Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1916, p. 5

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y% ^ *-'M>,', '£ ;<;.V<•-/>•- • ,vf •%#l3Pir •'" + -r;. .-/;•- • * i «*.*» «.,* .: v:^V -/ •> ': •' fi'.jf- si* ^ We Paid More Than >:fx- ,000 to the Members of the 1916 Club flORE,MONEY NEXT nHB18TM»t= We would like YOU to be one of the BIG, HAPPY THRONG that will make up our CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB for 1917. No matter what your circumstances or conditions in life may be, you will be better off if you become a member. You will enjoy the spirit of Christmas the year round, and by your co-operation you will help yourself as well as others to have much more enjoyable Christmas than would be possible otherwise. If you have money to buy presents for those you love--if you can buy freely and without stint or inconvenience, you will enjoy CHRISTMAS to the fullest extent and will be ha^jy in making others happy. > Our Christmas Savings Club Insures You The 'Necessary Money jfesT WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST X It provides a SURE, SATISFACTORY and EASY way to accumulate a sum sufficient for your needs by making &MALL WEEKLY DEPOSITS--and these deposits are so small and distributed in such a manner that you can keep them up without any particular effort. HERE IS THE PLAN--Enroll In One or More of the Following Class*#; CLASS 1. Members depositing 1 cent the first week, 2 cents CLASS 5. Members depositing 5 cents the first week, ifl rents CLASS 2$ Fixed. Members depositing 25 cents • tne second week, and increasing 1 cent each week for $19 70 the second week, and increasing 5 cents each week for |P week fixed for fifty weeks will get fifty .......... V fifty weeks will get « CLASS 50 Fixed. Members depositing 5# cents a' JOC AA CLASS 1A. Members depositing 59 cents the first week, 4*- CLASS 5A. Members depositing $2.5« tlie first week, $2.45 week fixed for fi,«y weeks wiU «et * cents the second week, and decreasing 1 cent each 010 "7 |J the second week, and decreasing j^cents each week for #AQ 7C ... ® fifty weeks wiU get *QUe I 9 week fifty weeks will get. week fixed for fifty weeks will get , * CLASS 100 Fixed. Members depositing $1.00 a A A week fixed for fifty weeks will get . vDviUv Everybody is Invited. Have Everyone in the Family Enroll--Including the Baby. All you have to do to enroll is to make the first deposit. No fees, fines or trouble. 3 per cent interest if you make all payments when due. Nothing to lose. We mail a check 10 days before Christmas HOY BANKING COMPANY McHenry, Illinois nr DC 3C DG DC DC JC JL JL 3C 30 W& '-M •v a Sf A t • - ism ' -*1 ^ The Christmas Mart of Useful Gift Articles fiere are assembled for the convenience of Christ- Haas shoppers many useful gift articles, which have A decided artistic value: Waist of flesh color crepe de chine, with fancy collar trimmed with lace, also in white. $2.98 Boudoir Caps of crepe de chine, in assorted colors, very dainty, at .59 Brassieres of pink or white silk, trimmed with ribbon and lace _ ____$1.W to $1.50 Petttcoats of good quality taffata, with a wide flounce and plaited i uffles ...14.00 Gowns of nainsook, hand embroidered and band sown, with ribbon $1.98 Sweaters in wool, rose, Copenhagen or green $3.85 to $5.00 We &lso have an excellent line of toys and holiday goods for the little folks--gifts that merit the at­ tention of gift seekers. Also a complete line of 2Rhas candies, nuts and fruits. Make your selec­ tions now. :: :: „ " •• •• C. M. ADAMS STORE 'Phone 625-W-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. "AN ALIEN** teal Monday, Dec. 25 Marvelous Photo-Play at the Cen- GIVE SHOES FOR XMAS They make a vary useful and accept­ able Gift for any member of the family and you can save money by getting them here. Our prices are low. A Raincoat of the well known Duck Brand will also make a useful gift for Men, Boys or Misses, priced on a close margin of profit. JOHN STOFFEL West McHenry. 111. To judge by the enthusiast^ of those who witnessed the perfor­ mance on Monday night "The Sign of the Rose" in different form, hai taken a new* lease on life rtnd will continue to move thousands to tears and smiles. The picture has enough merit to provide excellent entertain­ ment for an entire evening. The production is what might be called "Buper-feature," in that is it nine reels long, has an exceptionally good story--in this case one of great human interest--is splendidly acted and produced with more than usual care. George Beban's work in Ital­ ian characterizations has won for a unique position as an actor. In his gestures, his walk and the ex­ pression of his face he succeeds wonderfully in portraying the Italian laborer. But Mr. Beban's work is marked by more than mechanical perfection, for sincerity, sympathy and perception are qualities which make his impersonation of Pietro thoroly amirable. The story of the "Sign of the Rose" is well known, as the playlet has been one of the most famous van deville successes in the country. Pietro's devotion to his daughter, his kindliness and simplicity, and his complete innocence when accused of crime have touched the hearts of thousands. The picture is filled with incidents which have a delicate hu­ mor tinged with sadness. Espe­ cially appealing is Pietro's story of the night before Christmas, and Mr. Beban's skill in depicting the simple Italian's perplexity as to how to ac­ count for a stout Santa's ability to get down a narrow chimney is one of the bits that will be remembered with delight. Thruout the nine reels of pictures the spectacular is kept second in im­ portance to the drama itself, and yet so gripping is the story and so per­ fect the acting that the nine reels seem short and the suspense is sus­ tained for every minute. The set­ tings are, however wonderfully re­ alistic. In fact, s& jurfectly have the familiar sight! of ivery-day life been reproduced that it is hard to realize when watching the pic­ ture the difficulties that must have been encountered in filming these scenes. Thomas H. Ince, producer of so many film productions, is re­ sponsible for "An Alien." Pushcart land has been caught by the camera in all its dirt and pic- turesquenet*- An angry mob, threatening a wealthy man whose automobile has tm over a child, hat' PLUMBING AND BEATING picture the director has taken care to let no technical slips mar a pic­ ture of such undoubted merit. The audie&ce applauded vigorously when a beautiful reproduction of "The Adoration of the Magi" was thrown on the screen. The cast gives Mr. Beban excellent support. Little Blanche Schwed is the little daughter, Rosa. Her work thruout is especially good and her scenes with Mr. Beban were some of the most pleasurable of the evening. Pretty little Thelma Salter was a fairylike Dorothy Griswold. Edward Gillespie appeared in the spoken playlet and again demon­ strated that he is one of the best detectives on the stage. Edith Mac Bride was good in both the film and stage presentation. It would be impossible to enumer ate the many incidents in thp photo play which won the hearts of the audience. From the Monday night reception it is safe to predict that "An Alien" is going to be as popu­ lar a motion picture as it has been in its previous dramatic form. The entire cast is as follows: Pietro Massena, George Beban; Rosa, his daughter, Blanche Schwed; In­ spector Lynch, Edward Gillespie; William Griswold. Havward Ginn: Mrs. William Griswold, Andrea Lynne; Dorothy Griswold, Thelma Salter; Robbins, Jack Davidson; the cashier of the flower shop, Edith MacBride^ the proprietor, J. Frank Burke; Coogan, W. J. Kane; the nurse, Ida Lewis; the maid, Fanny Midgley. Eye Sight Specialist Coming --BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIH ANSPERGER Office in Phone No 73-R Spaulding Bids;. ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law We«ft McHenry, - - 111. Dr. J. J. Scheafer, the noted eye sight specialist of Woodstock, will be at the Jewelry store of N. A. Hue- mann in West McHenry tomorrow and every Friday thereafter. Dr. Schaefer has had fifteen years exper­ ience in the fitting of glasses, is thoroughly reliable and all in need of his services should avail them­ selves of this opportunity. No charge for examination. .. . • Buys Woodstock Republican Theo. Hamer, circuit clerk of Mc­ Henry county, has acquired the con­ trolling interest of the Woodstock Republican. Mr. Hamer is a work­ er and a good business man and we expect to see him make the Repub­ lican one of the best and most suc­ cessful publications in McHenry county. We welcome him into the journalistic field and wish him sue- cess. • PLAINDBALBB AD8PAY Telephone No. I0S-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best oompanies American $ WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange BUg. Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. ,79-W Office Hours 9:M to 12:00 a. m IM to 4:30 p. m. 741 to 8:M p. m. Telephones: Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. II/UCT * * -"ptjpv Over McAllister's WEST McHENRY Notice to Hunters Parties caught hunting or trespass­ ing on the property' or premises of the undersigned will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Signed, John Huff. Philip Schaefer. Jos. A. Scheafer. Peter Peterson. J^hilip Thennes. Anton Miller. 15-14t "Tonyan Bros. Bitten by Tarantula While cutting bananas from a stalk in the store of Bunker Bros, at Woodstock last week, P. B. An­ derson, a clerk, was severely bitten in the hand by a tarantula. Prompt medical aid probably saved the man's life. The poisonous spider was captured and killed by other em­ ployes at the store. Widows Benefitted Fourteen widows of Civil #fcr vet­ erans at Crystal Lake wfil be bene­ fitted as a result of the recent pas­ sage of a new pension law, which provides that all widows having reached the age of seventy years will hereafter receive $80 instead of $12 per month. . Give us your next torder for en­ graved calling cards and see what a neat job we pat out for you. ; bus' WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST McHENRY. ILL. PHONE 5 4 4 The Variety of,, Electric Appliances Their utility, efficiency and artistic design put them in the class of Christmas Presents acceptable always to the giver and receiver Electric CookingUten- sils, Ornamental Port able Lamps, Machines that take over hard lab­ or and increase comfort All at the lowest prices At our display room MIBllclfRVKf CO. Of Northern Illinois f!fIAr\ We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamp We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen Weet McHenry IR** Subscribe for the Plaindealer mid keeppoctecl 00 jkxatl happening* '1.5* ' '••Vi't 'lifS Vm

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