Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1916, p. 6

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"** SUPERVISOR'S STATEMENT Of the Financial Affairs of McHenry Township ?flf j /If -t» >. 5, I « *- •! f A fuU fltntement of the financial affairs of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, as existing on the 28th day of March, A. D. 1916: Balance ree'd from March 80, 1916 ....i...$762.34 Ain't ree'd from County Col­ lector, being balance of tax for 1915, less his com.... 127.90 Am't of tax ree'd from town Z *VA,' collector 710.61 . v'h * -1 Jft •J Four-Cylinder M*>del» Touting Csr, 7-pfc»i. • t S75 h, .Vpats • .*>%<> i.kntlaii Kokdilcr, • *. * Mb>i» Six-Cylinder Model* Touring Car, 7-pa*-. • $ 11• Ari Rohtltlt-r, 3-pais. - - Lftridmt-Robclttrr, 3-paitentrr - - 1350 Coupe, 4-pattenxer - 1 tiOU S«dt n, 7-paiicnger - 1675 lamouitine, 7-p**». - 2f>00 Half-Ton Commercial Cars Panel Delivery Car • • $675 Open Express Car ... S5J Station & baggage Wagon &7£ One- Ton Commercial Trucks Op«n Express, complete $1200 Stake Body, complete - 1250 Bui, 10-pass, full etfuip. 1400 F. 0. B. Detroit New SERIES 17 Cars QUALITY--quality is \he insistent appeal of the new, SERIES 17 Studebakers at the Automobile Show. 100,000 Studebaker cars in 1916, the unexcelled Studebaker manu­ facturing facilities, and Studebaker experience in designing1 and producing cars of the highest quality--these are the only facts in the world that could make such values possible. Incorporating a series of added refinements in design -- in comfort -• in convenience -- these New SERIES 17 models stand supreme the quality cars of the season. Don't leave the show until you have seen the new Studebakers ai j judge for yourself of their wonderful value. See at our Salesroom The Cars That Detroit Prefers Consider this testimony from Detroit, the home of automobiles--the city where three-fourths of the motor cars of the world are built--N the city where people knou) automobile values. For the entire year of 1915, there were more Studebaker cars registered by owners in Detroit than any other car selling above $500. Let this fact guide you. Follow those who know. GEO. A. STILLING EOCAL DISTRIBUTOR McHenry, Illinois Refinementt G&i tank removed from cowl to rear of ch&Mi*. Stewart Vacuum Feed System set on intake manifold. Longer clutch and brake pedals. DIVIDED front seats-- adjustable to passenger's comfort.y More roominess every- where. More conveniently ar­ r a n g e d i n s t r u m e n t s , indirectly lighted. Overlapping windshield, completely storm-proof. Richer design of fenders. Phone 94-R Am't ree'd from all sources.? 1600.85 Total amount paid out and the ac­ count on which the same was paid, are as follows: ' Paid judges and clerks, spring election, 1st district.. $ 18.00 Paid for returning ballots, spring election,* 1st district 1.50 Paid hall rent, spring elec- ' tion, 1st district. " 5.00 Paid judges and clerks, spring election, 2nd district 18.00 Paid C. B. Harmsen, spring election, fixing booth 2.00 Paid canvassing board, spring election, for serving 6.00 Paid Anna Justen, for sheep killed and injured 18.50 Paid Dr. Hcpburi^ for fumi­ gating material 3.00 Paid J. W. Kimball, as thistle com. 58.00 Paid J. W. Kimball, as asses­ sor's fees 315.00 Pair highway com., serving a summon in Chicago Paid Wilbur Lumber Co., ma­ terial for repairing polling place Paid board of auditors, Sep­ tember meeting Paid Henry Stillirig, for sheep killed and injured Paid John A. Miller, for 38 town meetings Paid John Boyle, for 38 town meetings Paid Jas. L. Conway, for 38 town meetings Paid F. G. Schreiner, publish­ ing ballots, notices, etc Paid S. II. Freund, as poor master Paid Chas. B. Harmsen, town clerk fees . 120.40 Paid Wilbur Lumber Co., for 12 voting booths, railing, etc 76.35 Paid town auditors, March meeting 6.00 15.00 4.00 31.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 25.00 50.00 Total am't paid out for all purposes $1002.85 Being a bal. in the hands of the supervisor of $ 598.00 11600.85 Amount of tax levied the preced­ ing year for the payment of town indebtedness and charges is: Town tax .7.. $645.64 Dog tax 263.00 Amount collected by town collector and paid over to the present supervisors: Town tax .....$532.39 Dog tax 178.22 Commissions of the town collector amount to Town tax $ 11.75 Dog tax 3.72 Leaving a balance to be collected by the county collector of Town tax T. ..$ 58.12 Dog tax $ 17.00 County Clerk's fees: Town tax $ 43.38 Dog tax 4.0(5 Dated at McHenry, 111., this 28t.h day of March, 1916. , Stephen H. Freund, Supervisor. Annual Statement of School Funds Annual statement of the township treasurer of Township 48, range 8, McHenry county, Illinois, for the year ending March 31, 1916: District Fund Receipts Balance $8446.27 From district taxes 714.27 Ree'd from Co. Supt 1318.09 Railroad & bridge taxes.... 2258.26 Int. returned on teachers' orders .27 Township tax by district. ... 10323.92 bu I WE MAKE QUICK MIVEKY We not only give you good groceries, but also give you GOOD eerv- ICE when you buy fromua. We do not let the thinga you order for dinner "straggle" along and let everybody--guests a n d a l l -- H A L F S T A R V E while you are worried H A L F C R A Z Y w a i t i n g f o r the groceries to come. Beeides we are never "out of it." We^keej: the SUPERIOR groceries and "deliver the Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry .^go-feds." 1/ P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COnJVIlSSION MHRCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAl.E OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, hois, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is ths oldest horue on the street Tajra and price liatt fnrnished on application. COLD STORAUK FREE KSliJi.V.SS' " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. :=?\ A Substantial Telephone Patronage is enjoyed "by the mer­ chant who makes it easy for customers to reach his store by tele­ phone. Single line service af­ fords clear track for all orders that are tele­ phoned and for that reason gives greater telephone value in the business establishment than the party line. If you are now on a panty line, why not change to a single line ^ and test these state­ ments. The additional cost is small. Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Cenrath, District Manager Telephone 9903 Read Plaindealer Ads THE NUNDA MUTUAL FIRE IN­ SURANCE* COMPANY ior the townships of Nunda and McHenry INSURES FARM PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS 1 ( l u t s i d i 1 o f c o r p o r a t i o n s , against Fire and Lightning. We are now carrying over $:ilo,tMM) in insurance on farm property and have not had a single loss of any kind in 17 months. For information address £> or call on Herman Gum- precht. secretary. Crystal, Lake. 111. J. A. McNish, President Total .$23061.08 Expenditures School * board & bus. offices. $ 70.65 Teachers 8284.93 Text books, stationery, sup- plfes, etc , . 535.62 Int. on teachers' orders..... 32.96 Tuition of transferred pupils 274.50 Janitors, engineers, etc 596.25 Fuel, water, light, etc 1194.27 Maintenance of plant 745.19 Promotion of health 10.00 To other treasurers.... 151.85 New grounds and buildings.. 61.71 New equipment Interest on bonds ^9*99 Balance 9560.43 Total $23061.08 Distributive Fund Receipts Interest, rents, etc $224.65 Total $224.65 Expenditures Incidental exp. of Treas $ 2.00 Publishing annual statement. 4.75 Compensation of Treas...;... 50.00 Balance 167,90 Total $224.6r> Township Fund Receipts Loans paid $1769.51 Total $1769.54 Expenditures Balance $1769.54 DR. F. J. AiqHER DENTIST ' r <0ffice in Telephone Exchange Bid Centervllle McHenry. '• Telephone No, Illino r<?1 >. 79-W *-r Imported pure olive oil at C. Unti'a. . r My select line of Spring VTPogs for the dressy t young man has arrived. * Without doubt, the line Vs t l le very best that I have ever handled and it gives me great pleas­ ure to show same. My stock of hats, which in- • eludes all the very lat- lest ideas, is the very best ever shown in Mc­ Henry, while nothing has been overlooked in the gents' furnishing department. Have you placed that order for your new Easter suit? If not, better do so at once while the selection is complete. :: J. D. LODTZ Wall Paper Spring House Cleaning is not farjoff and per­ h a p s s o m e o f y o u r rooms need new paper. Now is a good time to make your selection here, as we earn* a pretty good assortment in stock, besides sam­ ple books from which you can order. :: John Stoffel When Buying Bakery Goods You are entitled to get the best. We have the kind of goods that will please you. Have you tried our sweet rolls for break fast ? Presli ev­ ery morning at 6. SATURDAY SPECIALS ( rood Coffee Cakes Columbia Fried Cakes THE M'HENRY BAKERY A. Lallinger, Prop. 'Phone 104-R Total $1769.54 1 hereby certify that the forego- ing statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief Joseph C. Holly, Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1916- . Fred J. Mershoi), I favor the nominl EST MAN at the comi dent, and to accomplish be free to cpnsider all delegates tied hand and is to destroy the spiral convention, and enda Your support is earnestly solicited. ndan at | Read The Plaind< ed on local happe; mm ind^alcr r tpetrangi. You will find at your gro­ cer's a stock of EARLY RIS ER Hour in different sized packages. He will be pleased to take your order for Early Riser Hour because he knows it gives genuine satisfaction, hakes the tinest bread and bis­ cuits, the flakiest pie crust and the most toothsome cake you oy*»r ate. WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS and keep Mist- Mrs. E. W.. Howe has a beautiful line of spring nats for young and old. Be sure to call on her before you de­ cide on your Easter hat.

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