Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1916, p. 8

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We h^ve some broken lots pf good new Overcoats and Suits, which we are closmg out regardless of co&. v ome and inspect the line. It will be to your advan ­ tage when buying clothing. :' - -*• ^ !% tri mifcv SherK main e> the Mr-*'- " * ' _ _ ' J0Si W. FREUND «*•>»' , IpfEST McHENRY, UJi- v otofe fifii pved* in ft- The was Men •'..W1 INTEteWliOllA^ Nt'fc.: !•.«! % ' •> U v<" V-'J, h f:« ••' ',1' • \ L" t l f i ". .V ,v • %- 'V •{» »„|4 , \!>-J m *&. • :«fe "1 f.vvf n ^ 'ir and Top Coats „ Made to youf own measure, guaranteed tg»_'...VSi6 xaimS „ . . « . • V -VTRft fit A large variety of colors and qualities ^/ •_• " s-% k4"% & to suit every fancy and purse. -- J ;; Ladies' Tailoring to your individual meds- , r $>• ure. Suits, Coats, Skirts made by the Vic- ;-.-'V tor Ladies Tailoring o. :-: :-: :~i J*™** Come early and get the benefit of the earl? fall wear. A large line of samples to seledl from. Correct fit and style guaranteed. S C Phone 63-R Goods Delivered ( V %/• '.pag»; >f ! r^V'r >%• iV &; y ^ 1 I wm: W- '•> • s a «•; t I * 4'*% f-.1 * "• '• A ^' in t y - ? - ' mm, »/•.: i*v r-t? ^ S- "-".ir'.t :; i; 4*' V -•1 17- 4:' t * »• thr '£4?^ w. «•*' > r' tr-jj ill • - ' . y - ' = J - I 2 ' • h ¥.x7> ? I:---, , v - i '• : % L West McHenry, 111. Prompt Delirerjr ¥ Phoiui 58-1- !rfiy.,, %"*• il: ,y>»rrVifts 'fc -J"-: Up-to-date Merchandise at all times at bottom prices DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES CR'OCKERY 1 GLASSWXftE X' 9 "*-V*L >Kr:'* - ^ K ------^ ll------ ... '«5B Our Leadeiii Coffee At 20 Cents a Pound means a sutiitantial' s^vingf on your fa-;* vorite morning beverage.c It is a nice, clean, select Santos Coffee and makes dandy brink. It pleases others and, no doubt, will please yOft. Other grades, per pound -- _ _ i ___-25c, 28c, 30c Japan Tea, fancy grade, per lb 50c Jlipan Tea, choice grades, 3 pounds ill, for $1.00, per pound Corn Flakes, better than some and V v'A r.>'V£1 t;J i- Hf ' i;Xf00;, •' «• - ,r m M COOAfMpjFir'4%»iSssy.--T-a*C •K~ ' --I?' -'•Hi' WEST McHENRY, ILL. <fe C. W. Gibbs has been on the side list since Monday. Dr. D. G. Wells is in attendance. Just received three carloads of po­ tatoes to be sold at $1.80 per bushel. Cash sales. Fred A. Cooley. Work of laying the cement blocks on the new Berner building in Ceii- terviile was started this week. Fred A. Cooley has three carloads of fine potatoes on the track today, selling at $1.80 per boshel cash. The next meeting of the Social Wlieel win be held on Friday, Nov. 3, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Page. Phone your order to F. A. Cooley for choice potatoes at $1.80 per bushel and they will be promptly delivered. Watch for, the word guessing con­ test at the Central opera house. Further particulars in this paper later. Thursday Saferiiy and Sunday Prices 10c ami 15c Cooley is «eUing< out in lots three carloads of potaoes received today at $1.80 per bushel cash. Best on the market. Poor luck in baking will ruin jjjte best disposition. With Cole's Hot Blast Range your luck is always splendid. The season's first fall of snow ia McHenry occurred last Friday. For a short time the flakes fell heavy, hut melted the moment they ^struck the earth. Dr. and Mrs. 47 E. Wheeler are now nicely settled in the new house jtfst erected by John Carey and situated west of the home they have occupied during the past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Freund who re­ cently moved here from Iowa, and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Freund will oc­ cupy the Cary house on the corner of Third and Main streets. They ex­ pect to move in this week. Next Tuesday night is Hallowe'en. Police officers have been given orders to make arrests in cases where prop­ erty is destroyed. Boys, it's all right to have a little fun, but don't forget t^at the destroying of properly makes you liable. \ Patrick Corkin, aged seventy-seven years, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McAndrews, southwest of this village, at 5:30 this morning. The deceased is a relative of Mrs. McAndrews and has been in ill health for many weeks. The Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church met at the K. of C. hall Tuesday at 2:30. Fourteen mem­ bers were present and the usual work carried on. A sunshine fund was started as a means of carrying^ sun­ shine to the sick and distressed. Cookies and hot lemoakde wefe served. , The Hughes campaign party df women did not arrive as per schedule at Centerville on Saturday morning and the audience had dispersed, con­ cluding that the impassible roads had changed their plans. However, they were undaunted and arrived ah hour late. Mrs. Fred Hatch of Spring Grove lead the procession of autos. If you failed to register last week you will be given one more opportu­ nity to do so next Tuesday, Oct 31. Unless you are sure that the register contains your name, walk down to the village hall next Tuesday and have same entered upon the registration books. The women voters of the vil­ lage are especially urgud to attend to this matter if they care to vote a week from next Tuesday. Last Sunday members of the Zion Lutheran church in this village, to­ gether with people from the neighbor­ ing villages, celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of the dedication of their church. Rev. Karl Schmidt of Chicago, who was pastor at the time of its dedication, had charge of the morning service, while his successor, Rev. Dannenfelt, delivered the after­ noon sermon. English services were# held in the evening, Rev. Sylvester of Dundee' officiafcag. Prennptial Affairs For Miss Frijfcy Entertains at Dinner Miss Mary Gî bs gave a six o'clock dinner at her home on Elgin road on Tuesday evening with Miss Irene Frisby as guest of honor. The din­ ner was daintily served in courses, pink and white predominating. Plnee+ .̂w"sr' ™10* "*vuu cards with names of ei^r'l»^dlHenry ^en wer* guests, with her first latch key in one corner, sketched by a little friend, were kept as favors. The party was exceedingly jolly and nfter dinner was entertained by the hostess with games and social entertainment. Th# guest of honor's favor was i mahogany clock, cherished as a cov­ eted gift for some time past by the bride-tobe, but the secret wish was hit upon by the hostess, who was hap­ py to know that her guest was so de­ lightfully surprised. The other guests were Miss Mary Burke, whom she has chosen as bridesmaid, ] Anna Frisby, Frances Welch, Vara i V j -« '• •? Wfc& ar&i buy here you are assured of getting the best no mat­ ter what your purchase may be. n You are also as­ sured of correct weight and a square deal while our perfect delivery sys­ tem is ever at your ser- us and see. McHenry J. tV'!" • V\ ( h j , " f y ' Be OarefUl and Systematic ' ' f l : / "0 Fsople who pay their bills by check get a reputation for being carefdl and systematic in their business dealings. Such a reputa­ tion means much in the establishment of credit. It co^ts no more does to use the hard cash, in a place that is absolute­ ly safe. To have money in the bank is. of itself a valuable asset in the e4tablishment of credit And it is possible to practically every- <*ie without one cent of co& It takes no more money to do busi­ ness by the checking method than it does by the cash-in-hand meth­ od. We invite you to open a checking account \jrith \ts.,We w|Jl help you to make yoifr account a real convenience.r^ ' r , • '/• ^ y'1 &T-: ,7 ^k'*- \ •* < * -j.-' ' ;;>$f : VrA Phone 86-W Doherty, Marguerite Knox, Eleanor Phalin, Mesdames T. A. Bolger and W. J. Walsh. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Coiia and Lt>m Buyle of tliio place were forced to send regrets on1 account of the rain storm. It proved, as previously planned, a happy occa­ sion of remembrance for All. " • Dinner Sunday Evening Mrs. M. J. Walsh gave a dinner last Sunday evening in honor of Miss Irene Frisby, who will be a bride Oct. 31. The hostess served a delicious spread. The guests were Misses Irene and Anna Frisby and Mary Burke of this village and Walter Warner of Woodstock. , Remembered by Sodality Girlĵ '̂ ; The Young Ladies' sodality of St. Patrick's church gave Miss Irene Frisby a surprise party at her home on Fourth street on Monday evening. A pleasant time was in order the en­ tire evening. In honor of her ap­ proaching marriage the self invited guests brought a beautiful wool blanket. The sodality girls will miss Miss Frisby and left many good wishes with their gift rolled up in farewells. It is a matter of regret to the society members that she will make Woodstock her future honHjs. Mbs Warner Gives Shower Miss Adelaide Warner entertained several friepds at her home in Elgin on Saturday evening in honor of Miss Irene Frisby. Plates were laid for ten invited guests and the Hallowe'en mode of decorating prevailed. The favors were spook caps, Worn by the merry guests at luncheon. An illum- inum shower was given the guest of honor and many articles found use­ ful in the kitchen were presented to her. Misses Mary Burke, Anns Frisby and Elola Beyle of this vil­ lage attended and spent A- most de­ lightful evening. Realised $28 at C&rd Party A large crowd attended the card party given at the McHenry House on Thursday evening of last week and the sum of $28 was added to the furnishing fund for the new Sisters' home. Mrs. J. C. Bickler acted as hostess to the occasion and she ^shes to thank the ladies who so kindly as­ sisted her, also friends who patronized the card party. Prizes were given Misses Elizabettt Miller, Barbara Weber and Kathryn Weber as the three highest winners of' points at Clinch and the gentlemen winning were Louis Wolff, T. J. Walsh and John Meyers. At dominoes Mrs. Theo. Binder, Mrs. Jacob Justen and Mrs. the respective winners of prizes. At the solo game Mrs. Al. Krame won first, Carl Bick­ ler, second, and Mrs. John Stilling, third. At the close of the games roast beef sandwiches Mid coffee were s '• * <-* T; >' ^ # ' > ^ , J < J-i J?' ̂ # • _ . , . v - M ffiiV&Wzf-. -M \*jnm * " . " * • A -V s / • stf lij r y* ••̂ r '%Vv.'>*« •4 W **) f" ,• ^ ^4-7 I 2-SPOOL ^ 4 . - X.t* " fe 'V. w •'** si - « pi ^ t SEE IT AT rM •?••• Jewelry StrOe At a meeiuig #ie ?enal mittee of the eighth disijrjcfc held on Tuesday of this week Rodney S> Swift of Libertyville, who was de­ feated for the same office by the'de­ ceased Albert J. Olson in the recent primaries, was named to fill the va- amey. Mr. Swift has Already ftpcl- ed out on A vigorous cAinpaif4 two Distinct Swiii# (to Artistic thine Fu ou set eyour When you let us supply your hbme furnishing needs, you save two ways, lowest prices ever quoieu on equal or any where near equal quality. SECON seleclious fioui a practically unlimited &ock, thus safeguarding yourself ag hazard, indiscriminate buying. SAMPLE OUR SERVICE, IT WILL PLEAS N Werft McHenry, asf *>. flUMWSG m HEATING Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER v Office a ' Ketldcoci 51-W Olficc Hoati i M» tol2.-Ma.qh lsMto«3tp.nP JL I. Fj&pEHUCH ^ . PhF#ici#n fifvl ^ufgeoa f, FREUND BLOG. Over McAlliiter'i WEST McHENRY , " 'tit?1' nlasses of eompanle*. ILLINOIS HmJ Xoi PUfidMlif i 'mm?. 'ikJ&'.rj :• yA; • :k.v'v^ >

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