Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1917, p. 8

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* * ' 1 ' jfV V- ' j *r t v >w * $*l<' mm mmm*m mmmmmmr nmmmbt# ax. m mm 1 •3- * " / "-r " •f» it--,= J"»-0 - / We can't get every man's trade thcKigh we admit we'd like to. But we ask you to try us. Our hope is Hurt We'll serve you so well that you'll keep on coming. f Sincerity Clothing keady to wear, is a pleasure-to sell as it will give satis­ faction and at prices $15 to $22 a Suit * which is a saving of 25 per cent Royal Taylors Clothing ft Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi- t'"- ness. Suits I1S.Q8 to $35.<K) which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY. ILL. LISTEN! Do yoii know that it pleases us to see you come to this store? Well, Undoes. And it pleases us still more to serve you with our carefully selected merchandise. We aim to keep our goods clean and up-to-date and assure you that your,,patronage is appreciated. Jos. J. Miller H1NGWOOD What Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY ! KIND of a price you want to, and'what- f: ever the price you pay, it will be the f ; , ' B E S T v a l u e f o r t h e m o n e y t o b e f o u n d anywhere in this section. That is the in- ducement we offer you and no other house can touch it. E. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. iv % V W* «,? i \ w-<- s-r. 3V" i* ASK THE WIFE She knows Hf uu Mr. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an­ nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num­ ber of things that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se­ lecting the things that are needed you will be intrumental in making housecleaningtime a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select­ ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS • #> FFEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED UP BT PLAINDBALEP REPORTERS OfJRING WEEK fW.*' : • to- What People an Bolif is Thlt VII- lige and the Immediate Vltlttltjr--• Other Short Paragraphs Butter Market -Batter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 40 cents per pound last Sat­ urday. Lea Vie your' order for early seed potatoes with M. M. Nie9en's. The Social Wheel meets with Mrs. D. (J. Wells on Thursday, April 5. You will make no mistake by order­ ing your early seed-potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Another attractive Easter window is that of Adams Bros'., the hustling Water street grocery firm. We are informed that work on the new sisters' home, which was started here last fall, will be resulted at an early date. A musical program will be given in connection with the illustrated lec­ ture at Stoffel's hall on EasteV Sun­ day evening. According to information at hand, several new homes are to be erected in this village during the spring and summer months. Overton & Cowen, the West Side garage men, have engaged the ser­ vices of an expert mechanic, who will soon take charge of their machine shop. The old Tilton house, which for many years stood on Elm street, is now a thing of the past, nothing re- "mains of the structure excepting the foundation. J. j. Vycital, the Centerville hard­ ware merchant and plumber, has al­ so invested in a Ford roadster, which he proposes to put to use in . a com­ mercial way. Herman's orchestra of Woodstock will furnish the music at the Easter dance to be given by the Ladies' Auxiliary club at Stoffel'» hall on Monday evening, April 9. The employes of the Borden milk bottling plant here are rejoicing over the good news that they have been granted a wage increase, amounting to 25 cents per day. John Stilling wishes to announce that he will reopen his vulcanizing shop on Pearl street, near the river bridge, next Monday, April 2. Sat­ isfactory work guaranteed. Prof. A. E. Nye acted as one of the judges at a debating contest staged; by the debating teams of the Lake Geneva and Burlington, Wis., high schools at Lake Geneva one night re­ cently. The Lakefeide dance pavilion, owned by D. H. Murphy, at Wauconda, has been torn down and the material is now being used for the building, of an up-to-date moving picture playhouse in that village. The brick walls of £he old Marengo stove works, which were destroyed by fire some years ago, have just been razed. The site thus cleared of its debris offers an excellent location for new industry. The following item was sent us this week with a request to .publish same: 'Why are some of our prosperous farmers so neglectful of planting trees in our community for the bene­ fit of us people?" According to present plans two new streets will be opened up on the West Side this spring. One leading from Waukegan street north to mill pond and another leading from this street west to Front street. > One of the largest farm sales ever held in McHenry county was that of M. W. Merry's at Hebron one day re­ cently. The sale was attended by nearly one thousand people and every­ thing sold brought high prices. Talk of widening Green street as well as the bridge over llbone creek has, again been revived this spring The constantly increasing traffic, caused chiefly by automobiles, will make this improvement an absolute necessity. All of our teachers, including those of the country districts, are attending the teachers' institute at Crystal Lake this w^fk, where they are ac cumulating a wealth of general in formation that should be Of great benefit to them, Jacob Stoffel, son of Mr. and Mrs John Stoffel of this village, fell from the hbymow in the F. H. Wattles bam on John street Saturday, breaking his left arm' below the elbow. Dr. A. I. Froehlich was called and the patient is doing nicely. In making the rounds of the dif- fereht garages about the village we find all of them quite active. The balmy breezes, together with the dry­ ing- up of the roads, are causing machine owners to have their cars tuned up for the -season. The Frank Herbes family have va- vated their new home on Elgin road and will soon leave for their future home at Hartford, Wis, The family of A. W. feickler of Spring Grove now occupies %he Herbes house, Rfr. Bick- ler having disposed of his Spring Grove business. Harvey Iwron, fireman at the lockl plant of the Borden Milk company, has just disposed of his home at Hebron to Harry Alexander of that village. Those who seem to be 4n a position to know inform u% that Harry intends to occupy the home himself, but. not as a bachelor. < J. A. Himler, who since moving to this village from Crystal Lake has erected two homes here, informs us that he is having plans drawn for a third house to be erected by him on the new street to be opened just west of the standpipe. Building operations on the new structure will be started OPER A HOUSE McHENRY THURSDAY, MARCH 29 * Peggy Hyland IN "Saints and Sinners" SATURDAY,* MARCH 31 Edgar Selwyn IN- . ^ • ' "The AraT SUN DAY/APRIL 1 Blanche Sweet 0 ----IN Thousand, Dollar Hosband" BORN BOOK OF ON DISPLAY HERE •• - • : <$- The Born Blue Book is something more than a mere collection of woolen samples and fashion plates. It is a faithful guide to correct fashion--a complete compendium of all that is new and desirable in fabric designs and style creation. You cajp't buy style in ready wrapped pack­ ages--it must be created to con­ form with your personality .and individual body proportions. The Creation of true style is a rare art in"*which Born cutters are past masters. Select your ideal of fabric from this comprehensive showing and let us have it tail­ ored just as you want it. s, 'PHONE 26 ANTON SCHNEIDER BLDG. at an early date. •SAINTS AND SINNER^" With Peggy Hyland, Noted English Favorite, This Evening, Mar., 29 Miss Peggy Hyland, the beautiful and talented little English actress, whose recent arrival in, American to appear exclusively on the screen, un­ der the management of the Famous Players Film company has created considerable newspaper comment, makes her debut to the American public in a thrilling picturization of Henry Arthur Jones' noted dramatic success, "Saints and Sinners." This current release on the Paramount pro­ gram will be shown at the Central this evening. It is a matter of odd interest that Miss Hyland, who has distinguished herself abroad in the stellar roles of many stage successes, should appear in her first American screen offering in an Englishman's play, and .a drama moreover, that won its first success in Europe, repeating its stage tri­ umph later in the United States. Miss Hyland, in the leading role of I^etty Fletcher, the only daughter of the minister of Steepleford, went with a selected cast of Famous Players, headed by Director J as. Kirkwood, to the most beautiful sections of Florida for the purpose «f filming this'superb drama. > IfciT \ k A &•:. * ' .r.J. .*•1' ;».r - ' «i ' f.. I • . « s « - I >-4?J., (h 1 . ^ '-:s, l&n Anchor to Windward Did you ever feel the embarrassment of being dead broke and nothing in sight? A man with a savings account has something to fall back on when he gets into such a position. He has made the day of plenty contribute to" the support of the day of need. He has used foresight. A small amount, deposited every month on a savings account wilfnever be missed, and wlten you find yourself "flat on ^youf back" you will have something to give you a lifti ; We would be pleased to have you call and open an account with us. We pay 3 per cent interest, -coi»pQpQding the interest every six months. ' ' * Wefft McHenry State Bank THE UNIVERSAL CAR Never before has the demand for Ford cars been as, heavy AS it is, .now. To become such a necessity the Ford car must have proved to be a universal economy, serving and saving everybody. Thru its reliable service business has been increased1 and ex penses reduced. Low purchase price and small cost for main­ tenance assured. Touring Car,- $360; Runabout, $345; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595: Sedan, $645--f. o. b. Detroit. Let us have your order today. JOHN R. KNOX Tel. 30 STAR GARAGE McHenry, 111. 1 RINGWOOP Ole Wolkos was a Woodstock vis­ itor Tuesday. - - ,f ' • - ---- Next Sunday evening 'meeting will be held at Mrs. Emma Brown's. W. E. Walker and wife entertained a number of friends at their home last Tuesday evening. There is a vacation in our school this week and the teachers are attend­ ing institute at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Libbie Ladd and Agnes Bige- low visited Mrs. Ladd's brother's family at Crystal Lake last Friday. Thfe Mystic Workers took in four new members last" Wednesday even­ ing. An excellent sUpper was served, J. C. Ladd and wife, Agnes Bigelow and C. W. Harrison and wife attend­ ed the It. A. White lecture in Rich­ mond last Friday evening. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Celana Hall Saturday of this week. Topic, "Friends and Com­ panions.!' Leader, Jennie Spaulding. Mrs. Libbie Allen and Mrs. Luella Stephenson attended the Social Wheel meeting at Mrs. Petesch's in McHenry last Thursday. Mrs. Stephenson re­ mained over night and. attended the Eastern Star Meeting at Wauconda in the evening. EXTRA PERSONALS Rev. Ed. Berthold was among Hie Chicago passengers Monday morning. Glenn Waite and Son of Woodstock were recent day guests in the home of the former's ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite. | Mm. W. Q. Besley iwd sons, Var- The voice of spring, ac­ cording to the calendar, .t'will soon "be in the air. Now there are' certain things that every woman knows must be done in the house in spring as well as at other times and the ELECTRIC; . VACUUM CLEANER eases the burden of one; and the ELECTRIC I WASHING MACHINE M takes over the toil of the other Both, and all other electrical appliances for that matter, can be put in action by a connec­ tion with any lamp socket the electrified house. Public Service Coy OF NORTHERN 1IXINOIS T PICKLES! Don't miss this. Raise Pickles. Contracts and Seed at F. A. Bohland- er's also John L. May. C. F. CLAVSSEN & SONS non and Walter, of Woodstock are spending the week with the former's Bister, Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mrs. M. J. Walsh was a guest Of the Catholic Woman's league in Chi- eago- Saturday and visited friend* there and at Whiting, Ind., from Fri­ day till Monday. Miss Margaret Walsh*"returned to her home at Whiting, Ind., Monday, after a few weeks' visit with rela­ tives here. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Ellen Walsh; M. L. Flanders, who has been in this vicinity during the past-six weeks or more, returned to his home at Great Bend, Kan., today. Mr. Flan­ ders expected to make a longer stay, but owing to an accident, which oc­ curred when his hand came in con­ tact with a buzz " saw one day last week, he decided to return to his home at thi$ time. Paint for protection, -- -- Paint to beautify. Use B, P. S. For at Pitesdtfs. Telephone*: Office 17 Residence M-W tj Office Hnura to M:M :|, m. i:.«« p. m. to p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREl'ND BLDG. Over McAllister's WEST MrHFNRY PLUMBING AND HEATING BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Telephone No. 108-R k-:' SIMON STOFFEL _v Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST MeHBNBT, ILLINOIS J,, , ' ^ - i . Y .. .

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