S A 11 • "*" sl--~ • ' ••• -••'•i-<- ••' -•-*• •' '•»-c (r*»sr:5f -Vr^rT™"• -r ••:•;' • THE MoWBNR* rm >'-, v , '•• ..<: , , • • , ,•• - | « . .1 •jifaa '•y~^ %:-: *m. S-O-M-E Doughnut! Any time you want real goodies use Calumet Baking Fowder! My mother uses she's tried all others --she' learned her lesson -- now t sticks to Calumet. " Unequalled for makm tender, wholesome, light buk Ings. Wonderful leavening and raising qualities--unito results. Mother say^ Calumet U ibt. Ui&rt CCODOifiiCil lo Luif -- Oiu«C CiszDical lo ufcc. Try ii *< « F^c«.Uti lliwhsst A u g . Jo DATE A pru 24 lay pjMt ¥ m ANNUAL REPORT Made By the TowsKip Treasurer, Stephen II. l'Veuud STATE OF ILLINOIS i Oonnty of McHftiry \ Town of McElenry. lit by Stephttn H. The following Is it st V'reOnd of the Town of McHuary lu the Oouu- ty and State aforusuld. of the amount of pub lic funds rocolvod uud uxpi ndud by him dur- iu»r the ttscttl-voar just, olosed. ending on tliu 2. 'Ui day of March. 1916. showing the amount of public funds (in hand at the commence uient of said fiscal year, tl«e amount or public funds received aud from what sources received, the amount of public fuuds expended and for wiiat purpose expended, dnriui; said tiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said Stephen U. Frenud, being duly sworn, dot h depose aud say, that the follow lii); statement b_v him subscribed Is a correct statement of the amount of public fuuds on tiarid at the commencement or the fiscal year kbove stated, the amount of public funds re ceived and the sources from which received aud the amount expended, aud purchases for which expended, as set forth In said state ment. STEVHKN H. FRKOND Subscribed and sworn to before ma, this 2?th day of March, 1910. I. W. UiUBiLL, Justice of the Peace. FDNDS KKCEIVKD AND FROM WHAT .SOURCES RECEIVED Amouut of public funds on haud sit t he commencement of the liscal year commenc ing the JOth day of March, 1915 . ...ITtUOW Keceived from bridge plank sold lOti.JO Kec'd fro in county lie its. , de linquent 1271.01 Kec'u from towu collector.. . 5W13.50 Hee d from couuty commit tee. Johnsburg bridge . . . . 10.10 $1494190 rDNDB EXPENDED AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE EXPENDED AMT tiaiion Irou works, culverts. . $181.60 Ualion Iron works, culverts . . 117.96 John H. Freund, grading 10.00 £.. Schroder, road work 'Jo.00 \V McCannou, grading 10.00 - ;«.32 -7.50 J5.00 S.00 s.00 153.23 4(1.21 2.47 18.00 24 00 r. ,7'0 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I u ne 26 Cheap and big can Baking Powders do not •v# you money. Calumet does--it'sPure far superior to sour milk and soda. TIE N'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Offica in Bank Building Telephone W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oaa Year 91s Month*, He .1 i l ly 31 .. .. ,.$1.S# Three Months, Thursday, March 30, 1916 For Village Clerk I hereby announce my candidacy for tha olfice of village clerk and will ap preciate the support of the voters at the coming spring,'election. 38-rf W. G. Schreiner. To the Voters of the Township I herewith wish to thank you for tha support you gave me at the town ship primaries for tax collector and again beg your support at the elec tion April 4, 1916. Mathias Miller. Announcement I wish in this manner to extend my thanks for the support tendered me at the polls at the village primary and once more ask the voters of the vil lage of McHenry for their assistance at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 18. J. C. Holly. To the Voters I with to state thru the columns of the McHenry Plaindealer that I did not intend to come out in the pri maries because there were not any petitions filed for the different offices, but I will come up by petition and would appreciate very much your sup port at the village elections April 18, 1916. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Respectfully yours, Wm. G. Schreiner. ""SI- SL • MB: Annual Town Meeting and Election Notice is hereby given to the legal voters, residents of the Town of Mc Henry, County of McHenry, Illinois that the annual Town Meeting and Election of officers of said Town will take place Tuesday, the 4th day of April, proximo, being the first Tues day in said month. The election will be held at the following place:;: First election district, Woodman hall, King wood, 111.; second election district, vil lage hall, McHenry, 111. The officers to be elected are: One town clerk, one assessor, one collector, one commis sioner of highways and one constable to fill vacancy. Also to vote on the following propositions: "Shall this Township become Anti-saloon Terri tory?" and "For or against" abolish ing the Poll Tax (cash system). Polls Will be open at 7 o'clock a. m. and close at 5 o'clock p. m. of the same day- Given under my hand this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1916. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. Notice Owing to the illness of Editor Schreiner, I will' make no reply tfee publicity given me in last week Plaindealer until April 6, 1916. " Respectfully, Simon S toff el. ti }/*7- • ,» .Souvenirs will be given away at the Spring opening of Miss Thelen's mil April 1. K F. Freund,grading M.J. Freund, grading Toe Smith, grading Theo. Olson, tiling . . James Boyle. roaJ work titiliou Iron works, culverts Watson Luiubrr Co.. ceineul John Bovle, freight Wntson Lumber Co , cemeut C. W. H nrrisoii, road work . . . A. Lawrence, cement work.. . 1' . F Freund, grading B OO K. C Uarrisi/n, road nurk. . . . 07.50 Joet ' tuith, road work 1M.00 V. F. Freund, grading 21.80 i , . Pehroder, road work 101.50 M. J. Freund, graveling 45.00 Austin-Western Road Co., grader 129.36 Ualion Iron works, grader 175.00 J. H Stilling, raking stones.. 2.00 Geo. Meyers, grading til .OO Faul Meyers, grading. 4.00 Village of Mr Henry, sewer 1.88 A.N. Miller, graveling 39.90 .Joe Freund, smithing.. . 9.50 John F. Freund, graveling 13.5U S. H. Freund, freight 5.64 James Boyle, road work 10.00 W. F-. Smith, gravel 7.20 J. P. Stanton, grader blade 5.00 H. VY. Allen, grading 125.65 W. L'. Dueusing, mad work . . . 5.00 Joe Smit h. gradiug 6.00 A. Lawrence, mason work 20.05 M. Hallsirom. gravel . 1.80 P. F. Freund. grading 80.00 Wilbur Lumber Co., Ibr & tile »>.03 L.Schroder, grading 89.00 R. C. Harrison, grading 62.50 M. J. F reund, road work J7.05 Fllker Bros. Mfg. Co., culverts l£!.tif> P. Smith, grading J2.50 John Smith, grading ;t2.60 Jacob H Adams, road work.. . 9.00 Wilbur Lumber Co., culverts. . 29.83 Bowman Dairy Co., cinders . . . 4.80 H. W. Allen, road work 9.10 F. O. Barnard, gravel :i7.40 Herb Reed, grading 155.35 H. M. Stephenson, gravei . 6.00 L. Schroder, graveling 74.25 Joe Smith, grading 12.SO Peter Smith, road work -">.00 R. C. Harrison, graveling ;il .50 John Miller, smithing 2.00 W. F. Bassett, road work 31.75 Peter Adams, mason work 15.24 H W. Hanson, cutting brush 8 00 John Smith, grading 5.00 H. J Butler, road work 2.00 Quinn Bros., cleaning McHen ry brid «r Watson Lumber Co., cement. Jge. Peter Britz, graveling tSOIi P. F. Freund, grading. 5.00 18.00 16.70 45.00 23.10 2 00 3 28 3.75 2.00 22.93 98.00 All ww1» < Hm li«a<i *1 th* following Ntv Un«ti or l«M, V* cwnlf for (lrv( ill <*mt« for «»<-h InMitina* More than fW* Hkhh, k i-mhU * Uh« for flr«t liuM»rtlon, *ud line f«>r fctltllMoitl ln»«t'M<vnn. fcMRMH l olt SAI.IC Inquire of C. YV. Mltttiger, Whs!. Mollemy Stat« Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Good driving horsed L. F. Pouse, West McHenry, 111. Phone $38-M-l. 33-tf FOR SALE--Jackson automobile. $125 or best offer. Ben Schoewer, West McHenry, 111. Box 94. 41* FOR SALE--Pure bred Poland China boar, nine months old. Inquire of Wm. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. R. 3. FOR SALE--House and lot on east side of Fox river. All conveniences. Inquire of Al. Krause, McHenry, 111. LOST--First of week, a bunch of keys. Will finder please leave at Hoy's bank, McHenry? Fred Powers. FOR SALE--Twenty choice Barred Rock pullets. . Bred from prize win ners. L. E. Turner, Solon Mills, 111. FOR SALE--A lipht milk wagon. Will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. S. J. Deinlein, Mcllenry, 111. 40 FOR SALE--Six room stucco housfe. Barn with 2 Vfe acres of land, near vil lage limits. L. F. Pouse, West Mc Henry, 111. 39-tf FOR SALE--Good, clean clover seed. Won the prize at last year's McHenry county fair. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. 40 FOR RENT--The Wm. Davis prop erty, West McHenry. Inquire of John Boyle, West McHenry, 111. Phone 638-J-l. 41-tf YOUNG man with mechanical ability wishes position in a garage in town or vicinity. Joseph Escher, West McHenyr, 111. Box 94 41* FOR SALE--A quantity of Dusty Rural potatoes. Will deliver at $1.00 per bushel. E. G. Petersen, Johns burg, 111. Phone 625-M-l. 38-tf WANTED--A working housekeeper and also an all round man t(^ work on farm. Inquire of M. J. Pitzen, Pt§- takee Bay, 111. Phone 72-R. 41-lt FOR SALE--A limited amount of clover seed, first prize at the grain show. Inquire of C. L. Page, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-J-l. 37-tf FOR SALE--Hall tree, dining room table, bed and springs, chairs, settees, whatnots, feather beds. May be seen at Searles house, occupied by Mr. Caspers, McHenry, 111. 41-tf WANTED--Men who desire to earn over $125 per month. Write us to day for position as salesman; every opportunity for advancement. Cen tral Petroleum Co., Cleveland, O. 41 M. J Freund. graveling C. C. Harrison, road work . . . ug. 2fc Austin-Western Road Machin ery Co., repairs Joe Freund, smithing James Boyle, cutting willows. M. J. Freund, giaveliug Frank Freund, putting spiles In river Peter Adams, road work 3.75 L. Schroder, graveling 108.25 Jacob Adams, road work 16.90 P. F. Freund, bridge work 23.75 C. Ailendorf, cutting willows . 2.00 Geo Lay, road work.. . 1.75 ept. 7 Theo. Schiessle, office rent 80.00 Gallon Mfg, Co., grade repairs 9.22 Jas. L. Conway, 24 days 48.00 John A. Miller, 43 days 86 00 John Boyle, 41 days 82.00 L. Schrodar, graveling 51.43 C.E.Sherburne, gravel 2 25 Continental Bridge Co, grader blade . ti 00 F L McOinber, hardware.. . . 4.10 c. W Harrison, road work e.OO Jos. May. smithing. 1.36 L. Schroder, grading 7.50 • John A. Miller, overseer Johns- | FOR SALE--R. I. Red and S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Will duplicate all that do not hatch. From good, healthy stock. E. G. Petersonr Johnsburg, 111. Phone 625-M-l. 41-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of early 60- day oats, known as the Kershon vari ety. These oats yielded better than 90 bushels to the acre in 1915. Hill- crest Stock farm, W. E. Whiting, Prop., West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-R-l. 36-tf FOR SALE--Holstein and Durham heifers, some with first calf, some have second calf, some coming in soon; also some cows with calves and some springers, at reasonable price** Inquire of Mike Pitzen, Geo. J. Sayer farm, Pistakee Bay. Phone 616-M-l. burg bridge Continental Bridge Co., part 20,00 contract 279.96 U. W York, freight on lumber 3^9.21 t». W. York, to bat on lumber 411.74 McHenry Plaindealer, ad . . .80 John Oeffling, sawing off spiles 40 00 pt 25 Peter Nlesen, gravel 20.85 P. Freund. graveling 108.65 Bradley & Foss, merchandise 2.26 S. W. Brown, merchandise 1.26 L. Schroder, graveling 53.00 R. C. Harrison, road work 27.00 M. J. Freund, road work 9.25 Watson Lumber Co., cement . 22.75 M. N. Freund, gravel. 9.30 Joe Smith, road work 43 00 Jacob Adams,Iroad work . . . . 6.00 John Smith, grading, graveling 114.28 Peter Smith, grading, gravel ing and road work . . 84.75 John N. Freund,graveling and gravel . I06.JS8 ft rfO Gus Peterson, pulling stumps 7.00 M. Hallstrom, gravel. 3,00 John Mertes, gravel 20.80 P. F Freund, grading 30 00 >V 111 Thlel. bridge work 1.50 Jacob Adams, bridge work 2 50 Wilbur Lumber Co., culverts 16 .00 W. F.. Smith, gravel a.00 Jacob R. Justen, road work 116.10 L. Schroder, road work 33.50 J. W. Davis, cutting brush 4.00 Peter Smith, graveling uud grading 133.00 John Smith, graveling and grading ;i5.io John bmith, graveling and grading r> 00 > J . B. Heitennann, smith h.OO L. Schroder, graveling 45.90 Mrs, J. H. Justen, gravei 2 10 Nov. 27 L. Schroder, road work 31 26 H. Freund, gravel In full da 02 P. F. Freund, graveling aod grading . . i«8.20 l>ec. is Dec. 24 1916 Jan. 28 Ger vVegener, gravel John Klein, bridge work Jacob M, Freund, graveling and gravel K. C. Barnard, gravei Herb Reed, graveling Johu Smith, graveling aud grading . . . , Frank Wattles, gravel . . . John Mertes, gravel Nick Miller, shoveling gravel. Steve King, shoveling gravel. 29.04 2 50 52.82 13.40 31 90 267.70 9.60 11.10 82.50 lug, snovellug gravel. 27 50 Martin lillntworth, graveling 33.75 John Hug, gravel 124 75 H.'W. Hettermann. graveling. 65 00 L. Schroder, graveling 42.50 James Bell, graveling 70.00 lohn Freund, graveling 138.75 John Stilling, gravel 6.12 M.J. Freund, graveling 54.80 I. H. Freund, bridge work 7.00 I. . Schroder, graveling 21,50 P Welngart, graveling and gravel 02.90 Hubert t reund. gravel 21.60 J. H. Justen, gravel ". . . 94.00 J.J. Freund, gravel Gerald Newmin, graveling 80.44 21.75 to Wilbur I.umber Co., sewer D. E. Payne, burning brush John Malsch, putting In cul * >• James Boyle, road work M. J. Freund, graveling . . .[ Ed. Sutton, gravel Joe Smith, putting in culverta Feb. 26 WllbuilLumber Co.. sewer W. F . Bassett, road work Frank Stelusdoerfer. gravel L Schroder, graveling. " G H Harrison, gravel - S W Smith, putting in culverts March % Continental Bridge Co, cul Legal Adviser Publishing Co, stationer- Boy J06 H mi H M Stephenson, gravel 16 00 L Schroder, graveling 5550 John Smith, grading 11 80 W H Kelley. cleaning sluice 1 50 D A Whiting, gravel' 3 80 1.80 i 50 2.00 4 50 2.50 7.03 5 00 I 20 5.00 9.90 42.00 3 24 3.00 587.90 jry Jas Boyle, nauling culveris . . fuemann, smithing 13 80 Grains Stains Varnishes Old floors or woodwork finished with the Chi- namel graining outfit will look like new wood.* Call and see the samples at The l̂&XaJUL Store E. V. McAllister QUARTER OF A CENTURY lfcnu^ Clipped From The Plaindealer Of Twenty-Fi^e Years Ago March 28 Theo Schlessle, office rent 30 00 John Boyle, 36 days 72 00 Jas L Conway, 29 days 58 00 John A Miller, 38days 76 00 F G- Schreiner, pub treasurer's report 10 00 S H Freund, commission on money paid 80 74 1815623 RECAPITULATION Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year 97040 99 Amouut of funds received during flmtal year 7300 91 Total amount S14941 90 Amount, expended during fiscal year .. $8075 39 Com at 1 per cent on S8075 39 80 75 Total amount paid out 8160 14 Balance on hand. .1678576 Geo. W. Owen was on the sick list the first of the week. John I. Story takes possesion of the Riverside House today. All the sick reported laist week are improving and but few new cases are reported. Miss Kate Howe is spending a few days visiting the kindergarten school in Chicago this week. We learn that Mat. Heimer of Johnsburg celebrated the killing of his first wild goose by -a big dinner on Monday last. ^ Died--At her residence in this vil lage, on- Friday evening, March^ 27, 1891, suddenly, Mrs. Ella Noonan, aged eighty years. " There is said to be a woman in this town who has not missed lighting a fire in forty-five years. Her husband is probabl^Cthe oldest fire escape on record. Died--In* Johnsburg on Tuesday morning, March 31, 1891, Martin Bugner, aged about forty years. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. „ We leani that sixty-six couples at tended the Easter party at the River side House o*h Monday evening. Con sidering the state of the roads, this is a good showing. C. M. Wright, who is with Marshall Field & Co/in Chicago, son of Robt. Wright of this village, sailed from New York for Liverpool on Saturday last. He goes in the interest of the firm. Died--In Chicago, March 24, 1891, of measles, Eveline A., daughter of Frank B. and Maude C. Holly, aged 1 year, 8 months and 20 days. The remains were brought to this village and deposited in Woodland cemetery. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Grand Army of the Republic will take place April 6, 1891, and McHenry Post, No. 643, department of Illinois, will hold on the evening of that day in the city hall ^ a commemoration meeting. Marquis wheat on sale at the West Side flour*and feed mill. 38-4t Early seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Vote NO Tuesday, April 4. Adv. AM % Hot v'akes, light, browti, de licious and plenty of them, made from Early Riser flour, the king of all flours, which gives success ever}' time. It is the best flour made an4 is always the same. Buy TCarly Riser flour next time and see how your appetite for good bread, rolls, pie, cake, cook ies, etc., increases. WEST N'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS When Buying Bakery Goods Vou are entitled to get the best. We have the kind %of goods that will please you. Have you tried our sweet rolls for breakfast!' Fresh ev ery morning at t'». SATURDAY SPECIALS (rood Coffee ('alies Columbia Fried Cakes THE N'HENRY BAKERY A. Lallinger, Prop. 'Phone 104-R Every woman who is a good shopper know* that it is economy to buy only the BEST. That is the principal upon which we run OUR store. We BUY only the best in ord*er that we- may SELL only the beat. We do our best to please our customers. Come in and see our fine line of best veg etables and fruits. fr Is near at hand and every housewife will find that new things are needed to keep the home comfortable and cozy. Probably a rug or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be come shabby and worn out, draperies need replacing, or a piece or two of furniture might add to the attractiveness and comfort of your home. This will mean a visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked up in all lines and extend to you an-invitation to visit our place, look over our carefully se lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods are displayed in a manner that makes selection an easy task and our prices are in conformity with your pocket book. ...Jacob Justen... J Two Minute Title Talks XVI. A Deed to a Piece of Land EVERYONE KNOWS that to pass title to reates-tate there must be an instrument of writing--a deed. Familiar as we are with certain legal forms, such as receipts, accounts and the like, we may think we know all about a deed, too. On the contrary, the average person's knowledge of a deed of conveyance is about as superficial dnd vague as his knowledge of a typewriter. A child knows a typewriter by sight, but how few grown men can use it intelligently and accurately, or explain to you its parts! Then how can you safety assume that your deed is in proper form and good when put to the test of law? McHenry County x Ab^lradt Co. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS O f f i c e r s F. F. AXTF.LL, President L. E. MKNTCH, V. Pres. EMIL ARNOLD, Sec. ii. L. MURPHY, Treas. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Voter Do you want McHenry a cleaner, more respectable town ? Then vote YES. Are you tired of seeing the tougher element of other towns in McHenry ? Then vote YES. It sure ly is coming. Why not now? Adv. Anti-Saloon League. Expert welding at Stilling's garage, OUR SPRING stock of eaye trough and conductor has jurft arrived and we are now ready to put your gutters in first- class condition in advance of the spring rains, which are due in a few weeks now. Estimates cheerfully given on all work in our line. * We^t McHenry Phone 65-J & (r PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COriiYIISSION MERCHANT SPKCIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO TH* SAIJt OF Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs Th4fjL> the oldest hon«e on the street. Tags and price lists tarnished on application. COLD STORAUK FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Hull i A i , Pultoa St, WholMsl* Mark*!. . RAIN AND MUD Make a person think of Rain Coats. We have Rain (-oats for wear as well as for dress. $2.75 $3.25, $5.50 Lotties', $4.25 RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS for the whole family. Men's best rubber boots, $4.00. Men's other boots, $3, $3.35 Smith Bros. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. |oi' IA'LL ! KINDS I I "'-I ljATjH >1 SHINGIJES LlUJiJJJI SA DOORS l i 1 AND MILIW0RK BUILDERS GET BIGGER VALUES today in lumber than ever In'fore. The sawmill* huv front are more careful in the selection of their timber than th«\v used to be; every modern machine thai will add value to their linUhed produel Is tit t heir mil Is mill t lit*ir one aim is high qiiullI y InmIter. We lire |>uri l«Milarly careful In our urudes jind Insist on all our stork Iteliitf pr«fperly «e*sone»l. If yon ure rontem|>lut in>j any kind of ImildliiK come III and nee our stock of Flooring, Ceilintc, Siding. Case. Bate, Joiat, Tlmb«r». and In fact, everything you will need in tlie ItiiUdiuK line. Our prloes will please you. Goine In today aud let's talk it. over. WILBUR LUMBER CO. ih:... A