Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1916, p. 8

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,U: «,;/ "W n.- r % / * f 1v-A Y- ' : ^" P'.t - ' ] / oli- % i V* t' % J v-v'> H V k . ' *'• ^ > r l « iV ; f^ . - » v J { . r : g i -: V '1 k: v' V K ~ ' - ' H V •' j" ; • •> r., ** :/•' •# [ M r * ; r»: v' »z W- & r •f |r> ^ \ * ' -Jy ' •&' broken lots in Fall Clothing v J v ' '-..• *' V ~*4 Overcoats Jf you are in need of an Overcoat or a Suit, we can save you on a garment ̂ to 5 We have some broken lots of good new Overcoats ana Suits, which we are closing out regardless of co&. Come and insped the line. It will be to your advan­ tagewhen buying clothing. ̂ JOS. W« FREUND WEST McHENRY, IU. ------INTERNATIONAL, and Top Coats Made to your own measure, guaranteed to fit A large variety of colors and qualities to suit every fancy and purse. :% * Ladies' Tailoring to your individual meas- . ure. Suits, Coats, Skirts made by the Vic­ tor Ladies Tailoring o. * Come early and get the benefit of the early fall wear. A large line of samples to select from. Correct fit and style guaranteed. M. J. WALSH Phone 63-R Goods Delivered Wfest McHenry, Up-to-date Merchandise at all times at bottom prices . DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOts CROCKERY GLASSWARE OYALv WORCESTER CORSETS Ju& arrived--several new mod­ els of ROYAL WORCESTER corsets fresh with fashion's lat­ ent touches. They in matters of support, control flex­ ibility--features given unusual, prominence thisseasOn. Starting aright with this correctness in corsets, the success of your^out- er attire is assured. Don't de­ lay seeing and selecting your next ROYAL WORCESTER corset For average and full figures. $1.25 to $2.00. West Mchenry. Village Trustees Meet In * o M/knilfi w VUk# kjNPSoivii ifiwiu«y ^ Council Room, Nov. 6, 1916. The village trustees met" in rfegular session with Pres. Wells presiding. Trustees present: Keimebeck, Stof- fel, Simes and Spencer. V Absent: Doherty and Jus ten. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills, were approved by the finance committee: Standard Oil, Co., gasoline 4 „ oil ..$ 212.03 Dolese & Shepard, stone 53.05 ChL & N. W. R. R. Co,, freight and car service 98.20 Jacob F. Adams, lbr & sup... 3.25 H. Mueller Mfg. I m !'V-U(?- -•at f*-"/? ij(Wl" 1 " : • • • : Neptune Meter Co., meters ft. supplies 8^00 Public Service Co., lighting st. and traffic light,........, 10K80 John J. Vycital, lbr & sop.... 7.25 Adam Ibsch, gravel. : McHenry Artificial Stone sidewalk and aprons... Ben Hitter, lbr shoveling stone 9.75 W. G. Schreiners freight and j drayage Chas. livens, lbr on street... 1400 Wilbur Lumber Co., tile, coal and lumber..... .n". • W. F, Bassett, lbr with team.. Chicago Telephone Co'., tele­ phone calls... Frank Herbes, gravel Geo. Meyers, lbr with team... 145.00 Paul Meyers, lbr with team.. 15.00 A. M. Brown, lbr & board of health, service for 6 mo.... 1L25 Henry W. Ahrens, sidewalk.. 44.80 Peter J. Schoewer, iron for shut-off .^5 Geo. Rothermel, marshal ser.. 55.00 James Revor, police service.. 55.00 Motion by Simes, seconded by Spencer, that the minutes be accept­ ed as read. Motion carried. Motionby Sf#ffel, seconded by Simes, that the bills be accepted as read with the exception of the old electric light bill. Motion carried. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Simes, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. The treasurer's report was not handed in on account of business be­ ing rushed. Motion by SpSncer, seconded by to adjourn. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. Surprise Birthday Party Miss Mary Walsh was pleasantly surprised at her^home on Waukegan street last evening Her girl friejids took the occasion of her fifteenth birthday to have a jolly home party and none were disappointed, for the was genuine. The evening was spent in games, music and other diversions and, the girls cleverly let­ ting her mother in on the secret, were bountifully served with delicious re­ freshments. A birthday cake, light­ ed* up with fifteen candles, formed a liece. • The evening was one of jollification and the girls left at eleven wishing Miss Mary many hap­ py returns of vthe day. The party included Rosemary Nye, Genevieve Carey, Jennie Mae Cooley, Margue­ rite Overton, Helen Justen, $osa Laures, Mfcbel Krumpen, Adelia Hei- , Mary'Smith, Blanche Meyers and Ellen Walsh. • A Pleasant Surprise Neighbors of Mrs. J. B. Buss gave r a pleasant surprise at her home on Waukegan street last Friday aft- Nov. 3, calling upon her in a body and bringing refreshments that served before leaving. The friends were Mesdames Elizabeth Laures, H. Heimer, Jos. W. Freund, H. Brefeld, P. H. Weber, P. B. Freund, CENTRAL Thursday, November 9--"THE TONGUES OF; MM&'v Will* GOn^ance Collier, i/ V y -v - • . V Saturday. Nov. 11--"THE GIRL OF THE; GOLDEN WEST" with allstarcaA. Sunday, Nov. 12--"MICE AND Marguerite Clark. Coining next Thursday, Nov. 16-- "THE COLDEST CHANCE" " with Cteo Rkigley and Wat- C lace Reid. • f;-; •j,-' W » ; Safety and Convenience is done by some form of check? The ̂ reason for this is that the banking syrftem of this country has been placed on such a safe basis that corporations and individuals have faith in if. The welfare of the v ! A checkifieac^u'ntwiilitliijlwnk isanabsolutt tion. Your money is safer than it is in your own pocket and yoiir check is as good as your money in any business transaction. We will be pleased tp have you op^n a checking account will find your account to be a safety and a convenience* ̂ - " •' ' |McHenryf State Ban 1 There's n great ^um- ber of manual tasks to 1>e done around a house in a small town and there's a handy, ingen- ious little machine The Utility Motor that will assume many of them. .• JS's low priced; it's fit- ted With numerous at­ tachments; it runs when connected with any lamp socket. . i: We Sell It PUBLIC SERVICE CO. ' % .̂Of Northern iiiinois SAiswr Tte tmt Worm Oniroyer and Condiiioaer I W O R K S W O N D E R S on all form stock, drives oat the pests that steal your profits--thai Idll your sheep, lambs and pigs--that keep your Stock from getting the good of their feed. Sal-Vet is a medicated stock salt. It requires no handling, no drenching, no dosing. Just let all your stock run to it. and they will doctor themselves. Stock tree from worms gain fast--thrive better, on less feed--go to marl et earlier--keep healthy and put on money making flesh rapidly. TRY SAL-VET YouH be aatonished at the reeulte. We carry it in stock in all else packages from '5c up end guarantee every pound of tt. <61) E. V. Me A Ulster, - West McHenrjk Barbara Schiessle. Theo. Schiessle. N. J. Justen, Jeter Justen, John May I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT and Miss Clara Schiessle. Mrs. Buss, thp unable to take an active part in the entertainment, enjoyed the com­ pany and appreciated the kindly thoughts brought with the, surprise. HIS Birthday Party Robert Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber, celebrated his four­ teenth birthday Thursday evening of last week, Nov. 2. Games were played and light refreshments were served. Those present were Edward Buss, Theo. Schiessle, Harvey Nye, Glenn Wattles, Frank, George and Bernard Thurlwell and Carl Weber. The boys enjoyed a most delightful evening and left many loving remem­ brances. All advertisement* Inserted under thi« beail at ths following ratea: Five line* or leaa, >6 cent? for ft rat. Innertlon; 15 centH fur each nubsequent Insertlo^. More than ll»e linen,6 cents* line for first iuwrttaQ, and S cents a line for addltlonl Insertions. second hand violii Reception For Newlyweds On Saturday evening the Four Hundred club called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner at the .home of' the letter's mother on Fourth street and presented them with a beautiful leather chair. They were invited to spend the evening and it proved the most enjoyable party of the season. The\ club member® present were Messrs. and Mesdames B. F. Martin, 'k. Knox, W. J. Welch, J. M. Phalin, and M. A. Conway. Sons' Birthdays Occur on Same Day Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sherman, who reside west of town, entertained in honor of their sons' birthdays on Thursday, Nov. 2, both occurring on the same day, Lester being twenty and Edwin aged three years. A number of relatives and their fam­ ilies were present at the birthday spread, after which cards were en­ joyed and a dandy good time for all. Universalist Church 3 Sunday, Nov. 12, 1916: Sunday school, 10:00 %. m.; morning service, 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic, "The He ward of Hope." Cordial welcome to alL John M. Batcliff, Minister. FOR SALE--A Phone 632-R-2. FOR SALE--A pisfco. Inquire of FL M. Ensign, West MfH»nry5 111. 21 FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of (X W. Stenger, West McHenry Stat# Bank. If FOR SALE--A steel range cook stove as good as new. Inquire of or write Jos. Nett, Johnsburg, 111. 21-2t* FOR SALE--House and lot with oni acre of land. Inquire of Simon Stofl fel, West McHenry, 111. 12-3m* -- 4 FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry. 111. LOST--White fur scarf between Park hotel and laundry. Finder please leave at this office and receive rewards 'v HAT is the one proo£---the final test of- the qualities of a musical instrument* And measured by that test, the Columbia Grafonola: superbly proves its right to the title of ^fct Ouc Incomparable Instrument of Music." TO HEAR it is to feel the thrill of absolute reality. Its tone is m pure, crystal-clear, and flawlessly true to life that it well-nigh makes the hearer forget the preset:co of an instrument. i N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENRY FOR RENT--House in the village of McHenry. Convenient. Inquire of Peter J. Freund, McHenry, 111. 20 FOR SALE--Cheap, if taken at once, an Art Garland heater, self feeden Inquire of John A. Thennes, McHen­ ry, 111. 21 FOR SALE--Heavy draft gelding colt, coming four years. Color, black. Inquire of John Skyrme, Wauconda, 111. 20 FOR\ SALE--House, bam and ftye acres of land, located on the out­ skirts of McHenry. Just the thing for a truck farm. E, M. Geier, West McHenry, III. 21-tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN--A Holstein heifer, cuming three years. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts will confer a favor by notifying John E. Kaiser, West McHenry, 111. 21* Read The Plaindealer for news. ADDITIONAL i'PRSOHALS People Who Conjr fnd Qt Daring a Week Novemh^ >1^' 5 Prof. F. M. Overaker an4 1lFtes Mary Wentworth attended the teach- ers' meeting at Marengo on Saturday last. There will be a Thanksgiving party at the Riverside House in this vil­ lage. Good music will be in attend­ ance. A petition is being circulated, ask­ ing the school board to call an elec­ tion to vote upon the question of building a new School house in this district. The large barn of Wm. Watts, who lives northeast of Spring Grove, in the town of Burton, was destroyed by fire on Friday evening last, with its entire contents. John Bolger of Woodstock and Nellie Phalin, daughter of Thos. Phalin, who resides south of this vil­ lage, were married at the Catholic church in tljis village on Tuesday morning. - The piew mail service on this line, between Chicago and Lake Geneva, is a great benefit to all, as mail along the route that formerly reached here at 7:00 in the evening now arrives at 10:00 in the morning. Albrecht-Cone--At the home of the bride's parents in Waukegan, Thursr day evening, Nov. 5, 1891, by Rev. R. H. Pate, Dr. Charles H. Albrecht of McHenry was united in marriage to Miss Mary Evalena CJone of Wau­ kegan. A horse belonging to the Brick Yard company got loose on Monday morning last and wandered down the railroad track attempted to cross the bridge at the culvert just north of ouse, but not being an expert ind of travel, went thru the •J. • t X-, J1 • 1 * . . ,• • -J.- - t ^ d! *- » 'if ' J am bridge, which resulted in a broksto leg and other injuries that necessi­ tated it being killed. The horse was valued at $100. The mail train from the north was delayed about twenty minutes while they removed the car­ cass from the bridge. Had it oc-... curred' in the night a serious accldMjf might have been the result. . " .ij Plans are under way whereby, at ^ the end of the winter nulk contract period, March 3}, the milk business ^ ^ the late Senator A. J. Olson of Woedn stock will be consolidated with that of a Chicago company. Mrs. Olson, who is made sole beneficiary and legatee in the will of her husband, will hold an interest in the new company in pn>- portion to the value of the Olson milk business and will be an officer of tike company, but will be relieved of the responsibility of active management. Read The ad to local

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