Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1916, p. 7

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p * r ' W e w i s h o u r C u s i o m e r s a n d F r i e n d s ra Merry Christmas and a Full Share of Happiness. .X r;; The greatest gift in all the world is Happiiiess. May this Chri&nas Day witness Peace and Happiness among all nations. -?:/*•• Y":^' . /• " •" \. • v ' ' ' Let lis help you solve your Holiday problemSfW :; ' "V •*"" How to strike a satisfactory average between our de- site to give and our ability to pay is a problem which wor­ ries nearly every one at Christmas time. ^ V Our &ock offers, an easy solution of problem. It ccmtains the kind of gifts you want to give at the price you "WH&t to-jpay^a&ir "SHOP EARL# »,f- - a ' * v\ fA " C^pToilet Sets , j";1 :,v\' % - Manicure Sett " 'V / r, - ffrench Ivory S^s , , ^' Shaving Sets Books -.Y Fountain Pens •\*;Y Stationery. . vv • Jfterfumes . * Safety Razors : v #"* i Smoking Supplies Sterling Silver Articles diri&mas Cards ; ' Choice Candies It pays to be prompt. Come early and often. Make a list of things you are interested in and bring it with you when yoy visit our store. -t '>•1 *; 4i N. H. PETESCH ---DRUGGIST FOR YOUR It %§' ,4j Vr1 fM* - ^^ust received nearly a gross of nfew ties and you surely will like some of them. Buy your relatives and friends Handkerchiefs, Gloves Yifr Mittens, Suspenders, Cuff Buttons, Tie * Clasps, Scarf Pins, Lavalliers and numerous c <3>ther things you can see in Our Little Paris ^Shop. • • ' Y Those hand painted Dishes, we got direct T from Japan, make very nice presents. We Show them in bur front show case. Candy, Ntfts, Chums, Cakes and Fruits for the little ones of course and Christmas trees. 'Phone 79-J BROS McHenry, III., We dive Valuable Trade Tickets With Every WE WANT Your Trade If high-class goods, right prices, square dealings and court­ eous treatment will get it we can count on you for a custo­ mer. Jos. J. Miller RINGWOOD, ILL. v L - Oar groceri*# are tlti best made. Y BUY THEM; TRY THEM" TERRA COTTA * Will Powers spent Sundujr at J. M. Phalin's. , ) Miss Katie Miller waa a Chicago visitor Monda^. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Fran­ ces, spent Saturday in Elgin. Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry was a Sunday visitor at J. M. Phalin's. Miss Norma Whiting of x McHenry spent Sunday with tha Misses Phafin here. M. Knox spent Thursday" in Chi cago and attended the live stock show, Paul Walmsley spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Paul Reiger, hear Cary. ' Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Phahn were Chicago visitors last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. B. F. Martin was a guest of Chicago relatives from Friday until Monday. John Riley spent Thursday and Fri day in Chicago and attended the live stock show, Mr. and Mrs. T. It Anderson and daughters were Quests of Chicago friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welcfy and daughters of McHenry visited rela tives here Sunday/ Fred Klein, SOR, Arthur, and daugh­ ter, Clara, of Crystal Lake spent last Tuesday evening here. Adalbert Portman of Chicago vis­ ited at the home of his aunt, Mrs; Geo. B. Frisby, last week. „ G. "W. Ames and daughters,.. Mae and Lizzie, attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Hanchett, at Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Clark of Elyria, Ohio, passed the latter part of last week as guests in the J. M. Phalin home and the W. J. Welch home in McHenry. A program and basket social was held at the Terra Cotta school Tues­ day evening of last week. The school was packed to its utmost capacity and it is safe to say that a better crowd never attended a basket social in this district. A splendid program of sev­ enteen numbers was rendered and great credit is due the teacher, Miss Gertrude Klein, for the excellent training which her pupils displayed. The neat sum of $64 was realized from the sale of the baskets. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson spent the week end with friends at Geneva, 111. RINGWOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Mrs, Hattie Buckland's. The lyceum course entertainment last Friday evening was very nice. Mrs. Nellie Prickett left for her home'in Fairfield, Neb., Monday morn­ ing Ole Wolkos went to Milwaukee, Wis., Saturday for a visit with rela­ tives. The Ladies' Aid dinner last Thurs­ day was well attended and the society made about $75 A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Har­ rison's Friday evening last. Mrs. Allen was called to Woodstock Sunday to help care for Mrs. Jay Hawvej, who has a baby daughter. Mrs. Lucinda Francisco and Kittie Harrison of Woodstock attended the Ladies' Aid dinner and spent the night at Amos Smith's. Charles Page and, wife, Mrs; Laura Thompson and Mrs. Clara Starritt of McHenry attended the Ladies' Aid dinner here last Thursday. Mrs. Allen attended the meeting of the Social Wheel last Thursday at Mrs. Himler's in McHenry. There will not be another meeting until after the holidays. Some of our people attended the farmers' institute meeting at McHen­ ry last Wednesday. There were very interesting talks given and the even­ ing lecture and views were fine. OSTEND Mrs. HHa Thomas is visitihg rela­ tives at tl# county seat Charles Sherman is reported some better, altho in bed by the advice of his physician. - C. B. Durkee spent severar days last week in Chicago and Visited the fat*tock show. Mrs. Lena Draper has been an in­ tense sufferer with" quinsy, but is now on the mend. (Frank Kaiser is slowly, but surely, recovering from his recent illness and is able to be up and around. Ernest Brott is back tot his job haulfng milk.v He and his bride will go to housekeeping in a house near Ed. Wallis*. - S. L. Lincoln of Harvard was down to McHenry Monday with a big load of wheat and buckwheat to be grcund at Spencer's mill. Roy Hobart was plowing Friday, Dec. 7. The ftext morning it was raining and in the afterftooA it snowed, and the wonder now is will he or any other farmer bie able to plow any more "in 1916. Lester Thompson, wife and children arrived in Woodstock last week Thurs­ day from their home in Montana to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs, I. E. Mason, and other relatives. Howe School Notes . Oor -enrollment is now nineteen. Clarence and Grace Desing have moved to a farm near McHenry. The seventh and eighth grades are studying the Revolutionary war. We are very busy now preparing our Christmas program, which will be given Friday evening, Dec. 22. Report cards were issued Friday. Grade 8, Alice Wilcox, rank 1; 7, Mildred Carlson, rank !; grade 0, Floyd Hopper, rank 1; grade 5, Lyle Hopper, rank 1; grade 4, Ethel Carl­ son, rank 1; grade 3, Pauline Wilcox, rank 1; grade 2, James Flesch, rank 1; grade 1, Clifford Raven, rank 1. The following had a perfect record in attendance during the month of November: Clifford Raven, Pauline Wilcox, Paul Wilcox, Milton Stecker, Ralph Stecker, Conrey Smith, Ethel Carlson, Hazel Anderson, Oscar Smith, Lyle Hopper, Cora -Wilcox, Mildred Carlson, Stanley Carlson, Harry Anderson iand Alice Wilcox, Average attendance, 18 1-21. On Wednesday afternoon our school room was the scene of a merry oc­ casion. At two o'clock the Thanks­ giving program was given, after which the children indulged in games, while the parents visited. At -4:80, after having partaken of a dainty re­ past, the happy company disbanded, wishing each other a happy Thanks­ giving day. Our visitors were Mrs. Flesch, Mrs. Wilcox, Miss and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Stecker and son, Ken­ neth. Little Kenneth favored us with recitation during the program. Genevieve Goddard, Teacher. «•*•••«•«. PROBA TE NEIVJS [I'urnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on (teal estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers Ella V. Evanson & h to Mar- garet Bonslett, pc in sec 26, McHenry . .$3000.00 Marriage Licenses James Calderwood O'Neill, 26 Chicago Elsie Anna Schuldt, 22.. Crystal Lake Edward Fultz, 42 Chicago Mary Joyce, 42 .Chicago Raymond S. Hamer, 22...... Chicago Niobe C. Griffiths, 22 Woodstock Frank Luedtke, 24 Woodstock Lucille Baars, 18..., Woodstock Leonard Helm, 22.. .Greenwood Twp. Alice Hacker, 18........ * Woodstock George H. Raeder, 21. . •. .. .Harvard Anna Burrows, 18..... . .Harvard $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Mali's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture in doing its work. The proprie­ tors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Addrea*: F. 1. CHKNET A CO., ToUdo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 7(0. m Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that you may know of. P!ainde"!er ads bring results. ;t ^ money Christmas time. No matter what your circumstances -®®ay he you are apt to find it inconvenient, when the time comes, to buy all the presents you feel under obligations !^ as well &s to meet, nthyy s penses incidental to the holidays. < ^ v ;*>• ""«43£ . T- • W:V>rv . UNLESS Y*- ' isC. V t i - You Enroll In Our .* ,%v, 9 - * ^ Jk ^ ^ *; '•! • Vi s*- 'Mm J r • •SkLfrWm i-lf iCHRISTMA^ SAVINGS fcLUB 4 ifhich happily solves the problem of money for Christmas, by enabling to accumulate a fund sufficient for your requirements by making :S Small Deposits Weekly ' ^5! k ,* ' ^ v ti ' '.A, *J-\ * - £ •, f\ i The dimesj niekels and pennies that slip through your finger* for triftes' : > •" « - - ... j, Ai "%• " & . "v.- ̂' '*"'4' • * f , «/ * > things unnecessary will easily keep up the payments and when Christmas time coines YOD WILL BE SURE TO HAW- MONEY Join yourself and encourage the children to SAVE by having them become , t ^ members. , / -/ U ' • -- -*!*• ..."Tr-fe, jfe TtENONT HOY, KB. 10=1 SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry Tou will ; oobs again for >' Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry * ** Read Plaindealer Ads GIVE SHOES v FOR XMAS They make a vefy useful and accept­ able Gift for any member of the family and you can save money by getting them here. Our prices are low. A Raincoat. of the well known Duck Brand will also make a useful gift for Men, Boys or Misses, priced on a close margin of profit. JOHN STOFEEL West McHenry. 1ft. ^ The Variety of ' Electric Appliances Their utility, efficiency and arti&ic design put them in the class of Christmas Presents acceptable always to the giver and receiver Electric Cooking Uten­ sils, Ornamental Port­ able Lamps, Machines thattake over hard lab­ or and increase comfort All at the lowest prices At our display room PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Of Northern Illinois Office Hour* 9:00 to 12:M a. m. l:Mto4:M p.m. 7:90 to 8:M p. m. Telephone*: Office 17 Residence H-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon ~ FREUND BLDG. Over McAllMter'p, WEST McHENRY Without Fire Whistle Within a short tipe the village of Libertyville will be without a fire whistle, as the Foulds Milling com­ pany, which is now the fire signal station, is substituting electricity for' steam and in view of the fact that the only other steam plant in town is without a night tender puts the vtt- lag» » * bad plight, in tttfa waff. 1 v..-'.'-. McHENRY, ILL. JOSEPH C. HOLLY, CASHIER CLARENCE F. MY, ^ » ' - / ' PR O GRESS THE FIRST -** -M, ,y$ "Medium of Exchange" of which we have record con- sidled of shells to which were given stated aend generally recognized values. Every man was his own Banker. VJ| V-.wY, !*,: "" Modern Banking! * VirLt J ^ ^ x. vY ^ Facilities have kept pace with the Progress of Civiiiza- tion until today every self-respecfting citizen owes it to himself to have a banking connexion. We offer you. every convenience known in Modern Banking, , :^ HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rino 'wood Y -l # ; •v': -a :£ S 1 and keepposted on local happenings iij THE WISHED-FOR GIFT Neckwear can be made to be the gift of gifa. Expensively little or costly as one may desire, v" Neckwear is ever welcomed out of all proper- tion to its pricing if it brings just that elusive cachet to the wardrobe of her who receives it ' ^ For all that is new and fashion favored is here: Collar of Crepe de chine _„5lc Collars of Broadcloth $1.25 " Collars set in charming new modes $1JS f Collars of net, daintily trimmed with lace different styles. 50c, 75c, $1.11 -AT THE * ' i, 't C. M. Adams Store 'Phone 625-W-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. " V ti , ^ i -'a ^ • v H ' ̂ 4 a • vS. ~! , V.,! . J ^ '* r >V ' \ w« * ,. . mm iMiMm Av M

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