laEfrHENRYPLAINDEALER ,;- * ̂ NKUSHED EVFMY MTSDAT rr r'\^l F. G. SCKREINER - -_ ; C pttica in Bank Buikttn* Telephone * W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION? \:. Om Yw m* Mentha, fffe liJI Moftthi,#c -£$W C>: " Thursday, August 17, 1916- Caadidate for State's Attorney I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination e's attorney. V. S. Lumley. For County Coroner Ih I hereby announce myself as a can- f'Vjy didate for the Republican nomination i ,^V - for the office of coroner of McHenry i ? county at the primaries to be held on 4ept 13, 1016. . H;:\. 1 *#-tf Chas. C. Peck, M. D. }/*»: For Circuit Clerk ^ ' I hereby announce myself a candi- |j night was confined a young man by the name of Matthews, who had been arrested and fined on a charge of drunk and disorderly, but against whom Detective Benthusen had a warrant for robbery. In the same cell was Mike Shugareau, who was also serving out time for drunken ness. During the night some one gained access to the lower part of the city hall thru the window and from there to the corridor of the jail part, where they made a desperate effort to pry open the doors to the cell, but it defied their best efforts. The only damage they succeeded in doing was cation with the i|»rmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. lipomas. The company tfsreshing machine is fast working its Way along the line. Monday and a pa(rt of Tuesday at R. H Richardson's'T then at Thomas brothers' farm. • - F. R. Eppel went to Chicago Mon day, Aug. 7, and' hired a man. He stayed until the following Sunday, when he very mysteriously disap peared. If anyone happens to^ee a stranger wandering around, inquiring for Fred, direct him to Ostend. He answers to the name of Gus. Henry Hobart, wife and son. Boy; to spring the bolt of the lock so that Earl Sherman, wife and two children, :'€H .5?;- -jfi ! •A- .-.LV- WM for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc Henry count7 at the Republican pri maries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. 1 Thos. F. Nolan. ^ : For State's Attorney ^ v! "f'laito a candidate for renominatlon „? ,jfcs state's attorney of McHenry coun- v%. If the manner in which I have , «tonducted the affiairs of that office : ^|iuring my incumbency meets with H ' . •Jpour approval I will appreciate your '^upport at the Republican primaries .<M- :~£n September 13, 1916. 47 ' David' R. Joslyn. For State's Attorney I hereby announce myself a candi- ,te for the Republican nomination >r the office ot State's Attorney of cHenry county at the Republican primaries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. : 1 ask every voter and tax payer to rmy platform and pledge. Charles P. Barnes. To the Voters of McHenry County I am again a candidate for the of- jftce of circuit clerk. I have at all times endeavored to conduct this of fice to the satisfaction of all. Effi ciency, courtesy and fairness have been the watchwords of my office. If you are satisfied, I should appreciate your vote at the primary on Sept. 13, . next. I am satisfied with my job and perfectly willing to serve another tersa without a raise in salary. ^ \ „ Yours very truly, Theo. Hamer. i QUARTER OF A CENTURY w Items Clipped From The Plaindealer Of Twenty-Five Years Ago 1%e Libertyville fnir is to be held at Libertyville Sept. 22 to 25. The grand Woodmnn picnic will be - %eld in Waukegan on Wednesday, > August 28. _ ' The McHenry. county teachers' in stitute is in samioii at Woodstock ...i-^tiis week. ••••: " Mrs. O. W. Owen hc.s been quite sick the . past few a*vys, but is now reported better. , On next Tuesday, Aug. 25, the Woodstock fair will cpen and a most successful exhibition is anticipated. The Universalist Sunday school will *>ld its annual basket picnic at A. ifc. Howe's grove Friday of this week. The Elgin Prickets came up on Fri- :-v day last and crossed bats with the •' IfcHenry nine and the result was one 0 the best games of the season, the Pickets winning by a score to 3. .* McHenry was treated to an at OST^END Emil Thomas made his regular weekly trip over to Ostend Saturday night. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, visited relatives near Wau- conda Sunday Ernest Brott visited his mother at the Woodstock hospital Sunday and found her improving. F. R. Eppel, wife and little son enjoyed an auto trip Sunday, the first Sunday for some time without being ' tempted jail delivery on Sunday night roasted and dusted. ^fcst, however, pr^yj^ji. unsuc- Mrs. Hazel Belcher and husband ĵessful, In cell No, 1 <* Sunder of Woodstock are spending their *»• > " • - . . the key would not turn and it was necessary tp get a locksmith to open it. Who it was who made this bold attempt is as yet unknown. Detec tive Benthusen came up on Tuesday and took Matthews away on a charge if robbery, which will probably put _ im beyond the reach of jail deliv erers' in the near future. V 1 Dorr and Elma; Clifford J. Sherman, wife and two sons,'Clyde and Clar ence, and Mrs. Jennie Sherman took an auto ride and visited several towns, Woodstock ttfeing first, then Huntley, where they called on 6ome relatives a short time. Thence to Marengo, Garden Pftftirie and Belvi- dere. At the last named place they met an acquaintance, Roy Coonrad, who resides there at the present. He informed the company that he liked the city of Belvidere very much. He ^ 0**/ *• is employed in a factory at that place. t ^ ^ McHenry Trims ̂ Harvahl : Those of the baset>all fans who were left in town last1 Sunday after- / ' * .4 noon were out at th4" ball park to watch the McHenry K. of C. team hand their Harvard brothers a 11 to 3 trimming. y, v • This is the first time this Reason that the newly organised K. of C. team has performed beaore the home folks and, to say the ledfct, they made a very favorable impression. While not putting up an article^ of ball like that of the McHenry regu lars, the boys all have their hearts and souls in the game and thus far ^ this season have hung u#» a record of which they need not feelj ashamed. They had their opponents out classed and that's the reason they Fair Tribute to Congressman Copley C. W. Putnam--"Put"--in the Au rora Bcacon-News of August 13.] Congressman -Copley is making occasional talks to thej people of his district. His remarks cannot be re garded along the line of campaign harrangue. The efforts seem to be directed in desire to furnish his con stituents with a statement of public account, and to acquaint them with the condition of national affairs «s they exist. He would have the liearers judge of his methods in the past, as con gressional representative of this dis trict, and announces what, in his opinion, would be wisdom in future procedure. He quotes facts and fig ures to justify the tenor of his logic. Among those with whom he is con cerned in a private business capac ity Mr. Copley is regarded as capable and fair-minded. Most intimate ac quaintances are convinced of his abil- ity, and a desire to do what is right, won. Those who saw the contest are Employes recognize his interest in pleased oyer the showing made by their behalf, and a disposition to ! the home team and feel wbll satisfied deal justly. |with the afternoon's entjertainment. Too many ambitious ones, who per- The tabulated score follows: haps have not the aBility to properly ^ McHenry manage their own private affairs, |Jl, Knox, 2nd b. aspire to be business and politic'J. Michels, 3d b. agents of the public. They cannot F. Bonslett,*ss , offer tangible reason why they should be thus intrusted with positions that vitally concern the interests of con stituents, and the public welfare. The sole plea of such, for voting support, is the fact that they have always tried to be good fellows; that they want the office, its salary and; those little things that figure pot to the detriment of one who assumes to perform public service. E. Smith, c W. Conway, If R. Conway, 1st %*...1 J. Bolger, cf . A. Freund, rf E. Conway, p Harvard Moher, 2nd Brickley, If With more men of Copley's ability, [ Crumb, 1st b.. 0 honesty and spirit of fairness in con-j Nolan, c trol of our national affairs, there J. McCobe, 3rd B,.. would be less mismanagement, graft | Sullivan, ss and public chicanery. |Cratin, rf While personally, in a national sense, I have at stake but the limited interests of one obscure individual, neverthless I want said interests. looked after by one capable and will ing to give me a square deal. ... .. ..... . VfT ^ f -"is fV'.-.'V U 1127 13 R H PO AVE & a C. McCobe, c f • I f ® 1 9 Kinney, p, ...0 0 J 1 0 * ^ 3 7 24 4 7 ^wo base hits--Moher, Sullivan. Three base hits-r--R. Knox (2), J. Bolger. Stolen bases--Bonslett, 2{ Smith, W. Conway, R. Conway, Moher, Nolan, Sullivan. Struck out --By Kinney, 9; by ConWay, 6. Hit by pitched ball--By Conway, 4; by Kinney, 2. Community Picnic . ' The community picnic, given by tbe co-operative agricultural organisa tions of McHenty county, will be held at Crumb's grove, Harvard, 111., on Wednesday, August 30. This will be one of the biggest affairs ever in McHenry couaty*. The publie is! vited to attend. RUfd Plaindealer ada. i .'4' • •'* -~4 \ i / . . a , *