Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1917, p. 5

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ft /"safer ifI ̂̂ "^4 . +>-\-'P .- •; • f».V---.-:v;.. „• :"5v ""k :inr'- ' • •-" '.' v. MW,H ^ *7^"* v} **v >» V sf** &u-P$ ' •; T" ~ --': ' Siri*%». J '». -t. J" . ̂ A*-ii 41 j *# » K'%- " \ " ***" 7 \ . * MeHEKRT T%*vJ* : * r ^ Hie modern dwig store handles a large variety of }»oods in connection with drugs. The stock is apt to be the most complete and most worthy in every way in the store where the stock of drugs is most ample aad best. The careful pharmacist who'&uys drugs with the in­ terests of his customers in yje^t-vtfili buy his sundries the same way. You can depend on his having what you want and you can be sure of utmost value for the price. We want your trade on everything thit druggists sell, and ask for it only on the bads of reliable quality and service. Reliability is our motto and we adhere to it in every department and detail of our business. LET US BE YOUR DRUGGIST N. H. PETESGH McHENRY, ILLINOIS ....BUY.... Overalls & Work Shir now and buy them here We have the Janesville brand. 85c, $1 .10 and $1.20 for regular size and 10c more for extra sizes. Jackets to match are 5c less. Work shirts are <ftill 60 cents. We have the same number of work shoes we have had for nearly three years now. The price is a little high­ er we know, but men who have had them two seasons tell us they are worth all they cosft. A good thing to do now is to forget the price as long as you get good merchandise. SMITH BROS 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. i *. This Free Service IS YOURS We are now equipped with a Soil TESTING APARATUS and can give you an accurate test of your soil. Also give you correct scien­ tific estimates of what your soil needs to grow certain crops. ̂ If you are in doubt as to the condition of your soil, do not fail to take ad­ vantage of this service. Remem­ ber it is absolutely free to all. Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone No. 5 Wedt McHenry SOLON MILLS | Mrs. Hannah Yanke went to Be- '• loit Monday. Lee Van Vleet was a Sunday guest of Miss Wheelwright. H. J. Christian of Richmond was a i caller in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner were Chicago visitors Wednesday. L. B. CoveH of Richmond was a business caller here ^Saturday. - j Will Cowen of McHenry was a Mon­ day evening guest at R. R. Turner's: Mrs. Lawrence Santucci and son, John, spent Friday at Walworth, , Wis. f ' Mr. Mershon of Hebron was a bus­ iness caller at E. E. Cornish's Tues­ day. 1 Wm. Monear of, Richmond was a Monday caller at the E. T. Monear j home. I A number froM here attended the j-M. E. church services at Spring Grove ' Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Monear enter­ tained callers from Genoa Junction ! Tuesday. | John Brown of Mason City, Iowa, ; is visiting in the home of his uncle, {Bert Sutton. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowsonof Ring- iwood were week end guests in the W. |H. Gardner home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAssey of Richmond were Tuesday callers of Mrs. E. S. Johonnett. Miss Arlene Harrison of West Mc­ Henry was a week end-guest in the home of C. W. Cropley. Mrs. Efner returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday after spending a few weeks in the L. G. Livezey home. I It is entirely feasible to put a switch in yourv Electric installation which will controlevery light in the house. Cir­ cumstances, easily un­ derstandable, might ar­ ise that would make it • a big thing. Numerous old install- ations are not equipped with modern adjuncts such as distant control switches, floor and wall outlets for the use of appliances and port­ able lampj.p The cost of addinp s them is moderate. WE DO THE WORK Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Wan Paper In spite of I the present high Paper Market we are offer­ ing a splendid variety of flfew attractive patterns at popular prices. We con­ tracted heavily for the 1917 season and will be able to take care of your wants. We advise buying early as prices are iiable to advance after present stock is sold out. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY OSTEND Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell were coun­ ty seat visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hila Thomas and sister from Woodstock visited at the Cornwell home Friday. Carl Herdrick, wife and children of West McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Herdrick's brother here. A representative of the Elgin Courier passed thru here Monday, so­ liciting subscribers for the Courier. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart enter­ tained their daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, and family at Easter din­ ner. Mrs. Lovina Thomas of Woodstock spent several days last week here at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hila Thomas. Miss Clara Lincoln returned to her home at Harvard Saturday afternoon after spending a-few days with rela­ tives here. The Greenwood grocery wagon made its first trip Monday, April 9, picking up eggs at 31 cents per dozen and distributing groceries. Myron Francisco, wife and daugh­ ter, Miss Corla, and Jasper Davis, wife and two little sons ate Easter dinner with Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie. RING WOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will, be held at Ole Wolkos'. Mrs. Mary Chase returned to hfer home in Chicago last Wednesday. Mrs. Hattie Stevens returned from Terra Haute, Ind., Wednesday. A , little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley last week Thursday. Miss Viola Woods and friend of Lake Geneva visited at Mrs. J. L. Conway's last Saturday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Rowson Saturday of this week. The county president, will be with us. Tea will be served. Mrs. Rose Eames of South Farm- injrton, Mass., and Mrs. Genevieve Karnes and children of Chicago were week end visitors at H. W. Allen's. JOHNSBURG Frank Mathieu of Chicago passed the Easter holidays as the guest of his wife here. The farmers in this locality are busily engaged in getting their land plowed and have already started planting. Thea Easter dance held at Smith's hall here on Monday evening of this week was attended by over one hun­ dred couples and everyone present reports a fine time. The Easter services at our church were very well attended. The music and special ceremonies were in perfect keeping with the solemnity of tlfe occasion, while the special collection brought forth many generous givers PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, <K)3 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers Albert Etten & w to Charles Reasner, It 16, Sunnyside addn, McHenry :..f 400.00 Mat Jung & w to Mary Carey, nVz se lA & seVi ne1^ sec 35, and eVfe wM> sw% sec 33, Richmond and house and It 6, Spring Grove; strip in O. Hasse's addn to Spring Grove Marriage Licenses Irwin Hawley, 18 Chemung Irene Dodge, 18 Beloit, Wis. 'John F. Brown, 74. .Hebron jRose Frederick, 38 Hebron j Robert J. Lowis, 34. Marengo [Inez Cain, 30 ...Marengo . G ustave Lindwall, 24 Harvard Eleanor K jellstron, 32...... Harvard Marinus Thompson, 28.... Woodstock • Charlotte Bockhus, 19T....Woodstock m 1500.00 KeHBNBY, HL ADDITIONAL PERSONALS WifWeek tives at El- / rs. S. Knox visited gin Saturday. John Stock was a Burlington, Wis., visitor Sunday. Henry Reigh spent Easter with rel­ atives at Milwaukee. H. J. Halstead spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis. Arthur Fitzpatriek came out from' Chicago Tuesday evening. J. C. Bickler Was a business visitor at the county seat Monday. Mrs. Lucy Thomas returned to her home at Woodstock Tuesday. John Btefeld was a recent visitor at Libertyville and Waukegan. Miss Lillian Pouse was selecting millinery in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. JVC. Bickler returned Tuesday from a visit in Chicago A. M. Schiller attended to business matters at the county seat Monday. Eugene Larson of Woodstock called On. friends in town last Saturday even- ing. Edwin Bower of Crystal Lake at­ tended the dance here Monday even­ ing.. • Mi-s. E. M. Owen passed several days this week with relatives in Chi­ cago. /. * ;r' •' Jack Franzen of Woodstock spent Tuesday as the guest of his brothers here. Misses Christine and Katie Karls of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock was a guest of Miss Florence Carey here Easter. Emil Foote and George_ Nelson of Woodstock were McHenry visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Alice Simpson and son, Willie, were business callers at Woodstock Monday. John W. Kimball and Jas. Boyle boarded the train for Woodstock this morning. Mrs. Hattie Dunning of Elgin spent Wednesday as the guest of Mrs. Sarah Dermont. Mrs. A. Krause and daughter, Laura, were NortH ^Crystal Lake vis­ itors Sunday. Mrs. Emma Mudgett of Chicago is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parks. Miss Margaret Walsh of Whiting, Ind., is spending the week with Mrs. John- Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherman sp^nt the week, end with friends at Harvard and Chicago.. C. J. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago spent Sunday as the 'guest of Mc­ Henry friends. , Mrs. Mary Carey of Elgin visited at the home of her brother, John Boyle, Monday. Jay Comiskey of Woodstock was the guest of friends here a couple of days this week. Miss Eleanor Whiting passed Mon­ day evening as the guest of relatives at Lake Geneva. Fremont Hoy of Woodstock was ,in town Tuesday, looking after his bank­ ing interests. Miss Celia Geary of Wauconda vis­ ited in the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Schaefer, Sunday. F. A. Parker of Oshkosh is spend­ ing a few days here in the home of Mrs. Sarah Dermont C. R. Greiner of Chicago passed Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wirfs. Miss Marion Conway of Elgin was a guest in the home of het parents here over the Week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen of Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday at tfce home of T> W. Winkel. Father Ambrose of Norwood Park assisted Rev. M. J. McEvoy with the services At St. Patrick's Easter. C. H. Gardinier of Crystal Lake spent one day last week in the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice Simpson. Joe Muto, Henry Wendt and An­ drew Hanson of Woodstock attended the dance here Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting ahd little daughter of Lake Geneva passed Sunday with relatives here. George Heimer of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Heimer. Miss Anna Wrede of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wrede. Wm. J. Perkinson and Miss Mayme Schaefer of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home «f T. W. Winkel. Miss Margaret Ward of North Chi­ cago is spending her spring Vacation as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and chil­ dren of Marengo were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Mrs. Vernon Lockwood and son, Lloyd, of Woodstock were guests in the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Frisby and daugh­ ter, Nancy, of Elgin were guests at Frisby Bros.' farm home Easter. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Young and daughter, Julia, went to Chicago Wednesday morning. Miss Julia will remain to take up the study of'nurs­ ing at the Post Graduate hospital. To the Legal Voters of the Village of McHenry The IT}en who represent this ticket, namely, R. G. Chamberlin, president; Simon Stoffel, Mathias Heimer and Fred K&mholz, stand for all that is good for the town, for all improve­ ments and betterment of the town, but do not advocate ixmdimr same We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress* and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry -and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry m w. v i Delighted With the Pie You can please your men-folks by using Early Riser Hour for the baking. It makes so much better crusts than other flour that you will be delighted. All Hour is made from -wheat in a mill, but the difference in wheat and milling is what gives, superiority to Early Riser flour. Order a sack to­ day and be convinced. WEST FTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Healthy Hmmk Male Healthy Chick* CANDEE Hot-Water incubator It does not pay you to spend the time and trouble bothering with the fussyt uncertain hen when you can have your eggs hatched by us in a safe and sure hot wfcter Candee in­ cubator, at the small cost of $2.00 a tray of 75 eggs. SEND YOUR EGGS TO US AND GET MORE AND BETTER CHICKS Your eggs will be doubly safe­ guarded by an automatic regulator at each incubator compartment *nd an­ other regulator at the heater. This, and the healthy hot water heat insures your getting the greatest number of chicks that will live and grow itito profitable layers and breed­ ers, Place your orders early for baby chicks. S. C. R. I. Reds and S. C. W. Leghorns. E. G. PETERSON Phone 625-M-l Johnsborg, III. HATCHED U U /CHiCKS The Kind that Live and Crow THE HONE OF BETTER Groceries In these days when ALL gixteer- ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good---the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go.a Ionjj-w#ys further. Quality isour trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries, of us. We give you the SATIS­ FACTORY kind of eats. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone tt-W without consent of the voting public for any municipal improvement. . Political Adv. J Ready to do whitewashing at 8c per stanchon. Work jruaranteed. Phone 3Q0-M:1 Fred Smith, Johnsburg, IB. V 4*4f Having the Right Kind of a Bank back off you is an* important factor in your business. You can't be too careful in mak­ ing a selection. This Bank wants your account and makes every effort to safeguard the business interest of depositors. If you need funds we accord every accommodation consilient with safety. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rindwood <: M 1 •' • "* The Local Chicago Telephone. Directory Goes to Press Soon Subscribers are requested to notify us at once of any change or proposed change which may affect their pres­ ent listings in the telephone directory New subscribers who want their -names in the next book should sign contracts at one® Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 9903 f;'; Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what a neat , job we can put out for you. Read Plaindealer ads. Plaindealer ads bring rain Read The Plaindealer for mt Well Give You the Shade You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint - 1g It's annoying to select a shade of paintyj| you want to use from the Color Card and have the dealer state he is "just out." ^ You'll never have that experience here#|̂ We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vroomca^l ^^ Guaranteed Paint on our Color Card and carry every sin&lq^ y One of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. - f And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to give you a maximum ofh •ervice and satisfaction--protected by a written, si&netl * ^ (old Bond Guarantee. ^ Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed House Paint J. ,• - < *i. Donavin & Reihansperger WEST McHENRY, H4.

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