Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1916, p. 4

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•HE MCHENRT PLAHTOEAI.BR, MeHENRY, ttfc. .f*T,,, pssg? JOSLYN'S 1908 ARTICLE UNLETS RECORD «k mntSDAY BY f. G. SCHREINER i to Bank Build ins Telephone W>W TERMS g$f SUBSCRIPTIONS "SiT**"" ' .tlM Tfem Months, «c Thursday, Joly 6, 1916 Candidate for State's Attorney I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination tor state's attorney. v- S. Lumley. f-p-i • > . , For Circuit Clerk % liereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc­ Henry county at the Republican pri­ maries to be held on Wednesday, September 18, 1916. 48 Thos. F. Nolan. For State's Attorney / I am a candidate for renomination as state's attorney of McHenry coun­ ty. If the manner in which 1 have conducted the affiairs of that office during my incumbency meets with your approval I will appreciate your support at the Republican primaries g|i September IS, 1916. 47 pavid R. Joslyn. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Simes, that the village furnish nec­ essary supports to be used on the band stand. Motion carried. v Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Kennebeck, that the bond of F. J. Herbes as principal, with Frank Wat­ tles and John Walsh as sureties, be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Simes, seconded by Stof­ fel, tu Adjourn. Motion csrrisd. D. G. Wells, Pi*i> W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and Go Daring a Week '-vfcffS' V* • v For State's Attorney iifeby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for the office of State's Attorney of McHenry county at the Republican primaries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. I ask every voter and tax payer to read my platform and pledge. 48 Charles P. Barnes. To the Voters of McHenry County 1 am again a candidate for the of­ fice of circuit clerk. 1 have at all |imes endeavored to conduct this of­ fice to the satisfaction of all. Effi­ ciency, courtesy and fairness have been the watchwords of my office. If you are, satisfied, I should appreciate your vote at the primary on Sept. 13, next. I am satisfied with my job and perfectly willing to serve another term without a raise in salary. - j Yours very truly, , ill Theo. Hamer. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS fj^age Trustees Meet In Regular Monday Evening 3H': K&- , „ Council Room, July 3, 1916. 1^•vK'Tfci village trustees met in regular . fltssion with Pres. Wells presiding. Trustees present: Justen, Kenne­ beck, Stoffel, Simes and Spencer. Absent; Doherty. . The minutes of the last regular fieeting were read and approved. i,L The following bills were approved bfr the finance committee: G. AN.W.R.R. Co., fgt. on v stone .$343.33 Bolese & Shepard, stone..... 194.31 . Geo. M. Donald & F. A. Boh- lander, lbr on street ' Jchn Mulch & F. A. Bohlan- : j der, lbr on street. 3.00 4*s. B. Clow & Sons, lead pipe A. M. Brown, lbr on ww...... Standard Oil Co., gasoline.... Wilbur Lumber Co., tile and ai.- lumber»,, 11.19 $eo. McDonald, lbr on st 9.00 Jfoblic Service Co., st lights and traffic lights Vm. Herbes, lbr on streets.. Geo. Rothermel, marshal ser. James Revor, police service.. ;?ff. J. Herbes & West McHenry State bank, lbr on ww Frank Zuelsdorf, special police I*. F. Newman, special police. Geo* Meyers, lbr with team... W. G. Schreiner, fgt & dray.. F. G. Schreiner, printing..... A. M. Brown, special police. . Artificial Stone Co., sidewalk. 180.00 |f. J. Freund, lbr with team.. 4.75 Paul Meyers, lbr with team.. 32.50 Peter J. Schoewer, labor 6.00 Ben Hiller, lbr on street 14.25 John J. Vycital, supplies.... 7.65 , Dr. D. G. Wells, pres. service. 15.00 Peter Doherty, trustee service 12.00 John Justen, trustee service.. 15.00 John Kennebeck, trustee ser. 15.00 Simon Stoffel, trustee service. 9t00 Vm. Simes, trustee service... 15.00 Wm. Spencer, trustee service. i£oo W. G. Schreiner,-clerk service 25.00 'ui Motion by Simes, seconded by Jus­ ten, that the minutes be approved as :j(igad. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by llimes, that the reports of the treas- itrer, collector and police magistrate i|ie accepted as read. Motion carried. ' Motion by Stoffel, seconded by llimes, that from now on all bills Against the village should be payable to all parties intrusted and all parties » . should sign the same. Motion car- &S8 37.88 5.00 23.13 10J.80 10.00 55.00 55.00 31.80 - 4.25 4.00 158.75 1.85 30.85 11.00 Miss Lelah Claxton ii visiting with Barrfngton friends. Miss Irene Frisby spent Monday as the guest of Elgin friends. Harvey Gardinier was among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and daughter, Bertha, were Chicago visitors today. John Lehm of Chicago is spenting a few days at the John Claxton home. E. P. Fleming of Chicago spent Wednesday at C. W. Gibbs' west of town. • Wm. J. Welch and family spent the the Fourth with Crystal Lake rela­ tives. Winfield S. Woodburn and son of Chicago visited his parents here the Fourth Orval Hutsori and Harold Gibson of Chicago were Sunday guests at J. F. Claxton's. Misses' Agnes and Florence Carey are spending a few weeks' outing in northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. O'Connell spent the Fourth with the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Arthur Rasmussen of Chicago passed the Fourth as a guest of Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Ward. Mrs. Ed. Carey and two children of Solon visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton the Fourth. Vincent Paghaml of Chicago spent from Saturday evening till Tuesday evening at John Claxton's. Edward Dermhold of Chicago spent Tuesday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Worts. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bruen of Chi­ cago spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Loyal Dalton of Hillsdale, Mich., visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead, last week. Mrs. John Mahr and little son of Chicago are spending a few days with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Leickem of Kenosha, Wis., passed the first of the week as guests of relatives here. Theo. Schiessle, Jr., left this morn­ ing for Washington Island, Wis., where he will remain for two weeks. Bert Davison and John Zdimet and son of Chicago spent the Fourth as guests of Frank Zeimet east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Groh and John Goss of Chicago were guests in the home of Jacob Stock oter the Fourth. Mr. and MrS. F. L. Carr of Wau- conda were guests in the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett Wednesday. Oliver Blackman of Elgin and Mr. Castor of Oak Park were Saturday and Sunday guests at the H. C.'Mead home. Miss Kate Smith, Miss Listug and Mr. Connihan of Chicago spent the Fourth with Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schessow of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wrede over the Fourth. Mr. and Mjs. John Koob of Rogers Park were entertained in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh the Fourth. Engewald DeLong and Wm. Frank- The records it bur court house show:;'a-'.". 1. That as State's Attorney Mr. Lumtey never turued ia one penny to our school fund. 2. That as State's Attorney he omitted to make any of his annual reports to our county court, of cash received, as then required by our state law. 3. That his own figures, in the reports rendered by him as State's, Attorney to our Circuit Court show he went out Qf office ow­ ing our school fund the sum of 9556.00, which has never been paid. Every voter and taxpayer should remeiiH ber that up to this time Mr. Lumley has remained silent as to whether he stands with or against the farmers and taxpayers on the following important issues of this* campaign: 1. As to compelling our present State'I Attorney to disgorge the thousands of dol­ lars of school money that he is now wrong*- fully withholding from our taxpayers. 2. As to our taxpayers bearing the un­ necessary burden of a paid assistant state's •attorney at a salary of $1200.00 per year, ij! jjuidition to the $3900.00 per year paid to our state's attorney. With this record Mr. Lumley is now ask­ ing the voters to nominate him for State's Attorney. Comments on the above from, me are entirely imnecessary. * Everyone knows I earnestly supported Mr. Lumley for State's Attorney in 1908, but, like many others, I did not know bis record in relation to our school funds until the same was first published by D. R. Jos­ lyn in the very last Issue of our county pa­ pers prior to the 1908 primaries. Very truly yours, CHARLES P. BARNES. • N On the eve of the 1908 primaries when '. tl. Josiyn aiftl V. S. Lumley were each seek­ ing the nomination for State's Attorney, D. JR. Joslyn caused the following article to lie published in the very last issue of the coua*' 4y papers before said primaries were held; ' , "Section 269 of Article 14, Chapter 122, of Star and Curtis' Annotated Statutes of Illi­ nois, Volume 3, Page 3723, provides th%t Alt .fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed or incurred * * *, snail, when collected, be paid to the county Superintendent of Schools. "Under the provisions of this law, the Ords in the office of superintendent'of schools Of McHenry county show that the amounts . given below were turned over to the super­ intendent for the benefit of the school funds, by the following state's attorneys: ; Ira R. CustisS:... 806.00 Albert W. 1138,05 V - S . t i u m l e y . . . ( N o n e ) ^ . D . L o w e l l ( t o - d a t e ) . 2 9 4 9 . 8 4 "Them lijtuvea worw takan from • public r*c«H. ?h«T ralata to • aubjact ef putile inteieet, c®nc«rni»< (the public have a right te ba Informal. "I promise, if elacted, ta faithfully aooount far. •very dollar that comae into my hands that ahou^d (t towards the malnteninc* of the schoele af NaHeary County. DAVID R JOSLYN, Republican Candidate for State's Attorney of McHenry County, at the primaries, August 8, 1908." „•*. © [51 Gc ~ OPERA HOUSE, McHENRY •IE ]QE 3E HI- s§)(5] er in Johnsburg Monday. More Chicagoans were oyt this year the Fourth than ever before. Mrs. Joe King and children visited Wednesday with Mrs. Steve May. Miss Anna Oeffling is entertaining relatives from Chicago this week. Mrs. Steinberg of Shady Oaks, Pis- takee Bay,, was a caller in town Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Ring- wood were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. Carlston of Chicago was an over Sunday guest with his wife here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer enter­ tained relatives from Chicago the Fourth. Misses Helen Adams and Kathryn Pitzen spent last week Tuedsay in Chicago. * - Ed. Bankes and daughter, Flor­ ence, of Pistakee Bay were callers in town Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Freund and Miss Susie Michels motored to McHenry laat Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stenger and children of McHenry attended church services here last Sunday. Miss Katherine King of McHenry spent Saturday evening and Sunday in the home of Mm. Meyers. Miss Julia Rothermel of Chicago visited among friends and relatives in Johnsburg and vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smth and little daughter, Emily, of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of J. J. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. B. Schaefer and daughters, Rena, Leona and Verona, were Spring Grove visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund of Wood­ stock were guests of Mrs. Margaret Freund here the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Freund and daughter, Valeria, of McHenry were guests in the "'home of C. M. Adams Tuesday. A Vic io zi>s 'Pest 4*llara vactk at M --<>a»fawy >1 jwr. •a tmi ale* arf Mf/nr la« RAT caw t li ah a Daaftrtei •aia Ml ktnilaM to UMMwi aw*--» 4t r* Ma mkm Tifcullili Miibw*--. TUa » DaMMr aa»<* as*. •ocSrts.oa B. T. McAllister, - West McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner and enhauser of Chicago were guests in children of McHenry were Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Geier guests in the home of Mr> and Mrs. the first of the week. |Wm Althoff> _ Misses Frances Welch and Edna Miss Ella Huemann of Chicago is Phalin will leave for Cleveland, O., July 12. They will make an extend­ ed visit with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tetlow and Warren Thomas and wife of Wood­ stock visited Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. T.' A. Abbott and wife of Ring- wood ate Sunday dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Maud Clark. Benton Ryder and wife of Rock- ford were over Sunday guests of their niece, Mrs. C. C. Clark, and family: k Carl Herdrick and family of West McHenry spent/ Sunday here with Mrs. Herdrick's sister, Mrs., Frank Kaiser, and family. C. J. Sherman motored to, Wau- conda Sunday to bring his family home, they having spent the past week with relatives there. Farmers are very busy cultivating corn and gathering hay, which is not fntiful as last year, for the rea-lat so many fields of alfalfa killed out. A party from Lake Geneva came very near having a serious accident Sunday on the hill in Bull Valley called Snyder's hill. Some part of the machine refused to work and the machine backed up into a ditch and then turned over. None of the occu­ pants were injured seriously. They went back home instead of to the Bay, for which place they had start­ ed. is - Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Kennebeck, that the bills be paid as read when corrections are made. Mo­ tion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Simes, that the clerk order another 4000 gallon car of road oil of same gravity as we had before. Motion carried. t Motion by Kennebeck seconded by Stoffel, that Mr. Spencer purchase a gasoline engine with which to do the Romping of oil. Motion carried. , The folloyring items were discussed )>y the village board: Power of the $oard of health, pertaining to ex­ pending the water mains over to the Hunter Boat company plant, about securing the motorcycle cop and the Hanseling of dogs during the hot wtatber. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Stoffel, that the appropriation ordin­ ance be adopted as readtf Motiott car riod. i > little daughter of Elgin passed the first of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mrs. Augusta Wolff and son, Amos, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Arthur of Elgin to Benton Harbor, Mich., the latter part of last week. They returned home after the Fourth. ] ^tore Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen of' Chicago spent the latter part last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of Mrs. E. M: I Owen. Mr. and Mrs F. J. Ward enter­ tained their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Knox, of Chicago and their daughter, Miss Margaret, of South Chicago the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Reser and son and Mrs. C. A. Hutson of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. D. Vic$s of Elgin were pleasant callers at J. F. Clax­ ton's the Fourth. Mrs. Josephine Zimplemann and daughter, Leonie, Mrs. Singer and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Taylor and fam­ ily of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X F. Clax- t o n . . ; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frisby and chil­ dren, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Frisby, motored out from Aus­ tin last Saturday and remained the guests of relatives until Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. John Buehlow and Mrs. Wm. Wolf motored out from Chica­ go last Sunday morning and passed the first of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel. . spending a couple of weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'jos. H. Huemann. j The Fourth was spent in a very glorious manner here in Johnsburg and the parade was far superior to the one of last year. All those not having purchased a summer dress yet will do well • by buying it now. All summer dress goods reduced at the C. M. Adams Mrs. Bergericher and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stangaronie and children of Emerald Park and Joe Romano vis­ ited Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove and Mr, and Mrs. Lew Bishop and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the home of Mr. and, Mrs. John H. Freund. Mr, and Mrs. Christ Blake very pleasantly entertained Dr. C. H. Fegers and niece, Miss Eleanor Mc- Gee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton and children, William and Eleanor, of McHenry and Rev. Father Fegers of California last Tuesday. Castor Adams, one of Johnsburg's pioneer residents, passed away .at, his home here at 2:00 o'clock this Thurs­ day morning following an illness of less than two days. Mr. Adams at­ tended the Fourth of July picnic here Tuesday and appeared to be in the very best of spirits. He was taken ill on. Wednesday morning, v JOHNSBURG Mrs. J. C. Debrecht passed last week Tuesday in Chicago. Wm. Klein of Fox Lako»wM a call- J 'i ' - OSTEND Ben Wallis returned from Spring­ field Monday, where he went with the guards. F. E.j Martin and family viewed the fireworks at Lake Geneva on the evening of July 4. Nearly every family in the neigh borhood celebrated f|w glorious Fourth at Woodstock* PR OB A TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers Elizabeth Lindsay & h to Kata Surges, pt neVi sec 26, village of McHenry.. .$3000.00 Chas. S. Owen & w to Oliver N. Owen, V* int in It 10, Co. Clk's plat, nV& sec 35, Mc­ Henry 750.00 Marriage Licenses Matthey Kelley, 29 Harvard Bessie Randall, 24... .Elkhorn, Wis. Fred W. Severing, 21 Chicago Mildred Callaghan, 22 .Harvard Ray Caquilette, 35 ...Richmond Grace M. Potter, 16 Richmond Ernest W. Hartung, 21. Crystal Lake Ruby L. O'Neil, 17.......Woodstock Oliver Ainger, 2&....... .Algonquin Eva Howell, 27. Woodstock Bernard Martin, 22 Hebron Lola Wiuninger, 18,. ̂ _.. .. .Hebron LOCALS TAKE TWO MORE (Continued from last page) Seablom, cf Brailsford, rf .. Comiskey, 3rd b. Warner, c ...... Sahlberg, p . . . . Bending, p ...4 . . . 3 . . . 3 . . . 1 . . . 3 . . . 2 3 0 0 2 1 1 3 10 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 27 18 27 12 2 Score by Innings McHenry. 4 2 1 3 5 4 6 ? x-27 Holy Angels..:..0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01- 2 Two base hits: Bowen, Reilly, Mc- Auley. Three base hits: Seablom, McAuley. Struck out: By Sahlberg, 6; by Bending, 2; by McAuley, 8. Bases on balls: Off > McAuley, 4. Umpire, Spurting. SMITH Rendering Factory Woodstock, 111. Will pa57 the highest cash price for dead horses and cattle and will remove them from the premises as before. Hides must be on. Will pay reverse tel­ ephone charges. Tele­ phone 162-Rf Woodstock. M.W.SMITH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement# Inserted under thin head at the following rate*: Flrellnei or leu, U cent* for flrst Insertion; 16 cents tor ekefe HabBeqno'it Insertion. More than five lines, 6 cents a line tor tlr.t Insertion, and 3 cents a Una (or addition I insertion*. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE OR RENT--A seven room cottage. Gas and electric light. F. J. Karges, McHenry, 111. 1 FOR RENT--Cottage, situated just- across from St. Patrick's chruch. In­ quire of or write Wm, J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathuis M. Blake, West McHenry, HI., or cwl phone 607- W-l. < 47-tf FOR RENT--Store and rooms in the rear of the Casper Wirfs building. B. J. Brefeld, McHenry, 111. Phone 88-M. 2 FOR SALE--House, barn and 5 acres pf land, situated on Woodstock road, just outside of village limits. E. M. fGeier, West McHenry, 111. 47-tf FOR SALE--A modern six-room house, outbuildings, hen house and one acre of land. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of The Plaindealer office. 2 LOST--Somewhere in McHenry, an aluminum case containing orders for Ottawa Brewing Co. Finder please Return to David E. Payne. McHenry. 3 FOR SALE--Mitchell roadster. In first-class condition. New tires and new paint'. Recently overhauled. In­ quire of Dr. C. H. Fegers, McHenry, 111. 50-tf FOR SALE CHEAP--A five room bungalow and two acres- of ground. Also two river lots. Inquire of Miss Cristine Belle Miller, McHenry, 111. 3-ln^ FOUND--On Elgin road in McHenry a motorcycle tire and inner tube. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Wm. J. Welch, McHenry, 111. 3-lt TRUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP-- Two air cooled, International Har­ vester trucks, 1000 pounds capacity. Removable paneled delivery tops. Suitable for milk wagon, truckster, painter or plpmber. Good running order. Good tires. Will sell very cheap as have no further use for thertK Frank Johnson, grocer/ Lake Geneva, Wis. 2-2t FOR SALE!--Building and hardware Store in good location in Chicago. Established 11 years. Owner wishes to retire. Will not sell separately. Two story brick, 6 room flat, store basement, hot water heat, garage, $35,000 clean stock of hardware. $12,000 for entire property. Terms, $7500 cash, balance in five years at 5% per cent. Gordon, Strong & Co., Real Estate, the Republic Bldg., Chi­ cago. See Mr. Irsch. 3-2t* . :p tleman of Chicago McCollum's Lake. SUNDAY, JULY 9* TIE I. WILLARD BAYLEY STOCK CO.' • - • '• _ •' In the greatest American ^ \ -H f r *. ^ Underworld Play entitled .. • m t. v 'V .r." WITH SPECIAL SCENERY AND GOOD SPECIALTIES • • - -s • * l . J uW. Prices: : 25c, 35c, 50c SEATS ON SALE AT PETfiSCH'S Donavin & Reihansper^er HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK ...THE... Quality Store Let us give you ah estimate on your plumb­ ing, heating and sheet metal work. Also on your hardware. LET US HELP YOU IN THIS WAY IT COSTS YOU NOTHING • otiltpyFenee ID OYAL Poultry and Garden Pence is ideal for all placep used for th« keeping *-V or brawling of small animals. It amply protects your flower and vegetable gardens, orchards and yards from fowls. Poultry farmers everywhere adopt this fence. No top or bottom wire required. It i$ strong and substantial. The Royal Loop is famous the country over. Pull weight. Full size of wire. Full length of rolls. Look for the sign: Royal Fence. C- **--»- br 1 AMERICAN STEEL 4b WIRE COMPANY Ar SmU fe WILBUR LUMBER CO. t WEST McHFNRY, ILL. PHONE 5 rF P H I L I P J A E G E R G£NERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPKCBAL ATTENTION GlVSN TO THB BALI OP ' , ^Dw«ed Becf. riuttoo, Hogs, VmI, Pialt̂ f, flldes. Etc., Butter and Efgs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prioe llsto fwrnietoJ en uppliofttionv-- -• --- -- COLO 8TORAQB FREG . ? CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. Mall t A j, fhiWua St. Wfceietele Market. I Subscribe for the Plaindealer

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