Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1916, p. 4

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* •- "••• • * •"'" ' ,lf* • "'; THE McHiyfRY r " .. . :> .; /•« f„-. a? 'i"; - '."*% Vr WBBir;\tt. '* '* v"" * ' ""'• ••' '•v*'5 EVEKY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER la Bank Building Te!«>phofl« W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Om Tear --.$!•* ft* Months, 75c Thr» Month®, ttc . 11 i¥ Thursday, August 10, 1916 ^ ' Candidate for State's Attorney • I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for stattft attorney. „444 V. S. Lumley. f e y 1 - , , „ . ' rJ*" 1 For County Coroner 3 hereby announce myself as a'can­ didate for the Republican nomination for tbe office of coroner of McHenry oounty at the primaries to be held on Sept 13, 1916. Chas. C. Peck, M. D. For Circuit Clerk f ^hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc­ Henry county at the Republican pri­ maries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. v . 48 Thos. F. Nolan, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Trustees Meet In R< Monday Evening '?r< Mi %• For State's Attorney * I am a candidate for renomination - ^ ' iw state's attorney of McHenry coun­ ty. If the manner in which I have conducted the affiairs of that office during my incumbency meets with your approval I will appreciate your support at the Republican primaries os September IS, 1916. , 47 . David R. Joslyn. & ^ v' For State's Attorney I tieroby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination for the office of State's Attorney of McHenry county at the Republican primaries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916.* I ask every voter and tax payer to lay platform and pledge. Charles P. Barnes. p!:>, To the Voters of McHenry County I am again a candidate for the of­ fice of circuif clerk. I have at all times endeavored to conduct this of­ fice to the satisfaction of all. Effi­ ciency, courtesy and fairness have been the watchwords of my office. If you are satisfied, I should appreciate your vote at the primary on Sept. 13, Best, I am satisfied with my job and perfectly willing to serve another term without a raise in salary. ' -rjw--,•••• Yours very truly, 'V Theo. Hamer. W , " •" JOHNSBURG 4 ; Mrs. J. C. Debrecht passed Tues- = * in Chicago. •s 'Joe Adams of Spring .Grove was - /# caller in town Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen were -• ^ McHenry callers oi|e day recently. Miss Frances Freund passed Sun- y^day with Misses Celia and Rosa Mill- i Mr. Rueth, the Ziegler candy agent, Milwaukee, Wis., was in town Mon- " > f ' " 4ay. '*£, * ' Miss Barbara Smith was a Sunday "r' , guest of Misses Tena and Isabel Ton- i - ^|an. " § " All kinds of fresh fruits and veg- eables at the C- M. Adams store Sat- . _ Ordays. , Mrs. Joe King and children spent *7 - Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. fIsA;, . Steve May. • Council Room, Aug. 7, 1916. The village trustees met in tegular session with Jus ten acting as presi­ dent prcf tem. : • » Trustees present: Doherty, Ken- nebeck, Stoffel,. Simes -sand Spencer. The* minutes of the last regular and special meetings vfere read and approved. 4 The following bills were approved by the finance committee: „ Ben Hiller, Ibr onst & bridge.! 19.63 Standard Oil Co., road oil and car service .. 2S5.8& Jos. W. Ffeund and Geo. Meyers, Ibr on street...... Math. M. Schaefer, Ibr on bridge Wm. Heimer & F. J. Herbes, labor on waterworks...... Standard Oil Co., gasoline.... Jos. W. Freund, mdse ....... Mike Freund, Ibr on bridge.. F. G. Schreiner, printing.,.... Public Service Co., st and traf­ fic lights ; $101.80 John R. Knox, Ibr on pump.. 1.00 C. & N. W. R. R; Co., freight & car service on oil & stone 305.40 Why Progres 20.00 4.76 159.44 3.75 1.25 30.00 2.15 17.00 55.00 55.60 .40 85.00 4.00 159.25 80.50 1.00 107.45 1.15 2.50 4.75 150.00 f '>A h f.~ & • ' vM-" 'I Mrs. Sam Skifano and children of ^ iflf Chicago are visiting in the home % , Pi of Michael Thiel. Miss Helen Adams and brother, ; 4 - . Arthur, passed Friday last in the metropolitan city. ^ ^ z a an^ Mrs. Peter F» Freund an- )'v 'nounce the birth of a daughter, born .** Tuesday, August 8. . ^ The farmers surrounding this £ i A ;" ' neighborhood are all very busy these days with threshing. f: - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Mc- .\-ti|[enry were Sunday visitors in the , tlome of J. J. Michels. The Johnsburg merchants are g$t- ' ISng more summer resort trade right y Sow than ever before. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith aiid chil- :.^ren were Sunday visitors with Mr. ; and Mrs. Jos. Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. "Schaefer ^:; ;|md children were Spring Grove call? tjjV/ ^irs Monday evening. ^# , Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt of McHen- ^ ty is visiting in the home of her par- 4;i-..vJ|nts, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wiliams. Schumacher & Schumacher have | Invested in a new Ford car, pucrhased , 4irn our local dealer* Jos. B. Hetter- :4 mann. t 4 Mrs. John Schaefer and children and Mrs. Margaret Freund spent ^ . Tuesday afternoon in the home of ' • ^ J . M i c h e l s . ^ • ) * J Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Miller and §"' \ daughters, Marie and Clarice, of f 1 Ringwood were Sunday guests in the |" home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. j ^ 'J The dance at Nell's pavilion on 1'^ Wednesday evening was well attended ^ 4|nd proved the most popular of the .^tyseason. The music was excellent and ^ '. f f yfee pavilion brilliantly decorated for .the occasion. ! r '» * Surprise Party Zayda Lord, who is visiting her 4* *4^Dr. A. Mueller of this village, *£'. v- eni°yed a* very pleasant surprise H party on Sunday afternoon, planned l>y her sister, Lucia, and Mrs. Fill- man. Between games, "candy and \ j lemonade were served -on the lawn L . *^5 laid at the hour of five all sat down to a delightful luncheon. Caroline Miller assisted in serving. The mer- • ^rymakers were: Alvena Miller, Julia -fcith, Marie Kline, Rosemary Hue- 'y',Oliva Matner, Julia-Thelen T : ̂ #nd Roeena Thelen. The restaurant on the West tide ie now open all night. Meals Ifyi iff cream served at any hour day 4K- iiiiit. Alao a choice line of cigars wMmmms Dolese & Shepard, stone. Fred Wolf, Ibr on ww... A. M. Brown; man Paul Meyers, Ibr with team on streets John J. Vycital, sup & bat... L. F. Newman, Ibr on bridge, stone and hauling gravel... Geo. Rothermel, marshal ser. James Revor, police service & meals W. G. Schreiner, frgt, drayage and gravel Wm. Bacon, engine......^.. Dr. A. I. Froehlich, med sir. Geo. Meyers, Ibr on st with team G. C. Howard, motorcycle cop services John Spencer, Ibr on engine.. Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber & cement P. J. Schoewer, labor Hubert Weber, Ibr with team Hubert Caspers, Ibr on st.... Austin Mfg. Co., payment on wagon Motion by Stoffel, seconded - by Spencer, that in the absence of Pres. Wells John Justen he appointed pres­ ident pro tem. ^Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes be ap­ proved as read. Motion carried. Motion b y Stoffel, seconded by Doherty, that the bills be paid as corrected. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Stoffel, that the clerk's and attor­ ney's reports he accepted as read.' Motion carried. • ^ ,/ Motion bjk Spencer, seconded by Doherty, that we pay the Austin Manufacturing company one hundred and fifty' dollars ($150.00) down and to give a note of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the balance on the road oil wagon until the first day of March, 1917. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Simes, that the chairman of street and alley committee, president of the village board and the village clerk sign the note given to the Austin Road Oil Co. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Stoffel, that the tax levy ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, *• seconded by Simes, to adjourn. Motion carried. John Justen, Pres. fro Tem. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. ewfse » WW For, 'Bmwarnor And Have Reined fesv native Hepublk !?P:®|' to Meet the Crisis in iliimois ̂_ .f ttotiieiS by ihe menace to Illinois, Progre^sive feiid- ts have xiow struck a blow for Good Government at has stirred the state. They have called the mem­ bers of their party to aid clean Republicans in nomi- gating Morton D. Hull ' H u l l i s l e a d t h e s t a t e - w i d e movement for Progress ai*d Efficient Management in Illi­ nois bfiuifb. Yo l are a^ked to join in this movement--your voice and your , vote t?r£ greaiiy needed. The feasor "are these.* ; ; For the past ten years, Hull, *hd other men like likn, have forced souie v. iuubie meas­ ures for the people's tlic legislature. Bui: die light has been br<i. -• tloiiary iuiluenres hiive oi>-' "loosed him nt every tui o. . Emboklened by the pub­ 's appaicfit indifference, these reactionaries have com- tnned with th* Thompson n governor. - spoilsmen of Chicago to ateize contrdl oi the paity aiul state. That is the calamity which you, the voters, have the po wer t > prevent. -L'poils politico . must be footed out by the result of #ierr ming primary. Eke the hanas that demoralized the Municipal TulK-rculosis San- it »rim 71 cf Chicago may fas­ tis! their grip oti tlie State ifest? .ntions. , : i: r. Sachs died in opposing tiiis system of spoils. FJiit. Morton I). Hull, and fie rank and file behind him, are waging the iifl&£ ,Af­ final success. - The Progressive Resolution Here Is the ic"sf cf the offiri«I -i":r>!ntinn, introduce<i! hv Charles E. Mer- riam, the well-known Chir:>gt> Prof.;ressive. It was mianimoilsly adopted! "The Progressive Committee of Cook County, believing thaf Senator Morton D. Hull should receive the »id of Progressive voters in the present contest, because of: "His unquestioned sincerity* his unimpeach­ able integrity, his recognized independence and public spirit; "His ten years' practical experience in deal­ ing with the problems of Illinois government, as a member of the Illinois House and Senate; "His vigorous opposition' to the Spoils Sys­ tem, and his aggressive championship of Merit Rule; "His steady opposition to the raids of special privilege upon the Staie capital; "His support of such constructive measures as the <551 ect p : iinary, ant! State Civ il Service Law, and the limiuitionof hours of labor for women; "Urges all Progressives of Cook County to support tho candutacy of Senator Morton D. Hull for the Republican nomination for Gov­ ernor at th6 September primaries." Shall Illinois Go Forward With Hull or Return to tire dark Hays of the Past? Shall old disgraces be re-enacted in our $tate? For remember, those who had to do with the legislative scandals of recent years are bandihg together against Hull in this campaign. The men who profited by the infamous Allen Bill (granting 50-year fi anchises to the Street railways companies)--they're against Hull and for the "Peoria Combine's" man. The Lorimer Bi-Partisan organization of the Gerieral Assembly, th1 promoters of the Elevator Trust bill, the notorious "Jack-Pot" crowd, the "Bathroom" legis­ lators, the "Slush Fund" spoilsmen--those who aided, guided and profited in these scandals, are now jovially consorting to nominate Lowden. Through Lowden's candidacy they plan to regain fheu lost power and restore the "good old days" which are dark old days In the history of Illinois. Hull's nomination means their utter defeat. His 10-year record of constructive statesman Jhip deserves the support of your voice and your vote. The crisis in Illinois demands vour active attention. Name I t nil for governor and save your party and state. Work! Vote! Don t let the spoilsmen win by default. If you will help in this movement, send in your natigL$ and address today. HULL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE LOGAN HAYt Secretary ' 124 S. Sixth Ave., Sprlngftold, HI. . CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT W A l l Advertisement* Inserted under this head atth«-(ollowingrates: Kiv«» lines or leHtL 26 cent* for first Insertion; 15 cents for each siibnequent insertion, More than five liueH, 6 centn a Itne for flr«t Insertion and 3 cents a tine for addition! insertions. FOR SALE--Good milk wagon, good as new. Inquire at this office. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of Cr W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. > 10 FOR SALE--A 20-foot gasoline launch. H. Berkircher, Emerald Park, McJIenry, 111. 4-tf FOR SALE CHEAP--No. 3 Oliver typewriter. * In good condition. In­ quire at this office. t 6 de- Administrator's Notice R. M. Wienke, Atty. Estate of Christine Glosson, ceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Administrator of the Estate of Christine Glosson, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHeiii-y County, at the Court House in Woodstock, jat the October Term, on the first Monday in Octob­ er next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for ti»e purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 8th day of August, A. D. 1916. John H. Kennebeck, 8-3t Administrator. • Executor's Notice R. M. Wienke, Att.y. Estate of John Glosson, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of John Glosson, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby'gives notice that he will appear before the Coun ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House m Woodstock, at the October Term, on the first Monday in October next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested tor make immediate payment tp tbe under­ signed. - Dated titis 8th day of August, A. D. 1916. John H. Kennebeck, 8-3t Executor. FOR SALE--Good family mare. In­ quire at the McHenry bakery, Mc­ Henry, 111., or call phone 104-R. 6-tf FOR SALE or will let on shares 8 acres of alfalfa hsfy. Arthur Han? son McHenry, 111. Phone 684-M- 2. 8-1t FOR SALE--^Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, 111., or call phone 607- W-l. „ 47-tf WANTED^--A steady position on a farm bjt a boy fourteen years old. Francis Walsh, West 1st St., Wood­ stock, 111. 4-tf FOR SALE--Eighteen foot gasoline launch. Apply to J. M. McOmber, second house south of river bridge, McL'enry, 111. - S-tf FOR RENT--An eight room house with bath, gas and electricity in­ stalled. On river front. Jos. W. Freund, McHenry, 111. v 8 FOR SALE CHEAP--Sanitary couch and mat, golden oak buffet, corner chair and small library table. In­ quire of Mrs. A. E. Nye, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE CHEAP--Combination bookcase and writing desk, leather couch and colonial oak buffet. In­ quire of Fred Karges, McHenry. 7-2t FOR SALE--Sharpies No. 4 creant separator, 500 lbs. per hour. Used one year. Good as new. E. G. Pet­ erson, Johnsburg, 111. Phone 625- M-l. 8 Installs Heating Plant Martin B. Schmitt, the West Side tonsorial artist, is having a heating; plant installed in his building. Mr. Schmitt leaves nothing undone for the comfort and convenience of his cus­ tomers. Donavin & Reihansperger have the contract. for FOR SALE--New modern 7 room house. Price reasonable.. Terihs to suit purchaser. Inquire of Carl W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, 111. g-tf FOR SALE--Ironclad incubator at half price. Also one Matthews gas machine for cooking and one acety­ lene gas machine, for lighting. John Scherman, river road, McHenry, 111. hives, bites.. prickly heat and mosquito Our want ads bring positive re­ sults. The latSsfcoind best of pictures at the Airdome, Riverside park, every night. Hel? make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that you maj know 6f. McAllisters Stenzol ?¥' *' V':M J h %£gui-'S: #.1 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT . 9PKOIAL. ATTENTION, GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogg, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and E^gs This 1b the oldest honse on the efotot. Tags and price lists furnished m application. COLD STORA(lBfFffEE stall i ft j, PiltM-tt. Wholesale Market. •CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. .>/ Notice of Sale of Real Estate.. F: B. Bennett,. Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the'County Court of McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, James B. Perry, Ad­ ministrator with will annexed of the estate of August Wasnowsky, de­ ceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased at the August Term, A. D. 1916, of said Court, to- wit: On the 9th day of August, A. D. 1916, Notice is hereby given that on Sat­ urday, the 9th day of September, A. D. 1916, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit: At the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at .the front door of the in the village of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of the said August Wasnowsky, de­ ceased, to-wit: Part of the Northeast quarter of section number twenty-si* (26) in township number forty-rive (46 > North, range eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry and State of Illi nois, bounded and described as fol­ lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point which is twenty-three (23) chains and two (2) links East and twenty-six (26) rods North from the center o£ said.section twenty-six (26); Running thence East fifteen (15) rods; thence North two (2) rods; thence West fif­ teen (15) rods; thence South two (0) rods to the place of beginning. Al­ so the right of way on the East end of the above described piece of lanff qne rod wide to t]he North line of the village of McHenry, County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, to be used in common with other lot own­ ers, all of said premises being situ­ ated in the town of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder. Terms of Sale 25 per cent of the price bid on the day of sale, balance to be paid when deed or deeds to the property are de­ livered. ; James B. Perry, AdipoUtntw: wi|h wiU annexed of It is a fact that Cows sprayed with - CRHGN0I5) FLY DESTROYER will feed quierfy .-and give , more milk SOLD AND GUARANTEED if V t. v. nm\m West McHenry, III. * ; the estate of August Wasnowsky,' de­ ceased. August 9, A. D, 1916. ^ 8-4t Entertained at County Seat The Thimble club of Rivervjew camp took the train for Woodstock Wednesday and spent the, day with Mrs. Geo."Freund, a former member. They were very pleasantly enter­ tained at a five course dinner, after which the ladies took in the movie show. The guests left a gift of cut glass for their hostess that was de­ layed when Mrs. Freund moved t® that city,- the custom being to pre­ sent each member separating from the club with a token of remem­ brance. The ladies " "who made the trip were Mesdames Henry Meyers, Al. Krause, G. C., Boley, Will Bishop, Anton Schneider, Jos. Rothermel and Peter Bothermel, A- r LUMLEY AND JOSLYN WANT TAXPAYERS TO PAY $20,400.00 Votei#^W ̂ isily deduce Their Voting* Against Both Lumley and Joslyn m * . The nesrt Staters Attorney wHl be paid a cash salary of $3960^)0 per annuni, "or a total of $15,600.00 for the four-yt ar ter^ii, the same as Joslyn is now drawing. ' > • : If the taxpayers vote to keep a paid assistant State's Atlor- ney at $1200.00 per annum or $4800.00, for the term, the tdl&l paid for tbe work of the State's; Attorney's office for the four years will be $20,400.00. - > / The salary fixed by law of $3900.00 a year is a 'ery liberal salary for all the sei-viee and time required lo do the entire business of tbe otttc". :.V ' At the salary uatned, it is the best paying office in the county and really tetter than the ol&te of Circuit 3udge, which pays $5000.00 per annum.; ; , - , * ^ . Any lawyer of just ordinary ability can easily do the entire work of the State's Attorney's office and have fully one-half of his time left for recreation or other law business, and at that will not need to work nearly as hard or as many hours as do our farmers, merchant aud other laboring men. Lumley and Joslyn have evidently pooled issues against the taxpayers to com pel them, to keep pay ing $1200.00 per year for a paid assistant Statg'* Attorney which, in reality, mean9 $4800.00 of the taxpayers' money to Joslyn's soil or to Lumley's law partner, ChaHes Alien. Voters, it rests entirely with you whether you Will cut 'out a paid assistant State's Attorney and thereby save $4800.00 of the taxpayers' money, « A vote*for either-Mr. Lumley or Mr. Joslyn is surely a- tote against reducing your taxes and in favor of keeping a paid assistant State's Attorney, as Attorney Charles P. Barnes has agreed in his platform that he will do the entire work of the office for the salary of $3300 00 per annum, without any paid assistant State's Attorney, Every vote cast against Charles P. Barnes is also a vote that you favoV allowing Joslyn to'walk off with yearly $10,000.00 o f y o u r s c h o o l m o n e y . ' - . ' ' Attorney Charles P. Barnes,"at his oith expense, bM made this fight to compel Joslyn to disgorge nearly $10,00j).00 of school niopey that Joslyn is wrongfully withholding, and to cut but a paid assistant States Attorney, ^nd thereby save the taxpayers the additional sum of $4800.00, and he is the candidate that should receive your earnest and hearty support from now t,Ul the clo«e of the ,polls On Primary Daj^f i; * . ^ #•. ! =1 r---"^rj r- J in--ii• iit Ea =na 3EIE i i in in Minn in (HI IM i <!1 t M i ' The Ri&ht Way to Telephone JN order to get the best results when tele­ phoning, do not mumble the number to the operator* do%not be inattentive to her repetition, do not talk at your telephone * without regard to its distance from your lips. _ The right way is to give the number to the oper­ ator clearly and distinctly, to listen for her repetition « ctf the number and acknowledge it, and then talk directly into the telephone with your lips close to to the transmitter, giving your whole attention t9 the telephone conversation. Telephoning in the ri&ht way help* the service raor« efficient Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Maqyuer Telephone 9009 < ROYAL FENCE ACONTINUOUS stay fence of big wires woven together with the famous Royal loop.» Look for this sign in every roll. "Royal Fence, by American Steel A Wire Com--"3'* Pull weight. Pull size of wire. Pull length of rolls. YEARS' THAT SIGN iSTOOD FOR THE BEST WILBUR LUMBER CO m WEST McHFNRY, ILL. PHONE 9 sAssak. §4 Subscribe for the Plaindealer uid keep potted on loctl happenings .... >',4. Ti~- ^ --f :-i J i V- t :,h

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