Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1916, p. 5

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mz ,.:' • '• >. v., -y -T .ry <v... • ' .• , ,_ - v •. ' • , ,-;.',.•«#?:?•• • •' r-' •"• % , '.. ~ ?••'•: " :>'-•' d- *HB McHENRT mAINDmER, SfcHCNKY, IMS. ; \s&~.; *»';' ^' . '.:>• V.'\VV^r*;"'*?• '£ ;^\>1S^;!'; -V'.::;;:-• •'> i:':^-?--'^) ">•'••.-#VJ. :'-r;, ;>:.t £f> -•>•<":,*•.•? • ,y • PRIDE PROFIT A druggist who takes pride in his pro­ fession will always consider quality be- j. fore profit. Professional pride causes us to stand back of every article sold over our counters and to refund the price of anything which proves unsatisfactory. Ma>T we have your drug trade under these conditions? N. H. Petesch DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W •"• >-'-•• ' • • • -T..T.i . • > .f» *• V • . ' «, VI ' v.'_ . .. 2. - /•;• 4 ft NEIGHBORING NE JVS AS CHRONICLED BY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS f 4 /\rrivted Las^t Week Hats and Caps for Spring Buy yours early and have first pick of the lot.: Shoes are also here. Good, sound shoes for work or dress. Those who pot their shoes here last year know they are worth the price. Oth­ ers can find out by getting them here this year. :: :: :: Smith Bros. 'Phone 79-J McHenry; III. .HOUSE ( TIME. • • Is near at hand and every housewife will find that new things are needed to keep the home comfortable and cozy. Probably a rug or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be­ come shabby and worn out, draperies need replacing, or a piece or two of furniture might add to the attractiteness and comfort of yojn^ home. This will mean a visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked up in all lines and extend to you an invitation to visit our place, look over our carefully se­ lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods are displayed in a mftnner that makes selection an easy task and our prices are in conformity with yonr pocket book. .Jacob Justen... RIDGEF1ELD j. H. Slater was a Cary passenger Monday. Miss Elsie Wille was a Woodstock caller Monday. J. Oakroot was a Crystal Ljfcke j caller Saturday Miss Ella Mollohan was an Elgin I visitor Saturday. ! P- S. Thomas was a business caller (at Elgin Monday. I Miss Martha Armson is visiting ; relatives in Chicago. E. Letsler of Woodstock was a ' caller here Sunday. i B. F. Peck was a Chicago passen­ ger Monday morning. Mrs. Alfred Anners was shopping : at Crystal Lake Saturday. 1 Geo. Johnson was a Woodstock caller Sunday afternoon. ! M rs. Anna Mollohan spent Monday | afternoon at Crystal Lake, i E. E. Knilans and F. W. Hartman ; spent Saturday at Woodstock. ] Emi! Berlin and Geo. Johnson were j Crystal Lake callers Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wtlle were | Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. | Mrs. Walter Reed visited with her mother fet Barrington Friday last: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Smith visited i with relatives in Chicago Saturday. < P. S. Thomas and R. Knilans were ! Woodstock passengers Wednesday.' ! H. N. Cooper transacted business in the windy city Friday and Saturday. ' W. H. Levey and A. Martini were Crystal Lake business caliers Satur­ day. ' Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, spent ithe week end with relatives at Wood- 'stock. I (ieo. Wheeler spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Wheeler at the Woodstock ' hospital. | Mrs. Byron Waterman a^d children | of Woodstock visited her parents here Sunday. j Miss Hallie Barber of •Chicago is the guest of Miss Genevieve Goddard this week. Mrs. Frank Reed spent the latter ! part of the week with her parents in Elgin. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited in Chicago* j Thursday with her daughter. Mrs. | Blanche Conerty. I Miss Lura Davis of Austin visited i Tuesday at the home of her grand­ father, J. C. Button. j Mr. Sullivan of Marengo visited (with his daughter, Mrs. D. Fitzgerald, ! the first of the week- I Mr. and Mrs. W. S- Jayne of j Woodstock were business callers here , the first of the week. ! Mesdames Carrie Johnson, A. Mar­ tini and Rushton spent Wednesday of ilast week at Woodstock. Mrs. R. L. Dufield, Mrs. Wm. Reed :and Mrs. Leroy Skinner were Wood­ stock choppers Monday. I Mesdames Joe Coates, A. Anners, ; E. Smith and F. Morris were Wood- j stock passengers Friday. | A. H. Skinner, D. L. Gibson, A. G. ' Levey and C. Anderson were at Wood- ' stock on business Monday. j Mrs. Wm. Reed returned home S^t- ! urday after a year spent with fter ' son and family in California. | Mr. and Mrs, U M. Gqddfrrd of ! Woodstock took dinner with the for- : pier's mother and sister Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Schuenemann and son, Ralph, of Crystal Lake and Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of John P. Lay. Bernard Litgehans and Anthony Sondern of St. Charles, Mo., are vis­ iting among relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs and children of McHenry spent Sunday as the guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Rauen and children of, Spring Grove were Sun­ day guests of Johnsburg relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner and children of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of Wm. Althoff. Mrs. John E. Freund of McHenry was a recent day guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen of Mc­ Henry passed a day last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem of Wau- conda were entertained in the home of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Sunday. M rs. Barbara Smith is spending a few days as the guest sof her daugh­ ters, Mesdames August Huff and Al. Pepping, at Spring Grove. John Mertes and Wm. E. Smith of Ringwooti passed the latter part of last week in Chicago, Where the latter, selected the mill work for a new home that he will erect at Ringwooti this spring. Mr. Mertes has been award­ ed* the contract for the building of same. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thelen entertained a company of relatives.and friends at their home here on Friday evening of last week, the occasion being given in honor of St. Patrick. Cards fur­ nished the amusement for a few hours, after which refreshments were served. Everyone present had a fine time. Rumor has it that Ben Sohaefer contemplates the opening of a meat market in the George Wirfs building here. Mr. Schaefer worked at the meat business in Chicago for several years past, but on account of ill health he left that city early last fall, since which time he has made his home in, the Mrs. Britz house north of Johns- burg. i Nearly all of the voters of Johns- burg and the immediate vicinity were at McHenry last Saturday afternoon to cast their ballots at the annual town primary. The candidates for the various offices, especially highway commissioners and collectors, had made a thoro canvass here, which probably accounts for the big turn­ out from Johnsburg. In a letter to The Plaindealer John A. Bugner, a former Johnsburg boy, but now a resident of Alvado, O., writes as follows: "We have nice weather here now after having passed a mild winter. However, this makes it bad for winter wheat. There will not be much of a wheat crop this year, as the farmers thruout this section failed to get as much of it sowed as they intended to, and most of the wheat that was sown has been washed out. 4 I hpve only seen four good fields of wheat around here. 1 believe that there will be lots of wheat fields sown to oats this spring. Hog cholera was quite bad around here last fall. My neighbor lost twenty one nice porkers, altho 1 did not lose any. In spite of the wet summer of USE-- Your Home Bank BANK OF RINGWOOD We aim to provide every reasonable accommodation that SAFE banking warrants. Open an account with us and pay all bills by check, which provides a perfect receipt for puyments. We will pay usual interest on TIME DEPOSITS. The Hoy Banking Co. H. F. WHARTON, Cashier THE Hoy Banking Co. BANK OF McHENRY EVERY PERSON needs strong banking connections. We think we can offer you the BEST SERVICE for the reason that we have exceptionally strong Financial Connections and Affiliations enabling us to care for any character of your business in the most satisfactory manner. CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President J) jff' ';^$l i EH Mr. and Mrs. G. Sylla and niece and i last year, the crops were good and the Mr. and Mrs. W. Briggs of Elgin were very pleasantly entertained ip tho home of Mrs. Anna Mollohan and daughter Sunday afternoon. Church Notes D. V. Blayney's theme Sunday morn­ ing, "Consider the Lilies," seeiTlod especially adapted to the beautiful day, The topic forfcC. E. Sunday evening, March 26, will be "Great Home Mis­ sionaries." Luke 10:1-20. Robert Knilans, leader. There was an attendance of sixty-: two at church Sunday morning and forty*five tit the young people's meet­ ing ifc the evening, who enjoyed the j special music and songs. This coming Sunday ends the Sun­ day school contest between th® Iteds land Blues and it is especially request- j ed that wbo can will be present. | The winning side is. to be entertained i by the losing side. j The young men of Th« Helpers en­ tertained the young Mips at a 8t. I Patrick's party on Friday evening, the church parlors being very tastily I decorated in green to suit the acca- 'sion. Numerous stunts were in- jdulged in up to a late hour, when the , ladies weik escorted into the west | parlor, where a table awaited' them j laden with goodies, and where sham­ rocks were the chief decoration and a three course midnight luncheon was Two Minute Title Talks XV. ' The 'Inundation Rock of Title Security THE SYSTEM of title assurance in America is based upon two fa<ftors; (1) Intelligent search, and (2) Expert legal talent. The resultant-of these two factors is TITLE SECURITY-- the foundation rock upon which national commerce is built. The first step is an inquiry into FACTS (the record and outside "circumstances making up the history of the title), while the second step is the LEGAL CONCLUSION flowing out pf such facts. Both steps must be firni and true. An error ip ejtj^f is fatal. WJiat evidence fiave ypy of the of your own titles? - 1 .* • . A t rk * c\ • I ^I i s ses Dena a^d Isahelle Tonyan McHenry l^oiinty Abstract GiO, mngwood were guests of r^ves here last week. Mrs. Jps. Herrmann spent a few days last week as the guest of rela­ tives at Spring Grove. Miss Barbara Althoff is spending a few days as a guest in ths bopr\e pf her brother at Dundee. Mr, Mrs; Peter Freund pf farmers here were kept busy the greater part of the winter in husking corn." "RINGWOQD George Colby af McHenry was in town Monday- W. E. Smith spent the last of the w$ek in Chicago. H. W. Allen afld wife went to Chi­ cago Wednesday for a short visit Harold Stevens of Elgin was a week end guest of his uncle, N. D. Stevens. Fred Allen of Chicago was a week end guest in the Thomas Wa\kington home. Mrs. Antcliflf of Richmond spent Monday, with \\ei daughter, Mrs. Clay Rager. J. D. Smith and Mrs. Nellie (Vodge are quite sick, also littl^ Helen Peet and Sibria Whining. The next Sunday evening meeting wiU held at the home of Mrs. E|n- fna grown March 2iG. Henry Stephenson and wife attend­ ed the Eastern Star meeting at Mc­ Henry Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Will Brown and son, Leonard, passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at McHenry. Miss Arline Harrison of McHenry* passed Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the C. C. Harrison home. Frank Bell of Ong, Neb., who spent part of la£t week with his mother and i served by Mesdames Mollohan and ; brothers, left •for 'his home Monday. 'Peterson. Much merriment was caused | Mrs. Myrtle Harrison was pleas- ' by the reading*of jokes fitting for the:antly surprised last Thursday by her 'occasion. Here's hoping the young]"e'ShbLors «md rel^iy^ *he 'men will soon find another occasion toil>e,n,? her bir1jh^ayr [entertain the young ladies for they I The W. p. y, will meet with are certainly royal entertainers. jqHNSBl^G John Karls ?f Spriryj G^v* was • caller ^ towfl lftst Sunday. Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove passed thru this place one day last week. W'QODSTQCK, IIXINQIS O f f i c e r s - - - - -- -- t- ^ f . p. AXTFJX, President L. E. MENTCH. V- Pf®* ~ EMIL ARNOLP, S*c q. ^ aumPHY. Treat,. Mys. £or$ Flanders Saturday after- nopn of this week. Topic, "Birth of Prohibition." Leader, Mrs. Florence Smith. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will have a^ dinner and ap>roft sale next Thursday, March 3^ ^ the home Mrs. Rilla are cordially mvitf4-t t'larervce Hppppr and wife were callers at the home of Mrs. Hopper's parents near Genoa Junction, Wednes­ day evening of last w^^. They ex­ pect to begin housekeeping this week. M$sdapies Libbre Allen and Luella JStephenson and Miss Agnes Dodge at­ tended the Social Wheel meeting at Mrs. Anna Byrd's last Saturday, AU RELIANCE A 7'Jmwml, Thin Modmi Wmteh ---and now Ingersoll is turning out a 7-jewel, very, very thin model watch for $3. We have them hew lor you to look at; and they're inter­ esting enough to look att even if you haven't the least idea you need • a watch. The price U ** T UST PRESS THE PEDAL and the motor does the rest. It eliminates all work from sewing. It does away with back­ aches and that draggy, tired feeling. It occupies only a small amount of space and is conveniently used on any table or stand. When not in use it may be placed out of the way in an ad­ joining room or closet. Electricity applied to household duties and domestic science lessens work and increases health and happiness. Manufactured by the National Sewing Machine Co. Come in and see it N. A. HUEMANN West McHenry, Illinois present enjoyed" the meeting very much. Resolutions of Sympathy , The following resolution was adopt­ ed by the M. W. W. camp, No. 805, Ringwood, 111.: Whereas, It having pleased Almighty God to remove our esteemed member, Mrs. Emma Ander­ son, from our midst, therefore we, the members of M. W. W camp, No. 305, Ringwood, extend our heartfelt sym­ pathy to the bereaved family of the deceased. Resolution Com. TERRA COTTA J. M. Phalin was a recent visitor in Chicago, J. H. Gracy was a Chicago visitor one day last week, Phil Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Alice Lounsbury was a Crystal Lake caller Monday evening. 9 John Hart and Miss Eleanor Phalin were Chicago visitors Saturday. Louis Anderson was the guest of McHenry friends Friday evening. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Fran­ ces, were Elgin visitors Saturday. George P. Bay was a business caller at Crystal Lake one evening last week. Mrs. Tim McGarry of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with her niece, Mrs. Ray L. Cox. Martin Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, spent Sunday at the home of hia niece, Mrs. J. M. Phalin. John Hart of Cleveland, Ohio, has been a guest of Miss Eleanor Phalin for the past veek. Mrs, Henry McMillan and Mrs. Frank McMillan were business vis­ itors at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Earl McMillan of Crystft) Lake visited relatives and friends here last Thursday night and Fv&ay. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, lV^)dr«d, of West McHenry were Sunday guests at J. M. Phalan^. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. »• tbey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is & local greatly in­ fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an int«rua,V remedy. Hall's Ca­ tarrh Cur« ia taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur­ faces of the systeq^. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the bi st blood purifiers. 'Thp perfect com­ bination of ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in oacarrhal condi­ tions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Props., Toledo, <X All Druggists. 75c. Oatl'a FArnUy PUIa tor constipation. New Telephone Book Is Ready for Press v Arrange now for new listings or for any changes desired in pres­ ent listings. Persons who contemplate subscribing for service should order the telephone installed at once in order to have their names appear in the new directorv. Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9903 PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COilMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dre«sed Beef, rtutton, Hoft, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Efffs This Is the oldept house on the street Tegs end prtoe list* tarnished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE Wholesale* Markat. " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. rm

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