Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1916, p. 7

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THE HiBENBI PI/AH^DKALEB, McHENRY, HX. *#• « Stock >•'•..>' - * .4 . . . . •••**•* •Jj 4 .;V J* J^ '*f ': ,1 wi' seleel all similrU»s>«nd .ifrt^pellan- - eous items<tl Hs4cart3fHllyf as we ® •; We y. L liie i%Ul qual«%v;-aadJ^# : f %C •'*r -V •> carry ir splendid Hn«'ol •#,#* ;• Brushes, Soaps, Toiiet Articles, Perfumesand all other Drug .." _ Store Sundries y We want jour trticle off these j|ooch, j * ¥uu will appreciate the assortment, the • Quality, the pi*ice»%<}& U*s excellence of our service^-. ' v •». • <<• Af Youi Service: Onr«u>re has always en joyed ̂ he/jbun- fldfenceofboth physicians and the public. ' ^ W B A R K P U E J ^ A R E D " » l - V to render y«u superior servicer 1«Tty«i*jr department of our busibess. 1 V^e maintain a regular Mail Order Department for the convenience of our - rural customers B P. S. PAINT •W& H. n.PlliMI.:: Driest Tliese Styles Have Jo Stock Also a Jul! line of W. B. CORSETS $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 !N nim/P-nArfn BJJPL 'Phone 79-J McHepfry, 111, ) ••• Is near at liajid and every housewife will find that new thfttffs are needed to keep the homl comfortable and cozy. ' Probably a rug or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be­ come shabby and worn out, draperies need replacing, or a piece or two of furniture might add/to the attractiveness and comfort of your Mme, This will mean a visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked up in alt lines and extend to you an invitation to visit our place, look over our carefully se­ lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods are displayed in a manner that makes selection an easy task and our prices are in conformity with your pocket book. -& ;.v4 Jacob Justen ••• You have to have it-- if you hope to get any pleasure from driving your car. No fun at all running a car that won't throttle down in traffic or "pick up" quickly. And FLEXI­ BILITY is one of the most noted features of the new SERIES 17 Siudcuttkcis. Come in today for a trial ride. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORESPONDENTS GEO. A. Local Distributor STILLING McHfcNRV.JUUU - y- 40H.P. Seven pttsaeogor FOUR $875 50 H. P. Svven pauangit SIX $108$ "X « - JOHNSBURG Ben Schaefer was an Elgin busi­ ness caller Monday. Nick Etton of Spring' Grove >w|m a visitor in jtown Tuesday. Peter^Freund of Spring Grove was a Visitor in town Saturday. Nick Freund of Spring: Grove was a caller in town-Friday evening. S. H. Freund of McHenry was a business caller in Johnsburg Monday. Miss Heleh Cossmann of McHenry called <*11/ friend^ in Johnsburg Sun day. " r Misses* Barbara and * Margaret Smith were McHenry callers Satur­ day. . k • . * Mr. &nd Mrs. Wallace Hewitt of Ingleside were callers in town last Friday. , Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove visited among relatives in town Tuesday. * J Mrs. Mat Millet and daughter. Rose, were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Joe King were Sun­ day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. , : Mr. and Mrs. Boettcher of Pista- kee Bay were callers in Johnsburg Monday afternoon. A large number of our young peo- jple attended the dance at Solon last Thursday evening. * Al. Pepping and family of Spring Grove have rented the Peter Will­ iams residence here. Mrs. Martin. Freund of McHenry visited the fore part of the week in the home of .John Jtky. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen and son Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sun day visitors in Johnsburg. Miss Emma Freund of McHenry passed Sunday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Miss Mayme Frett of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of her par ents, Mr. and -Mrs. John Frett Misses Clara and Katherine Pitzen were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen here. Mrs. John Cossmann and* Miss Helen Cossmann of McHenry were Johnsburg ;yi«itors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner and children of Volo were entertained Sunday in the home of Wm. Althoff Mesdames John and M$t Lay of Spring Grove visited amort** relatives in Johnsburg and vicinity Thursday Miss Katherine Schmitt of Aurora was a recent guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping and Mr. and Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove visited Tuesday in the home of Joe B. Hettermarin. Quite a number from here attended the farm party Tuesday evening at the home of John Smith and family who reside on the McHenry road, Mrs. L. Bishop and daughter have returned to their home in McHenry after spending a week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freund. Mrs, John Oeffling and Mrs. J. E Freund and daughter, Valeria, of Mc­ Henry were guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and; Mrs. C. M Adams, recently. The Mystic Workers met here in Smith's hall Tuesday evening. Quite a large number were present. The evening was,spent in playing cinch Fine prises were given to* th1 ners. » > . Will Johnsburg have a baseball team this year? Johnsburg has seen the day when she was very well rep resented upon the baseball diamond and there isn't a reason why we should not have a, good nine here ttyis year. Whatayasay, boys ? A May party will be held at Stub­ by's hall here on Wednesday evening of next week, May 10, and many of the young people of this vicinity are planning on attending. Good music will be provided for the occasion and a fine time is promised those who turn out. Dance tickets, 50 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to ev­ eryone. t Thru an oversight we failed to make mention of the death of John May, oldest sort of Mr. ahd Mrs, Mathias May, which occurred $t Spring Grove two weeks ago. Mr May was Well and favorably known to many of , our people, as he has worked in this locality at different times. The deceased, has been ail­ ing for some time previous to his death, the end coming as a sweet relief to his suffering, which had be­ come quite intense during the last few weeks of his life. - His funeral took place at Spring Grove, The de­ ceased is survived by his aged par­ ents, two brothers and four sisters, as follows: Nick and Fred May, Miss Mary May, Mrs. Fred Meyers and. Mrs. Arthur Hergott of Spring Grove; Mrs. Frank Tonyan of North Chicago.' Johnsburg friends extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. The member^ of the newly organ­ ized "Spikes' Union" met ' at the home of Peter Niesen here on Wed­ nesday evening of last week for a few hours' social enjoyment. The officers of the new organization are i*s follows: Frank Smith, president; P. J. Williams, secretary, and Peter Niesen, treasurer. The time was spent in playing ttJie good, old Ger­ man game of solo and at a late hour refreshments Were served. The metn- bership of the "Spikers' Union" in­ cludes the following: John Smith, John J. Freund, Math. Jungen, John M- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, J. P. Hettermann, Jos". J.1 Michel s, Mr. apd Mrs. 4. A- Miller, Anton ftinith, j*cob Schaefer, Mike Schaef- er, J. B., Schumacher, Romo Freany and Ntek Struckmorey. Anyone having any carpenter work to be done will do well to make their wants known to the 7union, as several ex­ pert workmen are enrolled therein. Get your bordeaux at McAllister's for spraying fruit /trees. RIDGEFIELD S. Reed of Woodstock was- a Sun­ day caller here. Mrs. A. Martini was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mrs. M. H. Fitzsimmons spent the Week end in Chicago. Wilbur, Levey was a Chicago pas­ senger Saturday morning. Miss Etta Levey was a Crystal Lake caller Monday afternoon. W. S. Rushton and A. Martini were Chicago passengers Saturday even­ ing^ . C. M. Keeler of Elgin spent Sun­ day with his mother, Mrs. S. Wake­ field. • , - , " ! " Mrs. Herman Wille and son were Crystal Lake caller? last Friday aft­ ernoon. . .-- • . Miss Lillian Pouse of McHenry was the guest of Miss Ella Mollohan over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mikkelsen and chil­ dren were Crystal Lake callers Sat­ urday evening. Mrs, Morris of Park Ridge visited in the home of her brother, W. E. Dike, Thursday. D. V. Blayney of Chicago spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mrs. Flora Thomas of Warsaw, Ind., is visiting in the home of her son, P.° A. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed spent Saturday night and Sunday with rel­ atives at Woodstock. M iss Eleanor Phalin of McHenry spent Friday night in the home of Mrs. Anna Mollohan. Mrs. Geo. Mix and son of Chicago, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille the past week. Mrs. A. Jacobs and Mrs. A. Skin­ ner and Miss Helen Carlson were Woodstock callers Monday. Miss Ella Mollohan and friend, Miss LiHian Pouse, were Woodstock callers Saturday afternoon.,, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, were down from Woodstock calling on friends Sunday. A. F. Davis and Miss Dlorothy Castle of Austin visited with J, C. Button and sister Friday. « Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Anderson and children took in the movies at Crys­ tal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. D. Fitzgerald and son, Gordon, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mjrs. Sullivan, at Marengo.' Mrs. Clara .Jackman and daughter of Elgin were pleasant callers at the home of W. E. Dike Monday after­ noon. <s Mr. and Mr$. W. E. Dike and Mrs. -Morris attended the funeral of their relative, Mr, Henry Dike, at Hebron Thursday. Mrs. John Miller and daughter, Margaret, of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille from Friday until Monday. Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent part of Friday aftd Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mrs. A. Peterson and -daughter, Rosie, Mrs. Lolo Bennett and Miss Adaline Day and Ray Lytich were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Church Notes Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner will entertain "The Helpers" Friday even­ ing. The Missionary society meets with Mrs. H. Bruell Tuesday afternoon, May 9. The topic for Christian Endeavor Sunday evening, May 7, is "The Con­ secration of Talents." Mrs. Dike, leader. (Consecration meeting.) Mr. Trett filled the pulpit Sunday morning and spoke from the text, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, who is in Heaven." The choir sang two selec­ tions. On next Sunday morning Mr. Parker will be "with us. Make house cleaning easy Chi-Namel from McAllister's* with TERRA CQTTA Harry Jackson spent Friday even­ ing in B^cHenry. Mrs. M. Knox; was a McHenry vis­ itor last Wednesday. Ro"jm»1 Gracy was A McHenry visitor Friday evening last. Mrs. Johnson called in Crystal Lake one day last week. Mrs. Leonard Beal was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday. Ray Brown of Woodstock was a business visitor here Sunday. , Mrs. B. F. Martin spent last Wed­ nesday afternoon in McHenry. Mrs. J. M. Phalin visited McHenry relatives several days last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Cox were Crystal Lake callers Saturday even- ing. Miss Mary Burke of, McHenry was caller at M. Knox's,last Wednesday evening. Geo. W. Ames and daughter, Mae, boarded the train here last Wednes­ day morning. Philip tand Paul Hoffman of Spring Grove called on relatives here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Liddle and family have moved to the Henry Shales resi­ dence, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zuncker. • Foot Rest hosiery at John Stoffel's. , McHenry prospers most in the summer season. Get ready--take courage--boo^t for prosperity. A deposit with this bank is an evidence of YOUR prosperity^ as well good judgment. Open a checking account and pay by check. --THE BANK OF McHENRY CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President fr "For Ring wood' The milk war is settled. All are happy over the better prices. All conditions fa- orable for the best time in the history of Rifigwood. The niiw bank building start­ ed. The foundation is completed--Terra Cotta ready, walls will be going up next- week. You can help "For Ringwood" by doing your banking "In Ringwood." Bank of H. F. WHARTON, Cashier M t ' V 3f-f' -;-Vv " y,v: • 1 ' ; • I S ' V- • $ OF COURSE SHE'S DELIGHTED to lind her f a v o r i t e H o u r i n the pantry . KARLY RISER Hour i s the favorite of everyone wiio has trifd it. If you haven't, doo'l let another baking day sfo by without a sack in the bouse. We place our guarantee on every sack, you take absolutely no risk in buying the first sack. Let us have your order today. HOUR N'HENRY FEED HILLS RMOFT THENE STATESMAN (F C E N T R A L I OPERA HOUSE McHENRY. ILL. SUNDAY, MAY 7 FLORA DeVOSS COMPANY IN THE LATEST UNDERWORLD PLAY THE 12P EOPLE 12 Miss Flora DeVoes person­ ally appearing, assisted by the strongest cast that has ever been offered by Mr. Rotnour. Advance Sale of Tickets at Petesch's M <• V' . i « & 'iM . . . . . •. ,sfe;r" - .y»> FRANK O.LOWDEN OGLE COUNTY, III. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office In Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville McHenry, Illinois No. M-W P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEM TO THE SALE OF Drcated Beef, flutton, Hofa, VMl. JPouttry, „ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This te the oldnt house on Ihe street Tags and pries Haft* applieaHoa. GOLD STORAQE FR8E •tall i 11, P«lt«a St. Wfetimu Mark«t. ^•i CHICAQOt ILLINOIS. -

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