Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1916, p. 5

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< It will pay you to come here for anything in the drug line, because we stock all worthy remedies and toilet preparations as soon as they are placed on th& market. Ql course, you may have occasional wants which we cannot supply, but in #uch cases w#are always glad to make special orders of what is wanted. It is a pleasure to favor our customers in this way and no extra charge is made for the special service. Please remember that., our Free Deli very; System is at vour service. „ i |ust ^Phone 60-W #... «"• • *?' ' t'* %/• ik * V • -^--DRUGGIST- ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS AND WOOL NAP BLANKETS „ .... • ^ \ We got the re& of our blankets, ordered six * ^ ^ months ago,, lad. week, They sell at lalt > £ , \ year's prices, 95c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.0$ $2.35 and $2.50 each. When they are got)# "Nf .W S"* COTTON BATTS AT r-- i' .We bti£ jte Cotton Batts direct, from the mills at Jaiiesville. ^ A: Per roll _ ~ <SSr!»: W-: 3 rolls the finest batting^t,-.^ 4 rolls ,the same quality SMS t ......95c ; ..$120 SMITH BROS. m 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. ' ii «u" WE WANT JOHNSBURG Miss Margaret Huemann of Mc­ Henry was home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams- were McHenry visitors ^Monday. Prank Mathieu of Chicago is visit­ ing in the home of Theo. Meyers. Misses Celia and Rose Miller were McHenry. callers Saturday afternoon. Henry Nell and George Lay have taken up their work in Woodstock. Mr. ' and Mrs. Ben Tonyan were Ringwood callers Monday afternoon. Mrs. P. Fox is visiting with her brother. Revs Geo. Nell, at Effingham, III. i Miks Katharine Althoff of Spring Grove passed Sunday with home folks. Miss Isabel Tonyan spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Margaret Smith, ,« Mr...and* Mr?. Fred Huemann of McHenry werevmitors in Johitsburg Sunday. '-v.;',: Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rau<h and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors here. Mrs. P. Rothermel and Mrs. J. MilljW of McHenry were vistiors m town Saturday. Miss Ella Huemann of Chicago is vismng at the home of her parents since Tuesday. Richard Chrorie and Miss Lena Cossman of McHenry were Johnsburg visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann were Sunday visitors with relatives :>r>i friends at. Burlington, Wis. A!! -arb preparing for the church v. hich will be held; in the par- h fcaU during the v.eek of Thankj- ^ , an;! Mrs. -K./M. Schaefer and row motored to Zt nda. Wis., one c'ay last weak, where they visited with Mr. am* Mrs. A. Stark. ' VV cilding dances are getting to be <;uite popftlar in .Tohrisburg this fall. The young people in general are tak­ ing (food advantage of them. v The beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer is now near­ ly completed. The building is sftch that our littfe village can well feel proud of. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May have gan Saturday. Mfrs. Marion McMillan spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ear! McMillan at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was the guest Vf honor at a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Kate Ford at Elgin Saturday evening. . Several from this vicinity attend­ ed the reception in honor of Rt, Rev. Muldoon and the visiting priests at S toff el's hall Sunday evening. Miss Florence Knox spent Satur­ day evening in McHenry and attend­ ed the kitchen sh6wer which Miss Mary Burke gave in honor of Miss Irene Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anderson and daughters of Long Beach, Calif., arrived here Sunday evening for an indefinite staj^ with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were former residents of this place, having moved to C îfornia six years ago. ~r~OSTEND ' \ Miss JeAnie Comwell is taking a vacation. She is visiting relatives in Wisconsin. Mrs. Nina Sherman and little daughter, Eima, spent several days last week with the former's parents. Henry Hobart sold his barley to Wattles 6 Son and delivered it Mon­ day at $1.00 per bushel. Harris brothers are the first in this nieghborhood to start a corn husker. They commenced work on Monday. J. D. Hakes, wife and so^and Mrs. Hakes' mother, Mrs. Rufus Brown, of Woodstock motored over Sunday and ate* dinner with C. B. Durkee and wife. C. H. Snyder; whom we reported last week as having suffered a' Stroke of paralysis, is slowly recovering. He is able to move around in the house and has walked outside several times, William Bonslett drives up from McHenry every morning with his car to bring his daughter to her school duties and again in the afternoon to take her home. In last week's paper it was stated that Mr. Freund would live on the Robt. Richardson farm next year. It Insurance wmmmmm Km TBJ-. r iJ» K •• f 4 ' v Individuals cannot afford to insure their money kept in their . own possession * ^ ii-t '*. ' , .. ^ J ^ 4 -4 <• < 'i ' v-/» -v H n LL ' X * i s 1 Sr ' ' * * (h? ^ "" ?. f ? /TS ̂ 1 ̂ •w,-. * K ^ You can procure that protection by depositing it in OUR BANK as we always carry insurance to protect such funds in our care COMPLETELY AGAINST BURG LARY AND DAY- : LIGHT HOLD-UPS* Therefore you cannot afford to risk ^ your money at home. Peposit it with us and we protect it for /'I ; ; you. Interest paid on TIME CERTIFICATES AND SAY- *; p Turc - . . . . . . . . I . . . . vWj* ' , . * •; < a-* * ' ' 1 , I- hi CLARENCE F. HOTi hvfi Manager ' "V i JOSEPH C. HOLLY, . - * i- -Cashier FREMONT HOY "president, WUi •r-n&l I'm • • - i > Just received a carload of choice t? Baldwin Apples to be sold, while they last, at per barrel $4,SCI PROMPT DfctPVEftlES <¥0n With Every If high-class good%- , flight prices, squar| ̂ dealings and court^ eous treatment \v-ilfp ^jet it we can count, #er. v ;-t :ir; '-y* "(fiAif ... ••3 • #os.- J. Miller RING WOOD, ILL. LAST A LIFE TIME CHEAPER THAN WOOD AND MORE DURABLE FROM LIGHTNING W Not REQUIRE MEAW THCY RtOUIR UTTU WOIIK TO SET TMEM •a«n MHWT FROM F»ICE ROWS WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST MCHFNFL?* IVS*.-F M * PHON# T 'r ' ' ' % ^ 'Pnpne 29 West McBdmL, 'i* ^ v 'Mt~ i, - c v : > ; l r * Y THAN EVER « ^ ^ The oldest safe dealer in Chicago, Mr. T. Trumbull says "the • Steel Manganese Safe which is being installed at Ringwood is 1 the last word in safe construction. No stronger safe is built/* It will be enclosed in a new FIRE PROOF JACKET. Added .#; to the best of safe protection we carry FULL INSURANCE ? f ^ AGAINST BURGLARY as well as DAY-LIGHT ROBBERY. The result is that no better place can be found to bank your money, either for active accounts or your surplus funds. In? • terest paid on ^ £jiAY^NGS* AC-- > , COUNTS. '• r -, • ' ».*' ^v"" * ' fJ . . . . . . . x % 10 'V K ' ' t}'* v h i: V'! s'£i Fremont Hoy, Pres. H. F. Wharton, Cashier Clarence Hoy, V. Pres. taken possession of the Jake Hue­ mann farm, only a short distance north of town. Jtfr. May purchased the farm from Mr. Huemann about a year ago. . H MNGWOOD 4. e. l«dd went to Dakot* Satur* d a y . * " - • Alice and Mabel Benson returned to their home in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Marvin of Elgin w&u a Sunday guest of Mrs. Martha Brad- ley. Several of our people attended the picture show in McHenry last Thura- day ^evening. W. E. Smith f«d wife and H. W. Allen and wife were callers in Salaai, Wis., Monday afternoon, C. E. Fay of GlenviHe, 01., visited his mother, Jennie Spauiding, and brother, Frank Fay, last week. The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs­ day of next week, Nov. 9, with Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Dinner will be served. The W. C. T. U. will serve their due dinner at Mrs. Florence Smith's Saturday of this week, Nov. 4. The Universalist social will be held in ,M. W. A. hall Saturday even­ ing, Nov. It, A good program is being prepared, Lucias Vasey from near Leroy, 1U., visited at William Coates* from Thursday until Saturday. On Friday he, with Mr. and Mrs. Coates, called on their cousins in and near Hebron. TERRA COTTA Miss Lillian Eiley was an Elgin visitor Saturday. * " , Mrs. Ray McMillan was a Crystal Lake visitor Tuesday. Miss M&"on Shales spent. Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Frank J. Knox of Chicago called ^ relatives here last Thursday. Mrs. David Johnson spent several days this week with Elgin relatives. Miss Clara Frisby attended a Lake county teachers* meeting at Wauke- :"?!s - * v»: is the Isabel Richardson farm, not her son, Robert, as some understood it M%rry Silliman of Woodstock came over to McHenry to mill last Friday. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Frank Silliman, who spent the day here at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mra, Eva Kppel. VOLO Jason Walton was te Wauconda Saturday. Miss Irene Vasey spent Saturday in Waukegan. Mrs, J as, Kirwan spent part of last week in Elgin. Mrs. Frc&t and Will spent Sunday in Round Lake. Mias Ella Moon m McHenry visitor last Friday. * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ters spent Sunday in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kfeuger and sons of Wauconda spent Sunday at John Walton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ban Cuahman of Round Lake were rtcent callers at Jaa. Kirwan*a, On Wednesday evening, Nov. 8, there will be held at the M. E. church basement a basket social. There will also be home made citndy and fancy work booths and a fine program. Now everybody come and enjoy the first social in our new basement. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as the? cannot reach the Mat ul the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in­ fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedy. Hall's Ca­ tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous «ur- faces of the system. Hall • Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor years. Xt Im composed of some of the but tonic* known, combined with some of the beat blood purifiers. The perfect com­ bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Care Is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal condi- tiona. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CH^lBife* CO., props., Toledo, O. All Druagietir Hall's fatally Pill* Years ago the Indian ground bis grain on a stone. Our fore­ fathers had no better method, but improvements have been made from year to year until modern methods have produced Early Riser Flour, the most per­ fect flour made today. Human hands never touch this flour, but the finest milling machin­ ery in the world is under the ever watchful eye of expert millers, who superintend every phase of the manufacture* a sach today. \ i: v WEST ™fef** FLOUR AND FEED NMS GREAT?I' lii 'It ' -iiliir"" I '".V.Vi v.; 4! Brings Her Father's Greetings Mrs. Wm. Burke of Chicago cama out from Chicago Saturday and re­ mained with relatives till Tuesday. She came to represent her father, M. Kelter, at the celebration on Sun­ day, who is the oldest descendant of St. Patrick's parish, but who was un­ fortunately unable to attend, much to the regret of every parishioner in St. Patrick's, whose hearts were al­ ways gladdened at the sight of this dear old friend and relative, whom ] every generation has bean taught to respect and recognise aa an exem­ plary Catholic. Billiard Tournament Martin B. Schmitt, proprietor «f the West Side billiard and pool hall, is making arrangements for the hold­ ing of a billiard tournament at his place some time in the near future, the date of which will be announced to have your car thoroughly overhauled-- oiled, tightened and tuned up. There is no pleasure in driving a car that rattles, squeaks ^ and knocks. • Our shop force is thoroughly efficient--uu- | ^deretands its business and will tttrft ^ , finished jo J) that will please yon* V { '^4 ^ ̂ 'We won't do more than is accessary, but what we do will be done right--and the PRICE WILL BE REASONABLE. .. . ... -> Stilling's Garage Gecu A. Proji'iw^. McHenry, : ^ >s " i-s! Illinois for constipation, later. / i »»>. > • tif *«•!; j • 'Sit£r. : *; < A -.A 's i . kmrnmi P H I L I P J A E G E R aeNERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT • • - . • . •*.*' i *' ' - k M . SPSCSAJL ATTKMTIOII QIYBM TO THX SAUK OP \is^+ ^ ^ Ormtd B«*f, riutton, Hogs, VMI, Poultr] Hides, Etc., EUittsr and Bgg» Thislatha oldest hooae on the street. Tags tmA trioa lists furnished -- a p p U o a t i o n . v . . 4»LO STORAOG FKEB * • > * CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. SMI I * - -'it s-sit 5SS

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