobiles or Horse Drawn Vehicles ^ Phones: Office, Res. 89-M. WEST McHENRY, ILL TIE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Announcement I wish in this manner to extend my thanks for the support tendered me at the polls at the village primary and once more ask the voters of the vil­ lage of McHenry for their assistance at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 18. C. Holly. Auditors' Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of Auditors of the Town of Mc­ Henry, County of Mcftenry, State of Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office in West McHenry on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1916, at the h<>ur of 2 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to transact such business that may come before the meeting. Bills may be left with the supervisor or the uhder- signed. Dated this 15th day of March, A. D. 1916. Chas. B. Harmsen,, Town Clerk. in Bank Building Telepboae S8-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: i OM Y--I $1.53 Stat Month!, 75c ThrM Months, 4ftc * Thursday, March 16, 1916 For Village Clerk hereby announce my candidacy for the office of village clerk and will ap­ preciate the support of the voters at the coming spring election. 38-ttf W. G. Schreiner. m- All ad^ert-laem*utB Inn*i t*-ti uruler thin At tb® following r*te* Hive lltir-a or I«hm, 'J6 for first UlBortlOU, lb oeutB ful ***'!> 8Ub»«qUH«»t lUSvrtl&li. More than five linen, 6 criitii a llue fur tint Ui#*rU«)u, and 3 <MUUi * lln* for atUULiodl niH«rt»ou«. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West. McHenry State Bank. 19 FtTR SALE--(!ood driving horse. L. F. Pouse, West McHenry, III. Phone 638-M-l. 33-tf FOR SALE--A kitchen cook stove, al­ most. new. Mrs. Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. 4 39-tf FOR SALE--House and lot on east side of Fox river. All conveniences. Inquire of Al. Krause, McHenry, 111. GIRL WANTED--An experienced girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Stenger, West McHe#»ry, 111. 38 FOR SALE--Twenty choice Barred Rock pullets. Bred from prize win­ ners. L. E. Turner, Solon Mills, 111. FOR SALE--Team of horses-. One a mare, (5 years old; the other a horse, 9 years old. Louis Wrede, McHenry, 111. . 39-2t* McHENRY GUN CLUB Hold&t Annual • Target Shoot at Pis- takee Bay fc . For Collector t feel obliged, due to my condition, fairing been an invalid for many years flld in need of the financial earnings, to announce myself a candidate for tike office of collector and respectfully ask the legal voters of the town of MeHenry for their support at the coming town caucus to be held Satur- 4*7, March 18. Math. Miller. For Tax Collector I'hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of tax collector for tbe town of T'cHenry and will appre­ ciate the support of the legal voters at the annual town caucus to be held March 18. Thanking the voters for past favors, I am, Respectfully yours, John Niesen. .. For Town Clerk I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry and respectfully ask the support of the legal voters at the coming town primaries and elec­ tion. Respectfully yours, Chas. B. Harmsen. The McHenry Gun'club held its an­ nual target shoot at the Oak Park hotel club grounds last Sunday. The attendance was large and every­ one who participated in the event en­ joyed same to the fullest extent. We herewith give list of contestants and the scores made by each: W. F. Holtz, shot at 100 targets, broke 89 Fred Justen, shot at 100 targets, broke .83 M. L. Worts, shot at 100 targets, broke 70 Theo. Schiessle, shot at 75 targets, broke 41 I'red Weinschen.ker, shot at 100 tar­ gets, broke 60 Ed. Hayes, shot at 50 targets, broke 16 E. S. Brink, shot at 75 targets, broke 35 0. C. Boley, shot at 75 targets, broke .68 IVter Heimer, shot at 75 targets, broke 50 .loe Leickem, shot at 75 targets, broke 54 Jacob R. Justen, shot at 75 targets, broke 60 Stephen Heimer, shot at 50 targets, brotce 40 I'rank Freund, shot at 75 targets broke 59 Joe Th(?len, shot at 75 targets, broke 62 Jack Thiel, shot at 50 targets, broke 33 William Thiel, shot at 25 targets, broke 17 Stephen King, shot at 25 targets, broke 13 Jos. J. Mertes, shot at 35 targets, CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WANTED--A position on a farm by a young man raised on farm. Good milker. Address Plaindealer Office, Letter A. 39* FOR SALE--Six room stucco house. Barn with 2^ acres of land, near vil­ lage limits. L. F. Pouse, West Mc­ Henry, 111. 39-tf FOR SALE--Four Berkshire brood sows; one pedigreed boar. A. M. Schiller, West McH>nry, III. Phone fe03~J-2. 24-tf BBS I i , ^ t< J > FOR SALE--An extra large young work horse, with four of the best legs you ever saw. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 39-2t* FOR RENT--A five room cottage, sit­ uated at the north end of Park avenue, McHenry. Apply to Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, McHenry, 111. 38-lt*tf FOR SALE^-A six room modern house. Hot water heat, electric light and gas., Ideal location. Inquire of F. J. Karges, McHenry, 111. 37 FOR SALE--A quantity of Dusty Rural potatoes. Will deliver at $1.00 per bushel. E. G. Petersen, Johns- burg, 111. Phone 625-M-l. 38-tf FOR SALE--A limited amount of clover seed, first prize at, the grain show. Inquire of C. L. Page, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-J-l. 37-tf LOST--On road between Volo and Mc­ Henry, a light work harness. Finder will confer favor by notifying Frank Hironimus, Round Lake, 111. 39-ljt,, LOST--On road somewhere between Johnsburg and McHenry, a cushion tire. Kinder kindly notify Peter N. Freund, McHenry,'111. Route 3. 39-lt FOR SALE--Furniture, consisting of beds and springs, stands, wash stand, sideboard, chairs, feather beds, new stair carpet, small safe, etc. Goods to be found at the Searles house, occu­ pied by Mr. Caspers, McHenry, 111. 39 H i£s3'-; iV:', IR J>" < k {6*- - :Xi. • f&i ' • t c ^ v-' i..» There is ar Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful in­ gredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de­ rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper, i If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder in­ stead. You will be pleased with the results and th€ difference in the quality of the food DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES FOR SALE--A quantity of early 60- day oats, known as the Kershon vari­ ety. These oats yielded better than 90 bushels to the acre in 1915. Hill crest Stock farm, W. E. Whiting, Prop., West. McHenry, III. Phone 620-R-l. . 36-tf THERE'S MONEY IN POULTRY Whether vou are a fanner or n city man, you will find poultry raising profitable. There's al­ ways a demand for fresh eggs at good prices. Why not, start now and get in on this nioujpy- making IntsinessY We have just the kind of lumber, posts' and fencing you will need and any­ thing we know about hen houses is yours for the asking. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 TSI Easily Handleu Grant Six is the nfost tv-.ily handled six in the \v<nid. It is not only easy to "steer --easy riding--easy 1<> carr for---easy to btfy--but it is always easy on your jock- • book. Because Grant S i \ i s both light and ri.^lit , i i is easy on tires--easy on line, oils and repairs. Owners average over 20 miles to gallon of gas many gat as high as 28 miles. And C Irant Six st icks to tlie r<>;ul. No matter how much you plan to upend, sec the Grant Six. JOS. H. HUEMANN A<;F.NT JOHNSBURG, H.I.. SCHOOL NOTES Notice to GK0W MCKI.FS FOR C. F. CLADSSEN & SONS The Chicago Tribune of Dec. 31, 1915, says^ one boy at Orchard place cleared $370.00 from one acre'last season. CONTRACTS AND SEED AT f. A. Bolnder's WEST McHENRY, ILL. A N O T I I K R L O T of gold fish and globes will arrive this week. Fish, 10c to 75c; globes, 50c to $1.00. Bring pail for fish. :: :: E. V. McAllister West McHenry /f m -A GREAT HATCH MADE WITH A CYPHERS . . . INCUBATOR We are mow carrying a full line of CYPHERS INCV BATORS AND BROOD ERS. Also a full line of ready mixed Poultry Foods made of sound, sweet grains only. No weed seeds, by­ products or grit. Finely granulated. Ask for free printed matter. SOLE LOCAL AGENTS Dona vin &Reihansperger Wejft McHenry The Promise of Spring It's in the air and many things are (imely. For example let us mig- it _the work of Wiring Your House FOR Electric Service Pertaining to Our Rdurational ition FOR SALE--Holstein and Durham heifers, some with first calf, some have second calf, some coming in aoon; also some cows with calves and some springers, at reasonable price*. Inquire of Mike Pitzen, (Jeo. J. Sayer farm, Pistakee Bay. Phone 616-M-l. broke 34 Chas. J. Mertes, shot at 10 targets, broke ..6 Nick Miller, shot • at 2f> targets, ; broke 19 'dOHVdttStioD Joj s[[ij Xuiuej B,n«H L -6»s(Sanja Piog •oiqo 'opaiox ' OO ^ A3N3HD r 'A -irB|uoui|isa> puk Bjnqnajp jo; pu»g sano O} en«J 3jn^ qjauiBO s.u^H 30-63 AUB JOJ pdJJAJO S| UJBnOQ pajpunH auO majsXg am jo BJD\»jang enoonjq sqj uo pooia dm nam pu« AlpmJ3)U| Bl 'XpauidJ iBuonnj • l)8ao3 * «| 'owo "opaiox "oo ^ Aauaqo f 'A paanjoBjRUBUi 'aano mjjbjbo 'JUAUNBAJI iBuonn^nsuoo sej|nb -aj ejojaaam pun sucrinpuoj ieuo|)n)|)i -uoo Xq paauanuui XUB3jS>'ased8)p ibooj b B| qjjB)i30 aiqBjnoui peounouoad •juatujBdjj i«oo[ miM iiJiu o) Xi -jUBjauooXq pu« u.>)pauiaa leaoi paqtaas -aid saojDoa aiq^jnaui a'q oj pasod -dtis SBAV il BJBSX JO; PUB 'JAQ)a^o) jnd sasBasip aamo HB UBHJ AJJUOOD am jo aonsas sim u| i(jjB}B3 aaoui B) ajaqx Get Chi-namel varnish at McAllis­ ter's. I tem* Are the senior^ )^oing to phTy Mac beth ? Vinton is training t>* be a public orator. Tie rings instead of class rings are now the style. Sophomore in zool^y: "A beetle looks like a hug." Teacher: "Where is Quebec?" Senior: "In France." The worC on the first annual for M. H. S. is progressing. The shorthand class will soon be arrested for "speeding." Beware of the Virgil class. They have b^?n learning a thing or two about boxing lately. The physics tdass witnessed the beautiful effects of an electrified Geissler tube Tuesday. Current events were discussed by Mary Conway, Annld' Wrede, Vinton Thompson and Floyd Cooley. Paul, in English: "The Ancient Mariner had a 'spell,' that's why he told the story to the wedding guests." The Girls' Glee club is preparing muRic for the institute, which will be held at Crystal Lake the last week in March. The seventh and eighth grades wish to thank the boaTd of education for the useful and welcome set of encyclo- pedias, "The Standard Reference Works," received March 10. The members of the basket ball squAl attended the Woodstock-Hunt- We're In the market to do it-- cheaply and without inconven­ ience to the occtfpants. PUBLIC SERVICE (0. of Northern Illinois CtRTWMl OURS Are you not of ton "caught" when company- comes in? You won't be if you have ON HAND some of our delicious CANNED SOUPS, You caiv serve them in three minutes. Think of the WORRY this will save you I Besides they COST LESS than the things you use in mak­ ing soup. CANNED SOUPS WHL SAVE YOU TIME WORRY AND MONEY. Give US your grocery trade. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry \\fye Are Not At War But we do love to make lots of noise about our choice line of staple and fancy Groceries, as well as Canned Goods and Fruits. Not only do we take great pride in our select stock, but we also delight in telling you of our prompt and careful service. A phone call will bring your order to your very door. Try it. M. Niesen M<-Henry Phone 84-W DR. F. J . AICHER 4JKNTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Btdg. Centervllle McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 71-W ley game at Woodstock Monday night. The elimination of Huntley by Wood- Stock gives McHenry the undisputed title of "County basket -hall cham­ pions." Sounds pretty g$od. doesn't it?* . Expert welding done at Stilling'a garage. Bring in your broken ma­ chine {>arts and have them welded. All work guaranteed. Delighted With the Pie You can please .your men folks by using EARf>Y RIS­ ER flour" for the baking. It makes so much better crusts than other flour that you will be delighted. All Hour is made from wheat in a mill but the difference in wheat and milling is what gives superi­ ority to Early Riser Hour. Order a trial s^ick today. WEST N'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS Yes We Bake Cakes "find they are of the sort that you will like. When ' you buy one of our cakes you have the assurance that it is 100 per cent nutritious. Our wagon/ is ever in service.. Just call us up and tell ,us what you want and we ^ will make prompt deliv eries right to your very > dorir. .: :: A\ SATURDAY SPECIALS Marsh mallow Cakes Coffee Cakes THE N'HENRY BAKERY A. I/allinger, Prop. 'Phone 194-R Wall Paper Spring House Cleaning is not far off and per h a p s s o m e o f y o u r rooms need new paper. Now is a good time to make your selection here, as we carry a pretty good assortment io stock, besides sam­ ple books from whicli you can order. Johrv Stoffel SfRING AND SUMMER SAMPLES 1 have just received my line of spring and sum mer samples and 1 take great pride in saying that they are tbe finest ever shown in McHen­ ry. Two thousantl in number and no two alike give the dressy young man a selection never before <'<|UuUeiT in McHenry. :: 2-Plece Easier Suits $16.50 and up Place your'order now so as to have your apring toga for F.arfter J. D. LODTZ Office In SpauldiuK Hltltr- Phone No. 7J-K \ ALFORD H. POUSE Werft McHenry, - - III. Office Hour* 9:M to I:M t<> 4:M p . m. 7:M to tt.-Mt p. m. Telephone* Office 17 Keaidenr* SI - W A. I. FROEHLICH Phyaician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over McAllister'* WEST McHENRY PLUMBING AND HEATING BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPKBCKR Telephone N6. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best.companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. iV' t* £ " j \ 2

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