Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1916, p. 4

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mmSm ' • ' i>« '(ifKljWLlllS {^pwwygpt uiww. m™. v|-; • r&si?«. Ai :-. ..Oi: :;i :•?#$ •»« IS5 wr.v Cream of tartar, derived from gtapes, |s used in Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder; because it is the best and most healthful iiK gradient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which &re fived from mineral sources, are used in fane baking* powders, instead o£ Tartar, because they are cheaper. 1 v ' * * 'i* If you have been induced to use powders made from alum or phosphate, use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder in­ stead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the fbo ,̂ DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER .. %<• t" \"ut: • • MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES , ^ ansss: TE?THEff8Y PLAINDEALER KLISMEP EVEKY THUR8DAT BY F. G. SCHREINER.- Bauk Buildta* .TeteptaOn* *-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Ymt fl» Month*, 75c Thro* Month*. 4tc ' -« !• Tbursday, Oct. 19, 1916 ! rX"* ;V ^li^y'li Ii^iiiiii I ;ii f„ i*'-"- t St. 'Mary's Church Note* f"%. Mr. May, who resumed his duties 7' *%• Us janitor at St. Mary's church and ach^ol, will leave for a two weeks' i ' «tay at a sanatorium in Michigan. ^; , |4r. Bechtell will fill the place until 'His return. : Three impressive days terminated ^Tuesday night at St. Mary's church. Jlrhe church was filled. The attars teemed with candles and flowers. \ • |toses and chrysanthemums were in An immense oak leaf . ffofusion. S".. * garland dropped from the lofty gothic '<»>/ - ft? *reh gave an elegance to the grandeur ©f the sanctuary. In fact, nothing .'leas left undone to decorate the ** V *hurch appropriately, due in part to >. , 'f the untiring efforts of the Sisters in If* ' , charge of St Mary's school ... i <P y M M B M B B -- -- i ^ -- -- (C Father Henry, who . conducted the forty hours, preached his most powerful sermon at this .occasion. He is an old man, in the seventies/ without a single gray hair, remarkably active and full of keen wit and sympathy. His sermons were remarkable for their logic and clearness The exam­ ples he quoted from his own experi­ ences were most striking. The im­ mense crowds which attended the coipmunion masses reminded one of the early crowds Father Benedict drew out in April. The success of the forty hours' mission may be measured by the 586 communions that were registered, not to speak of the many visits made in adoration but not recorded. The solemn ritual pre­ scribed by the Catholic church for the concluding ceremonies was crystalized in the grand ^procession, the best that' ever inoved, we are told, with such precision and grace thru the aisles of St. Mary's. Every inch of space was measured. Every section moved in the best order. Delegations from the various societies, both men and women, had a place of honor and carried lighted tapers. The school children carried pink carnations and fern leaves. Little boys preceded the Sacred Host all dressed in white.. 20 flower girls speaking their little verse as they marched before the Blessed Sacrament, made the sweet­ est appearance of alL After the ser­ mon Father' Berthold enchanted thd litany. Father Conway of Wood­ stock Officiated as celebrant, Father McEvoy as deacon, Father Miel- chewski of St. Henry's as sub-deacon* piss I^auer presided at the piano. Anniversary Presentation v The Overview Thimble club at their regular meeting held , at the home of Mrs. Frank E. Cobb Oct. 18, pre­ sented Mrs. Wm. Holtz with a cut glass dish in token of her thirty-ninth wedding anniversary and also as a testimonial for her past activities in R. N. A. circles. The affair was planned for the * proper date, Oct. 4, but Mrs. Holtz was unavoidably ab­ sent, being in Chicago attending the funeral services of Mr. J. C, Riley, flowever, she promised the girls she would get even with them yet. <; Infantile Claims Victim The first death to occur in this vi­ cinity as the result of infantile paral­ ysis was that of the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cossmann, wh« reside^ near Volo, the boy passing away last Sunday.. ..7;%• ^>7 •- • -7 • -;t Remember the dance to be given by the Just Us club Saturday night. •$ f i % 1 iP'm* r * & ± ' $ *• i j Model 55-4 f.o.b. ToWd* TtfS* f.o.b.T % i ' I"*5?.'//' , - -J-- , 1 ' ' 4 , , , --;v 4 - -• sTi: *- 'S "If j' & p ••• will enrich your life and the AmencanSteelPosis @Wrv..; LAST A LIFE TIME icHEjCra^HAiTJrooDi ANDMOREDURABLEl THEY PROTECT STOCK FROM UtSHTNING NO STAPLES ARE REQUIRED ssa 0FFO«| rvst posts WEEOSmHNSECTS INAT DESTROY THE CROPS CANNOT BE BURNT FROM FENCE ROWS WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST McHFNRY, ILL PHONE 5 Theres nothing half so good half so good as one of* our PIES. ^ •• / Here, madam, is the dessert de luxe---a dejBsert everybody likes." , v | Our Pies are honest. The crusts are crip and flakey. We use a special pastry flour--a qual lty not to be found in one home in a hundred. The fillings are juicy and thick. The only criticism we've ever heard of OUR pies is that everybody-wants a second piece. They taste ju#t like more." •%r one now, and find out. STAFF L I F E HMsyawi am Wi Under our plan of 24 monthly payments, the co^t--when you figure it out--of . *w" •* y • • > Wiring a • House amounts to ju& a fe\̂ cents a day--a mighty cheap purchase taking into account the com­ fort and convenience of Electric Service It contributes also a value to the property equivalent to several times the in­ vestment. \¥e make no charge 7..;fbr plans and spedfi- joations PUBLIC SERVICE (0. Of Northern Illindt SPECIAL SALE 25 Per Cent Discount Cameras and ' Print Paper During month of October. Get the beautiful Autumn views. • T E. v. MCALLISTER WEST McHENRY SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. , Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur- chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium -Lists. M. A. Thelen W*t McHenry Hie freedom and wider range of activity made possible by such a car are worth many times its price. Hie price is by far the lowest at which so b and fine and comfortable a car ever sol Big--the Wheelbase is 112 inches. Comfortable---it has cantilever springs tires* , . ' >' ' - •" ' ' ~"v '•'MX-C*'. ' f' " vr" v * . t" » Model 85-6, 35-40 hbfWpewer six C^HoSm motor, 116-inch wheelbase--$925. Come in today--we can't get them as fast as we sell them-vso order yours right away. Overton & Co wen, - We^ McHenry, 111. The Willys-Overland Company* Toledo, Ohio "Mk<t»inU.S.A." "I used to think there was nothing so cheer­ ful as the old-fashioned fire-plnce. The Gas Room Heater, however, is even more comforting: these chilly Od6ber evenings than the old bln/.ing hearth. It is fully as bright at\d co^y, gives off plenty of warmth, and is much less holier and much cleaner." Kr - don't have, to get down cm my knees, to Jbuild a fire and I don't need to fuss with fuel pi Joshes. Besides, it is portable and ean be placed wherever I want it And my gas bills prove that Itais far from expensive to operate." ORDER YOUR GAS HEATER TODAY /®\Westerr)Ui)ited Gas '45»*.aod Electric Company S K2S H D. M. WORKMAN, District Manager Three strong reason^ urge yon to buy tlio Ford oar; First because of'its record of satisfactorv ser­ vice to more than fifteen hundred thou8;u#J own­ ers; Second, because of the reliability oi tl>e Com­ pany which makes it; Third, because of its iarge radiator and enclosed fan, streamline hboTT, crown fenders front and rear, black finish, nieltle trim­ mings, it is most attractive in appearance. To these must be. added its wonderful cconumy in operation and maintenance -about two cejits a mile; likewise?the fact U»at by reasons of its sim­ plicity in construction 'anyone can operate and caie lor it. Nine thousand Ford agents make Ford ser­ vice as universal as the car. Touring -Car, $3(K)". Runabout $345 Coupelet $505 Town Car $595 Sedan $645--f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at •* JOHN R. KNOX McHenry, III. •WE­ ST A R GARAGE Tel, m nniMinwsxrseiUiwrmroEiifwiemaawemKssaeM'-i l e s h o u l d a l l b e thankful that gcien- tif ic evaporating makes it possible for us to h a v e " d r i e d ' ^ f r u i t s which retain the excel­ lent, matured flavors. I n f a c t m a n y d r i e d fruits are better than the fresh fruits, be­ cause they are picked RIPE from the tree And shipped to us dried, in­ stead of being picked GREEN. . . Drying fruits reduces the weight and. freight and enables us to sell them reasonably. Coma see the many kinds m _ • .v have, v' * \ •; Schneider Bros.* McHew Th« Gas Flame T*lis CotcS hot [Most mtkms your ^Cool jai te Lost. Save $25.00 this Winter from your former coal bills by heating your home with the valuable gas half of your fuel wasted by all other stoves. This valuable half of your coal Saved and completely turnod into heat only by a ^ Cole's Original Hot Blast We guarantee every Colm'g 'Original Hot Bloat « The valuable Bias half of y ourfuel alt held in the stove by Cole's Patented air tight construction. No* a particle •of the gas is allowed to escape up the * --to save K the fuel over any botton chimney. It is then completely burntd draft stove. b>' Cole'sFue1 -to use less hard coal than any Base Saving Hot Blast Draft. burr.rr with Bame sited firepot. Beware of imitation Hot Blaat _ „ >„ . „„ Stoves which soon open up at the ~to remain air tt«lrt M long as used. many joints allowing the eas to eacape Bums any fuel r- Hard Coal. Soft unused. «• Coal or Wood. Avoid imitation« Look for*' Cole *0 u on femd door J. J. Vycital McHEKRY, ILL- (*£ -i-.' v ' ir - • ^4' ders need cleamnif at leM once a year to insure piaximum power, Cylinders clogged with car- typii knock, rattle and mirimixe cngfine efficiency. *\ ": "" /•"' • : , ' ^ ^fowe tsar to us and lei tv& quote you a price oft removing carbon; reseating; valves and adjt#»' 'r'% 4' •• p- iaig all working: parts. v V - / _ _ * ^ i tte i^ice will he right should be without wa^le oi time. * . ^ . v . . * & , ! Stilling s Garage Ceo, A Stillinjf, Proprietor McHenry, lUinois -2SS3B1 KiMi

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