. • ; • • • • : , WHO' ' , '* • J THE MeHBNRt PLAUfPEALER, The modern drug sfore handles a large variety of goods in connection with drugs. The stock is apt to be the most complete- and most worthy, in every way i in the store where the stock of drugs is most ample and*' best. * The careful pharmacist who buys drugs with the in terests of his customers in view, will buy his sundries the same way. You can depend on his having what you want and you can be sure of utmost value for the price. We want your trade on everything that druggists sell, and ask for it only on the ba?is of reliable quality and service. Reliability is our motto and we adhere to itv in every department and detail of our business. LET US BE YOUR DRUGGIST N. H. PETteSCH McHENRY. ILLINOIS Try Here First -FOR YOUR- EASTER SHOES for the whole family. Dress Goods lor the ladies. Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties, Cuff and Collar Buttons for men and boys. Underwear for all. Candy for those who like it. Gro ceries for all. SMITH BROS 'Phone 79-J McHenry, III. IS YOURS We are now equipped with" a Soil TESTING APARATUS and can give you an accurate test of your soil. Also give you correct scien tific estimates of what your soil needs to grow- certain crops. If you,are in doubt as to the condition of your ^oil, do not fail to take ad vantage of this service". Remem ber it is absolutely free to all. Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone No. 5 Wedt McHenry EASTER TOGS Our line of samples of mi&de to measure Suits is more attractive than ever in qual ity, price and style. Call and look them over. International for men, Victor for ladies. Shoes in fine dress and service qualities. Our prices are much below present mar ket as we contracted for them nearly a year ago. We can positively save you money. Our line of -Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collar* Hosiery, Etc., is complete PURE, FRESH GROCERIES , M. J 'Phone 63-R Goods Delivered ;•*/> H l" PISTAKEE BAT Geo. J. Sayer was out from Chicago * couple of days last week. M. Young has disposed of his prop erty here to a Chjfcago party. Mrs. Chris Blake and daughter, Dora, spent- Monday as guests of Mrs. Jos. J. Mertes. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingart are enjoying a beautiful new car, which came into their possession recently. Jacob F. Justen, Mrs. Ben Justen, Mrs. Nick P. Justen and John J. Justen were guests in the home of . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Justen Tuesday, j M. Buehler drove out from Chicago J last week to look after his summer I property here. The place is now un- jdergoing big improvements and will j be one of the prettiest at Pistakee. | A strike, lasting four days,, was ex- | perienced here last week, when the I union men employed here asked for I more wages. We are told that the men returned to work without the j raise. • A few weeks ago we stated that ! Mrs, B. Nikola of Chicago had pur chased the Peterson house here, but since then We learn that this deal fell thru and that the Chicago lady pur chased the Fegers house at Palm Beach instead. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Mike Pitzen, who has made her third trip to ajChit^go j hospital, is showing signs of im^ provement^and hopes are now enter tained by her close friends that she will soon recover from her ailment. The barn and cattle shed on the H Hedges place here were destroyed by fire on Tuesday. The fire was caused from burning leaves. We gave warn ing only last week as to the burning of leaves and this misfortune to Mr. Hedges should be a warning to others. Jacob R. Justen, who during the winter months filled the Stilling ice house here wflth the expectation of us- i»i> same for the trade this summer, has sold the' contents of the house to the new owners of the hotel property here. The new hotel proprietors may consider themselves lucky that the house was filled this year. Jos. J. Mertes, the hustling pro prietor of the hotel bearing.his name, is one of the busiest men around the lake these days. The work of* pre paring the popular hostelry and grounds for the season is the cause. Mr. Mei*tes always enjoys an excellent summer patronage and he is looking forward to another good season. SPRING GROVE Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby was a McHenry visitor last Thursday. Frank Barbian of McHenry was a caller In town Saturday. Mrs. John Karls is numbered with the sick at this writing. Miss Katie Althoff spent Sunday with hter parents at Johnsburg. Wm. Rauen of Kenosha was call ing on friends in town Friday. Miss Lena Petges of Libertyville is visiting at the John Bowers home. Mrs._Wm. Watts spent several days last week with relatives in Chi cago. Misses Katie and May Keefe and brother, Ed., were McHenry, visitors Saturday. John Lay, our butcher, is caring for a little son at his home since last Thursday. Miss Rose Laures of McHenry is a visitor in the home of her sister, Mrs. Howard Chistenson. There will be special Easter ser vices at the M. E. church Sunday. Everybody is invited to attend. Mrs. Martha Blanchard, Warren Pierce and Ben Stevens were Wood stock business eallers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner of Solon and Mrs. Furlong and son, Claire, were Antioch visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, and Mr. and Mrs. Math; Lay were Chicago passengers Tuesday. , Mrs. Merton Gracy and children of Terra Cotta spent several days last week here with her sister, Mrs. R. D. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr of. Beloit visited in the J. G. Wagner and Leon- rind Franzen homes Thursday and Friday last. • _ Ed. Turner returned home the latter part of last week from Wau- kegan, where he has been taking treatment for rheumatism. VOLO The Ladies' Aid meets today with Mrs. Wm. Dillon. Lee" Huson and family spent Sun day in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. iohn Walton spent Sunday in Wauconda. Miss Irene Dazell spent*the past few days with friends hefe. Rev. C. N. Curtis of Wauconda was calling on friends here this week. Mr. McCoy of Waufconda spent Sat urday and Sunday at Wm. Dillon's. Mrs. Rossdeutscher and daughter, Martha, were McHenry visitors last Thursday. Miss Ella Moore attended the Ladies' \uxiliary at Wauconda last Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard and chil dren of McHenry spent Wednesday at Ed. Lusk's. Mrs. Cora1 Dowell and John Vasey were Libertyville callers Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Geo. Ben well was under the doctor's care the past week, but is better at this writing. Mrs. Phil Peterson returned home Saturday from Elgin, where she has been under the doctor's'care. A large milk platform has been erected at the Volo creamery, whei-e the farmers bring their milk, and large auto trucks take it to Grays- lakfe. RING WOOD Clarence Hopper moved into Arthur Peel's house last Saturday. Harry Stephenson of Harvard spent Saturday and Sunday with his par ents here. Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent last Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell. Star Brink and Jay Hawver and families of Woodstock were Sunday guests at Bert McCannon's. There will be no service here next Sunday evening, as all have planned to go to McHenry in the morning. Mrs. Mary Chase of Chicago vis ited Mrs. Libbie Ladd and other old friends in Ringwood the last-of the week. The M. E. church . sofciety made about (10.00 for their Sunday school work at the social given last Thurs day evening, A,, number of our young people at tended the basket ball games at Crys tal Lake last Wednesday and Thurs day evenings. % Paul Stephenson went to Chicago last Wednesday. His mother met him there Thursday and both returned home Friday evening. H. W. Allen, H. M. Stephenson and, wife and Mrs. Grace McCannon at tended the funeral of A. L. Haywood at Woodstock Monday. afternoon. The W. C. T. U. had a good meeting at Mrs. Hall's last Saturday. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Raw- son, when our county president, Mrs. Goodknecht, will be with us. The following program will be giv en by the Ringwood public school at M. W, A. hall in that village on May 13, 1917: Part One Dutch Kids... . .Ethel Bell, Wm. Beth Folk Dances (a) Peek-a-Boo (b) Danish Dance of Greeting.. 1st and 2nd Grades (c) Ace of Diamonds Japanese Song and Drill Ethel Bell, Dorothy Peet, Cora Beth, •8 Doris Wharton, Delia Young and Lucile Ames Circus (a) Animal Band (b) Clown (c) Merry-go-Round Musical Frogs.. . .Will Beth, Jesse Whiting, Clyde Carr, Carlton Fay P*rt Two Play--Morning Callers Recitation--"Fixing For Summer Boarders" Clarabel Adams Flower Song......,,.Elynore Dodge Recitation--"Now Don't You Tell" Marjorie Whiting Piano Solo Russell Herbert Play--A Disturbance In the Family Recitation--"Mother Never Strikes" ....».* Elynore Dodge Medley of National Airs SOLON MILLS Kirk Craine spent Soiiday Mrs here. Miss Florence Aylward returned to Hebron Sunday. R. R. Turner was a Ringwood caller Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Sienert of Chicago was a Tues day caller at J. Pester's. Wm. Simes of McHenry was a bus iness caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Monear were Sunday callers at Hebron. Walter Watts departed for Brook lyn, Mich., Tuesday evening. Chas. Vogel spent a few days last week at Genoa Junction, Wis. Mrs. Wm. Cornish returned home from Chicago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward were Sunday visitors at F. W. Noble's. The Krumpen family has moved to their new home near Richmond. Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter* Leona, spent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Alms called on her sister, Mrs. Carl Anderson, Tuesday afternoon.7^ Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were Antioch visitors Saturday afternoon. Miss Maizie' Rosing spent Sunday and Monday in her home at Round Lake. - * * Mrs. Faulke of Spring Grove was a Tuesday visitor of Mrs. P. B. Pinney. Miss Stella Fangnieier returned to her home in Fenimore, Wis., Wed nesday. • Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward Were Sunday guests in 4:he Richard Ayl ward home.. ,> Stanley Beall went to Hebron Sun day, where he is in the employ of E. M. Aylward. Miss Kathryn Yanke spent Thurs day and Friday in her brother's home at Genoa Junction, Wis. Mrs. K. S. Craine and daughter, Dorothy, were visitors at the Geo. Vogel home the past week. Miss Marguerite Overton of Mc Henry spent a few days during the past week at the home of Mrs. Fannie Overton. Misses Lillian and Hannah Yanke returned home Saturday evening, after spending the week at' Crystal Lake and Chicago. Miss Emma Coates and nephew, Wayne FoSs, of Ringwood were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Geo, Coates, on Wednesday of last week. OSTfiNO Mr. Comwell and F. R. Eppel are breaking colts. Vinton Thompson was a recent guest of Chicago relatives. Dorr Sherman was the guest of his grandparents during vacation. Mrs. R. H. Richardson spent last week with relatives in Chicago. Farmers are much worried about their seeding. Many report it badly killed. Little Elma Sherman is spending this week with Grandpa and Grandma Hobart. Farmers are very busy now clean ing seed grain and getting soil ready lor vowing wheat , SHOES! #We have just putin an ex cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi- pinity call and inspect fhem. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while' repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premiutia Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry Wall Paper In spite of the present high Paper Market we are offer ing a splendid variety of new attractive pattterns at popular | prices. We con tracted heavily for the 1917 season and will be able to take care of your wants. We advise buying early as prices are iiable to advance after present • stock Js sold out. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY •! Ill ^ (XNDEE HATCHED C H I C K S Th«- Kind that Live and Grow It does not pay you to spend the time and trouble bothering with the fussy, uncertain hen when you can have your eggs hatched by us in a safe and sjire hot water C%ndee in cubator, at the small cost of f2.00 a tray of 75 eggs. SEND YOUR EGGS TO US AND GET MORE AND BETTER CHICKS Your eggs will be doubly safe guarded by an automatic regulator at each incubator compartment and an other regulator at the heater. This, and the healthy hot water heat insures your 'getting the greatest number of chicks that will live and grow, into profitable layers and breed ers. Place your orders early for baby chicks. S. C. R. I. Reds and S. C. W. Leghorns. E. G. PETERSON Phono 625-M-l • :: Johnsburg, III. Hfslthy He»t Make* Healthy Chick* r-ANDEE Hot-Water Incubator THE BONE OF BETTER Groceries In these days when ALL grocer ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer ior ones, but they #oa long1 ways turther. Quality is our trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. \'ou will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS FACTORY kind of eats. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-VV A road grader was at work in this vicinity last week and made a great improvement in the roads. They are now passable. Myron Francisco, wife ahd ̂ daugh ter, Miss Co/la, of Wauconda were calling on relatives ! in this vicinity Tuesday of list week. The fundamental Service of a Hank is the furnishing of Security. Security of your fund*, Security of your valuables, Securityof your credit . . Security of yourinvestihetils. Consult and Bank with us. We accept this Responsibility. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rindwood Bell telephone directories art referred L> timr> dutly ttm* tup Mhetr r*Jtrtnbvtk* }>u*hJud Chicago Telephone Directory Goes to Press Soon Changes in present listings and new listings should be arranged for at once. l̂ ew subscribers who want their nan\es in the next book should sign contracts now. Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrathf District Manager Telephone 9903 Rain is Coining Now is the time to see that your eave trough and down spouts are ready to take care of the water. Let us give you an estimate to put your gutters ill first- class condition. Dni & WEST McHENRY, ILL. It looked quite wintery Monday morning, April 2. The ground was all white with snow and it was no April fool joke either. A stern reality. Mrs. Mensel, whom" we reported as very sick, was moved last week to Woodstock from her home in Bull Valley to the home of her mother to get better care. Dr. JHepbu^n took her over in his car. Mrs. Frank Kaiser drove down town Sunday morning to attend church and in some way her horse broke loose, tearing the harness into fragments, but did very little damage to the buggy. Luckily none pf the family were in the rig. She had to get some one to bring her home. Notice 1 Owing to the fact that the price of / V. . ^ v'::Sp" •A.'is AS; ' * A" "j . !™1 ^ "'"rV • milk has been raised from $1.55 to $2.12 wholesale, we will be obliged to raise our former retail price of 7e per quart to 8%c or 12 quarts jfpl^ $1.00, commencing April 1. * Tony Freund, A Ben Adams. f j Qealerst I have the agency for the Hudson Super-Six automobile ;in this terri tory a/id .would like to - establish a sob-agency in McHenry. This is the best six cylinder car on tho market today for the money, and it made a great record in the trans-continental contest last year, I will give a sub- agent a good proposition, For full particulars write T. B. Merwia, Woodstock, 111. 40-** iUad Tba Plainrtaaley Hi 5lii