Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1916, p. 7

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Ibe Should be fresh Shouk} be properly Jsept. Should be right potency Should be dispensed carefully Should be sold at a fair price Everything at our store is as it should be. You can place the utmost confidence in our goods and our •' methods will surely appeal to you Druggist McHenry, 111. -BUY- YOUR COFFEE AT OUR STORE Why pay the man who comes around with a wagon 30c or 35c a pound when you can (our customers say this) buy just as good coffee here for 25c a pound. You say you get premiums. So do we give our stamp besides saving you 5c to 10c a pound. Here you can get your Coffee just when you wiint it. Have it ground fine or coarse with our new electric mill. Get good coffee for 25c. Try it and you will like it. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. is not a matter of cost--but of selection. To bring harmony, comfort and conven­ ience into the home it is necessary to make your selection in au atmosphere of good taste. - - - For this reason the "big store" on MAIN STREET with its fine display of Home Furnishings, invites you here, to look, to study, to profit and to buy. Come tomorrow if you can or any time it's convenient. You are always welcome at the N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING STORE 'PfrOnef, Office B-W; Re»iderfce, IM-M :=?\ Preparedness This is the day of preparedness and he who is not prepared must suffer the conse­ quences. No, we are not giving you war talk, we are merely reminding you to pre­ pare yourself for the hot summer days which are sure to be with us soon. Enjoy the real comforts and pleasures of summer by purchasing your summer furniture now. Our line of Fibre Furniture, Lawn Chairs, Swings and Hammocks is very complete and a selection may be made with ease. We deliver right to your door. Come and let us talk further preparedness with you. Furniture and Undertaking ttt McHenry, Illinois NS JOHNSBURG Mrs. Susaftna Freund is very ill at this writing. r Gibbs* ice cream DeLon at the C. M. Adams storp. A very large crowd attended the dance at Columbia Park Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping and chil­ dren were McHenry visitors Tues­ day. Miss Clara Pitzen of Pistakee Bay visited Sunday with Miss Matilda Freund. Mr. Carlston of Chicago is spend­ ing a week's vacation with his wife here. Misses Helen and* Evelyn Freund of McHenry were visitors in town Mondays Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith were Spring Grove callers last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diethorn and son, Raymond, motored to Woodstdck last week Monday. Mrs. Wm. Kattner arid, son, Ed., of Spring Grove were visitors in' Johnsburg Tuesday. The Standard Plymouth binding, twine, cents per pound, it the C. M. Adams store. Mrs. Martin and sons, Raymond and Ed., of ^Chicago are visiting in the home of Mrs. Geo. Nell. Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter of McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels. Miss Katherine Althoff of Spring Grove passed -Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aft- hoff. Miss Regina Wiedemann of Chica­ go is spending her vacation among relatives and friends in Johnsburg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen of Pis­ takee Bay were Monday evening vis­ itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove passed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund, who reside in the north end of town. Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Schaefer and daughters, Rena, Leona and Ve­ rona, spent last Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Karls in Spring Grove. Frank Mathieu took a few days' leave of absence from his theatrical engagements last week to be home to assist his wife in celebrating her birthday anniversary, which occurred last Friday. Mrs. Mathieu was the recipient of many presents, among which was a pair of ruby earrings. Lay-Klapperich Miss Lena Lay and Wm. Klappe- rich were united in marriage last Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock at St. John's church here, Rev. Father Weber performing the ceremony. The bride was attired in a gown of white messaline, trimmed with chif­ fon and pearl beads. She wore the customary veil and- carried bridal roses. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Anna Freund, who was attired in white and carried an arm­ ful of white roses. Rosa and Clara Klappererich, sisters of the groom, acted as flower girls and were at* tired in blue crepe de chine and car­ ried white carnations Th groom wore the customary black and v/as attended by his broth­ er, Joe Klapperich. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay, who re­ side only a short distance from Johnsburg. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Hrs Henry Klappe­ rich- Only the nearest relatives par­ took of the reception, which was held at the home of the hride'a parents. Th$ young couple will leave for North Dakota, where they will stay for some time with the bride's sister, Mrs. Steve Justen. Congratulations. Noonan came days' visit. A good many attended the Eastern Star meeting at McHenry last Satur­ day evening. All report a very pleasant time. Evan Bryant and wife and Mjff Emily Behm of Woodstock were over Sunday guests in the Allen and Mc- Cannon homes. Mrs. Emma Brown went to Lake Geneva Tuesday to visit her sister. From there she will go to Harvard to attend the Chautauqua. Ransom and William Bacon of Grant, Iowa, came on to attend the funeral of Oscar Havens and spent Wednesday with their brother, Charles. J. L. Conway and wife, Charles Bacon and wife and H. W. Allen at­ tended the funeral of Oscar Havens at Franklin villa Tuesday. Ha Was an old soldier. Mr. and Mrs." Clayton thick, her father, A. Hawley, of Elgin and her brother, Edwin Hawley, and daugh­ ter of Peoria were afternoon visitors at E. C. Hawley's recently. WIDOWS' PENSION BILL Passage Expected In Senate Adjournment* Before [Washington National • Tribune] Chairman Johnson, of the senate committee on pensions, called a meet­ ing of his committee on Monday morning, June 20, for the considera­ tion of the Ashbrook bill. Owing to the urgent demand upon them for service elsewhere, there was not a Quorum of members present. An informal discussion took place, in which the drift of opinion was strongly in favor of removing all limitations on marriages up to the date of the passage of the bill. No other amendment was suggested considered. The committee adjourned to meet again shortly, as soon as a quorum could be obtained. Chairman Johnson and other mem­ bers of. the committee are strongly in favor of passing the bill, and will mak^ every effort to secure it before the adjournment of this session. All hopes of the veterans and the widows of veterans now center upon the senate, which will shortly have the Ashbrook bill before it. The thing to do now is for everyone who is interested in the passage of this bill to write to his or her senator, strongly urging his vote and influence to secure its immediate passage. Every effort should be made to im­ press upon him the vast amount of good that - such a bill will do to thousands of most deserving and needy windows in his state. Write at once, because the situa­ tion calls for haste. Remember that the bill is liable to come up any day in the senate for passage. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and a Week Go During EMERALD PARK tyrs. C. A. Frasier spent a few days last week at the home of C. W. Colby at Barreville. Word was received here a few days ago that C. A. Frasier of Carson, la., has purchased the controlling inter­ est in the Farmers' State bank at Silver Creek, Neb. Mrs. Frasier, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith, at Emerald Park, expects to leave in a few weeks for her new home. RINGWOOD Mrs. Callie Rainey visited her mother, Mrs. Thomas, in McHenry Wednesday. . The W. C. T. U. will meet Satur­ day afternoon of this week with Mrs. Abbie Martin. Quite a number of our people at­ tended the band concert at McHenry last evening. Miss Green pf Chicago is visiting Dorcas Foss and other girl friends in Ringwood. Grandma Hawley of Barrington spent part of lastweek with her son, E. C., and family. Mrs. Libbie Allen attended the meeting of the Social Wheel at Mrs. Wells' in McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss and son, Floyd, went to Kenosha, Wis., last Thursday, returning Friday. Miss Josephine Hepburn enter tained some of her friends Tuesday, the occasion being her birthday. Dr. Hepburn and wife were Elgin Vinton last Thursday- Miss Bell M. J. Walsh^tfansacted business in Chicago today!/ F. A. Bohlander attended to busi­ ness in Chicago today. Harvey Gardinier was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Martin B. Schmitt attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. .•Simon otorirei attended to matters o,f a business nature in the metropol­ itan city Wednesday. E. M. Kelly of Detroit, Mich., was a recent guest in the home of Mr. e ad Mr.s Harold Whiting. Gerald A. Conway of Jersey City, N. J., is spending his vacation with his uncle, J. J. McCarthy. Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson and daugh­ ter, Marguerite, are guests of rela­ tives at Crystal Lake today. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Sutton of Crystal Lake spent Sunday as the guests of relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Freund and children of Woodstock spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Freund. Eugene Traver of Chicago, at one time manager of the local exchange for the Chicago Telephone company, was in town Sunday, shaking hands with old friends. A. Miller and son, Leo, and a com­ pany of friends drove out from Chi­ cago last Thursday and passed the day as the guests of relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Karges and daughter, Dorothy, returned last Friday even­ ing from Kenosha, Wis.; where they spent a week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gilles. Also make your future safe. How shall it be assured? By compelling yourself to save regularly. Do this by using our Savings Department. Li­ beral interest paid on Savings Accounts semi-annually. All kinds of safe banking. --THE-- Hoy Banking Co ' V ... '*i CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager FRED J. MFRSHON, Cashier FREMONT HOY President DEDICATION DAY The Bank of Ringwood - . 1 7T^* r *" * : We hjive set apart Saturday, July 15th as an especial day to celebrate the event of the occupancy of Our New Bank Building -Np.- We will be at the bank on ffrat day and will be pleased to meet as many people of the community as will favor us by a call Children, Ladies and Gentlemen, all Come prepared to take advantage of our Savings Account Offer SOUVENIRS FOR EVERY CALLER FREMONT HOY, President H. F. WHARTON, Cashier CLARENCE F. HOY Vice President *; 1 i-3 AUTO ACCIDENT Chicago Parties Meet With Accident Near Wauoonda On Saturday night six young men from Chicago started on a joy ride to McHenry. On nearing Wauconda they ran into a ditch, the Ford turn­ ing turtle and pinning them under­ neath the car. As soon as assis­ tance could reach them they were brought to the office of Dr. Wells, where, after a thoro examination, no bones were found broken. The won­ der is that they ware not killed out­ right. " ' The $iix «u Wt at ti»e Stilling Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re& and recreatioji amidol the mo& pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illustrated booklet Telephone, McHenry 92-M. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. garage for repairs and the boys took the train home Sunday evening. Among the party was a brother of Mr. Lallinger of this place and he was taken to Woodstock Sunday for an Xray examination of his arm. Badly bruised muscles were revealed. Auto speeding on our streets Sat­ urday nights and Sunday mornings is a favorite sport with our transients and the board should see to it that more protection in the line of auto police be provided. On Sunday morning some reckless driver, racing with another pinhead, struck the guide post at the brewery eorner, tearing it from its base. The citizens of McHenry have long ago learned that the town must be turned over to the car speeding ele­ ment on Saturday nights, while our neighboring 'villages enjoy sweet re­ pose. ., * K. E. Church Services as follows next Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a, m.; preach­ ing services, 11:00 a. m.; evening services, 7:46 p. m. 9 W. C. Evers. Pa-tor. Help make The Plaindealer newSy by sending in any item of news that you may know of. Plaindealer ads bring*results. Read Piaandaalor ads. •V' Do you want to eat hot biscuits? Do you want to have delicious doughnuts? Wouldn't you ap­ preciate pastry that fairly melts in your mout^j? Do you want to eat any or all of these good things without fear that your digestion will be impaired? Then "see to it that the flour Mised in your home is EARLY RISER. If you would lighten the work of the good housewife tell her to order EARLY RIS­ ER flour. WEST ffBENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS scof CAMERAS The superb Ansco--best for all scenes, at all times, in all weathers. The t amateur camera of pro- • fessional quality. Priced from $2.00 up. See the various models here. We also have Ansco Film and Cyko Paper. E. V. M'ALLISTER Wesft McHenry* - Illinois J- 5 ,;H r

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