Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1916, p. 7

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- • - > I M U <*"*»? fi y <S^ 4 ^Should be pure W,. Sv 4 - * v* ^ > Should .be fresh &*$£ ls. v' - Should be properly 'kepte^ . . . . . • • • ^ • f e k p i i a # Should be right potencyi W i">ey JV 4"^ &H*T< sir Should be dispensed carefully Should be sold at « fair price ^1-^: Everything at our store is as it should be. You caaa ;jplace the'utmost confidence in our goods and our methods will surely appeal to you i •V' ' N.. H druggist ;;v-^ . • f;l McHenry, IU. UGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED »7j OUR ABLE COUPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 7r"\ Crochet Cotton! We sell €. M. C. in white afid colors. The C. M. C. is made under the care of several men who were formerly with the company that made the orig­ inal D. *M. C. For this reason it is claimed that C. M. C. is the be& substi­ tute for D. M, C. The be^t is what we always try to have, so we s^ll C. M. C. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry» IU. y Lewer Prices SAME. QUALITY We make our prices lower than others FOR THE SAME QUALITY. We can afford to do it. Then we give the service. That's why we say you'd better buy all your goods at one store instead of shopping here and there. :: :: You can compare our prices with any other; you can tell whether they're lower or not, but, yOU can't do it unless you compare qualities also. There's the whole thing in a nutshell. :: We are pleased to note that our Saturday bar­ gains are so much appreciated by our customers • THR • C. M ADAMS STORE •Phone W5-W-I JOHNSBURG, ILL. i'~'V AND AWNINGS Window Screens and Awnings are two of the things that you must have these days. The screens will keep out the disease spreading flies, mosquitos and bugs while the awnings are sure to give welcome relief from the rays of ihe hot sun. Our line of screens and awn­ ings is as complete as ma> be found anywhere and you will always find us ready to ̂ erye you in these respects. Call us up and see how promptly \ve measure your do^rs and windows for screens and awnings Our line of summer furniture also commands your attention. Call and look it over. We know we can please the most fa$ti<iioi|| furniture and Illinois *J»*f break of I A* ' SjsSL I RIDGEF1ELD '*V/,v. t). Fitzgerald is running • Ford these days. r' Mrs. F. S. Morse spent Thursday last in Chte^jgo. J. B. Lynch was a Chicago ger Sunday afternoon. ; Mrs. Herman Wille was a "shopper at Crystal Lake Monday. Mr. Tuttle is a patient at St. Joseph's hopital in. Elgin. Miss Emanuel&on. of Chicago is the guest of Miss Nora Ward. Meyers Levey of Rockford visited his father here over Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Smith was a Chicago passenger Thursday morning. C. M. Keeler of Elgin was an over Sunday guest of his mother. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Enoch Johnson visited with her mother in Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. J. Mikkelsen and Miss Chris­ tina drove to Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Senpe and son of Wood­ stock visited at Grandpa Wille's Sun­ day. ' J J. H. Slater was transacting busi- I ness in Chicago Saturday and Mon­ day. • Mrs. A. Anners is visiting at Mar- ley, 111., in the home of R. E. Harri­ son.- - | Mrs. Anna Mollohan was a busi­ ness caller at Crystal Lake Saturday forenoon. ! Miss Edna Ingram of Chicago is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Wille. Mrs. Carrie Johnson and daughter, Bessie, visited relatives at Wood­ stock last week. . A. G. Levey and daughter, Lois, visited in the home of Meyers Levey at Rockford recently. L. J. Gibson and friend of Chicago visited the first Of the week at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cox and chil­ dren of Cary visited Sunday with J. Mikkelsen aiid family. Mrs. Earl Ormsby of St. Louis is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ormsby for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock were Sunday callers in the homes of their parents. Mrs. Mix and son of Chicago are visiting at the home of their daugh­ ter and sister, Mrs. A. Wille. Mrs. S. E. Olmstead of Woodstock visited Wednesday with Mrs. A. Jacobs and Mrs. J. Mikkelsen. Herman Irish anil daughter of Har­ vard called at the home of his moth­ er, Mrs. Mary Irish, Saturday. Mrs. Anderson and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Grice and baby enjoyed an outing at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and'Mrs. Peterson and son of McHenry called at the home of Mrs. Anna Mollohan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitzgerald and son, Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. Sulli­ van autoed to Marengo Thursday evening; Miss Sarah Lamphere of Crystal Lake was an over Sunday guest at the home of Mr. *nd Mrs. W. E. Dike. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Schmeltz and daugh­ ters of Dundee have be,en visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coates for a week. ... Mrs. W. E. Dike and niece, Helen Briggs, and Master Ray Bohl spent Monday afternoon and evening at Crystal Lake. Misses Helen Baker and Marg-aerite £ugh visited from Tuesday until Fri­ day at DeKalb with the latter's sis- teivMiss Gladys Pugh. Misses Loretta and Grace Wagner returned home Monday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Sharon, Rockford and Harvard. Miss Sarah Ormsby returned home Saturday from Seattle, Wash., where she has been teaching domestic science for the past year. Misses Genevieve Goddavd, Pearl Reed and Hazel Baker returned home Friday from DeKalb and Madison, Wis., where they spent the past six weeks *t normal. Church Nftai Sunday evening, August 27, is to be an sacred evening of songs given by the choir. A full attendance of the senior chou» on Saturday evening is espe­ cially requested. The Y. P. S. C. E. held its monthly business meeting at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening at "Skinner's camp." There will be an ice cream social oh the church lawn this Friday even­ ing, Aug. 11. Everybody is weloome. "True Beauty and How to Get It' is the subject for Y. P. S. C. E. Sun day evening, Aug. 13. Lois Levey, leader. The Daisy Circle meets at the church parlors on Saturday after­ noon at 2 o'clock and the junior choir meets as usual at 3 o'clock the same day. ________ " 08TEND Harris Bros. are erecting another silo. This is of cement. ' • Ed. Wallis, wife and some friends motored to Libertyville Sunday. Atty. L- W- Thompson an«J family of Chicago were recent visitors with relatives here. A few of the youngsters spent last Friday evening with Mr. Campbell and, daughters. Henry Hobart and son, Roy, were business callers at the county seat last Wednesday. E. H. Thompson of Woodstock was| calling at the home of his son, If. B Thompson, last week. Mann, McHBNJEtY tliiSIBlAIIB, HeHMBT, ILL • ^ relatives here Sunday. C. S. Apgar, wife and son, of Chicago are spending a few days with C. B. Durkee and wife. Earl Sherman, wife and children ate Sunday dinner at Woodstock with E. L. Francisco and family. F. R. Eppel made a trip to Chicago Monday. He went after a farm hand and was successful in obtaining one. W. B. Morris of North Crystal Lake was canvasing in this section last week. He represented a Bara- boo. Wis., nursery. ' Threshing machines. are doing a lively business during the last few days. Wheat is goocl, oar ley fair, but oats rather light. We wonder whose business it is to look after Canada thistles. In the pasture just north of»C. B. Durkee's by the road are acres, aU blossomed and going to seed. Elgin . 3 f \ J" C. H. Mann, wife and daughters 'from pear Woodstock were calling on more milk. TERRA QOTTA Mrs. J. M. Phalin was an visitor Tuesday. Mrs. B. Martin spent Tuesday with Elgin friends. M. Knox was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday last. Miss Mary Riley of Chicago was a recent visitor at the John Riley home. Mss Clara Frisby is spending the week with--Chicago Relatives and friends. John Conway of Detroit, Mich., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Conway. Miss Cecelia Conway visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss, last week. Miss Tillie Robison of Chicago vis­ ited Miss Agnes Frisby-a couple of •lays recently. Miss Marie Dolan of Chicago is the guest of the Misses Alice and Lillian Riley. Mrs. Cora Bryant of St. Louis, Mo., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Marion McMillan. Mrs. George B. Frisby was the guest of Chicago relatives a couple of days last week. Miss Florence Gracy of Crystal Lake spent one day last week yrith Miss Lillian Riley. Miss Nellie D'oherty of Holcomb- ville visited at M. Knox's Wednesday and Thursday last. I Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Mabel, are spending a cot;>le of day*, with Mchenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ob£r of Crystal Lake were callers here Friday evening. Mrs. Hiram H. Bay and children, Margaret and Maturin, of Chicago are visiting Mrs. T. Bay this week. Mrs. Bernard J. Shine and son, Bernnrd, of Chicago are visiting Mrs. Shine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and family and Mrs. B. F. Martin were DeKalb visitors last Friday. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Vera Bolger, who have been attending school there, re­ turned with them. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, soh, Ed­ ward, and daughter, Mabel, motored to DeKalb last Friday. They were accompanied home by the Misses Genevieve and Florence Knox, who have been attending the summer term at the NortKern Illinois State Normal., VOLO Miss Anna Compton is visiting in Elgin. Mrs. Kate Townsend is visiting at Jas. Kirwan's. % Mr. and Mis. Wm. Huson of Round Lake spent Sunday at Mrs. Frost's. Mrs. Henry Kruger and sons of Wauconda spent Friday of last week at John Walton's. There will b« an ice cream social Tuesday evening, August 15, at the home of Wm. Dillon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld and Mr. Hanson spent Sunday and Mon­ day at Madison, Wis. Mrs. Albert Kottenberg and daugh­ ter, Mabel, of Waukeg&n spent part of last week at John Wal n's. Mrs= John Walton and Mrs. Albert •Kottenberg and daughter, Mabel, spent Thursday last in Grayslake. JOSLYN'S METHODS .. Evidently the editor of the South Bend Indiana Tribune is not in love with the methods that were used by Jos lyn a t Waukegan on the t r i a l c > i the Orept case. An editorial of that paper under date of July 18 read as follows: "We agree with /the Orpet jury that the evidence was not sufficient to convict the defendant. Outside ot the absence of convicting testimony, the lawyers for the state handled the case like drunken sailors, or rather like a gang of bloodthirsty pirates. The acquittal on the murder charge, however, does not exculpate the par ents of the girl,, nor will it remove the scar and the pain from Wiii Or pet's soul. Parents and the boy were party to the undoing of the unfor­ tunate girl." - Concert On Lake t The Paulist choristers of Chicago, who are now in camp at Crystal Lake, and who may give one of their pop­ ular concerts in McHenry irk the near future, will sing from decorated boats in the middle of Crystal lake next Sunday evening. The singers are under the direction of Rev. Wm. Finn and the concert is expected to draw a large crowd. ^ , McAllister says use Creonoid fly spray on your dairy cows and gtt If you have a Checking Account the bank does your book keeping free of charge and renders you: a statement of your receipts and expenditures whenever you ask for it. OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT. - - - iwa;.- THE Hoy Banking Co CLARENCE F. HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Manager Cashier FREMONT President J Convenience! 'MU Present Customers are enjoying the facilities KMC transacting their business •Fj1 "a, J Vs" "'h'* IL* '< * AT HOME afforded by our bank. Why not join the ran by opening an account at once K > .* & Bank of H. E* WHARTON* CASHIER • • • J Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Riesort Ideal place for the sick and those seeking reift and recreation amidol the mo^l pleasant and > home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illu£rated booklet^ Telephone, McHenry 92-M. -- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. « Are ideal for Sleeping Porches, shady and comfortably cool on a hot day. Made for comfort and long seivioe, - * f ' ' •, N. J. JUSTEN & SON Weft McHenrf, Illinois Good Wheat makes good bread. ' Our wheat comes from Uw fa­ mous wheat belt of the North­ west, ftod is all selected. Prom the time it leaves the elevator until the package is opened la your kitchen its eourse is tree from contamination and t&e pro­ cess of milling as near perfect as modern contrivances can make it. Your baking will bear eloquent testimony of this if you use Early Riser Flour- WESTPTffillRY FLOOR AND FEED HAS ..feJL .... .. • *4* 1^'*-

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