Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1917, p. 5

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^ MUST BE DEALT WITH FIRMLY X" Don't take chances on losing your hair. Scalp ijhealth is necessary to the nourishment of Wealthy hair bulbs. If you want a cool, clean • head and an abundance ofiiealthy hair, *. VjCi *' Excelal, Sage and Sulphur t d HAIR TONIC and invigorates the scalp and prq- -" fnotes the healthy growth of the hair. If your flair is falling otit, or if it has lost its lustre, get ~a bottle of Excelal, Sage and Sulphur Hair f onic and start its use at once* Price ^S--S$c N. H. PETESCH McHENRY, ILLINOIS w I ARE YOU NOW USING COFFEE? If not, you aught to 25c A Pound Is Our Big Seller We could sell you Coffee at 16c or 20c a lb. and make as much as we do on our 25c kind but that 25c Coffee is real Coffee and worth 25c of anyone's monej'. Bring your pail or jar for our bulk syrup, at now per gallon... „ _ 2 ^ 50c SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry* 111. Because They Insure Economy I PON T I RUN I AWAY ̂with the idea (hat. j2 ell beds ere alike. are different from other bedsteads N. J. Justen &Son ,U. AND UNDERTAKING WEST Mclll'INRY. ILL. v ; Phones: Res., 89-R; Office. 63-W - i - • * • - r S.v V. w.. _ is a good rime to buy a Sweater tot Mackinaw Coats and Blankets Remember we give a special dis­ count on any of the above items. Try a pound 6f our special 19 cent Coffee. You will be delighted. . AT THE-*- •C. M. AJMJ4S STORE ^ - f -l * WWNSmfRG, ILLINOIS """ ' • t • IpftlNSBtmC. URINOUS Miss Helen Adams passe in Chicago. ^ I. Kebler of Barrington * ealler in town Wednesday. Joe Brown of Spring Grove a caller in town Saturday-;. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Smith Round Lake callers Saturday. Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove visited in Johnsburg Monday. Mrs. Henry' Stilling visited Mon­ day with Mrs. Margaret Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tony an are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Jan. 3. Dr. Arnold Mueller was a profes­ sional visitor in .the metropolitan city last Saturday. . Miss Mary And Barbara Althoff and Wm. Althoff visited at Joe Sell­ ing's Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schaefer and children were McHenry visitors last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff vis­ ited last week Friday with Mn and Mrs. Will Sattem near Volb. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the oratorio at St. Mary's church at McHenry last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were Sunday visitors, at the home «of Mr. ami Mrs. Mike Pitzen at Pistakee Bay. .' f Victor Aim and children of Spring Grove visited in the home of his sister, Mrs. Carlston, Monday after­ noon.- Miss Margaret Huemann of Mc- ! passed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Hue­ mann. Mr. and,. Mrs* John Freund, who reside on the Ringwood road, an nounce the birth of a daughter, born Jan. 4. « Miss Clara Freund of McHenry spent several <%ys last week with Misses Dora* and Katherine Schu­ macher. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove passed Sun­ day in t^e home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Miss Mamie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, who broke her left ankle while returning home from church some time ago, is recovering very nicely and she hopes to be~~able to discard her crutches at a very early date Favorable progress is being made on the new home being erected by John Pitzen. The lathers and plas­ terers will soon go to work and Mr. Pitzen hopes to have the place ready for occupancy early in the spring. The home will be one of the most cozy here. Ten local icemen, employed at the Weiland ice house at Spring Grove, have been making daily trips to and from work. Frank Tonyan has been engaged to haul the men. They ex­ pect to finish work today. The men are perfectly satisfied with the man­ ner in which Mr. Weiland is. treat­ ing them. John May, one of our oldest resi­ dents, wasF found* dead in bed at his home here on Wednesday morning of this week by his aged wife. Heart trouble is given as the cause of his unexpected death. The deceased has made his home here for many years and was one of Johnsburg's best and most substantial citizens.' ( In commemoration of their twen­ tieth wedding anniversary, a com­ pany of relatives and friends ten- tiered Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith a very pleasant surprise at their home here last Sunday evening. Altho the victims weren't expecting them, they lost no time in preparing for their entertainment after the in­ vasion of their home had been made. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are noted for their genial hospitality and when all was over the guests expressed themselves as highly pleased with the manner in which they had been entertained. Cards and various other forms of amusement, together with the serving of most palatable refreshments, made up, an evening of profound pleasure for those gath­ ered. The guests in attendance were: Messrs. and Mesdames Jos. Smith, Stephen May, John M. Smith, Math. Jungen, ^Hubert' Michels, Jos. Freund, John Smith, Peter Smith, Fred Smith, Jos. King, Jos. Hetter- mann, John Pitzen, John Miller, Mesdames Anna Bugner, and Jos. Michels; Misses Dena and Is&belle Tonyan and Mr. Peter Niesen. COTTA business visitor in TERRA M. Knox was a Chicago Tuesday. Mark Walker spent Sunday with relatives at Sycamore. M. Knox was a caller at Griswold Lake Friday morning last. Miss Nellie Doherty visited at M. Knox's a few days last week. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was a Crystal Lake caller last Friday evening. Miss Margaret Grant lyas a Crys­ tal Lake caller Saurtday evening. Miss Annie Buss of - Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Florence Knox spent Satur­ day evening with Miss Mary Burke at McHenry. Miss Frances Knox visited the Misses Conway at McHenry Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs, M Knov and family called on Holcombville relatives ohe day last week. Miss Lillian Riley returned home Sunday evening after a week's visit with Chicago relatives. Miss Eleanor Conway of McHenry spent a few days lust week as a guest cf Miss Mary Conway. Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited her cousins here from Tues­ day until Friday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan aad daughter, Ruth, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with relatives hem SPRING GROVE Miss Dorothy Freeman sick list. 1 Nick Freund is able to be out after a week's illness. Born, to Mr. and Mrg. Roy Norton, a son, on Jan. 4. Leonard Franzen was a Richmond caller Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Wagner were McHenry callers last Thursday. Miss Katie Althoff spent Sunday with her parents at Johnsubrg. Miss Mabel Siegler spent Thurs­ day last with Richmond friends. Dr. J. C. Furlong and J. G. Wag­ ner were Chicago passengers Tues­ day- James Oxtoby shipped two car­ loads of stock from here Monday evening. Rev. Dommermuth and Louis Nulk sprat Wednesday at Pistakee Bay fishing. James Foulke and family spent Sunday evening in the Geo. Richard­ son home. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimskern are visiting Chicago relatives the past two weeks. Miss Hazel Turner entertained a company of friends at her home Monday evening. > Ford Jackson and Miss Mamie Frett were McHenry visitors one evening las£ week. Miss^ Lizzie Freund of Johnsbiirg is spemljng the week With her siste* Mrs. Math. Rauen. Mrs. Wm. Watts returned Sunday from a^ two weeks' visit with her son at Brooklyn, la. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear and Mrs. James Jackson of Solon were callers here Tuesday. Mrs. N. N. Weber and children and Miss Mamie Frett spent Saturday with relatives near Ingleside. Roy Norton has recently purchased the house of Howard Scott and will move his family there the first of March. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Westlake and family of Portland, Oregon, are vis­ iting at the home of his mother for a few weeks. Wm. Hunter of Antioch and Har­ vey Wilson and family of Richmond were Sunday visitors in the Mrs. Sarah Wilspn home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ShotlifF have moved from the Nortker tenant house to the rooms over Mrs. West- lake's. Fred Albrecht of Richmond moved into the house vacated by Wm. Shotliff. Freund and Math. jL May of Spring Grove and Hubert Freund of McHenry boarded the train here Monday for Marshfield, Wis., to at­ tend the wedding of Frank Schu­ macher, formerly of Spring Grove. About forty friends of Ben May gathered at the home of his father, Pete May, east of town, to help cele­ brate his twenty-second birthday. The evening was spent in playing cards, after which refreshments were served. All left for their homes wishing Ben many more happy birth­ days. On Friday evening, Jan. 5, about seventy-five friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Burton Stevens. The affair was in honor of their son, Chester, who was recently married. The evening was passed at progressive euchre, the prizes being won as follows: Ladies' first prize, Mrs. Dwain Bell; consolation, Mrs. F. W. Hatch. The gents' first, R. D. Carr; consolation, Lester Bell. Re­ freshments were served, after wl'm-li the bride and groom were presented with a set of silver knives and forks. All departed for their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Stevens many happy years. R1NGWOO& Miss Dorcas Foss visited the Rich mond school last Friday. W. E. Smith arwl J. C. Ladd were Chicago visitors Monday. Loren Martin returned to his school at Madis6n, Wis., Monday. Mrs. Maggie Bell entertained the card club last Wednesday. The next W. C. T. U. meeting will be held at Mrs. Hattie Buckland's. A. Lawrence is serving on the grand jury this week at Woodstock. H. W. Allen and H. M. Stephenson were Hebron visitors Tuesday after­ noon. James Sayler of McHenry was a caller at Jaqtes Rainey's Saturday evening. Mrs. L. A. McCannon of Green­ wood spent Sunday afternoon at Ray Merchant's. Harry Peet and family of Wood­ stock spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alice Peet. Henry Wharton was caUed to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon on the bank robbery case. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at H. W. Allen's. Rev. Cun­ ningham will preach. Mrs. Dick McLaughlin who has been ill for several weeks past with typhoid fever, is again able to be out. Mrs. Callie Rainey and Mrs. Alva McLaughlin and little daughter vis­ ited in Woodstock Thursday of last week. 1 William Shult? had the misfortune to have one of his fingers taken off with the buzz saw while sawing wood last Saturday. A number of friends of Mrs. Hitch- ens walked in unannounced last Wed­ nesday evening to help her celebrate her birthday. All had a pleasat time. Mrs. Florence Smith attended the funeral of Charles Wilson at Crystal Lake Sunday. He was brought to McHenry for burial, having lived at an early day on the farm now owned by Mrs. Justen. « i .i , Read The Plaindealer andkeep posted on local happenings. r" :.n •• ' "ft . . . v t s -r : V f f t " ' * 4' % -^ ^ m? -• • --.mi •:U Didn't you wish that you would have had a little more money HIS or HER Gift? The H6y Banking Col will help you to have more money next time --JOIN OUR- % Christmas Savings Club In this manner you will be saving money without any effort. And just think Bf the fat sum you will receive next year. DROP IN ON YOUR WAY, DOWN HOWN •so ' AND TAKE OUT A MEMBERSHIP t HOY BANKING CO McHENRY, ILLINOIS OLIVER MODEL NUMBER NINE THE EXTRA-CAPACITY YOURS FOR 17 CENTS A DAY -FOR SALF. BY- H. T. Cooney, Agt. Woodstock, III. Manage your income Dont's Let Your Income Manage Yott ----til t -H; FRUITS! Groceries and Canned Goods A bis stock on hand at all times M. Niesen McHenry Phone 84-W Office Hours Tele phones: 9:M to 12:M a. m. Office 17 1:M to 4:3t p. on. Residence51-W 7:(M to &M p. n. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon WEST MCHENRY McAllister's ad on another page is worth twenty-five cents if you use it. . " * 2nd riainri--ler iHt If you dont have the money you wouldn't spend it. Then why spend it, simply because you have it? Op$0- count here and save enough money to ^ \k A;%1 * 5 * " I Be Your Own Master HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of M cHenry;Bank of R- incwood d fj. X J ' > M ' '3 .i - V • •• rt' i \ **$4 J •• : ^ V ; • 4 44' « ...... •; /4 j rx fV: ; *cf| -rfy fA <7 "t : •* - - IW'i r'. i I * ' #!•- YOUITS V-l, jr ; ,v^ • V:;? ^ Wo are in the business to please our customersy and ve keep the stuff uoming in daily to do it with. Groceries do not grov stale in our stora. Te sell high quality eatable a and fcaep 7 |? the prices dovn. j* This moves our gro* ceriea out fast and insures fresh, whole­ some good# to you whan you buy from ua. MM3: Schneider Bros., * We^t McHenry ana Keep posteu vu iwu urntm, *. . .*j. M

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