Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1916, p. 7

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s*"i_ '»• W.- * > ) r\-% Y • !'k • ••'*-' -. -"• •1 Should be' por#' ,* J*:.-.. 3':7 , *, ; > ' * i?\' \ Should be properly -,. ®.."r%; •,,\r „• :»V ^.j^' f-̂ c Should be fresh Should be prope vif; ̂ Should be right potency Should be dispensed carefully Should be sold *t * fair price W:X P%T> Everything at our sttfre & at it should be. You can - place the utmost confidence in our goods and oiuj f̂ o -^pethods will surely appeal to you Druggist "McHenry,, 111. 4f Sometimes when we read the ads in The McHenry Plain- dealer we think of the many who like it for advertising We Do Too But, we like the advertising a satisfied customer gives us still more. That is why we try Lso hard to please and satisfy custQmers. Oftimes new customers come and say that they were told by friends or neighbors how well they like to trade at Smith Bros, or that our 25c Coffee is $o good. We appreciate this and want all of you such customers. ' 'Phone 79-J BROS. McHenry, 111. WIY WAIT UNTIL TIE ENEMY ATTACKS? Everywhere we heat pfople talking Preparedness. Are you prepared for the attack of the worst enemy of the sunpmer season-- General Pt^iT and his vast army of disease spreaders? " Don't wait until he is upon you. Gome ia oow and let us quote you prices on Window and Door Screens for your home. Then, too, we make a specialty of wire screen for jour front veranda and sleeping porch. Again we say, "Don't Wait^' but come in today aud p4aee your order. WILBUR LUMBERCO. WEST McHFNRY. ILL. PHONE 5 V. This is the day of preparedness; and he who is not prepared must suffer the conse­ quences. No, we are not giving you war talk, we are merely reminding you to pre­ pare yourself for the hot summer days which are sure to be with us soon. Enjoy the real comforts and pleasures of summer by purchasing your summer furniture now. Our line of Fibre Furniture, Lawn Chairs, Swings and Hammocks is very complete and a selection may be made with ease. We deliver right to your door. Come and let us talk further preparedness with you. - * v 0 "• - A, Furniture and Undertaking * McHenry, ••• ttlinoit ̂ RIDGEFIELD Mrs. H. Wille was a Crystal Lake shopper Monday. H. Wille shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Monday. Mrs. Grice and little son spent Saturday at Woodstock. Alexander Brings is a visitor in the home of W. E. Dike. B. P. Peck boarded the train for Chicago Saturday morning. L. A. Walkup and son, Ralph, were Crystal Lake callers Thursday. Lawyer Casey of Woodstock was a busipess caller here Monday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday afternoon. - Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. F. Graham were Woodstock callers Monday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Righard and daughter visited at Woodstock Sun­ day. > Mr. and Mrs. L Ericson were Woodstock passengers Sunday aft­ ernoon. ; £• Mrs. C. If. Ormsby of Crystal Lake visited at the home, of H. Ormsby Thursday. Miss Genevieve Godoard ' was a Woodstock business . caller Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and Miss Ella Mollohan were Woodstock callers Wednesday. J. Mikkelsen and family called at the home of \A. Saaby at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Leroy Skinner, and son, Wes­ ley, ̂ Visited with frittrate at Wood­ stock Monday. •*' ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pederson vis­ ited with the latter's grandmother in Chicago Sunday. - Miss Ella Mollohan. is assisting Mr. Colby at the Economy store thru her sunyner vacation. ' Miss Rosie Peterson is clerking at Wien*s department stare »t " Wood­ stock during vacation. There are quite a number of small children confined to their homes with chicken pox and measles. Mrs. Carrie Johnsofi if spending this week at the home-of her broth­ er, S. Reed, at Woodstock. • • - Mr. and Mrs. R* Hesslegrave and daughters of Woodstock visited at A.> Peterson's Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Rdse Goddard. visited at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. S. Reed, at Woodstock Saturday night and Sundiy. Mrs. L« M. Goddard of Woodstock visited part of Sunday and Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Mrs. August Wille returned home from Chicago last week after spend­ ing several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mix. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Morse and daughters, Elizabeth and Ruth, were pleasantly entertained „ in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Giesselbrecht and daughters, Helen and Mary, of Mil­ waukee, Wis., attended the Ladies' Aid society at Mrs. R. Reed's Thurs­ day. 'v* Cfhurch Notes Junior choir rehearsal as usual Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock. On Sunday morning, July 2, the morning service will be on Indepen­ dence. Mr. Parker's theme for Sunday morning will be "Individual Respon­ sibility." * • : The Ladies* Cemetery society will meet this Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss L. J. Forney. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid society will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Simmons a| Wood stock Thursday afternoon, June 29. On- Sunday evening Mr. Parker will lead C. E. The topic, "What Is the Puruose of Our Life on Earth ? Epheridus 2:1-10. There will be spe­ cial music. " There was an attendance of 160 at the Children's day services last Sun­ day mornijng» The children's choir is to be an addition to the young people's choir at the regular services Sunday morning. It seemed good to have so many people in from t|ie country at our morning and evening service last Sunday and hope i$n next Sunday evening there will be as many more, making it impossible to h^ld the meeting in the lecture room! There will be special service of "song. Remember the concert Of old and new songs to given this Friday evenipgf. Frftgraw Part I / "Illinois" v Chamberlain The Junior Choir (It) "Soldier's Chorus1' Faust (b) Commencement Song Murray "When Night Falls Over the Sea" 4 Shannon Albert Parker "Oh, That We Two Were Maying". Mrs. M. Reed, Miss Ella Mollohan (a) "Old Kentuck Home" Foster (b) "Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground" > • Reading . ...i'.Miss Jessie Freeland Solo. .Miss Bernice Hardesty (a) Boating Song Rigoletto (b) Sleighing Song ........Pierpor^t Intermission ; Part II (a) Marselliace Rouget da Xisle (b) "O Columbia,, the Gem of "the OMAn" Shaw «In the Garden of My Heart". .Ball * Miss .Hardesty, Mr. Parker (a) "Tenting Tonight"... .Kittridgfs (b) "Just Before the Battle, Moth- . .......s. Root er . *. WKarc tfc« Liller Bloom". * Thompson S Misses Har̂ sty, Mollohan « r-, ; "»•' T' Messrs. Walkup, Parker "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" . . . . . . . . • Carey Accompanists--Mrs. Nellie Mer­ chant, organist; Miss Lois 'Levey, pianist. , TERRA COTTA Edward J. Knox was a visitor in Chicago Sunday. ; Miss Florence Confvay visited her cousins here last week. Miss Florence Knox visited Mc­ Henry relatives Saturday. Edward Conway witnessed a ball game in Chicago Sunday. Miss Frances Knox was a McHen­ ry caller Tuesday afternoon. Chas. L. Buck of Crystal Lake was a business callcr here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matthews were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Robert Knox was a caller in this vicinity last Thursday evening. Fred Klein of Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity Friday last. Miss Annie Buss of Woodstock spent the week end at her home here. Arthur Klein of Crystal Lake vis­ ited relatives, and friends here Sun­ day. Miss Eleanor Conway spent a cou­ ple of days last week with'relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at John Riley's. Lewis Anderson and Raymond Ril­ ey were dut_ of town visitors Friday evenings Misses Frances Knox* and Lillian Riley were Crystal Lake visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl ^jVilcox and chil­ dren of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cox and daughter, Mamie, spent Sunday even­ ing at Ray Cox's. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin and brother, Howard, were Elgin shoppers Tuesday. Miss Bessie Rydquist of Crystal Lake spent a couple of days th# past week with relatives here. Several young people from here attended a party at Knox's hall, Mc­ Henry, last Thursday evening. Miss Cecelia Conway of McHenry spent last week with her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss. Mrs. Marion McMillan and Marion Shales spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ethel Whitney and baby of Libertyville spent a couple of days last week with her cousin, Mrs. Leon ard Beal. Mrs. Anna Byrd and daughters, Lucile and Mr& John Quartel of Michigan, were callers here Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gracy and daughters were Crystal Lake visitors last Wednesday evening and wit­ nessed the Hull-Bretyspraak nuptial. OSTENL) Loren Martin is home for vacation from school duties at Madison. Simon St off el and family ate Sun­ day dinner \yith C. B. Durkee and wife. * Earl Sherman, wife and children, Dorr and Elma, ate^Stfnday dinner with Mrs. Sherman's parents. Rumor says Ben Wallis, son of Ed. Wallis, and Miss Adeline Gallop were married Saturday,-June 17, at Wood­ stock. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, were Woodstock visitors Sat­ urday last and called on Lyman Francisco. Ben Brown and wife of Woodstock were calling on the former's sister, Mrs. C. B. Durkee, and family Sun­ day afternoon. The Greenwood grocery wagon made its regular weekly call Monday, delivering groceries and paying their customers 22c per dozen for eggs. Mrs. Wealthy Martin, a former resident of this place, is reported quite seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Mansfield, at Woodstock, 111. Henry Hobart and "family and Earl Sherman and family motored to Woodstock Sunday and called on Lyman Francisco, who is critically ill and under the care of Dr. West. P. B. Thompson made a great im­ provement in the looks of the road side along his farm by mowing the heavy grass and destroying, some evil weeds. It is hoped some tnore of the farmers will do likewise. The guards have been called and the boys will soon be off. There are only two that we know of from this locality. Those are Harry Francisco and Ben „Wallis. The former has been working, on the farm in Cherry Valley known as the Salisbury farm, a new owner this spring, whose name is unknown. F. E. Martin, wife and sons, Clin­ ton and' Loren, Guy Graham and wife and Burt A. Whiting motored to Elgin Sunday and ate a picnic dinner in Lord's park. Mr. and Mrs.- Gra­ ham and Mr. Whiting left Sunday evening for their home, the former at Fargo, N. D/, and the latter at Portland, Ore. Will Picnic- Here The McHenry county snpervisors will again picnic here this year. The date has been set for Tuesday, July 18, and the necessary arrangements for boats, meals, etc.. have he«n left to our popular supervisor, Stephen H. Freund. A similar picnic was held here two years ago and their decision to come here again this year evidences that they were per­ fectly satisfied with McHenry. Fox river and the lakes on their former •Visit. • • . '• " --i " THE OLD "BANK OK McHENRY" ALWAYS A GOOD BANK--THE SAME NOW You may expect courteous consideration and careful attention ; tp ill matters entrusted to us GENERAL BANKING Interest paid on Tlnte tteposits and Savings Accounts Farm Loans negotiated on most favorable terms • Open a Checking Account, be up-to-date CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MERSHO& Cashier FREMONT HOY President Bank About July 1st we expect to occupy our NEW BANK BUILDING when we will be equipped about as well as any bank In this vicinity to care for all kinds of business for our custo- r mers. Come now and start doing business sit Your Home Bank . . 1 1 . We will treat you right. All kinds of banking transacted. Interest paid on time and savings deposits. H. F. WHARTON, Cashier :>A m :10 sl* I \ Pi' if ' f, * •!r-^ f ^ •* * AV ' - 4 " " - v - Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re& and recreation amidol the mo& pleasant and home like rural surroundings. NATyRAL s Mi^TiiODS, Write for illustrated booklet Telephone, McHenry 92-M. : McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TUESDAY TiiunSOtf mm fRIDAY Every day ,in the week the busy housewife is called upon to make something for the hungry fam­ ily. In nearly every instance Sour plays a prominent part, and if it isn't good flour the results are discouraging. Early Riser Flour, no matter what you are, bfcking, be it cakes, pies or bread, never tiitwfjpuisis. It lightens the labors of evqrj housewife. :: WEST M'HENRY •w A«nk m u«t, nniin TLUUK mv ruji utt * a lULift) nil JUST AS COMPLETE AS We wish to once more call your attention to our Gro­ ceries. Our stock of staple and fancy Groceries is just as complete as ever and you have the assurance of gett­ ing fresh goods when you make a purchase at fhis store. Our line of Fruits and Vegetables is also com­ plete at all times. Let us supply your table needs. John Stoffel Ifc mi 11$ My select line of Spring Togs for the dressy young man has arrived. Without doubt, the line is the very best that I have ever handled and it gives me great pleas­ ure to show same. My stock of hats, which in­ cludes all the very lat eet ideas, is the very best ever shown in Mc­ Henry, while nothing has been overlooked in • the gents' furnishing department. Have you placed that order for your new summer suit : " If nrit hftttAr do SO &t once while the selection lit complete. :: J . D. 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