Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1917, p. 10

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'• :'H '1'"' "'• "i" " " 1 /0 . ANNUAL REPORT ^ tl? \ " " , t,!- ';• • ;;v'.%ade By the Township Treasurer, . :v Stephen . -. • State d Illinois, ) i Town of , bounty of McHenry,) ss. McHenry ^. u 'The following ia a statement by ' ;• Stephen H. Freund of the Town of McHenry in the County and State foresaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, end­ ing on the 27th day of March, 1917, "Showing the amount of public funds ~' on hand at the commencement of said fccal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources re- . ijsbived, the amount of public funds ex­ pended and for. what purpose ex- ded, during said fiscal year, end- g as aforesaid. ^ ; The said Stephen H. Freund, being ' «July sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by him sub- scribed is a correct statement of the i amount of public funds on hand "at the • v ^Commencement of ' the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public " " jRands received and the sources from r #hich received, and the amount ex­ pended, and purchaser for vChich ex- •; v{tended, as set forth in said state- * itient. - Stephen H. Freund. Subscribed and sworn to before me, rj ̂ Hiis 27th day of March, 1917. "*i E. C. Hawley, Justice of Peace. Funds Received and From What • Sources Received Amt Am't of public funds on hand „ ~-j: at the commencement of _ •t the fiscal year commencing - the 28th day of March, i ,i ": 1917 ...... .$6785.76 , v 'Rec'd from Co. commissioner 6.00 Jtec'd from delinquent..... . 1450.54 R#c'4 £&m town elector... 5966.19 ^ ; 114208.49 - Funds Expended and For What Pur- . "•i"* pose Expended Amt. "* April 29, 191# * >W. H. Kelley, road work, , *.. .$ 7.50 ; l<. Schroeder, road work...... 37.50 Cont. Bridge Co., culverts.... - H>f>.00 " , Joe Smith, gravelg & jgrading 97.25 ~~*ji0ohn Huff, road work. .*£.. < 17.50 . ̂ John Smith, grading... V,:.... 55.51 «... John H. Freund, road work.«• ,12.48 . Peter Smith, grading........... 47.00 Schroeder, grading, 8.00 - fiTick Nett, smithing, 6.80 ^ Philip Sehaefer, rofid wogk,,.. 1,25 E. Kelley, road work...... • 2.50 *$>oe Jung, road work 63.75 Jacob R. Justen, road work. .. JJ&OO //.J • •• May 27 W, Stenger, assessment e% . iff. McHenry- and Nunda, 'f _. drainage district No. 1..... 212,00 ',. ^ Justin-Western Road Co., jr.'.":-" grader repairs 3.28 ^alion Iron Works, grader rep 11.48 Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. 4.90 I. R. Justen, graveling...... 81.90 ^ Jfos. Smith, grading ......... 20.00 v H. W. Allen, grading.113.50 ' -" Jacob H. Adams, road wore:.. 18.3 5 fr-V* Peter Adams, road work ,16.75 John H. Freund, grading..... 19.36 ,-K L. Schroeder, graveling 120.00 f : . June 24 • * * I , "• Cont. Bridge Co., grader Made 6.71 * • >s. Smith, grading .... 13.00 John Smith, grading.. 217.20 L. Schroeder, graveling;.,/,. 18.00 _ Peter Miller, grading. .Ti.'Vv. 16.25 & Peter Smith, grading...... . 10.00 V AU Pepping, gravel......... 2.40 W S. H. Freund, gravel.. . 2.40 ' John Smith, gravel....,^,. 42.40 Jacob Justen, road worl?»V. .v. ft.00 'Ifacob H. Adams, road work.. tZM -July 3 cH Art. Stone Co, mason wk 83.59 rank Stock, cutting brush... 8.00 e Bauer, grading........ . 3P.00 July 29 Barnes Boyle, hauling H»....1»50 ••• ' ~ W 'T'Si','. • * «v > ' - •_ > * 'v <T U't-- ^ ^ vK - , " 4's4 J. B. Hettermann, speed limit signs 20.75 Alexander Lbr. Co., lb? & cem 34.34 H. F. Wharton, donation for* oiling streets Ringwood 25.00 Bowman Dairy Co., 18 Ids eu?d 3.60 Wm. Coates, placing speed limit signs .76 Peter Miller road work. . .20.00 L. Schroeder, graveling.»it.., 27.00 H. J. Stilling, road work.. 6.00 John Smith, road .work 16.90 H . E . B a c h , p i p i n g . 1 7 . 6 0 P. Weingart, graveling. 51.03 Hubert Freund, gravel.. .Y.1.1.- 16.60 Joe Smith, graveling....^.?.' 69.80 Abe Lawrence, bridge work.. 9.00 John Mertes, gravel......... 13.20 H. Stephenson, gravel...;*^,.- 8.60 ;J. R.* Justen, road work. 20.00 H. Buchert, Jr., road work^*. . 1.00 Jacob Freund, graveling,-;.^. 50.00 August 26 111. Printing Co., stationery.. 7iJ Headley Good Roads Co., 1 -- r Bhl. H. G. R. No. 1. 9.60 Mi_H. Art. Stone Co., repairing Mclicnry bridge 40.47 Village of McHenry, use of h o ^ e cleaning bridge....... __ 4.00 Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber., 19.18 John Mertes, gravel.......;. 13.30 M. N. Freund, gravel... r. 3.15 M. J: Freund, graveling. 100.00 James Boyle, road work. ,. . »*, 1,4.25 W m . Q u i n n , r o a d w o r k . . » , , 1 0 . 0 0 Henry Quinn, road workfi^. 10.00 Jacob Freund, graveling....%: 155.40 Jacob Freund, gravel... ..v.;.47.50 L. D. Hall, road work... -. r... 3.00 John Smith, grading & gravelg 170.00 Peter Smith, road work 12.50 Joe Smith, graveling.. 38.00 L. Schroeder^ road work..»i; 66.75 September 2f ? Nick Nett, blacksmithing.,... 2.50 John Smith, graveling, gpivsL 85.45 September 5®J^Y Wm. B . T o n y a n , 4 0 d a y s . 8 0 . 0 0 John Boyle, 34 days 68.00 John A. Miller, 44 days. „ 88.00 Henry Williams, gravel. 4.05 Theo. Schiessle, office renlC* . * 30.00 September 301~- Wilbur Lbr Co., lbr & sewer.. 4.32 John Smith, grading, graveling 45.25 Peter Smith, grading. .. . . 38.50 Jacob A. Adams, cutting brush 27.50 M. J. Freund, graveling...... 100.00 L. Schroeder, road work 17.25 H. Stephenson, gravel 9.60 John Huff, grading,.,.. 25.00 Jos. May, smithing^.......... 3.50 A. Krumpen, cutting brush... 6.00 John Walsh, cutting brush... 13.50 L. Schroeder, graveling...... 45.00 Paul Meyers, graveling...*., 22.50 Joe Smith, graveling... 28.00 Frank Stock, cutting brush. . . 15.00 October 28 Wilbur Lumber Co., culvort*.. 68.08 Frank Freund, graveling',..,. 47.00 M . L . W o r t s , g r a v e l . 2 7 . 3 0 Peter Britz, graveling. .V; . .T 102.38 M i c h a e l B a u e r , g r a v e l i n f 7 9 . 8 0 M. J. Freund, graveling...... 100.00 Wm. Quinn, cleaning culverts. 1.25 Nick Weber, gravel.. v.,. - 17.10 Chris Smith, graveling..,^..; 26.60 Frank Stock, graveling. ^. 28.80 C. Duensing, road work.... ,1 5.QP Ben Kennebeck, road wod(.., 28.00 H. Hettermann, graveling*; .« 92.75 John Smith, grading....»,-» 106.15 Jos. Smith, graveling........ 74.20 Antofi Smith, graveling...... 22.50 Fred Smith, graveling 30.00 Peter Smith, graveling 59.00 John Huff, graveling. 55.00 Will Blake, grading • • . . jF^wnrr™ 30.00 John Freund, graveling.,,.., 14.80 Peter Miller, graveling..,.., 70.00 John Carey, gravel, 15.80 C. E. Sherman, gravel....... 17.64 L. Schroeder, graveling...... 87.30 Paul Schumacher, cut brash.. 1.00 P. Smith, graveling.......... 87.30 Adam Ibsh, gravel 29.10 November 25 111. Printing Co., stationery.. 18.60 Jos. Engelh, nails..... ...... 2.28 McH. Art. Stone Co., crashing stone V........ . ... 238.50 C. E. Jecks, gravel 4.^^41.20 Will Blake, graveling*'I...y.; 135.30 Frank Sayler, graveling. i; w <00.00 C. E. Sherman, gravel.... .v,J89.44 John Freund, road Work. 112.50 Frank Wattles, gravel.., .;t-., 14.10 H. C, Hobart, gravel 4.50 A , E d d y , g r a v e l i n g . i j 2 0 . 4 0 L. McDonald, graveling,.,. 15.00 Jos. Smith, hauling crushed stone 47.50 John Smith, hauling crush#^ 1 stone 95.00 Jos. Nett, blasting stone.. 0.96 Will Blake, liauling crushed i stone r......., 37.50 Anton M. Schmitt, same.". .^f»^37.50 Peter Smith, same « 55.00 John Huff, same ;27.50 Ed. Sutton, gravel.. 86.70 'John H. Freund, bridge woilt,, 3.62 Jos. H. Huemann, smithin®,V 3.57 | Geo. Freund, graveling....,,, " 50.00 M. J. Freund, graveling...... 170.20 'A. M. Schmitt, grading.. 15.00 John Mertes, gravel..... kt** ' 32.60 Frank Stock, graveling...... 33.20 Nick Weber, graveling 76.13 Henry Stephenson, gravel :v... 7.00 James Bell, road work...,,,, 113.40 L . S c h r o e d e r , g r a v e l i n g . . i s 5 8 . 5 0 John Carey, gravel 8.20 Fred Smith, graveling 87.50 December 30- Jacob Freund, graveling..... .,i30.00 John Smith, graveling... .f,i ^l27.00 A d a m I b s h , g r a v e l 6 5 . 3 0 W. F. Bassett, road workij.^^ 8.90 H. C. Hobart, graV©l..,.»^f'.!> 2.50 Baro Sales Co., culverts. * 460.00 Ben Kennebeck, road work... 43.35 Alexander Lbr. Co., lbr, cement 11.24 Peter Miller, graveling.. ̂ ^ 34.00 'John Stilling, gravel -15.60 E? C. Barnard, gravel.... !«*•* " 12.00 D. A. Whiting, gravel.». 1-21 C. E. Sherman, gravel. . ., .,^^.,18.83 H. W. Hettermann, graveling. 119.28 John Freund, gravel 32.20 L. Schroeder, graveling...... 11.50 James Bell, graveling . 75.63 Martin Klintworth, graveling 66.60 J o h n S m i t h , g r a d i n g v * » 1 3 . 0 0 H. Freund, gravel....i,..... 39.40 Fred Meyers, grading, gravelg 16.00 J. R. Justen, grad & graveling 138.05 I Wilbur Lumber Co., sewer 90 L. Schroeder, graveling...... 55.00 Frank Stock, gravel........' 2.40 ! January 27, 1917 E. Hunter, gravel 9-60 John Walsh, cutting willows. . 3.00 Frank Cossman, dragging road 5.00 February 24 Math. Blake, Jr., graveling.... .40.00 Fred Smith, graveling 43.20 Nick Webert 'gravel. .n. ....... 22.60 Peter Smith, grading., 19*00 D. A. Whiting* »avel..:. ••. 1.21 | March 24 Ben Kennebeck, road work 3.60 Wm. B. Tonyan, 37 days..... 74.00 1 John Boyle, 40 days.......... ^80,00 i P. Weingart' graveiiag."r.WTT~tGti.o8 A. M. Schmitt, gravel...... »> H-40 J. A. Miller, 28 days... • 56.00 Legal Ad. Pub. Co., stationery 1.34 W. Francisco, road work 2.00 W. A. Sayler, road work 2.50 March 27 Theo. Schiessle, office rent..., 80.00 Stephen H. Freund, com 101.13 $8214.89 Recapitalisation Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year I 6786.76 Amourjt of funds received during fiscal year 7422.73 Total amount........ 14208.49 Amount expended daring fis- cal year •• Balance on hand. 59^4.10 Plaindealer ads bring results. - »'V!jSSi;v:

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