Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1916, p. 5

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THE f X L L $y>«*. . ̂ *('&*> -"* v -.r- •' f t-̂ lA - f,t Y'~-r.Tf\ ;^C»: QUARTER OF A CENTURY . : .. > » ̂ - -v-,rwv*"*?/r»-'.•,.^•;;-r;r,,; |-;^.W f V IRE M •.-*54 * Joslyn's second term under the salary Law RE-TAXPAYERS RECEIVE $1,655.58 FROM JOSLYN OUT OF $67, CEIVED BY JOSLYN IN SEVEN AND ONE-HALF YEAR#-- JOSLYN GIVES TAXPAYERS LESS THAN 2 1-2 PER CENT OF CASH RECEIVED BY HIM X - / 1 0 ; *v i'-jv,. trf X : * • ; lift <3l*rie will be found the •wore reports of State's Attorney Joeiyn, showing the , amount of fines and fees received by him. from December 1st, 1912, up to May <20th, I916v all of which the law saya shall be paid to our County Treasurer. * RECEIPTS BY JOSLYN r From December 1st, 1912, to May 20th, 1916 J, Cash received by Joslya on fees and fines, which should have been paid over to County Treasurer at each term of our Circuit Court. t21,933.19 Cash received by Joslyn, one-half year salary ^ (at #3500.00 per annum from December 1st, 1912, and paid from general connty funds 1,780.00 Cash received by Joslyn, three years' salary (at $3500.00 per annum) to June 1st, 1916, and paid from-caah paid County Treasui* by Jos­ lyn, as shown below 10,800.00 Cash received by Joslyn from State Treasurer, three and one-half years* salary (at $400.00 per annum) -- 1,400.00 Cash received by Joslyn, on claims allowed to Joslyn, and paid from cash paid County Treaa- , urer by Joslyn --- 3,767.25 Cash received by Joslyn on claims allowed to * Joslyn, and paid from general funds of county 405.15 Cash received by Joslyn on claims allowed to Joslyn, and paid from general funds of connty on account of same being overdraft by Joslyn on funds held by County Treasurer 1,683.64 TOTAL RECEIVED DURING THREE YlSARS. AND SIX MONTHS OF PRESENT TERM (ENDING MAY 2ith, 1914) $41,439.23 Note--Hundreds of dollars of illegal charges are found in the claims filed by Joslyn, such as auto liveries, car fare and trayeiing expenses of Joslyn and his paid assistant State's Attorney, and the county is even / charged for drawing indictments which is totally ille- . gal, as that is a part of Joslyn's work. «„ DISBURSEMENTS BY JOSLYN Cash paid to County Treasurer by Joslyn dur- ing second term 120,833.89 (Joslyn should have turned over to County Treasurer every penny f>f the $21,933.19, but withheld a balance of $1099.30.) * Balance of cash actually leffrin Joslyn's hands..$20,695.34 £41,439.23 SCHOOL FUND RECEIVES f 6,593.59 In accordance with the state law, County Treasurer Lynn W. Richards in 1915 turned over to County Superin­ tendent Shelton, out of the above $20,833.89 received from Joslyn, the above sum of $6,593,59, but to offset this, Jos­ lyn drew back from our general county funds (as shown above) the sum of $3,838.79, which, added to the balance of $1,099.39 withheld by Joslyn from County Treasurer (as shown above) makes a total of $4,938.09 to be charged against the $6,593.59 received by SheUon, which left our taxpayers a profit of only $1,655.50 out of the enormous sum received by Joslyn during said three and one-half year*. ADDITIONAL SUMMARY Total of oaah received by Joslyn during hie first term r .$26,166:99 Total of cash received by Joslyn during three attd one-half years of second term .-- 41,439.23 ^otal of £aah received by Joslyn during iwo ' terms or to May 2tth, 1914 . -7. .$67,606.22 WHAT TAXPAYERS WERE GIVEN B ̂JOSLYN During Joslyn's first term of four years he turn­ ed over to the school fund $2,743.75, and drew from the taxpayers' general county funds, $2,743.rt7. which gave the taxpayers. a j/rofit from Joslyn in four years of .08 Amount given taxpayers by Joslyn in three shd one-half year* of second term (aa aholrn above) 1,655.50 Total allowed to taxpayers by Joeiyn in seven , and one-half years, out of $67,606.22... ->• 1,655.58 Note--This is less than 2\ per cent of his receipts, and he is chargeable with 5 per cent annual interest on all sums he has wrongfully withheld. IMPORTANT Every figure given above can be verified by the sworn reports of our State's Attorney now on file in the office of our Circuit Clerk, and by the books of County Treasurer Lynn W. Richards, County Superintendent of Schools A. M Shelton and County Clerk Guy E. Still. g In Joslyn's letter to the taxpayers of Juljp 26th, 1916, he boastingly said: "Under this law I have already pai& to the JOaunty Treasurer $20,833.89, a fact shown by the reoords but not heretofore called to your atten­ tion by anyone.4' The above statement was purposely misleading. He intended to convey the meaning that the taxpayers bad profited lb the amount of $20,833.89 when, as a matter of fact, he knew that he had withdrawn every dollar of the above amount, except the $6,593.59 paid Sheiton by Rich­ ards, and that he had even drawn from the taxpayers' gen­ eral county funds $4,938.09 to offset the $6,593.59 received by Shelton. There is over $10,000.00 of absolutely illegal fees and illegal charges in Joslyn's record of seven and one-half years, and during the same time he has illegally received nearly $10,000.00 of justice fines that should have been paid directly to County Superintendent Shelton. If the taxpayers of this county wish to recover their school money, Joslyn must be beaten and compelled to disgorge. At least three-fourths of the voters of this county want Joslyn defeated for a third term. You din never de­ feat JoBlyn by voting for Lumley. If the voters who Op­ pose Joslyn's renomination will give me their support on Primary Day, Joslyn will be defeated by an overwhelming majority and our school money will be recovered and this entire matter straightened out. Whatever JOslyn says, he still has our school money and he don't deny that; Joslyn will get no comfort from the Supreme Court when that court sees exactly what Joslyn is trying to' do to the taxpayers of McHenry County. I expect to speak in every township 'tin McHenry County before Primary Day, and will be glad to answer every question asked of me with reference to 'Our school f ands, Joslyn's record, or anything else. Very truly yours, ,a " 4 CHARLES P. ̂ ARNES. \ MICHELIN-FOUNDED-1832 I ]2 to 15% Extra Weight fstra.AJJai StoSPtbssf Milt Hwra > b Universal of a* When yoo buy your i (teat. Lct ra weigh a in compaittoo witib aajocni lanwaBe. \ 1 Yoa will Jindth* MtekHi* 12 I ID 15ft JUtmfar Amm Urn i>«» I Ik exact jxwnh|i deptn&ng m A* tbx ef As tint mcd tatlmimL Tbkfextn^ weiibl « and ffabris, „wlri$k JOH h K :|| R-miY.IU. QUALITY ftepM Clipped From Th Of Twenty-Five Yt PJaindealev ra Ago Yon folks who like GOOD toast are missing the RAREST treat if^ you do not make YOUR toast with OUR tto-Maid bread. /hs Get a loaf--nbw and toast it up Jf5r breakfast in the morning. 'You'll always want OUR bread for , Roasting then. The McHertty Bakery A. LALUNGER, PROP. 1 ! I I I 1 1 l i t noun . I. FRb HL pH Physician >BUDG. Vele phones: Otlice 17 M _ IU»id«ocftH-W Telephone No. 1$8-R • SIMON STOFFEL nmW AND HEATING --wr--• Baseball, El^in vs. McHenry, at the driving park Friday, Aug. 14. We understand that "George 0." made a full mile in 2:28% on the Nunda half mile track on Friday last. John Bonslett had the misfortune to sprain his-ankle badly one day last week and is now obliged to get around on crutches. One week from next Tuesday the McHenry county fair will open at Woodstock and indications point to a very successful exhibition. Mrs. A. S. Wright and children of Woodstock will take possession of O. W. Owen's cottage at Pistakee Bay today, where they will rusticate for the next two weeks. One of the large work herses on the farm of E. M. Owen stepped into a hole while working on a mower one day last week and broke his leg, which necessitated his being shot. I Mrs. W. C. Howard, formerly Mrs. fOstrander, of Volo, we understand, I has purchased the residence of John jEvanson on the West Side and will move here in the near future. Con- |sideration, $1,650. The weather prophets say^tiiat the phenomenal weather, which has char­ acterized July, is soon to end and that August and September will be very hot. There have been only two Julys so cool for twenty years and these only exceeded in low temperature the month just ended by a trifle. A very interesting game of base­ ball took place at the driving park on Tuesday afternoon between a club from Chicago, who are camping near Grayslake, and the McHenry nine, which resulted in favor of McHenry by a scorQ of 21 to. 11. Our boys were "at themselves" and done them­ selves credit, both in the field and at the bat. On Thursday evening, August 6, about sixty of the young friends of Rev. Father O'Neil gave him a very pleasant surprise, the occasion be­ ing the twenty-seventh anniversary of his ordination. Father O'Neil has been "fifteen years pastor of this parish and in that time has omitted the celebration of mass but once, and then it was upon the requirement of his services in an adjoining parish. PROBA TE NEWS \ r m Insurance agent for all eiamea of property in the beat oompaniea. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST • -- Office In Telephone Exchange Bldg CenterrUle McHenry, * ^ * ELECTRIC WAY hot 'it"Mow to'mal work easy and save money on !abof| An Electric Motor will work harder and more steadily and give you less trouble than any horse or entitle you can buy. Its price is less than one third the cost of a good horse, and it will last a life. It will do the work of'six men at less cost for current than the wages of one. It wil! run day and night and turn out eight times the, work of a horse. It doesn't get tired, doesn't stop to eat and never gets sick. Electric Motors will drive pump, threshing machines, hay hoists, grindstones, circular saws, feed and ensilage cutters, corn shellers, churns, cream separators, milking machines, washing machines, dish washers and scores of other labor savers, and charge you for it only when it is worjang^tf! Prosperity follows the wires. you taking advantage of our ser- ^ . vice? Itco&s nothingtoihVe^igiite. I "• 1 ' i • ' > ; ti Public Service Gompany OF NORTHERN ILLlWoiS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side Of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Ileal Estate Transfers Christine Stilling & h to Wm. M. J us ten, pt sw"% sec 11, ^125 a, McHehry .$6648.00 William M. Justen to itenry J. Stilling & w, same 6648.00 Marriage Licenses William Campion, 23... Harvard Bessie McCauley, 22 Chicago Alford H. Pouse, Atty. State of Illinois, McHenry County. In the County Court to the August Term, A. D. 1916, To All Persons Whom It* May Con­ cern: Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, Carl W. Stenger, guardian of William Pearson, Mary Pearson and Carl Pearson, minors, will make application to the County Court of McHenry County, at a regular term thereof, to be held at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on the third Monday of August, A. D. 1916, being the 21st day thereof, for an order and decree of said Court, directing him as said Guardian, to sell the following real estate belonging to said minors, or so much thereof as shall seem to said Court to the interest of said minors, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: An un­ divided one-twelfth of the following described real estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter and the East Sixty acres of the Southwest quarter of Section Nultaber Twenty (20), Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Eight (8), East of the 3rd P. M., containing 100 acres, more or less, situated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, for the support and education of said minors and for the purpose of investing such of the pro­ ceeds of said sale as shall not be im­ mediately requisite for said support and education in other real estate, or of otherwise investing the same. Dated July 27, 1916. Carl W. Stenger, 6-St Guardian of Said Minors. Administrator'a Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of Carrie Brehm, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Administrator of the Estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Septem­ ber Term, on the first Monday in Sep­ tember next, at wfcich time all per- having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this 18th day of July, A. D. 1916. Allord H. Pouse, '1DO ALL YOUR COOKING J ~ fcAS OR COAL- ON ONE RANtJE W IT WITHOUT CHANGING'A nH # anaou 0- • : ̂ Hi#, ftliii yBCfof: . 4 _ ; •? .T1 jmeB/'a ... I *• S m 1 w~ •Ash A range that is really two iri o^e. The-fop • ^Toldly .43 inches long yet it has abundant surface for all possible re­ quirements. The gas equipment i? Of tbe most apptdved desijm and in no way interferes wifli the coal construction. Nor are there any parts to be changed around to use either fuel. " The coal equipment has Moore's Fire Back which is as necessary to a good working range as a safe is to a bank--it keeps money from going to the wrong place bjf-saving waste products which make heat "ft1 SURE TOICAU IN AND.SEE THIS RANGE J. J; McHenry, Illinois. am - Vi ' .it-! f*«ilar« mAwmtrn •••lakiaiMMi RXrCOFN Will kit • K >• gjiiiii >i iuM/STufi k tmi. mmm 9m B. V. McAlliater, - We«t McHenry John Franzen, Representing toe || MfftfUITC tVP IUkfAffillWM || nimvumi• u mmm at raw WWWHIil I *••!? If: Paid up Capital, || Let me explain to you the merits of the best Life and Accident Policy offered by any eoapany. . v Barn Dance Tto Boyal Neighbors of Fox Rhrer Valley camp, No. 3251, are planning to hold a bam dance in the commod­ ious barn recently erected by F. H Wattles on John street. Remember the datejjfclyaiay, n McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office ta Sftuldlag IH|: Ho M ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-ft- Wetft McHenryj Illinois No. Tl-W bONAVIN & Lit IWBST McHENEVi

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