Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1916, p. 9

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•TIE N*DENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY IT F. G. SCHREINER OIBn in Bank Building Telephone H»W TERMS OP. SU INSCRIPTION: OM •• -- -••U> Six Months, Ttc . Three Month*. 4$c Thursday, Oct S, 1916 PROBATE NEWS QUARTER OF A CENTUBY Items Clipped From The Plaindealei Of Twentj'Five Tears Ago Daniel Dooley, who lives near Tryon's Comers, accidently shot him­ self on Thursday last. . Frank Bennett^ youngest s<m of L. E. Bennett, is reported quite sick and confined to the house. Dexter Fales of Chenoa, 111., who has been dangerously sick at Pista- kee Bay, is much better. "George O.** 2:21%, won the $150 purse at the Libertyville fair in the free-for-all race on Friday last. Bom & Co., the great clothing men of Chicago, have presented E. Lawlus, merchant tailor of &is 'village, with a fine barometer. The ball game on Tuesday between the McHenry and Algonquin clubs re­ sulted in a victory for McHenry by a score of 14 to 9. Thomas Fitzgerald, who has been employed in Huber's bakery the past summer, started for his home in Shel- byville on Monday. A social party will be given at the Riverside House on Friday evening, Oct. 2, under the auspices of the Mc­ Henry Baseball club. John Hauperisch, who has been en­ gaged in a first-class laundry in Chi­ cago for the past year, has opened a laundry in this village. Granger's running horses were un­ fortunate at the Libertyville fair, both meeting with accidents in the race, laming them badly. Simon Stoffel and Justen Bros, have each put up handsome new signs in front of their places of business. John Neihs was the artist. / Harry Wightman, who was riding "Kittie G." at the Libertyville races on Friday last, had the misfortune to get thrown, breaking one of the bones in his wrist. Jos. Swadish has purchased the house built by Ernest Wendell in the north part of the village, lately occu­ pied by Mrs. Conway, and moved in­ to same. Mrs. Conway has taken possession of the Robt. Wright house at the northwest corner of the public square. The friends and neighbors of Elder Bassett gathered at the house" of Mr. Peter Mai'tin on Friday, the 11th of the present month, and about eleven o'clock made a raid upon the prem­ ises of the elder, taking possession of everything except the cucumber patch, of which Mr. Bassett himself had possession on our arrival, and with­ out saying "If you please," prepared dinner for themselves and invited the elder and his wife to partake with them, which they did under force of circumstances. About eighty-five persons were present and partook of the dinner, which was brought and . prepared by the ladies of the neigh­ borhood. After enjoying a happy visit the company bade the elder and his wife good-bye and departed to their several homes, leaving behind them many comforts of life, such as easy chairs, carpet for the ,<sr!or floor, fur coat, a set of gold band dishes and many other articles. Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that you may know of. Plaindealer ads bring results. Sarah A. Simpson, 23..Spring Grove CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.1 Real Estate Transfers Elizabeth Mehren & h to Nora Shaughnessy & Helen Tarnow, It 5, blk 2, E. P. Flanders' sub- div, sec 22, McHenry $1.00>I Edwin B. Meeks & w to Carl Buehler, It 9, Pistakee Beach sub-div, McHenry. .$(5000.00 Alphonso S. Comstock to- Martin A. Howell, It 12, Howell's ? Villas „ sub-div McHenry 1000.00 Glenn C. Waite to Charles Rietesel, It 4, blk 8, e side of Fox river, McHenry.... 526.00 A. T. Catlin & w to John Herman & w, It 7, River Park sub-div, McHenry... 2000.00 Alsena Smith to Gertrude M. Thelen, nw% It 8, blk 2, orig plat, West McHenry.. 500.00 Joseph B. Hetterman & w to Bernard Tonyan, s 257 ft of e 42 ft. in width of It 29, Johnsburg 250.00 Charles Rietesel A w to Otto F. Sohm, blk 9, orig plat, McHenry, e side Fox river.$ 1.00 N. A. Huemann to Otto F. Sohm, same ....... 10.00 Eva W. Howell et al to Eu­ gene Kovats, Its 44 & 45, Howell's Villas sub-div, McHenry .. .\ 400.00 Eva W. Howell et al to Pat­ rick & Lois Hughes, Its &, 41, 42 & n 32 ft. It S3, Howell's Villas sub-div, McHenry ~ 400.00 Eva W. Howell et al to Axel J. Bidstrup & Ellen Bid- strup, It 19, Howell's Villas sub-div, McHenry $1000.00 Eva W. Howell et al to Adolph W. Gast, 13-16 int & Olla E. Johnston 3-16 int; It 3, Howell's Villas sub- div, McHenry ........ 3200.00 Otto F. Sohm & w to Chas Rietesel, pt blk 9, village of McHenry $1.00 Charles Rietesel & w to Otto Sohm, pt blk 8, village of Mc­ Henry *».. 1.00 Frederick Beller to Thmaa J. Brooks,* It 37, Sunnyside sub-div, sees 35 & 36, Mc­ Henry . 1-00 Marriage Licenses Emil Dororw, 21 Senaca Twp. Elsa Zichuhr, 21 Seneca Twp. Roy Fred Rich, 32 Harvard Mary Lois Worden, 21.... .Harvard Otto Buchert, 23 Richmond Manilla Pederson, 18...... McHenry Raymond L. Colby, 20.... .McHenry Esther G. Sattem, 22 McHenry Raymond H. Brooks, 25 Marion Mrs. Marie Baird, 21 DesPlaines William N. Wahlen, 25.. .Algonquin Erna Caroline Werneke, 26 Algonquin Wm. Vernon Whitsell, 21..Oak Park Ruth Helen Newcomb, 21..Oak Park Arnold Bau, 22 Algonquin Olga Rogmann, 20 .Algonquin Charles Born, 45 Harvard Matilda Bollwahn, 42 Harvard Bernard Kennebeck, 25... .McHenry Christina Mary Freund, 20.. McHenry Edward N. Hayward, 22..Woodstock Lora Towne, 20 Woodstock Walter W. Wise, 24. .Wakarusa, Ind. Leona V. Bates, 22 Harvard Albert Jarnigr, 25 Harvard Alta Cramer, 24..............Alden Edward Depke, 27 .Spring Grove Ail advertisement* 1ru»*rt*d under this b«ctd cS tfe* following: r*£*g: Fl?e linei or lent, 86 c*ot« for Qjrvt tiuwrtion; 16 cent* for eacfe tiia^rtto©. Mere than <!•*' line#, b eomtn a lino for ln**rttor. a lltw foT Mdltioni FOR SALE!---Good milk wagon, good as new. Inquire at this office. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire^ of j(£ W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE---An Acorn base burner in good condition. Mrs. J. W. Bons- lett, McHenry, 111/ 14 FOR SALE--Four door Ford auto- moble body. C. W. Marum, Wood­ stock, 111. Phone 137-R. 16-lt* FOR SALE--About five tons of good timothy hay. Inquire of Nelson En­ sign, McHenry, 111. Phone 615-R-2. FOR SALE-r-House and lot with one acre of land. Inquire of Simon Stof­ fel, West McHenry, 111. 12-3m* FOR SALE--Young driving horse, carriage and harriess.v In first-class condition. R. S. Howard, West Mc­ Henry, 111. Phone 99-J. 15* FOR SALE--Cream separator. But­ terfly, No. 4%. In good condition. Inquire of Roy O. Smith, North Crystal Lake, 111. R. D. 3. Box 20, FOUND---On streets of McHenry, a breastpin. Owner may have same by calling at home of Jos. J. Frett, prov­ ing property and paying for this no­ tice. 16- LOST--Somewhere between here and Johnsburg, east side road, a band new tire, Goodrich non-skid. Finder will kindly leave same at this office and receive reward. 16 FOR SALE--High grade. Holstein heifer. Calves from 'heavy milkers. L. V. Lusk, Grayslake, 111. Phone Round Lake 12-J-2. 16-lt* LOST--Rear light and license num­ ber from automobile on road between Wilmot, Wis., and Crystal Lake, HI. Finder please notify W. C. Scherf, Crystal Lake, 111. " 16-lt* FOR SALE--A 34 acre farm, situ­ ated two miles east of McHenry, stock and machinery included. Call, phone or write Chas. Hall, McHenry, 111. Phone 616-M-2. 16 FOR RENT--The lower flat in the Simes block, West McHenry; also the house now occupied by Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Inquire of or write John Carey, McHenry, 111. 11-tf FOR SALE--Heavy team of work harness. Also two heavy wagons, hay rack, dump boards and other small articles to be used on a farm. Gerald P. Newman, West McHenry, 111. li-tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN-- from„ my farm recently, a black cow, close springer. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this cow will please notify Philip Thennes, Ringwood, 111., and receive reward. 15-2t* FOR CASH RENT--120 acres, ex­ cellent buildings and land, well locat­ ed 100 acres, fine location, fair buildings and land. 82, 160, 212, 240, 440, 450 acre farms, good land, build­ ings and location. D. F. Quinlan, Woodstock, 111. 16-lt Universalist Church The following services will be hdd Sunday, October 8, 1916: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; morning wor­ ship, 11:00 a. m. Topic of sermon, "The Reasonable Demand of Relig­ ion." A cordial welcome to all. John M. Ratcliff, Minister. Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what a neat job we put out for you.

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