Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1916, p. 4

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mmmz- Hl.- SA' v sr.: T ^ *»• -vwir '-v-^ - , - 4 Vs--* y /r~ ^ .>• W ->ri -* v„ '< *K* r.Y : . J^% 0' • ' t px « . . . ** 1 • * ' - 4 " » ' " C I - ' . - " " ' V * * - l ' « • " :Y0> BAKING POWDER •\ o . . . . % Sixty Yaara the Standard No Alum.--No Phosphate THE ! **'* • > ' f , { - McHENBY FXjAIKDEALEI,,. BfeHEHBY, I&X*- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT IME M'HENRY PLAINDEALER '•, PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY ; F. G. SCHREINER QIHlI hi Beak Building Telephoat TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION* OmTMI ........ .$1.5# Six Moatbi, 75c Three Months, 4#c ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People WKo Come ami a Weak Go During i.: Thursday, May 1, 1916 ^A«*w 1 * ^ ' I \ s , S-- «. Sfr-V" For State's Attorney ' I" hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for the office', of State's Attorney of McHenry county at the Republican primaries to fee held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. < 48-tf C. P. Barnes. R . S . today. Mrs. visitor Howard a Chicago vistor t * y . ' C's- 0 c ' ~ ». •• "-p • % rr; •• Candidate for State's Attorney > I hereby announce myself a caridi- d*te for the Republican nomination for state's attorney. 44 V. S. Lumley. I RING WOOD Mrs, E. C. Hawley was, an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Miss Agnes Bigelow is spending a few days in Richmond. W. E. Smith has commenced tQ dig the cellar to his new home. Our new bank is progressing well when the weather will permit. C. W. Harrison was a Woodstock visitor last Friday afternoon. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at H. W. Allen's. All are invited. Miss Corabel McOmber of McHen-, ry attended last Sunday evening meeting. Ed. Bell went to Richmond Tues­ day to see his brother, Fred, who is very sick. Miss Dorcas Foss entertained one of "her schoolmates from McHenry over Sunday. The-W. 6. T. U. wilPmeet Satur­ day afternoon of this week withMrs. ier millinery parlors. Carrie Smith. H. W. Allen and wife drove to Sa­ lem, Wis.,,. Sunday to see Ward Bloss, who is very sick. . : f Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of St. Charles is spending this week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Agnes, Sarah and Leon Dodge en­ tertained a company of their young friends last Saturday evening. After a social time, refreshments were served. Among those from a dis­ tance to attend were Floyd Merchant, Elma Nester and Genevieve Howard of Woodstock. W. OSTEND r }*mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jecks have an addition of a boy and a girl to their family. Another beautiful 'rainy Sunday like most of last year and we all stayed at home. Leslie Franciscb of Woodstock was tfcp guest of relatives here from Sat­ urday until Monday. We are very sorry to hear that Miss Mary Knox, our teacher, is not yet able to be on dutyC Ed. Wallis was out riding Monday, May 1, dressed in a fur overcoat and smoking a big pipe ,to warm his nose. - ' Frank Kaiser drove to Woodstock one day last week with one of his little driving horses, looking for a purchaser. Joe Harrer has recently had a tel- ehpone placed in his home. He is ' like all others and thinks a telephone is indispensable. J. N. Sayler was the only automo­ bile driver brave enough to start out on our roads Monday. Rain or shine the little Ford gets thru. Ernest Brott took on twelve more cans of milk Monday, May 1. The milk is Harris brothers'. They have heretofore carried their own. • 'r P. E. Harrison of Greenwood made his regular trip Monday with ' his ' grocery wagon, picking up eggs at 20 cents per dozen and tlelivering fresh groceries. L. I. Edinger was a Chicago Tuesday. > '** Carl Herdrick boarded the Chicago train this morning. Louis Smith was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. ; s Mrs. Sarah Dermont was a Chica go visitor Wednesday. Miss Rose Huemann spent Tuesday in the metropolitan city. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencef" Were Chicago visitors Wednesday* • Mrs. Theos Schiessle spent Wed­ nesday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. G. C. Bosnia of Algonquin was a business visitor* in town last Friday. Miss Martha Wagner passed a day last week in the metrdpol'itan city. M iss Elsie Fleming spent a few days last week with friends at Cdry. Wm. Bacon was among the Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday morning. Jacob Justen was a business vis a. itor in the metropolitan city Tuef day. ^ Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to business matters in Chicago Wednes­ day. " Mrs. .Geo. Buss spient several days last week as the guest of Chicago relatiyes. / Henry Heimer,. Sr., was among those to board the Chicago trim this morning. , John Carey was among those to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Mrs. E. W. Howe was' in Chicago Tuesday, selecting new things for 30,000,000 FISH 1;* Are New Confined In the Spring Groye. Hatchery , * Dear Editor: For the benefit of your readers and several requests that I have received in regards to visitipg the fish hatch­ ery at Spring Grove, will say that/the public is invited to visit same May 7, 8 and 9, 1916, when about 30,000,- 000 pike-perch eggs will be hatching. The visitors will also have an oppor­ tunity to see 50,000 rainbow trout, four months old, and 25,000 brook trout, two months old. All of these trout will be planted in the spring fed streams and brooks of McHenry county. During the past year and A half 350,000 black bass and 12,000,- 000 pike-perch have been placed the waters of McHenry county. Yours truly, __ , Ed. L. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer are pending the week as the guests of relatives at Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. F. V. Cobb of Hebron spent Thursday of last week ss the guest of her mother, Mrs. "Sarah Dermont. Miss Margaret Miller of Chicago passed her spring vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John* Miller. Mrs. Delia Salisbury of Elgin is spending several days this week as the guest of her ^ sister, Mrs. E. J. Hanly. Misses Martha and Vera Stoffel and Theresa and .Vera Knox visited at Crystal Lake and Woodstock Fri­ day evening last. Fred Breyer. and daughter, Mel- vena, of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week at their summer home at Mc- Collum's lake. Miss Lillian Neiss, who has been attending convent at Milwaukee, Wis., is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Neiss. Since leaving "McHenry Miss Neiss' health has been poorly and it is for this reason that she has come home. She will remain until she is strong enough to resume her studies in the Wisconsin metropolis. Bert Davidson of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Frank, Zeimet on the Vaupell farm east of this village. ^ A Contradiction We, the undersigned, attended the public hearing at the opera house held on the sewerage proposition and after the meeting we were present at the city hall and heard Dr. Wells make a motion to prepare an ordi­ nance to proceed with the sewer. William Simes seconded the Wells motion, and Simon Stoffel at once made an amendment to the Wells mo­ tion that we drop the complete sewerage proposition, but this mo­ tion received no second and was lost. We are convinced that Mr. Stoffel did all in l|is power to save thje peo­ ple from the proposed heavy burden and is entitled to fair play. A. Ibsh. Mrs. Susie Revor. ' James Revor. _ '• Mrs. Mary K. Adams. P. J. Schoewer. Mrs. E. Matthews. Mrs. Alma Thomas. Peter J. Doherty. Ai* Kitveriris«rsail nr..',,.; this heart at the Dn ilnu* ur Iom, 46 <wnt« for lilt Intxrfloti, 15 cunts for each n»hii«nu«mt InwrllM SS«}f«i than il»e Hue#, o i-tsnia a Hue ?w» ilrtf luiiirtkw. »n.| n lint- for aiMUiiml FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of a W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. • . - • 19 FOR SALEr^A gas stove, in food condition. Inquire at John Heimer's McHenry, 111, 46-lt» FOR SALE--A quantity of Early Ohio seed potatoes. W. E. Whiting West McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE--Two Chester White sows with twelve pigs." Inquire of B. J. Wegener, McHenry, 111. 46-tf FOB SALE--Fence posts, 6 and feet long. Price, 18c each. Mrs, Jos. H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 46-2t* SALE--Choice timothy hay in Price, $16.00 per ton. Swank Htfnly farm, West McHenry. < 46^tf FOR barn. Bros., III. FOR SALE--Early and late potatoes, suitable for seed or eating. Inquire of or write John McCarthy, McHen­ ry, III. 46-tf WANTED--Two young men for la bor. Wages,' $2.50 per day. Apply to John F. .Miller, Rosedale, McHen­ ry, 111. • 46* FOR SALE--A quantity of potatoes and White Cap/ Yellow Dent seed corn. Inquire ox Peter M. Freund, McHenry, Hi. Route 2. ' 45-2t* FOR SALE--The R. A* Howard property in West McHenry. Reason­ able price and terms. Simon Stof­ fel, West McHenry, 111. 46-6t WANTED--Good, ^strong, able mert to learn foundry work. No experi­ ence necessary. Good wages to start. Free Sewing Machine Co., Rockfosd; 111. * 46-3t HORSES FOR SALE--About fifteen head of young work and driving horses. All broke. May be seen at farm No, 2.\ Geo; J. Sayer, Pistakee Bay, 111, I 45-tf FOR SALE--FulfWod Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching at 40 cents per dozen or three doien for $1.00. Jacob M. Diedrich, McHenry, 111. Phone 631-*M-2. 44-6t* FOR SALE--Lumber wagon, hay sack, set springs, dump boards, hay rake, mower and set "of bob ,sleighs. Inquire of H^nry B. Schaefer, Mc­ Henry, 111. Phone 81-M. 46 FOR SALE--A 4-cylinder, 25 h. p. Halliday roadster, in good condition. Can be seen at the Stilling garage. Price, $275. Apply at Geo. A. Stri­ ng's garage, McHenry, 111.' 45-2t* FOR SALE--A small quantity of choice seed corn, guaranteed to test 95 per cent or money refunded. Early Yellow Dent and Wisconsin No. 7.^ $4.00 per bushel, shelled and graded. John A. Killey, Rcihmond, ll. 44-3t* WANTED--Man solicitor in and around McHenry to sell "groceries di­ rect from a wholesale grocery estab­ lishment of excellent reputation. Someone acquainted with grocery line preferred. Give full particulars and references in first letter. „ Address "Experience," care of The Plaindeal- er, McHenry, 111. jl ' 46-It %r Your 'frY ;7 •LACK BAFEnr TREAD TUUS1' The Classy BLACIT TREADS* with contrasty WHITE SIDE WALLG give your car an added touch of distinction. The Gristly "Hyper-Rubber" finger* are harder to puncture, harder to cut. " They have a "give" to them that makes the tire cling to the road without grinding over it, as your bare foot clings to the floor. ' They give maximum traction arid safety witl* minimum friction. That's one reason why motorists all over the country are getting such astonishing mileage from the new "Barefoot" Tire. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS are excellent table fowls. More of this breed sold on New Yqrk market than all other breeds combined and have held the world's egg record longer than any other breed , of chickens. Eggs from pure stock reduced in price to $5.00 for 100 eggs. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 45-2t* Office Hours: 9;M to 12:M a. m. 1:M to 4:3* p. m. 7:06 to 8:M p. in. T.elcphonea Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over McAllister's WEST McHENRY Stars at Grayslake A few of the members of tthe Mc- Heary chapter, O. E. S., were guests of their Grayslake sisters at a meet­ ing held in the latter named village on Tuesday evening of this week. The trip was made via automobile and those who went, report a time and cordial treatment Undergoes Another Operation * Mrs. Peter M. Justen is "now recoy- ering from another operation, which performed at the West Side hospital in Chicago on Friday of last week. Mrs.--'-Justen has undergone several operations during the past few years and her many friends in McHentfy sincerely hope that the one of last Friday was entirely - success­ ful and that she will soon -regain her former good health. Reports from the hospital are to the effect*'that -She" is doing very nicely. Altar and Rosary Society A regular meeting of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church took place at the K. of C. hall on Wednesday" afternoon of Ta&t week, April 26. Thirty-twp members were present! and art. the close of bus­ iness a thimble chat and refreshments were enjoft& Ten Licenses Isaued Contrary to all expectations only ten applications were made for dram shop licenses in the village of Mc­ Henry this spring and as a result of this only ten thirst emporiums are likely to operate here during the fis­ cal year just starting. Immediately after the recent town election, when the town was again voted wet, all sorts of rumors came into circulation regarding the number of Saloons that McHenry would have this year. Some had placed the number at twelve and others even ventured a guesss that there would be more than that. How­ ever, according to the applications made at the meeting called for the purpose last Friday evening only ten applications were presented, and con­ sequently that .number of licenses were granted. A few years ago, when saloons were quite common thruout the entire county, McHenry issued twelve licenses and noW, with McHenry as one of the four wet townships in the county, the number has been decreased. Administrator's Notice F. ,B. Bennett, Atty. Estate of August Wasnowsky, De­ ceased. < The undersigned^having been ap­ pointed Administrator, with will an­ nexed, of the Estate of August Was­ nowsky, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will-ap­ pear before the County Court- of Mc- JJenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first, Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose haying the same adjusted, All persons indebted to said Gttsto art Comein and let us bring your car up-to-date with Black Safety Tread Tires at FAIR LISTED Prices. _ I ' GEO. A. STILLINC5 McHenry, Illinois * y ' * ' -S.r3ff0Ait MICHEUN-FOUNDED- J832 Universal T read The Nt» Tire Everynm It Talking About The Nwt-Skid Tread cembinea In One Tire all th« Advantages of both th« Suction Tread and the Raised Tnad Types. Pricea Modmrmte cue Quality thm Besti V John McHenry f- J l \r ONE QUALITY ONLY- THE BEST Tfye warmer weather is a reminder of Summer Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers25c, $1.00 Men's Jersey and Mesh Kirit Union Suits_50c, $1 Women's Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c, 15c Women's Jersey Ribbed Union Suits_25c, 39c, 50c Muslin Drawers, __35c, 50c Mulsin Nightgowns and Petticoats J i50c up John Stoffel .Early Seed Potatoes I wish to announce thbt I have again arranged for a ship­ ment of early seed potatoes. Those who have used these potatoes in the past year or two have had very good suc- <?ess with them. Give us your order now. M. Niesen McHenry Phone \ Office in Phone No. 73-R Spautdinic Bids. ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law We# McHenry, . HI. pay-requested to make immediate ment to the undersigned. Dated thi| first day of May, A. D. to become acquaint­ ed With our goods and ask you to give our bakery a trial. Go to the home gro­ cers who handle our goods or come to our place and see how well we will please you. :: :: .: SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE THE M'HENRY BAKERY A. Lallinger, Prop. 'Phone 104-R My select line of Spring Togs for the dressy young man has arrived. Without doubt, the line is the very best that I have ever handled and it gives me groat pleas ure to show same. My stock of hats, which in eludes all the very lat est ideas, is the very best ever shown in Ale- Henry, while nothing !.has been overlooked in the gents' furnishing department. Pave you placed that oi'der for „your new summer suit? If not, better do ^o at once while the selection is complete. :: . D. LOOT MCALLISTER'S? 3E8P THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 11, 12, 13 •in i i ~ i . i m > / We will sell for cash only, two items of the same kind at the price of one, plus one cent. Fol|owing are only a few of the.many article* on eale: $1.00 Sarsaparilla Tonic _ . _____ __ $1.00 Wine Cod Liver Extract, 50c Boquet Jeanice Talcum : , 25c Rexall Violet Talcum - . - - - - 25c Rexall Cold Cream 50c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cream. 50c Violet Dulce Face Powder 10c Rexall Toilet Soap 25c Lord Baltimore Paper 35c Tangara Fabric Paper 35c Correspondence Cards 50c Peerage Chocolates^ . 35c Opeko .Breakfast Coffee 35c Liggett's Opeko Te» 10c Royal Sovereign Cigars 2 for 91.01 2 for $1.01 . 2 for 51c 2 for 26c - -2 for 26c 1-2 for 51c -2 for 51c -2 for lie - -2 for 26c 2 for 36c --2 for 36c - 2 for 51c - 2for36c --2 for 36c ^>2 for 11c WE HAVE MANY OTHER ARTICLES NOT LISTED HERS E. V. McAllister The Store West McHenry, 111. Special Sale! Justfreceived another carload of tluit choice Patent Flour, also of Chicken Feed. Will sell DURING BALANCE OFTHIS MONTH: Best Patent Flour, sack. $l.t>0 Good Patent Flour, sack _t.'1.50 Little Chick Feed (no grit) 100lbs. 2.60 Best Scratch Feed (no grit) 100 lbs 1.75 Best Scratch Feed (with grit) 100 lbs 1.60 FOR BALANCE THIS WEEK -CASH ONLY Choice Country Mill Middlings, ton $21.00 Honey Dew Sugar Feed--none better, too 24.00 /New Deere Gang Plows, 12-in t 62.00 Sattley Gang Plows, 12-in 55.00 Sattley Steel Beam Walking Plows, 14-in 12.00 Timothy, Clover, Alfalfa, Seed Corn, Rape and other Field Seeds at loWest prices, quality' considered. Don't forget we will be prepared to supply you with best grade of coal for winter V^. CHOICE MEATS OF COURSE When we buy our «Mt, we demand the choicest in the market. This is the reason we have always fresh, tender meat to gi?e to our customerst Ve BUY THE BEST aflA we SELL THE BEST. By this meanB we have built up a REPUTATION you may depend upon. Come to OUR store for your fresit meate. 1916. 46-3t ° James B. Perr; Administrator, with wil%anne: Ichneider Bros., - We^t McHenry j-, ' lephone No. 118-R * SIMON STOFFEL . Insurance agent for all classes of ' property in the beet companies.' KST McHENRT, ,v lU,INO ̂ ..-rf riUMBINC AND HEATINfi BY -- Experienced Workmen D0NAY1N # R£IHANSPERGE»

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