Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1916, p. 5

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p - ' . ' K iiW ?sr* NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y our able Corps of correspondents Election Over! r f,: > t:" i •* M: ;X„ B,", A BRUSH, ^r-FOR YOUR HAIR^f Of course, you'll want one with good wearing: qualities. We pick all our brushes for their durabil­ ity--at least, that's the first consideration, and finish comes next. Our better grades of hair brushes are hand made--bristles . are all hand drawn. When you need a hair brush, be sure and see our stock. It in­ cludes brushes at all prices from 1 Our assortment is com­ plete. It includes every good kind the market af­ fords. You are insured good value by coming here. Through our large buy­ ing direct from manufac- urers we are able to name low prices. Bulb, Foun­ tain and Combination Syringes, Glass Syringes, Hard Rubber Syringes, etc^at prices from 25c to UM Just 'Ph©neK»0-W H. PETESCH -DRUGGIST- We have a full line of Flannel Shirts now. Jgnesville Shirts, for which a few were wait­ ing, came last w6ek. Prices' are..--* $IM $Ut$ $1.75* We also have a good WOOL SHIRT from the Stephenson Underwear Mills. It is black with white figures, sizes up to 19, each $1.75 A light weight and collar Wool Shirt at$2.W SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. We m ! Valuable Trad eTi ckets ! With Every (tth Me WE WANT YourTrade If high-class goods, right prices, square dealings and court­ eous treatment will get it we can count on vou for a custo­ mer. Jos. J. Miller RINGWOOD, ILL. AfiiGTiCufi SiCOi 1 OStS ^ELASTA LIFETIME 4 I CHEAPER THAN WOOD AND MORE DURABLE THEY PROTECT STOCK LIGHTNING JHt CUSPrfili urtww BURN RVjST ROT PO$TS USOII SAVERS r idl THEY REQUIRE CJ UTtLE WfflKMHSSOS OffMSIWrTK CHOPS CAHNOT KMMFFROM fCNCE ROWS JOHNSBURG Geo. Lay of Woodstock was home over Sunday. Miss Katherine King of McHenry visited here Sunday. Miss Ella Huemann returned to Chi* cago Sunday evening. Nick Klein of Spring Grove was a caller in town Tuesday afternoon. Earl Whiting of McHenry was a visitor in Johnsburg Monday evening. Mrt. C. M. Adams and daughter, Helen, were Chicago visitors Thurs­ day. Henry Nell of Woodstock spent Sunday and Monday with his mother her®. , Mr. and Mrs.-Jos. Thelen were Vc- Henry visitors last week Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes and <ihil-. dren of McHenry were Sunday Vis­ itors in Johnsburg. Mrs. Margaret Freund of Wood­ stock is spending a few days with rel­ atives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer were Sunday guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Peter Schaefer. Miss Lizzie Freund of McHenry was a Sunday guest in die home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diedrick of Mc­ Henry were Johnsburg visitors Tues­ day evening of last week. Misses Mayme Smith and Isabel Tonyan spent several days the past week with relatives in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and chil dren of Ringwood passed Sunday in the homf of Mr. and Mrs John P. Lay. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bishop and daugh­ ter of McHenjy spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freund. Nick Freund and daughter, Mar­ tha, of Spring Grove were visitors in town Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Huff of Spring Grove were Sunday guests in the home *>f Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Hetter- nuuin. Mrs. Wm Smith and daughter of McHenry visited Tuesday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Britz and chil­ dren of McHenry passed Sunday aft­ ernoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein and daugh­ ter and son of Ingleside were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Freund and daughter, Valerie, of McHenry spent Sunday afteroon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. RINGWOOD Do Jhot forget the social Saturday evening, Nov. 11. Roy Wolkos is visiting relatives in Milwaukee this week. Miss Agnes Bigelow returned Fri­ day evening from Sun Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss were shopping in Chicago last Friday. Our teachers attended a meeting at Elgin last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stephenson visited friends in Chicago last Sun­ day. Mrs. Ella Newman of West Mc Henry spent last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Callie Rainey.4 J. D. Smith and family left last Thursday for Mobile, Ala., where they will spend the winter. Last week we forgot to mention that a young bank cashier had arrived at the home of Henry Wharton. Mrs. Lillian Conway and daughter, Flossie, visited, relatives in Elgin from Friday until Sunday evening. Mesdames Emma Brown, Luella Stephenson and Libbie Allen attend­ ed the Social Wheel meeting at Mrs Martha Page's last Thursday. Mrs. Nellie Prickett of Fairfield, Neb., arrived in town Saturday even ing to visit her, brother, J. C. Ladd, and sister, Mrs. Carrie Smith. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Fred Hatch's near Spring Grove if weather and roads permit. If not at J, L. Conway's in town Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Agnes Bigelow went to Crystal Lake Sun day evening to see Charles Harrison, who has recently returned from the hospital. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Florence Smith s last Saturday. Mesdames C. W. Goodell, Wilber and Eber Bassett and of McHenry attended Resolutions of Sympathy Whereas, It having pleased Al­ mighty God to remove our esteemed member, Mrs. Inga Merchant, from our midst, therefore we, the members of M. W. W. camp, No. 305, Ringwood, extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family of the deceased. Resolution Com. WgW'-lgCBi nffusmoriK CMtS-CAN-BC BURNT FROM FCNCE ROWS WILBUR L 'mmm- ER CO. OSTEND More items after Nov. 7. Frank Kaiser and wife have both been suffering with severe colds. C. B. Durkee and wife entertained several friends from Chicago at din­ ner Sunday. / F. B. Thompson sold a fine young team of horses and delivered them last. Wednesday. Ernest Rawson, a half brother of Jasper Davis, is assisting Warren Francisco with farm work. Henry Hobart and son, Roy, were business callers at the county seat Thursday of last week. Little Grace Thompson, daughter 9f Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Thompson, was sick and unable to attend school sev­ eral days last week. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and sitter. Miss Ammie, motored down near Wauconda and ate dinner with Jasper Davis and wife Sunday last. S. L. Lincoln and wife of Harvard and E. C. Hammond, wife and little daughter, Lenore, came dowri Sun­ day and went to Wauconda and ate dinner with Myron Francisco and family. Stella, the little girl that has been with Mrs. C. E. Jecks for several months, has gone back to Chicago. Her father came for her Saturday. She has been boarding-with Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris during, this term of school. VOLO Mrs. Noyes of Elgin is visiting at Jas. Kirwan's. Miss Ella Moore was » McHenry visitor last Thursday. , Lee Huson and family^ entertained company over Sunday. « Mrs. Ray Paddock and son, Robert, were Round Lake callers Saturday. John Walton and family enter tained company from Hebron Sun­ day. Ben Walkington passed last Wed­ nesday and Thursday at Madison, Wis. . Mrs. Jas.: Kirwan and Mrs. Rose DunniTl were Round Lake visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. Ben Cushman and daughter., Merle, of Round Lake were callers at Jas. Kirman's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Guthrie and son and Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and son spent Sunday at Peter Stadtfeld's. ' The seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vasey passed away on Fri day, Nov. 3. Funeral services were held Sunday in the M. E. church and burial took place in the Volo ceme tery. Their friends extend sympathy in their ^tour of sorrow. Auction Sale! John Collison, • • Auctioneer The undersigned having rented his place, will sell at public auction at his farm, situated % mile east of Solon Mills and 1% miles west of Spring Grove, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1916 commencing at one o'clock, sharp, die following described property, to- wit: Hoistein Heifer, 1 Year Old 2 Head of Horses Bay mare, 3 years old, from the Chas. Stephenson horse at Ringwood, Weight 1000 pounds; blue work mare, 10 years old, weight 1150 pounds. Two tons of oat hay, 15 bu. pota­ toes, 22 light Brahma chickens, 18 head full blood Flemish Giant rab­ bits, 2 rabbit pens. Machinery, Etc. Two road wagons, nearly new; light milk wagon, nearly new; set light bob sleighs, hand feed cutter in first- class order; grindstone, wheelbarrow, good horse blankets, 2 sets single driving harness, spades, hoes, shovels and forks. • Household Furniture Three burner kerosene oil stove, large chunk stove, % dozen new cane seated dining room chairs, 3 rocking chairs, Morris chqir, china cupboard, new; iron bed stead, springs and mattress, large dining room table, other table, 12 gauge Remington shot gun, fur coat, dishes, cooking uten­ sils and other articles too numerous to mention. • , Terms of Sale: Cash. No prop­ erty to be removed or possession of same givqn to purchaser until settled for with the clerk. Walter Watts, Prop. H. G. Reading, Settling Clerk. M. E. Church Notes The pastor was delighted with the good congregation last Sunday after­ noon. As soon as the people become familiar with the new arrangement and have fixed in their minds the fact that the first and third Sundays in the month are the times of preach­ ing, we are sure that the attendance will be much larger. The new Sun­ day school hour, 2:00 p. m., is for every Sunday, An interesting business session of the church and its friends was held at the home of E. V. McAllister last Monday evening. Entertains Social Wheel The Social Wheel met with Mrs. C. L. Page at her home on Elgin road on Friday last with an attendance of fifteen. In the vehicle contest Mrs. Ferguson won the prize, a toy dog cart. A jolly time at the hands of their hostess and president was con­ ceded by all. A two course luncheon was served. Tlie next meeting will be with Mrs. J. B. Perry on Highland street Friday afternoon of next week, Nov. 17. ' ' The Ostrander Estate The late Colon H. Ostrander, whose death occurred at Fox Lake two weeks ago, left an estate valued at $35,000, according to .the petition for the probate of the will, which was filed in the Lake county court by his wife, Mrs. Angennatie Ostrander. Of this amount $30,000 is in real estate and $5,000 in personal proper­ ty. The widow is named the execu­ trix. ' Leonard Hendrickson, who has had charge of the repair department of the Bauer garage at Crystal Lake during the past several months, has purchased that end of the business and has already assumed full control. The Star theatre at Crystal Lake has once more changed hands, Mrs. 3racy selling the business to W. H. Now let us think of our own interests! ~ ow can you better your Financial Affairs? V- That is the most important question before you Corporations sometimes employ "Efficiency Experts" to consult with them and advise how better results can be ob­ tained at smaller cost. If you believe we can be of value A x to you on account of our years of experience in financial matters we want you to feel perfect freedom in coming to .and asking us for advice on any such matters that are tfoubling yoti,1?o ii will always be welcome in n M ^ ; : OUR BANK ." whether you have direct business to transact or are only Wanting to talk over some matters. We want your confidence and your business will be transacted along with'that confidence. Hoy CLARENCE F. HOY, Manager --THE-- *53* uA - \;} '?£• JOSEPH C. hOLLY, Cashier FREMONT HOY President i Nothing Stands Still m r* J We must either GO FORWARD OR GO BACKWARD. Our motto is "Better and more of it." Therefore we are doing everything that we know of to provide Ringwood with better banking facilities. We have ordered a nest of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES •'J** which we will rent at a small charge for safely keeping fo papers and other valuables. Call at the bank and arrange for one. vj Fremont Hoy, Pres. H. F. Wharton, Cashier Clarence Hoy, V. Pres. GOOD_^%!LOUR Cook means Good Daking Good baking is not^possible with­ out good flour, butfwhen Early Riser Flour is used^even the in­ experienced bride^Deed have no fear about the results. Just follow the directions.of any good cook book and you will have the lightest bread and the most delicious cake" imaginable. Early Riser Flour is best for either bread or pastry. Phone us for one sack. This one sack in your home will be a better advertisement than we could possibly write. WEST ffHENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS J "r\: 4 .-v-i-j 4 * 1! ' ; v" ¥j %-V 4 • • ' f o \ ' -/f " it . ̂ $ j A 11 :|1 . I i •*-. » ' 1 yrft 4 i #>j .-iL-s > 5 k 1 - ^ ' Hi 0?"l j ' W 'w »J :A -i J *- ̂ I f t , '3 1'^ •VI1 n tf,' :i Stage. The music for the house will be furnished by Mr. Stage's two daughters, who are accomplished per­ formers on the piano and violin. John R. McWhorter, who for three and one-half years has held the posi­ tion of postmaster at Crystal Lake, has tendered his resignation to accept a job as postoffice inspector. Carl Salzman has been designated as act­ ing postmaster to succeed Mr. Mc­ Whorter for the balance of the term or until his successor has been ap­ pointed. Several Democrats of that city, who are aspirants for the place, have already circulated their peti­ tions among the patrons of the office. Mr. and Mrs J. M. Preston of Chi­ cago passed a couple of days last week as the guests of relatives here. Miss Etta Powers, accompanied Mrs. John Powers to Chicago Tues­ day to visit the latter's husband, who is being treated for paralysis at the Post Graduate hospital. You can save yourself that helpless feeling when your car skids! Equip your car with skid chains and save repair bills--and doctor bills. We carry the mo& complete &ock of accessories and parts to be found in this part of the country and they are 1he best of their kind. Prices? Right, of courses--you can depend on that. A trial will prove it. Let us quote you prices on any accessory you yvant. Come in NOW. Stilling's Garage a* «,JS: .-.s- ,:t-S J* 'I H • - ic • \. Stilling, Proprietor McHenry, Illinois P H I L I P J A E G E R ORNERAL COHM1SSION MERCHANT - J SPB0L41.. ATTmmON OIV»( TO TOB SAUI OP Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, V«l, •; M Hides, Etc., Butter and E{fs ' ' This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists fumtaimi m applioation. COLU STORAQB FktB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I '» , ^ .-s .f-'IskC'. ^ .V'.'JI,*, . ... . ? ir • 3L'i V.

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