Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jun 1916, p. 7

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_TJ > l^. ' & ̂ % r "'lT' ? <r» . '̂ 'v.-%S »»££*.*' Jf*# J >,:**\.. w « v « > « f r * & * w £ 3 $ : ~ NEIGHBORING NEWS J4S CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS rndfn£$ • rf*4f wife RIDGEFIELD closed on Werfnesd^y, May f*?Af * • - \ v • ' "\' p We selectair sundries and miaeellan , . eons items of stock as carefully -as we do ' N ^jti mk*~ We'let the 11 "In quality ^d lmy. ^ ^ the rifftjt prices. ^ ' ." . K7y We carry a spleadid li&e of -1 ' Vv * ' Brushes," Soaps, Toilet Articles. ; %:Tr;. Perfumes and aU other Dn|| , . Store Sundries . /;jji% J': Vwy' > ,.'j:ft ..._•. \ We want your trade on these goods. vYou will appreciate the assortment, the i ty, the prices and %h$f. excellence <>f •,'flup serviee. '% :V'«s ' • " • *??; "s • » < v • >?r .135̂ .- I?' m "jl f'V i/*V- rrf .*••• At Your Service ; J c store has always enjoyedthe ten* • fidence of both physicians and the public. WE ARE PREPARER . 10 render you superior servi<^ iri department of our business. " * We maintain a regular Ma<&;> Qrder Department fortbe l§;' ; convenience of our rural customers PAINT kM I. n. PEFESCH,:: M Crystal with • ; ' ̂ NEW DRESS GOODS • <**•-* t* • i&tfi&ry' i:?- f X " , 1 ^ppE MlLL was ju& a little slow to Vj deliver, but it is -early enough - for yoiir Fourth of July dr^ss. Print* ed Silk Marquisette, tWo colors, 50c per yard. Rice Striped Muslin, 30c per yard. Pink Embroidered Voil# 35c # Striped Voile, blue, 25q yd. black, 20c. .Sports stripes for skirts and blouses, 25c yard* A white Splashed Voile at 25c is selling fast. /Phone 79-J BROS McHenry, 111. i! This is the day of preparedness and he who is not prepared must suffer the conse­ quences. N^o, we are not giving you war talk, we are Merely reminding you to pre­ pare yourself for the hot summer days which are sure to be with us soon. Enjoy he real comforts and pleasures of summer y purchasingy^jr summer furniture now. Our lide of Fibre Furniture, Lawn Chairs, Swingte and Hammocks is very complete and a selection may be made with ease. We deliver right to your door. Come and let us talk further preparedness with you, Furniture and Undertaking McHenry, • " + ••• Illinois. Porch and Lawn fpJif has been getting so much better and prettier each • - ^ear that the out door furnishings are mo^t as at- s^Jradtive and necessary as thbse inside. 1 ^ Like everything else, though, to be lading porch iurniture mu& be good. That's oae' o( the im- ^ .portant reasons for buying it here.^ -v - - •'m- f. ?£\ a • H N. J. JUSTEN "& SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING , AUTOMOBILES OR HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES Phones: Office, 63-W; Res. 110-M. WEST McHENRY, HUL» School closed on 81, with a picnic. J. Oakroot was caller last Friday. •J. vv. Lwnard spent Sunday his family at Elgin. « i E. C. Colby visited hifr parents at Crystal Lake Sunday. ' I Miss Edith Nelson was a Sharon business caller last Thursday. | August >- Wille visited over the week end with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rossman of Woodstock were callers here recently. Mr., and 1 Mrs. Byron Waterman and children spent Sunday at Father Reed's. Mijs. E. F. Anderson and Mrs. H. Wille were Crystal • Lake shoppers Monday. Station Agent Lynch wias calling j on his daughter at Woodstock Sunday 'evening. T i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lockwood and ; Miss Mabel Murphy spent Sianday at • Greenwood. j Mr. •and Mrs. G. H. Ormsfcy of Crystal Lake were pleasant callers •here Sunday. ' » ! JVIiss Ella Mollohan attended the ' alumni banquet at McHenry Satur- {day evening. ! Mrs. R. Reed, daughfcei, P^arl, and ] son, Clarence, were shopping in Chi- i Qaero Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mikkelson and chil­ dren called on relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. v» - i Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and sons and Miss Marie Nolte were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. 51' Mrs. Sadie' Herrington of Wood­ stock visited at the Ipme of Mr. and i Mrs. A. Malrtini over Sunday. - j Mrs./F. D. Castle and Miss Lura Davis of Austin visited their grand­ father, J. C. Button, Thursday. I L. J. Gibson and Mr. Oberst and !lady friends of Chicago visited with f. the former's parents and sister here 'Sunday. > I Mrs, W. Simmons ^nd little daugh­ ter of Woodstock visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.' Reed, Monday. V ^ i Mrs. Permilla Hodgkmson ha^ been •j under the doctor's cSare for the) past •'i week. Mr. Tuttfe is alsoi cohfined tp the house. " < * j Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson and „ i Mrs. R. L. Dufield autoed to Wood- Tstock Monday. , J E. C. Colby left Wednesday morn- . ing for South Dakota $nd will re­ turn the latter part of June-, in .•"double harness." . - . j The Dorr township exercises last Friday evening were unusually well ' ^attended and the program was the best given in a number of years. , i Mrs. W. E. Dike and Miss Et& ! Irish attended the convention at Woodstock Sunday of the McHenry, County suiitisy scnool ESswiatiuii. I Mftin Jennice Ashton and Mrs. W*. :E. Dike enjoyed an. auto ride' to I Woodstock 'Monday afternoon - with , Mr. and Mrs. C.r L. Tecklet- of Crystal > Lake. • • Church Notes There were twenty children ~ at song rehearsal Saturday afternoon. The topic for Christian Endeavor on Sunday evening is "The Will and •the Way." ' Children's day exercises will be i held fyere Sunday, June 18, at 10:30 r-in place of the regular morning st>r- . vices. i Mr. Parker's theme for< next Sun­ day morning will be "The Tempta­ tions of Christ." There will be spe­ cial music. , On Friday evening, June 23, the young people's choir, assisted by the children's choir, will give a concert in the church. i " OSTEND There is a good prospect for straw­ berries this year unless a blight strikes :&§m, but no cherries. OstencFschool closed last Friday. . The little folks enjoyed a quiet pic­ nic in the grove near the schoolhouse. , i JMrs. Abbie Martin entertained Mrs. Frank fcoing of Chicago several Sdays last week. ! Corn is nearly all planted and a good share of it is up So the rows , show plainly the length-of the'fiokb Seed must have been better than was anticipated in early spring. Very few have had to replant. v Edgar Davis had the misfortune (o fall while stepping from a #lowly moving automobile one evening last week and in some unknown way his right arm was run over, breaking both bones between the hand aftd el bow. Dr. Nye attend^ him and he is getting afong as well as could be cxnected, working every day at som .farm work with one han.«. j Chas. Durkee is just recovering !from a severe poisoning by handling j sumac root. He was plowing where I they grew and pulled them from his 'plow with his bare hands and rubbed j sweat from his face not knowing they ' we're poisonous. The result was closed eyes, swollen hands and a visit, ] to the doctor. He /is recovering nice- jly. Not many know the roots of this well known shrub are poisonous, but I Mr. Durkee has the proof. .! RINGWOOD ! Next Sunday evening ir»eeting will I be held at Ora Harrison's. Harry Stephenson went • witn ! friends . to Grayslake last Sunday. , Musses Lora Smith and Emma Fritz wore Chicago visitors last Fri- ' day. j. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Wolkos went to Elkhorn, Wis., Saturday, returning j Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey. | Quite a number from here went to • McHenry Sunday morning for" the church services. « There was a good attendance from {Ringwood at the Eastern Star meet- i inc Monday evening. Mrs. Libbie Ladd was taken quite I sick last Wednesday, but isi mue^ im- ; proved at this writing. Harry Stephenson attended the (convocation exercises at the Chicago i University Tuesday evening. ' i Paul Stephenson and Miss Dorcas j Foss attended the commencement ex- Jercises at Richmond Tuesday even- i ing. * Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ailen and Miss I Amies Bieelow drove to Brodhead. Wis.; last Saturday, returning Men- day. Carl Holstrom, Charles^Peet and Grace and Lora Harrison visited at Walter Harrison's near Grayelake | Sunday. i 4 We are now ready and prepared to do all kinds of whitewashing. Dairy ! barns our specialty. Price, stanchion. Smith & burg, HI Read The Plaindealer ads. JOHNSBURG Lewis and Arthur Adams were Pox Lake callers Tuesday. r Miss Helen Adams was a business callers in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Carlston entertained relatives from Spring Grove Saturday. Quite a number from here attended the picnic at Volo last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughter, Anna, were McHenry visitors Tues­ day. Ben Eidamiller, the National bis­ cuit agent, was in town last week Thursday. % Mr. and Mrs. John King of Mc­ Henry were Johnsburg visjt&s last week Thursday. ?. 9 Mrs. Wm. Smitl^ and daughter of McHenry visited in the home of Jos. Michels" Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, August Huff of Spring Grove visited among relatives in Johnsburg Sunday. Sis Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove visited in the home of J. C. Debrecht Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and chil­ dren of Zenda, Wis., were Johnsburg callers Saturday evening. ; Miss Dora Blake of McHenry speVit Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret Freund. Miss Laura Miller of McHenry was a Sunday1 guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller, ^ Miss K&thryn Althoff of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of per .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alt- hofL f Mr, and Mrs. Ben Tonyati, who re­ side on a farm near Ringwood, re­ joice over the arrival of a baby girl, born Friday, June 2. Paul Schumacher invited a number of his friends last Sunday evening to help him celebrate his twenty-first birthday anniversary. Mrs. 'Emil Feltes and son, Dan, returned to their home in Kansas City, Mo., Sunday evening, after a two months' stay here with her •mother, Mrs. Nett. • ^ VOU) Mi's. John Walton was a Wauconda caller last Friday, v Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ter spent Sunday in Libertyville. Mrs; R. Seymour and daughter were callers at Earl,. Converse's Sat­ urday. T Edward Buss of McHenry passed Sunday as the "guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lusk. • 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. Paddock antf sons, Robert and James, spent Sunday in Graysl&ke. >, Mrs. John Walton and Miss Ella Moore were McHenry callers Satur­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeid ac­ companied Mrs. R. Smith and son to Libertyville Sunday. There will be a strawberry, and ice cream social held at the M. E. church Friday evening, June 16. The Ladies'Auxiliary of Waucon­ da havei invitee! the "Ladies' Aid so­ ciety to meet at the church parlors June 15. A Vic io us Pest rmmrrm* RAT corn D«4ris Nk kai kamWM %& E. * V. ̂ McAllister, - West McHenry CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All *dvortlst*m<*nt« inserted undrr tliU Ixwd at the Collowiiitrratec Flvo llno» or,4ww. 46 c^ntu for first (nftttrtion 1& for t*uht»oi|iif»»t tn«*rt1«»» *or«v;tf>ii-2»'• ft-vt4,'i-vti®*, o«"ntH a lm« for ttr*t tn^rtlns GIRL WANTED--Apply to dress C. Unti, McHenry, IN. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire W. Stenger, West e McHenry Bank. ' , or ad 51 of C. State 19 FOR SALE-p-A quantity of Early Ohio seed potatoes. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111, 1 44-tf FOR SALE--Two Chester White, sows with twelve pigs. Inquire of B. J. Wegener, McHenry, 111. 46-tf FOR SALE--About fifteen som£" are in for some time coming in. Geo. Sayer far! Pistakee Bay, 111. heifers; nd some No. 1, ffl-tf FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, I1L, or*call phone 607- .W-l. 47-tf FOR SALE--Early and' late potatoes, suitable for seed or eating. Inquire Of or write John McCarthy, McHen­ ry, 111. 46-tf FOR RENT--Cottage, situated just across from St. Patricks chruch. In­ quire of or write Wm. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. •« 51-tf F HAVE eight acres of alfalfa, which sell by ton or on shares. In- fTh will sell bj quire cf Arthur Hanson, 111. - Phone 634-M-2. p- McHenry, 51* FOR SALE--The R. A. Howard property <in West McHenry. Reason­ able price and terms. Simon Stof- fel, West McHenry, 111. 46-6t FOR SALE--House, barn and 5 acres of land, -situated on Woodstock road, just outside of ̂village limits. E. M. Geier, West "McHenry, 111. 47-tf Bear, Phone 623-R-l. ' 8c per Johns- FOR SALE--Mitchfell roadster. In first-class condition. New tires and new paint. Recently overhauled. In­ quire of Dr. C. H. Fegers, McHenry, ni. ' " > 50-tf HORSES FOR .SAL head of young^ wo horses. AU1 broke. • About 'fifteen and driving y be seen at farm J. £ayer, Pistakee Bay, 111. ' 45-tf " Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of .jiews you 1 ^3 • ? j* BANK ok MCHENRY** V. ALWAYS A GOOD BANK--THE SAME NOW * ' •*<, , •.. y - ' ' / ' • • •' •'? »%" V'- You may expect courteous consideration and careful attention r ^ ' 4 - • 1 to all matters entrusted to us v v>, ,,\£- - • * GENERAL BANKING Interest paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts Farm Loans negotiated on most favorable tenns Open a Checking Account, be /up-to-date CLARENCE F. Manager HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier I FREMONT H<Sr* President Bank of About July 1st we expect to occupy oiir NEW BANK BUILDING when we will be equipped about as well as^any bank in this vicinity to care for all kinds of business for our custo­ mers. Come now and start doing business at Your Home Bank We will treat you right. All kinds of banking transacted. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, " + • " • H. F. WHARTON, Cashier Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort 2 Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re^l and recreation amid&t the mo& pleasant an4 home like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illustrated booklet r̂ > Telephone, McHenry 92-M. . McHENRY, ILLINOIS. po;U glameftf^ook if the baking does not come out right. The fault, is probably with the flour. It is impossible to make good bread and cakes with poor flour. Use EARLY RISER floue and you'll never have occasion to "blame the cook." - i * . VEST HTHENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS The warmer weather is a reminder of Summer % Men's . Balbriggan Shirts arid Drawers 25c, $1.00 Men's Jersey and Mesh Knit Union Suits_50c, $1 Women's Jersey Ribbed Vests, 10c, l?v Women's Jsrssy Ribbod Union, Suits_25c, 39c, 50c Muslin Drawers 35c, 50c Mulsin Nightgowns and Petticoats ___50c up John Stoffel My select line of Spring Togs for the dressy young man has arrived. Without doubt, the line is the very best that 1 have ever handled and it gives me great pleas­ ure to show same. My stock of hats, which in­ cludes all the very lat­ est ideas, is tli£ very best ever shown in Mc­ Henry, while nothing has been overlooked in the gents' furnishing department. Have you placed that order for your new summer suit? If Hot, better do so at once while the selection is complete. J. D. LODTZ t. \^

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