f a/Us Millions of w,,, housewives know this is the . truth--they realize the eost^oi a " • single bake^day failure.. T«st s ; . - ' why they stick to Calumet. ' *? • *' • • L B e o n t h t f s a f $ s i d e a v o i d A i s - |?V ^ appointments -- use C ajumet next bafce- !§f ' • ,jay--jjg eare of uniform results--learn % why Calumet is the most economical S to buy and to use. it's pure in the 2.10 4.00 a.00 5.50 3.00 to buy - . $'• can--pure in the bakmg. Ordei no\ lUccivcd 'Higfc*t Awards HKne Cmi S*»t Fi t fu SUf im Ptttnd %&A'\ i Trustees Meet In Session Monday Evening ' . , Council Room, Mar. 5,1917. The village trustees met in regft- ar session with Pres. Wells pressi ng. „ Trustees present: Doherty, Jus- ten, Stoffel, Simes and Spencer. Ab sent: Kennebeck. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. 1 The following bills were approved by the finance committee: Standard Oil Co., gasoline...! 38.00 Legal Advisor Pub. Co., sup.. 12.72 Artificial Stone Co., stone.... 3.25 Public Service Co., lighting sts. and traffic lights . 101.80 Donavin & Reihansperger, dry tells .. • J. W. Freund, flag.......... Pete Weingart, lbr on ww.. . . Theo. Winkels, lbr on ww.... W. G. Schreiner, ^xpress, drayage and supplies...... Austin Western Road Machin ery Co., interest on note on oil wagon .. »•......... i . 514.58 Sfeptune Meter Co., supplies.., 8.10 3. C. Boley, lbr on street.... 5.00 Chas. Givens, lbir on ww, ,.... 2.75 Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes be ap proved as read. Motion earned. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Stoffel, that the treasurer's and pil lage collector's reports be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Doherty, that the bills be paid as read excepting the note on the oil wagon, which should be settled , by the clerk according to the terms of the contract. Motion carried. The village board appointed the following men to serve on the pri mary board March 13, 1917: Judges--Chas. B. Harmsen, Chas. Givens anci Peter M. Justen. Clerks--Wm. Thnrlwell, Albert Kamholz and "Ben Brefeld. Motion by Spencer, seconded by Stoffel, to adjourn. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. BRIDGE BILL IS PASSED 'ex Lake People Will Now Ask Con -gress For Appropriation >jDo not think that just because a store carries grocer ies that a l l grocery stores are juat "the Bane . They are not . ; Ve have the EXCLUSIVE! AGENCY for many things in the grocery line that you cannot buy from anyone but us. fe want your trade because we deserve i t . We sell only SUPERIOR groceries; but we sell so many, of them that we can give them to you I for the price asked by many for in fer ior s tu f fy •-'if . fr- ;f ' "'I .y 'if'?-i Schneider Bros;, * Well McHenry Ch«ap and big can Baki ngPow deis Jo not save you money. Calumet tl ops- ifV.Purff and far superior to sour milk and soda. Fox Lake and vicinity are celebrat ing these days, following the receiv ing of advices fAm Washington, stat ing that the bill granting the erection of the bridge across the junction of. . .. Xt i?- „ „„j Lake Nippersink and Pistekee lake «*»***! thenceNorthPweandone on the Fox river, at the village of I""** d<*reK> West <N 6 14 degrees Notice of Sale of Real Estate Alford H. Pouse, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, Christine Brefeld, administratrix of the estate of Henry Brefeld, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the March term, A. D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit, on the 5th day of March, 1917, • Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, th6 10th day of April next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the aft ernoon of said day, »to-wit, at the Iiour of 1 p. m. at the front door of the City Hall in the village of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of Henry Brefeld, deceased, to- wit: An undivided one-half of the following described property, to-wit: Part of the East Half of the North east quarter of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section, thence South on the Section line Thirty-nine (39) chains and Eighty-one (81) links to a point .in the center of the highway; thence North' Sixty-seven and one- quarter degrees West (N 67 % de grees W) along the highway, Eleven (11) chains and Seventy-four (74) links to a post; thence North Eight (8) degrees and Ten (10) minutes East, Seventeen (17) chains and Thir ty (30) linka to a post and the end of CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR RENT--A modern home in Mc Henry. Inquire of F. J. Herbes, Mc Henry, ill. 38-lt* FOR SALE--A Stark piano. In quire of or write, 'IfcnL- Gso. Nell, McHenry, IH. > 37 F(J£ SALE--A few pure bred Barred Rock cockerels. Inquire of F. E. Co* valt, West McHenry,' 111. 37 FOR SALE--5000 7-ft. posts, white >ak and burr oak. Inquire of Fred . Cooley, West. McHenry, III. Phone 29. 35 FOR SALE--One young gelding, weight 1200 pounds. Inquire of F. Feltz, West McHenry, 111. Phone 71^M. 38 FOR SALE OR RENT--The two. Glosson residences. Gas and light. Inquire of J. H. Kennebeck, executor, McHenry, 111. 38 FOR SALE--A 191£ 3 speed lS h. p. Indian motorcycle, flewly repainted and in first-class condition. Call at this office. 38-tf FOR RENT--A five room cottage »vith gas and ^electric lights. In quire of' Fred Karges, 118 Deuglas street, Woodstock, 111. 36-tf WANTED--To buy on Pistakee Bay or Fox river, a small place. Bargain must be good location. B. Nikola, 4647 Indiana Ave., Chicago. 37-4t* $25.00 week straight salary to man with rig to introduce poultry rem edies^ Pay every week. Experience unnecessary. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, 111. 38-2t THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ' F. G. SCHREINER OTFTOE In Bank Building Telephone tt-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OM Year 91.5* Sik Months, 79c Three Months, Mo Thursday, March 8, 1917 wr-- -------- Village Primary Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 13th day of March, 1917, at the village hall, in the village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry and state of Illinois, the annual vil lage primary will be held for the pur pose of placing in nomination candi dates for the following offices: Vil lage president and three trustees. Polls will be open at 7:00 o'clock a. m. and close at 5 o'clock p. m. Given under my hand this 5th day of lia#t. A, D. 1917. Wm. G. Schreiner, Clerk. ^ \ V , Town Caucus - H o t i e e i a hereby given to-the legal ' Voters of the town of McHenry that the annual town caucus will take place v> in the village hall, McHenry, 111., on purpose of nominating candidates for Saturday, March 17, 1917, for the various offices to be filled in the spring election. Offices to be vacant are supervisor, commissioner of high ways, 2 justices of the peace and 2 constables. Polls will be open at 1 aJclock p. m., and close at 5 o'clock , ,P- Town Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of justice of the peace, subject to the approval of the legal voters of the town of McHenry at the annual town caucus to be held on Saturday, March 17, and* will appre ciate the support of my friends and ̂ voters at that time. p. 36 E. C. Hawley. P "For Constable " : &!•!' ! hereby announce my candidacy for the office of constable in the Ring- wood precinct, town of McHenry, and will appreciate the support of the voters at the coming town caucus, ^. Saturday, March. 17 W. H. Kelly. § Announcement , I wish in this manner to express my tlesire to become a candidate for - the office Of supervisor for the town of McHenry and will appreciate the support of the voters at the coming v town primary to be held on Saturday, 1 y March 17. Stephen H. Freund, * Announcement fl I hereby announce my candidacy l l;, ittopr the office of highway commission- V «r» subject to the approval of the ,> voters at the annual town caucus to ; be jield on Saturday, Ma^ch 17. 88 / J6hn Boyle. Fox Lake, had been passed by both [the house and the senate. The cost of erecting the structure will be in the neighborhood of $35,000 according to the plans prepared by County Engineer Charles Russell of Waukegan. It is now planned to ask the government for an appropriation to aid in building the bridge. The bridge has been desired by the peo ple of Fox Lake *for many years as it will open a way to the city from the Antioch district and northeastern McHenry county. Credit for the gaining of the per mit of the government is divided be tween Representative Thos. Graham and Congressman Foss. Thos. Gra ham made a trip to Washington in April, 1916, to present the bill to Con gressman Foss and he spent several days in Washington lobbying for the bill. It was first necessary to have congress repeal a bill, which granted the right tfc> a Mr. Gardner to con struct a toll bridge across the stream there. On. February 8 the bills passed the house and later passed the senate and was signed. Representa tive Thos. Graham may now be asked to go to Washington to seek an ap propriation for the building of the bridge. LAKE COUNTY GAME WARDEN Discovers vBrook Trout In Lake Coun ty Stream Several Lake county papers have given ov4r considerable space during the past two weeks announcing the fact that Henry Kern, game warden, has discovered a stream containing thousands of brook trout. In fact, to back up his claim, the game warden has been exhibiting a trout caught in said fitreem*- f However, the Lake county game warden has planned to keep his secret hidden until such a time as 'the trout are full grown and abound in the waters by the thousands. For the information ol thtfee-inter ested over in Lake county, we will venture to say that the trout were planted in said stream by Ed. L. Hayes of this village and a Chicago official some time ago. They were planted there under orders from the state fish commission and if the Lake county warden will guard the stream well the fishermen there will, some day, enjoy the sport of catching real brook trout. v Candidate For Constable J am a candidate for renomination jui constable in the town of McHenry •lid will appreciate your support at the town caucus Saturday, March 17. ^ ^ JoJwjJ&Osh. jU* *'•;-«!*.|W"!0i : ;;->!* '• There la more Catarrh In thli aeetton of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years tt was sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced It incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by con •titutlonal conditions and therefore re quires constitutioual treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a consti tutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills for ContftlpattOD. Bead Plaindealsr W) on the banks of the ditch Four (4) chains and Fifty-four (54) links; thence North Six and one-quarter de grees West (N 6 % degrfts W) along the ditch, Thirteen (13) chains and Seventy (70) links and to the section line; thence East on the section line Ten (10) chains and Eight (8) links to the place of beginning, containing Thirty-five and one-quarter (35 %) acres of land, mpre or less* and situ ated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illi- Also an undivided one-fifth of all the following described property, situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinois, to-wit: The South west quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing Forty and one-fifth (40.20) acres of land, more or less, according to Duplicate Number 27690 issued at the" Receiv er's Office in Chicago, Illinois, Janu ary 27, 1849. Also commencing at the Southeast corner of the West half of the North west quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, thence South to the center of the highway; thence Northwest along the center of the highway until it strikes the line of the West half of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty-eighty (28) Four (4) acres, be the same more or less. Also the West half of the North west quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-five (45) North Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, ^containing Eighty acres of land, more or less, it being the same lot of land for which Duglifate Certificate Number 17301 was granted to said Foster at the government land office in Chicago on the 9th day of November, 1844, situ ateji in the County of Lake and State of Illinois. Will be sold to the high est and best bidder. Terms of Sale: Cash. 4^j^tcent of purchase price to be para orr the day of sale and the balance when the deed is delivered. , Christine Brefeld, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Brefeld, deceased. March 7, 1917. 38-3t FOR SALE--Fifty to seventy-five tons of choice silo feed. $10.00 per ton while it lasts. Nicholas M. Bowers, McHenry, 111. Route 1. Phone 627-R-l. . 38-lt Use Benzo cream for-'your hands 25c the bottle at Petesch's. Administrator's Sale A firBt-class dairy farm of either 85 or 135 acres as purchaser may wish. This farm is located 2% miles north of Lake Geneva, Borden's at this place; 1% miles from ' Spring Grove, creamery and shipping Bta tion there. Good bams, cement floors, wind mill, besides living water without waste land at each end of farm. A new tenant house; school house across corner. An exceptional farm in many respects." Adress, H A. Burdick, Administrator, Lake Gen eva, Wis. p. gain]** *~#r* J LOST--Between Woodstock and Mc Henry, a demountable rim and Fisk tire 30x3%. Reward. Call 101-W, Woodstock. Roy Sherman, 135 Wash ington St., Woodstock, 111. 38 WANTED--Single or married man, who will furnish good reference for work in meat market and grocery. Must be either German or Irish Cath olic. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 2 The voice of spring, ac cording to the calendar, t'will soon be in the air. Now there are certain things that every woman knows must be done in the house in spring as Well as at other times and the ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER eases the burden of one i and the ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE tal&s over the toil of the other Both, and all other electrical appliances for that matter, can be put in action by a connec tion with any lamp socket in the electrified house. , Public Service Co. • OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ' *y. "* 1 it. THE HONE Or BETTER Groceries "Tn these days when ALL grocer ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost, very little more 'than infer- ior.ones, but they go[a long ways further. Quality fe our trade mark You will find it In every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying g&ceries of us. We give you the SATIS FACTORY kind,of eats. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-W of land, more or less, situated, lying and being in the County of McHenry and State df Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder at pub lic vendue. Terms of Sale, for cash. The pur chaser to pay 20 per cdnt of the pur chase price on the day of sate. Katie Keefe, Executrix. Dated Feb. 23, lffl7. 37-4t AI>I>ITIONAL PKliSON A LS FOR SALE OR TRADE-^Two 2-year- old colts. Will sell or trade for a good sound horse weighing from 1100 to 1200 pounds or a light auto truck. N. M. Bowers, McHenry, 111. Phone 627-R-l. 38-lt* FOR SALE--200 steel fence posts, 6 ft., 26c each; 50 steel fence posts, 6% ft., 28c each; 16 disc grain drill, with grass sfefe^ attachment, $85.00; 3 16 inch walking plows, $13.00 each; 14 inch gang J^ow, $70.00 each. These are all new qjoods and have never been used. Inquire at this office. 37-tf Notice of Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry Coun ty, Illinois, made, on the petition of the undersigned, Katie Keefe, Exe cutrix of the Estate of William Davis, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the Jan uary Term, A. D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit: on the Third (3) day of Jan uary, 1917. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, the Thirty-first (31st) day of March next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the dwelling house on the premises described in this notice^, also de scribed in said order and decree here in mentioned, in the village of West McHenry of West. Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of William Davis, deceased, to^wit: Lots number Six (6) and Ten (10) of A. H. Hanly's Out Lots to West McHenry as shown on the Plat thereof, recorded in the Re corder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book One (1) of Plats on page 7, containing 4.52 acres of land, more or less; also Lot Number Thir teen (13) of the County Clerk's plat of a part of Section Number Twenty- Seven (27) in Township Number Forty-Five (46) North, of Range No. Eight (8), East of the Third (3) Principal Meridian as shown on the Plat thereof recorded in said Record er's office in Book Two (2) of Plats on page 41, containing 9.18 acres of People Who Come and fSo During a Week Jacob "Justen spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs motored to Elgin Tuesday. Mrs. P. Heimer was a Woodstock visitor Wednesday. M>- and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett were Chicago visitor! Wednesday. Mrs. Peter J? Freund visited rela tives at the county seat Wednesday. Rev. M. J. McEvoy was among the windy city passengers^ Tuesday morning. John I. Sutton left Monday morn ing for his ||ime at Sand Springs, Montana. Judge Keith and Ed. White of Fox Lake were visitors in town last Saturday. Mrs. S. S. Chapell of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest of the Misses Granger. Miss Vera Young was the guest of relatives at Aurora from Friday till Sunday. Miss Margaret Walsh of Whiting, Ind., is the guest of relatives here since Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers and family of Elgin visited in the paren tal home Sunday. Miss Sylvia Hille of Irving Park is spending the week as the guest of Miss Esther Stoffel. Miss Agnes (Sheean of Chicago spent the fore part of the week in the Geo. Meyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Sutton oP Crystal Lake passed Sunday as the guests of relatives here. John Franzen of Woodstock spent the first of the week as the guest of his wife and family here. Nick Franzen was a county seat visitor Monday. No, he didnt ®o after his marriage license. Mrs. H. L. Harrington of Sterling, 111., is a guest in . the home of F. A. Cooley on Waukegan street. J. W. Gruener and S. W- Hanson of Chicago were guests in the home of Peter Wirfs on Cwtw street Ron- day. . . Mrs. Rena Osterman of Waukegan is here caring for her brother, Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Osterman is a prac tical nurse. ... . Robt. Senders of Chicago passed land, more or less; all of said lots be- .Saturday and Sunday as a guest in ing located in and being a part of the the home of Andrew Steinsdoerfer at East Half {%) of the Southeast Griswold Lake. Quarter of said Section Twenty-Seven j Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frett and daugh- iwi\ and containing io nil 18.70 acre* ter, Gertrude, Mr». F. A. Bohlander, * 1 (T IS AN INDISPUTABLE FACT that you cah only get as much out of a sewing machine as 1 the manufacturer puts into it. The manufacturers of the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE have put the best materials obtainable and the best construction known, into their product. That is why NEW HOIIIE SEWING MACHINES aftd* being on the market for over fifty years are bigger favorites than ever--because people realize that they get better service from them because they are made better! Visit us as soon as possible and let> us explain why the NEW HOME SEWING MACULE is the easiest running, the most silent; and why itiasts the longest! N. J. Justen & Son - 1 ' j V FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WEST MCHENRY, ILL. N Phones: Resu 89-R; Office. M-W Why We Shout For Ourselves We arc not doin# our own shouting jjist because others will not shout for us--no. We are simply CALLING YOUR ATTENTION to the shouting our customers are doing for tbievWEST McHENRY SPECIAL manure spreader, which sure is a wonder-worker when corripared with everything else on the market. v This modern machine, built especially for us and to till the needs of this territory, is the machine you will buy SOME DAY .and so why not buy it NOW? It is the spreader that is going to steadily and gradually out-class everything else in the field, and we have at least twenty special reasons for making this positive statement. Later on we will tell you about a great many other spe cial reasons, but today we will mention only the SELF- CLEANING CONVEYOR the conveyor that cannot foul or clog and which is good for any climate or any weath er or any kind of material. Another reason is the NO- CHOKE BOX which cannot be dioked down like you can choke other spreaders. You must see this expansion cham ber to appreciate it. Two more reasons are: First, a beater wheel or cylinder that cannot be clogged, canpot choke down with any kind of material that ever comes from a spreader. Our BULL DOG tells its own story. . We also want to refer to our OIL PACKED MAIN BEARINGS like the bearings under a freight car. They feed the oil automatically and never go dry. We will give,?you a lot more reasons in other issues, but we want you to come now and see this wonderful machine- see it on the floor and see it working in the field. We can prove our case every time if you will but give us a chance. yfrest McHenry F. A. COOLEY "VHILIP JAEGER" oknhral conwissioN mhrChant SPECIAL ATTENTION U1VEN T8 THK 9AI.® OP - Drcmd Beef, iluttosi. Hogs, Vaal, IHiultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs "• This In the oldest house on the street. Tags and price Hiti furnished on application Stall i a 3. PaltaMi St, WkoteMla Market. COLD STOKACIH PHBH CHICAOO, ILLINOIS., Putin This Is a Picture of Bak- - iag D*y H J&u use Early Riser Flour, It makes the light est, sweeteat bread; the flakiest pie crust and the most toothsome cake you ever ate. Try it on next baking day and realize the truth of the picture. WEST If HENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS Mrs. Everett Hunter, Alfred Rich ardson and Ben Stilling were among the Chicago passengers this morning. • * * t ' EAST SIDE Market AND GROCERY FOR YOUR Lenten Uh We have a full line of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Fish, Her ring and Oysters., Also Fruits and Vegetables. ORDERS fROWPTLY DELIVERED L. H. Eisenmeoger, Jr. 'Phone 57-M .•J* . Q Excel al cures at Petesch's, iial sage suipnur dandruff. 50 cents sulphur hair toi)icf ST"