m cHENHTPLAINDEAL For Congressman at Large STEPHEN H. CUMMINS " SPRINGFIELD, ILL His ability as a campaign Jielped the Republican party to in many campaigns and f stanch suppoi Several weeks ago County Judged. L. Fond of DeKalb County, sitting in our County Court, rendered an oral decision giving his views on certain reports of State's Attorney Joslyn, and I then gave to you through the county papers/ the main points of that decision which was almost entirely against Joslyn. While Judge Pond has now reduced that oral de cision to writing, neither that, or any other decision, with reference to Joslyn's reports, has since that time been even filed or entered of record in our county court, and no one can fortell what the final deoision that will be finally entered by Judge Smiley will be. v From the articles that were published " last week iii the Woodstock Sentinel, the Harvard Herald, and other county papers, one might infer that a recent court decision of judge Pond had recently been entered of record in our County Court on Joslyn's reports, but such ia not the fact. Our CountyOourt docket can be examined by any- oue, and our County Judge and our County Clerk can each verify my statement that no decision of any kind has been entereu of record in out- county court, with refereace to Joslyn's reports, since the 29th day of February, 1912. When any decision is finally entered of record in <*ur county court, on Joslyn's reports, it can only be Watered by or under the direction and approval of our County Judge, and he will verify my statement that Joslyn's reports, (so far as any court decision being entered of record is concerned,) are in exactly the same condition that they were when the last order Was entered of irecord by our county court on February |eth, 1912- Very truly yours, CHARLES P. BARNES. f DO ALL YOUR COOKING WITH GAS OR dOAL--ON ONE RANGE Metre's Wizard WILL M llflWITBOOT CHANGING A PART jtdottr* A range, that is really two in one. The'top is only 43 indies long yet it has abundant surface for ail possible re quirements. The gas equipment is of the most approved design' and in no way interferes with the coal construction. Nor are there any parts to be changed around to use either fuel. The coal equipment has Moore's Fire Back which is as necessary to a good working range as a safe is to a bank--it keeps money from going to the wrong place by saving waste products which make heat. BE SURE TO CALL IN AND SEE THIS RANGE J. J. VYC1TAL McHenry, Illinois. | John Franzen . ---Representing the MEKOUNTS UFE AND CASUALTY CO. .) jftud Let nrt} explaft^to ywi merita of the best Life and Accident Policy ever offered by an^ company. :: :: McHENBY, ft ILLINOIS adi briny resolta. A Vicio UtS Vest 4*1 la r* niw -- A W H 4 M I w m i l fW CORN gragtugefrs * K* wkSSZ Trrrf-T "ilii nit--, Tfcw «• Bmmt B--r V. MrAlHsfar, - Wart McHeary REPUBLICAN (.mmu fOR NOMINATION --iOR- : State Auditor he was of Senator Sherman Endorses full suf frage for w >men, and favors the Budget System of ations, the abolition of the "Pork Barrel," a Protective Tariff, Preparedness and the "Rural System of Credits" to aid the . , Farmers. A son of a Mt xican soidier, he is a self- made man, has been in turn a farmer's boy, country sch<K>l teacher, newspaper re porter, cashier of a bank, assistant At torney General, a successful lawyer, and a loyal Republican from boyhood. He has been intimately acquainted with every Governor and United States Senator since the days of John A. Logan, who by the way complimented Mr. Cummins for his part in the election of General Logan to the United States senate in his memora ble contest in 1885. Mr. Cummins owna nnd operates two farms in Sangamon county ana tak k his knowledge of the ' --AdV. A man of determined character, sound, deliberative judgement, conservative, safe, honest. Thoroughly equipped both by legis lative and executive experience. Trained in keeping of accounts, dis cerning in decision. ; An experienced and capable public speaker *ho can and will do well his part in the advocacy vof Republican principles in the battle for victory in November. You need such a man on your ticket. The Legislativelyoten League, says of his public record: "Downstate leader of the Republic ans." "An aggressive and able legislator." Hard working, concientious, and de voted to the interests of the atate." YOU KNOW HOMER TICE. YOU KNOW HIS RECORD. YOU KNOW HIS WORK. YOU KNOW HIS ABIL ITY AND EFFICIENCY. HE WILL BE ASTRENTGH TO THE TICKET. VOTE FOR THE MAN YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. VOTE frOR HOMER TICE. VOTE FOR THE RE-NOMINATION OF Heitat S. Williams of Harvard, McHenry County, IHlaoU FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ltTn CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ' WILL, V4CNRY DOTAGE, KANE AND ttUNTIES Guardian's Sale Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, as. By virtue of a decretal o^de* of the County Court of said County, entered at the August term of said Court, A. D. 1916, 011 the application of Carl W. Stenger, Guardian of Carl Pearson, William Pearson and Mary Pearson, minors, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said minors, situated in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, towit: ArT undivided one-twelfth interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the .Southeast quarter and the East Sixty (60) acres of the Southwest quarter of Section Number Twenty (20), Township For ty-five (45) Itoorth, of-. Range Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Merid ian, containing 100 acres, more or less, situated in the Township of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. I shall, on the 22nd day of Septem ber, A. D. 1916, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., sell all the interest of said Minors inf and to the said real estate, at the City Hall of McHenry, Illinois. Terms of sale as follows: Cash. Carl W, Stenger, Guardian for Carl Pearson, William Pearson and Mary Pearson. 10-4t Bids Wanted Sealed proposals will be received by the directors of school district No. 36, McHenry county, Illinois, until 12 o'clock noon of Sept. 11, 1916, for the purchase of eleven bonds of said school district No. 36, McHenry coun ty, Illinois. Said bonds to be of the denomination of one hundred dollars each wi(th interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annually and commencing April 1, 1917. Said bonds will be dated Sept. 15, 1916, and payable at the office of the town ship treasurer, McHenry, Illinois, as follows: Two bonds April 1, 1917, and two bonds April 1, each year thereafter until all of said bonds are paid. No bids will be considered for less than par. The directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. The bonds will be numbered from one (1) to eleven (11) and will be paid in order of their number. Bidders will please state which numbers they prefer. Proposals should be en dorsed. Proposals for school district Nt». 36, McHenry county, Illinois, bonds and should be addressed to Clayton C. Harrison, clerk of district •36, Ringwood, 111. LEN. SMALL MNKAH1B, ILL. PRIMARIES, SEPTEMBER U, 1916 The entijre family Including the dog will rejoice and grow fat on bread made with Early Riser Flour. There is no other article of food that you eat so mnch of as you do of bread. It is very essential that it be good bread. This is assured when it is made with Early Riser Flour. It is equally as good for pies and cakes. Better order a sack today. WEST PTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS Office in ffwe No 73-R Spauldlog Bide. ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law •. ' Wert McHenry, - - 111. JACOB R. JUSTEN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CIRCUIT CLERK rRIMiMin HPTEMM* EXTEND THANKS To Committees Who Arranged For <lporister Cowed » The various committees who ar ranged and took care of the chorister concert deserve an expression of praise and thanks for their system atic work before and during the ap pearance of the Paulist choristers. Above all, the transportation com mittee, under the leadership of Carl W. Stenger, merits grateful mention for their magnanimous assistance in bringing the boys to McHenry. The following men #ere loyal and turned out with their cars: Simon Stoffel, Overton & Cowen, J. R. Knox, Geo. A. Stilling, John Carey, John M. Phalin, Wm. J. Welch, P.,J. Cleary," J. B. Young, S. H. Freund, Jos. Jus- ten, F. A. Bohlandev & 1* McOm- ber, Richard B. Walsh. : State Treasurer Integrity & Efficiency FaitMul Public Service Dealing Help to insure Repuf by Nominating thia : State-Wide THE VOTER WILL DE.IXNlJ EFFICIENCY as a qualification for ATTORNEY GENERAL A VOTE FOR RICHARD J. BARR OF JQLIET Republican Student, Lawyer, Legislator, Ex ecutive, by actual experience, la a vote In the interest of economy and efficiency In state Govern ment. B A R R depends on the people for hla nomination. Primary Sept. is. Edward H. Cook HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS I hereby wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of CORONER Subject to the Republican Primaries September 13th As my opponent is asking for a third term",- I feel justifiable in earnestly soliciting your support. ILLINOIS NEEDS AN AUDITOR OF TRAINED EXPERIENCE A racord of unswerving loyalty to the \ of the tax payers Is Mrfn4 ANDREW RUSSEL CANDIDATE FOR AUDITOR ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET PRIMARY ELECTION WEONKtO iiHr.v.i . . -•** . PRO VINE PROMISES GREATER ECONOMY COST OF ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE HA* tm,M IN PAST FOUR YEARS. Henry Schaffer deserves recogni tion for the elegant stage he erected on the ball diamond without expense It was roomy and dignified. Father Finn, the director, was well pleased with the arrangement and. setting. Jacob F. Adams must be lauded for the happy arrangement of lights. In short, to everyone who participated in any way cm advertising, parking or gate committees we owe many thanks. Last, but not least, the soliciting and refreshment committees deserve congratulations for their zealous and successful activity. The choristers were presented with a check of $100, the balance above $125 the young ladies will use to fuoaialt the sisters' house. M. £. Church Services as follows next Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preach ing service*, 11:00 a. m. W. C. Even, Pa t** Pointing to the faefc tfw* tfe* appropriations for the attorney general's office in the last gen eral assembly amounted to $439,- 200, an increase of $197,H86 dur ing this administration, Walter M. Provide, of Taylorville, can didate for the Republican nomi nation for attorney general, de clares for greater economy. "The office is a most import ant one," Mr. Provine said today in discussing the subject, "but its duties have not grown ip proportion to the enormous growth of appropriations under the present administration. "The ForLy-seventh general is-iPinhly appropriated only iL'41,513 for the last two years of the preceding Republican ad ministration. The appropriation >f nearly half a million by the Forty ninth general assembly cannot he justified. I believe that all extravagance should be eliminated and that the office should be conducted with as lit tie expenditure as is possible without interfering with effi cient service." From Legislative Voters League Bulletin of Juiv 20 -Fbrtieth Dta* trict {Counties of Christian, Shelby, Cuiuberlahd and Fayette}--Walter' M. Provine, representative (Rep.); lawyer, Taylorrille. Ending his fifth term of efficient service. First choice of the Republican caucua for speaker but was defeated for election by the bolt of the seventeen "wets." Let the floor fight for bills simplifying court procedure and protested against increased appropriations and the deficiency meaaorea. Made one.of the best records in the Assembly. ROYAL FENCE ACONTINUOUS stay fence of big wires woven together with the famous Royal loop. * Look for this sign in every roll. "Royal Fence, made by American Steel ft Wire Company Full weight. Full tin at wir*. FU11 length of rolls. 1 - H ^ FORYEARSC THAT SIGN HAS STOOD FOR THE BEST "niAT.IS_MADEINFENCE LUMBER CO. 1 * PHONK3 T McHFNRY, ILL.