Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1917, p. 8

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• V -r; & ~Yi - > • > v 1 ; '$;• > |;h - & " '>•••• ^ •' . "'f , ir: We can't get every man's trade though we admit we'd like to. But we ask you to try us. Our hope is that we'll serve you so well that you'll keep on coming. Sincerity Clothing Ready to wear, is a pleasure to sell as it will give satis­ faction and at prices $15 to $22 a Suit which is a saving of 25 per cent » Royal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi­ ness, Suits $18.00 to $35.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. JOS. W. FREUND WEST. McHENRY* ILL. LISTEN! Do you know that it pleases us to see you come to this store? Well, it,does. And it pleases us -still more to serve you with our carefully selected merchandise, We aim to keep our goods clean and up-to date and assure you that your patronage is appreciated. Jos. J. Miller RING WOOD SHOES! What Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what­ ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this section. That is the in­ ducement we offer you and no other house can, touch it. F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. ASK THE WIFE She knows A It M ' Mr. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an­ nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num­ ber oHliings that will be needed to keep the home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by cooperating with her in planning and se­ lecting the things that are needed you will be intrumental in making housecleaningtime a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a seledt- from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JUSTEN McJiENRY, ILLINOIS Don't forget the band concert at the Central opera, house next Tuesday evening, April 17. Vote for Frank Wattles, who heads the People's ticket, a tried man and found qualified. Vote the People's ticket and the affairs of the village will be for all the people at all times. Ready to do whitewashing at 8c per stanchon. Work guaranteed. Phone 600-M-l. Fred Smith, Johnsburg, 111. 42-tf The Ben Wagner home on Main street is under a period of quarantine. Their little daughter, Helen, is suf­ fering with a case of measles. McHenry business men and sum­ mer resort proprietors are already wondering what effect the war will have on the summer'business. We are told that some of the aspir­ ants for village offices have already expressed themselves in favor of widening Green street the coming summer. Any of our young men wishing to jloin the navy should kindly remember that information may be had by ap­ plying at either of the two postoffices here. ITERS OF LOCAL MEREST AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEALEtt REPORTERS DURING WEEK hat People are Doing in lage and the Immediate Other Short Paragraphs Butter Market Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 44 cents per pound last Sat- Vorte the People's ticket Tdesd April 17, 1917. Vote the People's ticket Tuesday, April 17, 1917. Vote the People's ticket for a busi­ ness administration. / . ; - * • V </ % * ^ * v ' r- •>; . . McHENRY Vote the People's ticket, which is the choice of the people of this village. Remember dates on the them. friends are candi- ticket. Vote for Remember your friends are candi­ dates on the People's ticket. Vote for The Easter services at the various churches in McHenry Were very well attended. J. Kleiman has moved his family from the Carey residence on Main street to the Masquelet building on Elm street, where he expects to open fruit and confectionery store. ^Miss Irene Harruif, supervisor of music in our public school, appeared as soloist in a recent home talent play given at Hebron. The Hebron paper speaks very highly of Miss Harruff's work. Thos. Frisby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goe. Frisby, residing at Terra Cotta, has been seriously ill since Thursday last. A nervous breakdown, the re­ sult of overstudy, is asserted the cause. THURSDAY, AN*1L 12 Goodrich ' "The UolrMiir aI MiiMolnno' MSluflg 01 iViduuaieua SATURDAY. APRIL 14 . Blanche Sweet ^laptwe" - SUNDAY, APRiL 15 Marguerite Clark IN "Silks and Sating the Rose bushes at Vycital's. The McHenry Choral club at Central next Tuesday evening. Hear Miss Irene Harruff at the Central next Tuesday evening. Prof. Sears will appear in a cornet solo' at the Central next Tuesday. According to some of our exchanges the seventeen year locusts are due this summer. v William SchaefeT is now carrying the mail between the depot and the McHenry postoffice. While no ap­ pointment has yet been made, Mr. Schaefer feels quite certain of land­ ing the job. Mrs. John Powers moved her fam­ ily from the F. H. Wattles house on the west side of the railroad tracks to the John Justen house at the cor­ ner of Elm street and Maple avenue on Monday of this week. Another cigarmaker has been added to the pay roll at the Barbian Bros, factory in this village. Another sign that prosperity is returning. Busi­ ness at the factory has once more re­ turned to ^ normal fes&te. Two opferators of private wireless stations at Woodstock have disman­ tled their dfevices on orders from the government. The order is general and all private wireless stations thru- out the country must go. Louis Jackson and Frank Daliega, members of the Rovers' club at Pis- takee Bay, were among the first to navigate Fox river this season. They arrived in McHenry from Chicago Wednesday, thence by motor boat to the Bay. Dr. C. H. Fegers called at this of­ fice one day this week and informed us that we were in error last week when we stated that he had disposed of his Pistakee Bay cottage. We are sorry that we were incorrectly in­ formed, but gladly rectify the error. Government secret service men paid a visit to Woodstock last week and as result there will be some names scratched off the payroll at the Oliver factory. Two pronounced German sympathizers were warned to keep quiet or they would be gathered in by Uncle Sam. Spring plowing is well under way and the farmers in this locality are very anxious to get in their crops. The planting of potatoes will be more general than ever this spring. A few of the village gardeners have also had their land plowed and are placing same in preparedness for planting. I have the agency for the Hudson Super-Six automobile in this terri­ tory and would like to establish a sub-agency in McHenry. This is the best six cylinder car on the market today for the money,- and it made a great record in the trans-continental contest last year. I will give a sub- agent a good proposition. For full Iparticulars , write T. B. Merwin, Woodstock, HL _ . . ' ... •* -Y*i& The Waukegan rug man will be in McHenry on April 16 or 17. Leave your orders at this office. B. J. Brefeld and J. J. Stock are remodeling Ex-Senatqr Haas' cottage, Rohema, at Pistakee Bay. Fourteen students will graduate from the McHenry high school this year, eleven girls and three boys. Free concert by the McHenry Mili­ tary band in front of the opera house at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday evening. Paint for protection, Paint to beautify. Use B. P. S. For sale at Petesch's. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel afe entertaining a bright baby girl at their home on the West Side since Monday. # The Mystic Workers will hold their next regular meeting at the home of W. D. Wentworth on Wednesday evening, April 18. The assessor will start out on his annual round in the future. Get ready for him by summing up your taxable belongings. Dr. C. H. Fegers has disposed of two more lots in his sub-division to the north end of this village, Theo. Winkle being the purchaser. Peter J. Freund expects to move his family to Woodstock soon. Mr. Freund and two, of his sons are now employed at the county seat. Don't junk your broken castings, I can weld them and make them good as new. I can also weld steel axles of all sizes, crank shafts, iron wheels of all kinds, automobile frames, etc. I guarantee every weld. T. B. Mer­ win, Woodstock, 111. 40-4t McHENRY PEOPLE ToYAL All Are For Wilson and th^ Grand Old U. S. A. NoW that a state of war exists be­ tween the United States and Germany the citizens of the village of McHenry and the surrounding country are showing more plainly than ever before their loyalty to this government and their flag. While everyone dreads even the mention of war, we are sure that the young men of McHenry and the sur­ rounding country are loyal to the core and they will tender their services to their country as did their ancesters during former wars. While the greater part of McHenry township's population consists of German-Amer­ ican, it can never be said that we faltered when it came to a real crisis. The Civil war saw McHenry town­ ship do her bit in supplying men for the army and in going over the names of Civil war veterans we find the names of many German-Americans. Again during the Spanish-American war we find that the German-Ameri­ cans of this ^ownship responded most willingly to the call for volunteers and at this time we feel equally sure that the German-Americans here can be depended upon to do their duty. As previously stated, we have never heard anyone say that they loved war, but now that our nation has been en­ dangered it is the duty of every able bodied American to do his part. While it is true that all are not fitted for army life, this should not deter them from serving the country in other ways. The crops of the country will play an important part in the war and it is up to the farmer to see to it that every foot of serviceable land is placed under cultivation this spring. The farm laborers should also see the importance of a good crop this season and extra efforts should be made by them during the coming growing sea­ son. While we do not deem it neces- ive our people a long ser- and crops, we do wish to The man who has a savings account is prepared to take advan" tage of Opportunities when they offer. His experience has shown him that the only opportunities that can do him any good are those which he is in a position to grasp. He knows that he mu& be pre­ pared beforehand. A savings account at-this bank pays you 3 per cent intereS compounded semi annually. In case you need the mbney you can call and get it at any time. If you should not pay any attention to the account whatever, you interest goes on just the same, and is added to the account every six months. Such ah account grows rapidly. Let us help you to get in a position to grasp the next opportu­ nity that comes your way. We invite you tp open p savings ac­ count with us. "... ' We^t McHenry State Bank r; BORN BOOK OF 'l ON DISPLAY HERE The Born Blue Book is something more than a mere collection of woolen samples and fashion plates. It is a faithful guide to correct fashion--a' complete compendium of all that is new and desirable in fabric designs and style creation. You can't buy style in ready wrapped pack­ ages--it must be created to con- • form with your personality and individual body proportions. The creation of true style is a rare art in which Born cutters are past masters. Select your ideal of fabric from this comprehensive showing and let us have it tail­ ored, just as you want it. ADAMS BROS. 'PHONE 26 ANTON SCHNEIDER BLDG. Officc Hours 9:00. to 12:00 a. m. l:«t to'4:30 p. m. „ 7:09 to H:00 p. m. Telephone*: Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREl'ND BLDG. Over Vojtt's WEST MrHENRY PLUMBING AND BEATING -BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGftR Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOfFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS SHARON, WISCONSIN Wednesday and Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. & Sunday and Monday By appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday s 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. mm V- , impress upon them that many things are expected of all at this time. We also feel it our duty to give warning that undesirables are not very welcome in this country at this time and it is well to guard one's tongue. While we do not know of any danger­ ous subjects in our midst, it is well toremember these things. In conclusion we wish to reiterate that McHenry people are ready to back Wilson in any steps that he may see advisable to take. Our farmers are ready to do their part, while ouf young men are ready to give their services as well as their lives if nec­ essary in defense of the grandest to remember these things. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh in a local disease, greatly in- fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to euro it you must take an internal remedy. Hall s Ca­ tarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur­ faces of the system. Hall s Catarrh Cure was prescribed hy one of the best physici;ins in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the b« st blood purifiers. The perfect com­ bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal condi­ tions s«*nd for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family PUIS for constipation. You will make no mistake by order­ ing your early seed potatoes at M. M. For Village of McHenry, 111. Eledtion, Tuesday, April 17, 1917 s <By Petitif.n) (By Petition/ For President of Village Board • R. G. Chamberlin ' $ For TrusfteSs • Simon Stoffel • • Mathias Heimer • Fred Katnhofa For President of Village Board • Frank H. Wattles For Trustees Richard I. Overton | | Joseph May G William Simes Specimen Woman's Ballot O Popular OPeople's (By Petition > For President of Village Board (By For President of Village Board • R. G. Chamberlin For Trtuftees D • Simon Stoffel • Frank H, Wattles For Tnwfteea Richard I. Overton Mathias Heimer FredNKamholz • • Joseph May • William Simes I hereby certify that the above are true specimens of the Of­ ficial Ballots to*be voted at the Annual Village Election* in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 17th day of April, 1917. Village Clerk :4? >'8\ . . .WE SELL.. . . farms, (ity, River PROPERTY We write Fire and Life Insurance.* We can save you from $5 to $10 on your ° Automobile Insurance. Call and recfciVe a map of McHenry County FREE. v '• ~ ^ HAYES & JUSTEN 1 'Phone 54 J - - West McHenry tji* v* 5 ^ ̂ -1 r-e *L: • -t

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