wmmrumwm ETOrr f«VM»AT B V G. SCHREINER > IB B»k Biltflm TtkpbOM %-W TERMS Ot SUBSCRIPTION: Oaf Tew -T... MM ill NiMlM, 75C » ' . Tto* Months, «c Thursday, Jane 22, 1916 Giadidafcrftr StateV Attorney ^ I hereby announce myself a candi- 4at« for tlie Republican nomination "'t »• lor state's attorney. j* «§ ' V. a LtimlCT. . f i For Circuit Clerk » Ihereby announce myself a candi-' Aate for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc^ Henry county at the Republican pri maries to be held on Wednesday September 1$, 1916. 48 Thos. P. Nolan. i Far State's Attorney I am a candidate for renomination •s state's attorney of McHenry coun- v%. If the manner in which I have Conducted the affiairs of that office during my incumbency meets • with your pyproval I will appreciate your ihpport at the Republican primaries 'pst September 13v 1913. •" David R. Joslyn. a# iiata for the For State's Attorney I hereby announce myself a candi- Republican nomination lor the office of State's Attorney of ileHenry county at the Republican primaries to be held on Wednesday, Ijjeptember 13, 1916. ;•"* I aak every voter aftd tax payer to IpKMii my platform and pledge. 48 Charles P. Barnes. these the canning and ' * v fFe the Voters of McHenry County I am again a candidate for the of- V ice of circuit clerk. I have at all I times endeavored to conduct this of- »v- See to the satisfaction of all. Effi- £"7 eiency, courtesy and fairness have been the watchwords of my office. If 3^ou are/^atisfied, I should appreciate < > your y6te at the primary on Sept. 13, ' * ^kext, I am satisfied with my job and perfectly willing to serve another ten®, without a raise in salary. Tours very ' truly, V - ' /V1 Hamer. FS.AN ON SECOND SHOW McHenry Poultry Aaaodation Hold Another Show Will *V.r ;V, *A The second annual exhibition^ of jthe McHenry Poultry, Pet Stock and C Grain association will be held , during this year and if present plans, which . tre being arranged,' mean anything || will KA mnnk IsTCPT fKail •% WMS MV »UUWU IMIGD MAN »aiv **-*• U v fhow, which was held last winter. ; The grain department will be much j r larger lis also will the pet stock de- ' partment. The poultry department Will be as large, as last season and that was nearly the capacity of the . *u; Plans are being arranged to » - kold a cattle and hog show the same v, #eek and also the ladies can bring .. eftnned fruit, etc. It will almost fqpai a mid-winter county fair. A • / - - meeting and smoker will be held in % r . - •bout two weeks, at which time every business man and citizen of McHenry i:;V Jind all farmers should > be present, The people of McHenry and vicin- should feel proud of the first «how( which was the largest poultry and grain show ever held in northern A^ftiinois. Let's make the second-show f larger still. F" A complete list of prices will be .,J4S|nnounced later. Is ft ^ officers of the association are ^£8 follows: President, Mayor D. G. &$rdb; vice presidents, Ed. L. Hayes, /•"Jf. C. Bickler, Fred Mershon; secre tary, Russel Turner; treasurer, C. W. Utenger; Supt., Frank Thurlwell; y.AaaL Supt., Leonard Frett; board of ,, directors, F. G. Schreiner, Frank , -V Tonyan, M. L. Worts, Newell Colby, :P, Henry Pomrening, Lee Turner, How* j a r d W a l k i n g t o n , , C h a s . M . N o b l e , " John (ir&nt; Supt. grain department, ^lIMter J. Walsh; grain committee, Chas. L. Page, chairman; John Mt r(h Phalin, S. H. Freund, John Smith, Pi? .i'."Chas. Gibbs, John Boyle, Frank H. &-v Wattles, John F. Claxton, C. W. Har- yison. CONTESTS :v ̂ In Scientific Afn- |v *1 'Xjfi* • 'f**: '• . ' ^ Some one lias said that the future 'Jr #f America, is in her agriculture; the ^future of ner agriculture in applied •cience and the future/ of applied •cience in the boys andN -^irls. No -- f Itruer statement than this has /ever , ' • been made, for it is jJerfectly clear ' _ ' %hat if progressiveness is to be per- - L" |nanent it must have the younger p^/^fc^etteration as a foundation. Knowl- V":? fd^s obtained when one ia young en- l> HV Ses. •'•••. . ' '^le Question arises then as to the 2^ most efficient means of interesting til 1iie boys and girls in. scientific agri- C, ' culture and those who have made a $ Study of this problem believe that if ^ <*, ^ the young people can be persuaded to K Krow crops and care for livestock * themselves in co-operation with \, Other boys and girls they will actual- ly learn these principles more effec- sf^^ively than in any other wfty. 13' iL - 1 » , J ... ̂*, a4 vi muo piax jaioc uic uu/a auu contests are being introduced the United States and ark wittP wonderful success, contests are not only valuable the country, but are enjoyed im mensely by the boys and girls who ike part in them. In brief, the principal contests grhich are under nay are corn, po- r - %to, pig Mad calf. Both boys and ^ . Airls «u« ekeible t* these contests. In addition to bread-making contests are carried on, these being particularly suitable for the &irls in both town and coun try. ; It is to be hoped that McHenry county tfill enter into the contest work with , a zest the coming year and now is the time to begin 'think ing about it. Early in the fall de tailed information will be given out thru the Soil Improvement associa tion, so that all the boys and girls in the. county trill have an opportunity to Center whatever contests it seems best to* take up. McHenry Co. Soil Imp.--Assn., ^ A. J. Gafke, Co. Agri. Agent. RINGWOOD - Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday witii his parents. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Walter Bradley's. ^ Mrs. Frank Hitchens and son, By ron, were Elgin visitors last Friday. Bert McCannon and family spenft Sunday with .his parents in Green- wood. 1 The Willing Workers had a pleas ant meeting at Mrs. Conway's last Wednesday. A baby daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whiting last Saturday. Walter Bradley,'wife and daughter and his father and mother spent Sun day at Crystal Laek. Delbert Bacon and wife of St. Charles were week end visitors in the Hawley and Bacon homes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wharton en tertained her sister and husband and mother of Gary, Ind., from Friday until Sunday. George W. Smith and wife of El gin visited at O. A. Tabor's and Amos Smith's and other relatives from Sat urday until Wednesday morning. There was a good attendance at the Flower Mission meeting last Sat urday. The- program by the .young people and little ones was ..very good. Edwin Grace and Lopa Harrison and Bert McCannon and wife attend ed the church wedding of Miss Bessie Thomas of Greenwood last Wednes day. : Mrs. Florence Smith will entertain two classes of the Sunday school at her home Friday afternoon at tea. The proceeds will go to missionary work. There was a good attendance at the Social Wheel at Mrs. Allen's^ It was the eighty-fifth birthday of Mrs. Lydia Owen and she was presented with a very beautiful plant. ^AU had a very pleasant time.„ Mr. and Mrs. Burger of Los, An geles, Calif., Cora Thompson and Lillian Eckert of Woodstock visited at H. M. Stephenson's last Thursday. Mrs. Burger was. Miss Emma Carr and was bo^n on the Carr farm west of town. / JOHNSBURG Mrs. "Henry Hiemer and daughter, Adelia, of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes Monday. Mrs. Frank Mathieu spent a few days last week as the guest of rela tives in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Thomas Mills ancTf little daughter are spending ̂ few Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. * . ' Frank Mathieu, tl^e^juggler, ^filled an engagement in Chicago last Sat urday and, as usual, pleased his audience. ; Peter N..Freund has embarked in the auto livery business and is now prepared tof make trips at any tiau. and to any place at very reasonable prices. The steeple jack and his assistants are still at work here. However, they expect to get thru shortly, when they will go to McHenry, where they have some minor repaira to make on St. Mary's church steeple in that village. Henry and Ernest Rauschenberg, who burglarized the Adams store here a short time ago and were in dicted by the grand jury at the May term of circuit court at Woodstock, were sentenced to the state reforma tory at Pontiac last week. Quite a few of our baseball fans w McHenry trim the Elgin Na tionals at McHenry last Sunday aft ernoon. Two of our boys helped do the work. Miller pitched the first five innings, while Michels played his usual strong game around the third sack. We feel proud of these two boys. All of our people are boosting Johnsburg's big Fourth of July cel ebration, which is to take place at Nell's Columbia park. Large colored posters announcing the event have been posted during the past week and those having the event in hand are looking forward to a record- breaking crowd. EMERALD PARK Mr. Hille of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mrs. Johnson of Chicago via spend ing a few weeks here. James Haxton and son, - Will ,of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mis Mae Burns of Chicago is pass ing the summer at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chi cago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and *&lrs. Geo. Blum and chil- dteforf Chicago spegt Sunday here. |jPp; Anna Malefyt and Edward Airmut of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mrs. Chicago are spending the here.. / jMr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Aus tin spent a few weeks at the Granger Cottager Mr. and Mrs. ^ Chas. Cohen and children of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. 9 Mr., and Mrs; James. Armstrong are spending a .few weeks at their sum mer cottage. nucit ttiiu cmiuren 01 summer The operation is a simple one, interesting, of low cost and particularly pleasant in summer. The crispiest,-tastiest, hot test toast is made on an ELECTRIC TOASTER Boiled coffee contains tannic add. Tl^ best is made on the 7 ( ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Numerous other most ingeni ous, labor saving cooking utensils are tisable in the Wi^ed House " OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Not th^ cheapest in the store but the cheapest on the house SOLD IN McHENRY ATTHE Store t V. AcAIIister 'Phone 59-W SMITH Rendering factory Woodstock, 111. Will pay th£ highest cash price for dead horses and cattle and will remove them from the premises as before. Hides must be oh. Will pay reverse tel ephone charges. Tele phone 162-R, Woodstock. * M. W.SMITH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All ftdTertlumenta lnMrtOd uuuer tuiu iiuui tun following r»t*< I1t« llnea or leas, :ir, .-mit* fur flret Insertion: U emu lor Mcb sulMeqaant lmwrtlon. Moru tiuiu <l*e Ibtea, S aula m Hue fur Rnt liwrtlot, and a iwnM • line for addltlonl Insertion*. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--A peanut and popcorn machine. Inquire at Ruck's grocery, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Three milch cows, two Jerseys and one Holstein. Inquire of J. C. Debrecht, Johnsburg, 111. 1 FOR SALE OR RENT--A seven room cottage. Gas and electric light. F. J. Karges, McHenry, 111. 1 FOR SALE--Mission0 living room furniture, 8 pieces, as good as new. A bargain. Apply at this office. 52-2 FOR RENT--Cottage, . situated just across from St. Patrick's chruch. In quire of or write Wm. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 61-tf FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, 111., or call phone 607- W-l. . 47-tf FOUND--At baseball park, a watch. Owner may have same by calling at the home of T. J. Walsh, proving property and paying for this notice. FOR RENT--A new bungalow at German village on Fox river. Rea sonable rent. Apply to or write H. J. Klapperich, McHenry, 111. Route 3. 52-3t* FOR SALE--House, barn and 5 acres of land, situated on Woodstock road, just outside of village limits. £. M. Geier, West McHenry, 111. 47-tf FOR SALE--Mitchell roadster. In first-class condition. New tires and new paint. Recently overhauled. In- quila of Pr. C. H. Fegers, McHenry, 111. 50-tf HORSES FOR SALE--About fifteen head of young work and driving horsta. " All broke. May be sen at mmm ; v -' £ McfiMBf, OPERA HOUSE, McHENRY, ILL. SUNDAY, JUNE 25= -TWE NEW YORK SUCCESS- M. V* ^ ...« •' ,,i»V By Edward Peple, author of "The Littlest Rebel' . • - . • • --. a -- WITH GLEN L. BEVERIDGE and the Beveridge Players SPECIAL SCENERY, THE BEVERIDGE ORCHESTRA and the Temple Trio added attraction , Prices: : 25c, 35c, 50c SEATS ON SAKE AT PETESCH'S 6 WE SAY Coffee! Kj One pound of our 30c Vintage Coffee will give more satisfaction than two pounds of any 25c Cof fee on the market. The next time you buy coffee don't forget ask for Vintage. It has that delicate taste which users of good coffee cannot help but appreciate THE C. M. ADAM'S STORE 'Phone 625-W-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. We have just stocked a full line of Golf Clubs, Balls, Etev I These goods will be sold at cost for the first two weeks, so come early to get in on the cheaper prices. West McHenry DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER PLUMBING AND SEATING Experienced Workmen DONAVIN * REIHANSPERGER / Office Hour*;' Telephone® 1:M to I2:M a. au Office 17 Ml to 4:3* p. n>. Retidence 51-W Mtol:Np.a. A. I. FROEHLICH , Physician anil Surgeon bTerS^Xn^. WEST McHENRY DR. F. i . AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg Centervifle McHenry, lliinois Telejtftone No. 79-W Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance) agent for ail classes of property i^the best companies. WEST McHENRy, ILLINOIS. farm No. 2. Bay, m. Geo. J, Sayer, Pistakee 45-tf LOST--On Sunday evening on road between McCotlum's lake and Lily Lake, a package containing a pair of shoes, pillow slips, coat., hanger and a few other articles. Finder leave WwSMI^ and receive re- 1-it Mary Adams of Richmond was business caller" in town Monday. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling of Cary were callers in town Monday. Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Miss Laura Krause were Chicago visitors Monday., Frank ^ Weber ofV Chicago apent Sunday abi |Bie guest of Theodore HARDWARE, PLCMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK * > * ' A >1^ * _ e a " /*» ty , H Let us give yoil an e^imate on your plumb- ing, heating and sheet metal work, : •••is; m Also on your hardwafe^ LET US HELP YOU IN •i ' • - Y'Wit**?:"* v THIS WAY IT COSTS YOU NOTHING ; »;• . -THURSDAY-- E are going to designate this day as "Baby's Day" in the future a| our" studio. Take advantage of the special inducements on that day, as in addition we will "give one-half dozen photographs free to the first sitting com ing in, ho matter what your order may be. Having discontinued our branch at Crystal Lake, we can now give all our attention eveiry day in the week to the McHenry studio. Make an appointment today for the baby or the children. Schnabel's Photo Studio McHenry* I'll. Phone 61-R ( " The Machine That Gives You Wash-Day Freedom Snow-white clothes, freed from dirt and free from injury, are ahvetys the result of the Horton Miracle The washer with the machine-cut gears and corrugated tub. The operating-lever is adjustable to (any height; the dolly-post is protected by a galvanized cup; the fly-wheel may be re moved instantly for a power-driven pulley, A beautiful,durable, dependable, guaranteed v^asher that you must examine--end wn, 1̂ . i; JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ' Werft McHenry, ... Illinois Schiessle, Jr. Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and Miss Anna were visitors at North Crystal Lake on Tuesday of this week. •""Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Adams and family of Richmond Bpent Monday •JHhrM >4 f i rr * . • "• ;T ^k - evening at the Krumpen home. Mrs. John S. Freund visited liar sjster, Mrs. Barney Simon, at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Chicago, Tues- ^ ^* • •*- 5st-ir^- •?--+ ^ r f: • ~ v v i . * " " v ' t v-: