Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1916, p. 7

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^w- '0JJ* r •w'w*1 V^^fW"^,'"w,iPi^WHW«',»l)UII.- »JJ!«WPP' •#*."» l^WPfP •P<P*P"ll<ili<l TMM McHENBY PLABHIEJlLMB, McJEEBHB¥, ZLZi. ip f - ' fefc ®.Rp'v-X &W&S •< i. 8% SfCS •Jfi#'- Should - he V- Should be fresh , s//; Should be properly kept Should be right potency Should be dispensed carefully Should be sold at a fair price Everything at our store is as it should be. You can place the utmost confidence in our goods and our methods will surely appeal to you N. H» Petesch Druggist McHenry, 111. J A new lot of Dresses Arrived from New York la& week. They are nice we can tell you and sell fdr $1.25 each. It is about time that you should make up your mind about that goods for your Fourth of July dress. We Still have a fair selection of summer goods. x :: SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. SINE III is not a matter of cost--but of selection. To bring harmony, comfort and conven­ ience into the home it is necessary to make your selection in au atmosphere of good taste. - - - For this reason the "big store" on MAIN STREET with its fine display of Home Furnishings, invites you here, to look, to study, to profit and to buy. Come tomorrow if you can or any time it's convenient. You are always welcome at the N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING STORE 'Phones, Off»c,<- M-W: Residence, llt-M :3Ĉ • •• This is the day of preparedness and he who is not prepared must suffer the conse­ quences. No, we are not giving you war talk, we are merely reminding you to pre­ pare yourself for the hot summer days which are sure to be with us soon. Enjoy the real comforts and pleasures of summer by purchasing your summer furniture now. Our line of Fibre Furniture, Lawn Chairs, Swings and Hammocks is very complete anda selection may be made with ease. We deliver right to your door. Come and let us talk further preparedness with you. Furniture and Undertaking ••• McHenry, K Illinois i J) • innr i-iM'" n'mi' )dai HH NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RIDGl£FIELr> Mr. and Mrs. Scaro visited Chicago Sunday, j Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited in Elgin recently. . Mrs. A. Stephenson spent Sunday at Woodstock. Miss Jennie Ashton is visiting rel­ atives in Chicago. Mrs. Ed. Rossman spent Wednes­ day at Woodstock. ' F. Wille visited his daughter at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Wakefield was at Woodstock over the week end. Mrs. D. L. Gibson was' a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Mrs. <Ai- Jacobs visited relatives at Richmond last week. Ray l||rnch was a business caller at Woodstock Monday. P. S. Thomas was a business caller in Chicago Wednesday. A. Briggs was a Woodstock pas­ senger Tuesday morning. C. T«tt.!e boarded the jfcrain for Dundee Monday morning. W. S. Rushton and t. Ericson en­ joyed Sunday in Chicago. R. Reed transacted business at Peoria Friday and Saturday. H. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed Were in Elgin over Sunday Mrs. R. Reed and son, Clarence, were at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson and children visited relatives at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Thomas, Sr., visited friends at Woodstock Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. O. Arneson and daughter, Martha, were at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Earl Colby and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were Chicago shoppers Tues­ day. ' (*• Miss Etta Levey visited her broth­ er's family at Crystal Lake Wednes­ day. Mrs. F. Muffley and children and Miss Loretta Wagner spent Saturday Elgin. Mrs. J. Mikkelson took dinner with Mrs. S. E. Olmstead at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. E. F. Anderson and daughter, Mary, were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille at the farm. Mrs. I. Ericson and daughter, Christina, were Woodstock passen­ gers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruell and son, Henry, autoed to Harvard and Wood­ stock Saturday. Miss Helen Cretcher of Winona Lake, Ind., is visiting at the home of L. A. Walkup. Mr. and Mrs. Joe attendance at the nuptials Thursday. Mrs. H. Nelson and daugther, Myrtle, were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hanrahan and sons of Chica­ go visited over Sunday at the home of M. H. Fitzsimmons. Mrs. Anna Mollohan and daugh­ ter, Ella, visited with relatives at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Miss Ella Mollohan and Mrs. ba roy Skinner were business callers at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge of Chica­ go Heights is visiting at the home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. H. Brulel. L. J. Gibson and lady friend of Chi­ cago visited over thlSfrourth at the homes of I). L. Gibson and . S. A. Merchant. ^ Mrs. Lola Bennett and son, James, visited her sister, Mrs. L. M. God- dard, at Woodstock" Thursday and ; Friday last. j Mrs. JJjarnifs and two childron of j filgin visited with her sister, Mrs. J Fred Reed, from Thursday until Sunday evening. Mesdames E. Smith, R. Goddard, A. Anners, H. Wille, P. Scaro and A. , Martini were Crystal Lake . passen- ' gers Saturday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and Jsons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pederson and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Skinner en- I joyed a picnic dinner on the banks of Crystal lake the Fourth. Church. Notes Mr. Parker's theme for Sunday, July 16* is to be on Missions. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. P. S. Thomas Thursday afternpon, JtiIy ~ J3. Watch for the date of the next concert, which is to be given by a quartet from Chicago. Geo. Robinson of Woodstock talked to the boys at Siinday school in be­ half of the Boy Scouts. Remember the junior chiir prac­ tice at S o'clock on Saturday as usual. Mr. Parker would like all the children to be present. The topic for C. E. Sunday even- ing is "The Consecration of Purpose." Acts 11:19-23. . Mrs. Dike, leader. Every member is requested to be present as this is consecration^.meet­ ing. Coates were in Howell-Ainger COTTA Chicago was a TERRA Wm. Wagner itor Sunday. J' Geo. W. Ames spent Wednesday laSt at Waukegan. Michael Knox motored to Wauke­ gan on Wednesday last. Mrs. P. H. Conway has been ser­ iously ill the past week. . Thos. Church spent the fore part of the week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Frank Peck of Chicago was a guest here the fore part of the week. Carl Grob of Chicago was the guest of his family here over the Fourth. - Mr, and Mrs. M. Knox and children evening in Were calling in Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Liddle and daughter, Eliza­ beth, were Crystal Lake callers Mon­ day. ; Mr. and Mr*. J. M. Phalin and family were Woodstock visitors Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and childrenspent Sunday Cary, Thomas Phalin visited fromNFriday until Wednesday with friends in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Johnson was an out-of-town visitor Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs. Alice Blish and George Brant- inpham were out-of-town visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Cox were Crystal Lake callers Sunday evening and Monday. > Mrs. John Ileffron of Chicago vis­ ited from Sunday till Tuesday with relatives here. "Frank Smiley of Burton's Bridge is spending several days in the S. B. Leisner home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss spoilt Tues­ day in the home of Mr* and Mrs. Martin Conway. . Harry Brantingham of Chicago was a guest of friends here the fore part of the week. Mrs. Stacia Knox has been spend­ ing the past few days in the home of P. H. Conway. Geo. W. Ames and family spent a recent day at the Eugene Kelley home at Gray slake. Miss Helen Bolger of Woodstock spent last week in the home of her uncle, J. M. Phalin. Miss Lillian Riley is spending sev­ eral weeks with her sister, Mrs. B. J. Shine, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and Miss Alice and Raymond Riley were Crys­ tal Lake visitors Monday . Mr. and Mrs. E. Telgenhauer of Cary were recent guests in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. C. Johnson, Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin spent the fore part of the week in the home of her brother, P. H. Conway. Dr. and Mrs. Stanton of Chicago were guests from Sunday until Tues­ day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin. Dr. and Mrs. Hiram Bay, daugh­ ter, Margaret, and son, Maturin, of Chicago spent Wednesday last with relatives here. R1NGWOOD Clarence Hopper is now assisting S. W. Brown in the postofRce. Amos Wilson went to Marengo last week to remain for a time with his niece. Jay Hawver and family of Wood­ stock were over Sunday guests in the Allen home. Mrs. Ella Newman and friend of West McHenry were callers at Mrs. Rainey's last Friday. Miss Dorcas Foss entertained sev­ eral girl friends last Thursday. Among them was Miss Perry of Mc­ Henry. , Jack McLaughlin and family and Mrs. Callie Rainey drove to Long Grove, Lake county, Wednesday aft­ ernoon. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Hopper's last Satur­ day. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Abbie Martin. Mr. and Mrs. *M. Ott of McHenry visited at H. M. Stephenson's last Thursday before starting for their home in Montana. . Our people were represented at Woodstock on the Fourth of July. There were ma Ay beautiful floats in the parade and a large attendance. Jay Bennett, wife and three chil­ dren of Belvidede were guetts in the Henry Stephenson home last Thurs day night. On Friday they went to Lake Geneva. The two little daughters of Alec Anderson of Wilmot, Wis., spent part of last week with Mrs. Grace McCannon. Their father came for them last Thursday. Amos Smith, wife and daughter left last Thursday evening for a trip to the Pacific coast, going first to Crookston, Minn., where they will re­ main for a few days with her aunt. Thejii will make several stops in Can­ ada, then in Washington and on down to Portland, Ore. ~VOLO Chris Dillon is spending the week in Oak Park. Wm. Rossdeutscher was' a Round Lake visitor Saturday. Miss Ella Moore spent Thursday of last week at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paddock and sons were Libertyville callers Saturday. Mr. Simpson of Waukegan spent Saturday at the home of Wm. Dillon. Jack Stadtfeld and family of Round Lake were Sunday visitors here. Mrs. C. Benwell, Miss Irene Vasey and Mrs. Wm. Dillon spent Wednes­ day in Area. Geo. Barker of Oak Park and Robert Paddock were Wauconda call­ ers Saturday last. On Thursday afternoon, July 13, the Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Paddock. Mrs. Ed. Henry and daughter of Chicago are spending the week with the former's parents here. The Fourth of Juiy celebration at Woodstock Tuesday wsa the largest ever held in McHenry county. The parade was grand, the Oliver's pa­ triotic float winning the first prize. The crowds, both day and evening, sv. - - j OLD "BANK OF McHENRY" ALWAYS A GOOD BANK--THE SAME NOW ' ' 1 I You may expect courteous consideration and careful attention to all matters entrusted to us • GENERAL BANKING Interest paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts Farm Loans negotiated on most favorable terms Open a Checking Account, he up-to-date CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President : - Bank of Ringwood About July 1st we expect to occupy our 1 NEW BANK BUILDING when we will be equipped about as well as any bank in this vicinity to care for all kinds of business for our custo- . liters. Come now and start doing business at % tl Your Home Bank . We will treat you right. All kinds of banking transacted. Interest paid on time and savings deposits. • H. F. WHARTON, Cashier * '•I? Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re& and recreation amid& the mo& pleasant and home like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illustrated booklet. Telephone, McHenry 92-M. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. V.^.yy A ;€?. • 9- . - , • Tour grocer will smile with pleasure when you order a sack of EARLY RISER flotti| He knows you will be pleased with the results and will come back for more. It can • be depended upon for quality--it never varies. Tiy a sack today. :: :: WEST fTBENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS JUST AS COMPLETE AS We wish to once more call your attention to our Gro­ ceries. Our stock of staple and fancy Groceries is just as complete as ever andypu have the assurance of gett ing fr)esfc| goods when you make a purchase at this store. Our line of Fruits and Vegetables is also com plete at all times. Let us supply your table needs. John Stoffel Not the cheapest . in the store but the cheapest oa the house ? SOLD IN McHENRY AT THE 'Phone S9-W til-'*

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