Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1916, p. 4

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# Just What I Want!" *GWe me cake • made with Calnmefc--I know what I'm getting--~I know para,*? tides sme, nourishing tempting and tasty. "It'eal! in Calumet's won derful leavening and raisin* power--its absolute purity Um Calumet for uniform malts and economy." Rw rimd HigWtt Awarda Ntw C-i Buti Fnr- IN tUt fa Aral Can. i <V.-h • -its; , ,v i : - u, "v ' ' " " i U J^BYTHETMSL ^QNGPCftH^ f !?%T *; THE McHlOTiT p-LAETOBAtE®, MdHSffltY " V : -m£- rv V , V . . • V " . v, % 'v> * * w-kt'p;n' i X j p ' H g ^ < • " Cheap and big canBakingPowdere do not agy^yon rooney. Calnmet does--it's Pure ^ i»» and far superior to sour milk and soda. I TIE WHEFIRY PLADTOEALER < 4 WBHWHRD EVEKY THURSDAY BY f F. G. SCHREINER tOWl-- la Bank Bnilding Telephone W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Vf>a»Y«* ftJI St* Months, 75c _ Three Moatht, 4»c Thursday, Dec. 7, 1917 T M.'!7 }£y <• _ ' Honors For Marengo Mu ' f ; According to the very latest polit­ ical "dope," Representative Edward v , D. Shurtleff of Marengo is slated to ^ head the steering committee of the i,v,^«w Illinois legislature, whifch con­ venes at Spriugfield this month. The ̂ •" • %teering committee is appointed by the speaker of the house and acts with , >4um in outlining and directing the " fcouse program for the session. Mr. "JfJhurtleff is probably one of the best frosted men down at the state capital |today, his long service and experience jhave made him a valuable man for ^ the state and we feel certain that the 4 • speaker will make no mistake in nam- * |ng him for the important position fbon named. tNofiee to Hnatcn g. Parties caught hunting or trespass- f~ ylng on the property or premises of |g-^'*the undersigned will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ^ .Signed, John Huff. Pt«13f • PhUiP Schaefer.' , * 4*-% * - ' Jos. A. Scheafer. K5f , ' '• Peter Peterson, r^* . fx */ Philip Thennes. Anton Miller. 15-14t Tonyaa Bros. ; i. f To the Public t ^ 1 *f Fos wish to buy Christmas goods; M, 'the ladies of St. Mary's church have ^ :rr' --f> • quantity - of suitable articles.; left p -i& «uch as dolls, toy pianos and other |t« 'Jarticles, which will be sold below cost, t?: land can be seen at the home of Mrs. fji |y; E. Buch, McHenry, I1L J { ^ Help make The Plaindealer newsy |I||:5>.iiii|':}:by sending in any item of news that yon may know of. Plaindealer ads bring results. TERRA COTTA Arthur Wilcox of Woodstock spent 'Thursday at John Riley's. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin were Elgin shoppers Friday. Florence and LeRoy Conway vis­ ited at Phalin's Thursday last. John R. Knox of McHenry spent Thanksgiving day with relatives heve. Miss Frances Knox spent Friday with Miss Nellie Doherty at Holcomb- ville. Miss Mary Riley of Chicago visited at John Riley's a couple of days last week. Thorny Phalin was the guest; of Chicago friends from Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin visited at the Powers homes at Holcombville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox and son, Francis, spent Sunday at Earl Mc­ Millan's. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby spent several days last and this week with Chicago relatives. Harold Cox of Cary spent several days last week at the home of his brother, Ray. Mr, and Mqs. M. Knox and family motored to Elgin Sunday and visited relatives there. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of | McHenry were guests at the M. Knox j home Thursday. t Mrs. Marion McMillan and Marion j Shales visited at Ray McMillar | Thanksgiving day. Misses Dorothy Walsh and Ariel ' Harrison spent Friday last with the former's cousins here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, of Crystal Lake spent Thursday at Cox's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay ate Thanksgiving dinner with the for­ mer's mother in Chicago. k Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox, son, El dridge, and daughter, Eleanor, of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving day at Riley's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rydquist, daughter, Bessie, and sons, Edwin and Ralph, of Crystal Lake spent last Thursday at Ray Cox's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klein and fam­ ily of Crystal Lake spent Thanksgiv­ ing day at the home of their daugh­ ter, Mrs. Ray McMillam R1NGWOOD H. W. Allen and wife spent Thanks­ giving day in Chicago. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Ora Harrison's. Mrs. Wolkos went to Milwaukee last week to vteit relatives. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson enter­ tained the card club Wednesday. Ferd Lowell and family of Algon­ quin visited at Ed. Whiting's Sunday. Ed. Whiting moved his family onto the J. D. Smith farm last week Tues­ day. The W. C. T. U. will meet Satur­ day of this week with'Mrs. Libbie Allen. Ed. and James Bell attended the funeral of Oliver Nish at Waukegan Tuesday. Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn went to Har­ vard Saturday evening for a few days' visit. Starr Brink and family of West McHenry spent Sunday with Ring- wood relatives. H. M. Stephenson and wife attend­ ed the play, "Intolerance," in Chica­ go last Saturday. Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Callie Rainey. Clayton Harrison and Clark Hall and wives visited Rev. Collins and family at Yorkville, Wis., last week. Henry Stephenson, William McCan- non and William Beck and wives and Miss Mildred Wolkos visitecf friends gear Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Hattie Stevens left last Wed­ nesday for Terra Haute, Ind., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Johonnott. I m K ** - There's some sense to premiums liKe tKat--they're the real goods--and I've gotten every one of them by saving the coupons that come with Dr. Price's Cereals and Priceless Products That's what you'll say, too, if you will put one or two of these Guar­ anteed Pure -Foods on every gro­ cery order, v x, ' John S toff el St Mi if: Shty Years tha Standard 'Hrz tm i rr PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO THE SALS OP . V % Dressed Bcef» flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter 'and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags at\d price lists furnished on application. COLD STOKAOE FREE * s*' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. MM COMING HOLIDAYS "WHAT TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS" GIFTS R>r EWERVBCOY: The . Store Give Fur­ niture this of the Ctirisunas phristmas spirit Pictures, large variety Serving Trays Brass Jardinier^ Smoking Stands Costumers Table Mats Vacuum Cleaners* Carpet Sweepers Pedestals Card Tables Cedar Chests ^ ; Dressing Tables Writing Desks Rockers ^ Library Tables Rugs, large and small Kitchen Cabinets • China. CJos^jr^ Buffets Clhiffdrebes CHILDREN'S LIST Shoo Fly swinging horses Rocking Horse Galloping Horse , Small Tables - « * Small rockers and Chairs Wagons, all sizes & styles Sleds, all sizes and styles" Velocipedes, all sizes Go-carts, Wheelbarrows SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SUGGESTIONS Goods ordered now will be held for Future Delivery N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WEST McHENRY, ILL. SERVICE . SERVICE SERVICE Is thai aJI P To keep from "for­ getting" anything MAKE A LIST of what you need before you come to our etore. If you can't come yourself, send one of the children. A child is always welcomed in our store. If you'll give your child some money to spend for himself, tte c a n s e l l h i m P U R E candy and fresh, this year1s nuts. T H E U N I V E R S A L C A R See the new features: Streamline hool, large radiator and en­ closed fa&f crown fenders both front and rear, all black finfeh, nickel trimminsrs; a mStdr c^r of ap-to-3ateness. a id every inch a true Ford. And you are asked to buy the Ford ear simply on the records of service and economy given by more than fifteen, hundred thousand Ford cars in use along1 every line af demand. The success of the car is your assurance of satisfaction. Every owner of a Ford car is certain of prompt, courteous service the country over, for travel where you will there's a Ford agent near at, hand. .Touring ICar, $360: Runabout, $345; Coupelet, $5>>: Town (Jar, $595; Sedan, $645--f. o. b. Detroit. On sale by JOHN R. KNOX McHenry, III. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry yV> • efrem cream of tartar rierlvad from grapes. "Madame La Presidente" Anna Held's long heralded motion picture debut becomes an actuality in "Madame La Presidente/' &/ sumptu­ ous production in which the world fa­ mous star is to be presented by the Oliver Morosco Photoplay company on the Paramount program. A score of noted French actresses have had their innhigg at impersonating the volatile Madamoiselle Gobette in Paris productions of the three act Hennequin-Veber classic, but none have ever brought to it quite the same prettiness of face and figure, or the same adorable never-crack-a-smile drollery as the magnetic Anna Held. To see her coolly take possession of Judge Galipaux's house and, donning the night cap of the old fashioned wife, waltz around making laughable moves of mockery and amusement is to be convinced that Gobette requires not Art, not intelligence, not practice --it requires nothing $hcrt of the phe­ nomenal Anna Held personality. This photoplay will be seen at the Central opera house Sunday, Dec. 10. How » This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- Ward (or any case of Catarrh that can­ not be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers (or the past fhiKty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thro the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex­ pelling; the Poison from the Blood and Stealing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a frreat improvement in your general nealth. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. 8cnd for testimonials, free. P. 1. CHENEY & CO.. ToladO. ON* Bold by all Druggists. 75t. , - Universalist Church The following is the order of ser­ vices for Sunday, Dec. 10, 1916: Sun­ day school, 10:00 a. m.; morning wor­ ship, 11;00 a. m. Sermon topic, "The Essence of Religion." All are wel- Jobn M. Batcliff, Minister. The Variety of Their utility, efficiency and artistic design put them in the class of Christmas Presents acceptable always to the . giver and receiver ^ Electric Cooking Uten­ sils, Ornamental Port able Lamps, Machines thattake over hard lab­ or and increase comfort All at the lowest prices At our display room PUBLIC SERVICE (0. Oi Northern Illinois SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives ouf prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading StaifSps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen STAR GARAGF. Tel. 30 West McHenry Auction Sale of Household Furniture Chas. Lindell, - - Auctioneer Charles Piefson will sell at public auction on the Geo. Hanly farm, situ­ ated one-half mile south of McHenry, on the McHenry-Crystal Lake road, on Saturday, December 9, 1916 beginning at one o'clock p. m., sharp, the following household furniture, to- wit: Beds, chairs, tables, lounges, kitchen cabinet, dressers, stoves, ^car­ pets, di&hes and other articles too nu­ merous to mention. Terms, Cash , I- Charles Piertofe Simon Stoffel, Clerifc - $200,000 For Railroad The proposed price for the Pala- tine-Wauconda railroad, now operat­ ing between the two village, is $200,- 000. The Chicago, Fox Lake & Northern company is seeking the pos­ session of the road. The latter named company has been incorporated and given permission to sell stock and bonds for the building of a road from Evanston to the state line near Lake Geneva, Wis. • -r-'-- Mrs. George Buss, who has. been <|uite ill, is again able to be up part of the time, which her many fi will pe pleased to learn. P The Automobfle's Heart \ • is the carburetor and its mechanism is almost as delicate as the human heart. When anything goes wrong vith your heart, you go to the best doctor you can find, and don't try to fix it yourself, because you don't understand it. Don't monkey with the carburetor in your car for the same reason *. }• A carburetor needs expert- attention und our experts Understand them perfectly and can adjust them instantly. * , if your car i^n't running as it should--bring it to us--we'll gladly tell you What is the matter, and fix it for you-as it should be fixed, at ayery reaaonablech&rge. i- -cm > . f-,.; ^ ' . 1,4=5-../ V.fey 3K " !«'S * . fii1' CWO. A. STILLING, PROPRIETOfll NRY, « :: !: tLLINOB r1^. mS7 , v, •. v ,-Z, ̂ ' - ̂ »S -*'• --V ' t Ti. ,

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