If,* V y'C:'- • /> Sv ^ " ) / , - ' « '( We\*an't get <every man's trade though weadmitwe' like to. But wi, ask vpu to^try'us. Our^fiopeis that we'll serv e you so well that you'll keep on coming. « , Sincerity Clot h. llt|j .. • ' v Ready to wear, is a pleasure id sell as it willgive satis faction and .fit prices » $15 to fzl a^Suit \hich is ft saving of 25 per cent *- \ ' jCgf oyal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi ness. Suits $18.00 to $35.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, quality considered. WEST McHENRY, ILL. ••P v; i%i: 'i >What Size? Haw Much? Thatis all we need to ask you --the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give you ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this section. That is> the in ducement we offer you afid no other house can touch it. A. WEST McHENRY. ILL.. • ' s % ASK THE WIFE She knows •a' Mr,.,. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at h^nd .when friend wife will be taking up the an nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num ber of things that will be needed to keep the h)pme cheerful. Well, (these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se lecting the things® that are needed you will be intrumental in making housecle^nlng time a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, and Linoleums. JACOB Jl.'S'l EN > McHENRY,, ILLINOIS . • F. O. «. Toledo, Model 85-6. F. O. B. Toledo, O. $850.69 $985.06 Thesp prices raise $45.00 each May 1&. Buy now saV» These models as well as others ^reon dis- 'Phone i SSSESK sold at 46 cents, per ppitacMaat Sat- Hang out your American flag. Use Benzoi cream for ytfuK hands. Pet&sch. Let it never be said that there are "slackers'^jn McHenry. The Social Wheel meets with Mrs. Chas. Rietesel Frida^, April 27. Phone your drug orders. Our de livery service is free. Petesch. Phone 60-W.' v " ^ Mrs. C. W. Stenger is assisting at the West McHenry State bank this week. _ • ' . v- •„ ,, The Willing Workefa* will meet with Mrs. John MiUer at Rosedale Thursday, April 26. L Paint for protection, "V Paint to beauty. Use B. P. S. Petesch. Roller skating on our village walks has again become the general thing among our young folks. A row boat, manufactured by the local boat btfjlders, was delivered to Henry BlocraT^at -Crystal Lake last week. . " ' Ready*to do whitewashing at 8c stanchon. Work guaranteed.' Phone 6^0-M-l. Fred Smith, Johnsburg, HI. 42-tf Speaking of the shortage of food stuffs, a certain farm paper advices planting every acre, no matter htrw small. The McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., will hold a dance at Staffer's hall Saturday evening, May 5. Watch tKfe paper tor further particulars. ' We make a specialty of* ignition, generator and battery work on all makes of cars and gaS engines. Give us a trial. Star Garage. Phone 30. T-red Kuhn of Chicago h6s accepted a position at the, Overton and Cowen garage and he and 'his family will occupy the Carey - house^ on Matn street. <• \ ' Now don't let any of that garden lie in idleness during the coming growing season. If in no other way, you are able to do* your liit by plant ing a gardes. Call and have your car looked over before the summer touring starts. We can take care of any kind of re-! pair work in a satisfactory manner. Phone 30. Star Garage. We feel certain that there isn't a young man of military age in Mc Henry who will so disgrace himself and country by shielding himself be hind the skirt of a woman The McHenry Choral club, we are told, will give a concert at Richmond some time in the near future. We can assure-the people of that village a rare treat -when the club appears there, The bans, announcing a promise of marriage between Philip Meyers of this village and Miss Agnes Sheehan of Our Lady of Sorrows' parish, Chi cago, were published in St. Patrick's church Sunday. The streets of McHenry are sadly in need of a thoffo cleaning, ff he gut ters in the business section^ of the Village^ have become filled with dirt during the winter months and should be cleaned at an early date, Fred Weinschenker is now making two trips daily between this village and Woodstock, carrying arnumber of McHenry men employed at the Wood stock factory to and from their work. The service, we are told, is being ap preciated^ Registration boards are to be estab lished in every city, town and hamlet in the United States and all men of play in our salesroom. Wts myite you to call and see them. ,jr/' --•. f: DEMjONSTR^TIOJK^T ANY TIME COWEN •WEST McHENRY, ILL. '•W. THURSDAY. APRIL, 19^\ ^ ^Louise. Huff ' >| ___ IN- " " D e s t i n y ' s " ! ^------< 9 -̂ vrs S A T U R D A Y , g l Louise Meredith ,'^1 "HelTWanted" . « mf. SUNDAY. APRIL 22 Vidtor Moore '•} 1 -IN- ing will hold a public card and dom inoes "party. The . usual price of admission, 25" cents. Refreshments will, be served* Everybody welcome. V* -- " Miss Gertrude Masquelet is a new employe at-the local exchange of tile Chicago Telephone company^ "DESTINY'S TOY" +• *: 4 Witt Fame Again ^Players r military age j^rll have -their names entered on. records. This will not exempt the young men of Mc Henry and vicinity. iV Roy Hankermeyer, agent fourth© Indiola Tea company, wishes to* in form his patrons that on account of a disabled car he will be unable to de liver goods to his patrons, on Satur day. Goods can be had by calling at his hpme in the Bfefeld flat. Miss Nellie Doherty is out of school since Friday, suffering with a case of measles. She is at the home of' her uncle, John Knox, and her mother is caring for her. The house 4s under quarantine. She was exposed to the contagion while attending teachers' institute at Crystal Lake. Baseball fans in McHenry are be ginning to wonder whether or not this village is to be represented on t>4 baseball diamond this summer. So far nothing has been done towards the organization of a team, altho some dyed-in-the-wool fan or fans may start something any moment. The annaul school election for this, the fifteenth district, will take plaee at the village hall next jSaturday aft ernoon. James B. Perry is again a candidate for president of the board of education, while Chas. L. Page and Stephen H. Freund are after the trustee jobs. A light vote is looked for. « * ^ • , 1 The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. E; E. Bassett on Friday !fterift>on of this week- At four o'clock a light luncheon will be served, for which a charge of ten cents will be made. The ladies will gladly supply all who desire "a, good cup of coffefe.» A general attendance is feoped' foft ̂ 8 Riverview Camp, uNo. 6818, R. N. A., will hold its next regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, April 24, at 2:00 o'clock, when a large class of candi dates will be taken in. In the even- Following be? delightful work in the FamoUs Players, production, '"^e Old Homestead?*' Louise Huff has been engaged permanently by ' that company "and is now being featured in "Destiny's Toy," an unusual dramatic story Which is the Paramount pic ture at the Central 4his (Thursday) evening. While the darters are preparing for a J^fip to Europe their little daughter \ is severely burned on the arm. The father is forced to remain at home, but mother and 'daughter sail. The ship is lost at sea and it is reported that all passengers^ went down with her. Not long after the wreck, Joe Mar tin, a lonely fisherman, notices a dark object, lying on the' rocks, which "proves to be a little child, bearing no means of identificatioji.^|^t last Joe is hrffrpy, for the child Iearn$ to love him >as a father. Just as Nan is entering in her teens, the kind old fellow, stttfeumbs to a heart attack. Her only friend and protector is dead, so she leaves for the city via a freight car. She is about to proceed on her journey after an uncomfortable ride, when she is preceived by an officer of the law, who pursues her through the labyrinth of crates. A crook called Dopey, a member of the notor ious "River Rat" gang^jsfassed thru the yards and snatchfiSs'Nan into a place of refuge, thus rescuing -her from thi clutdhes of thej£a,vr.' The crook then takes her to Uie gang, where she is taken care of by an, old woman- she soon learns how to re? lieve the wealthy of their treasures, and is taken into the gang. Robert, the adopted son of Mr. Car- ter,^lfeturns from college to begin his duties as minister. He is pestered by a Mrs. Whylie to marry her daughter, Edith, but efforts^are fruitless. As Mr. Carter is the wealthiest man in town, his house is chosen, by the crooks as the scene for their next crime. Nair climbs in the window, and lets the others in thru the door. The minister witnesses all their actions and after revealing himself he succeeds in capturing Nan, the others escaping, but shotrtly after ward they are all brought to trial* The minister is attracted to Nan and requests that she be set free and he should be held -responsible for her actions in the future. "Tick," the leader of the crooked band, effects his escape and sneaks over to the min ister's house to k»H him, believing life:-- the minister tS have forced Nan to divulge the names of her confeder ates. He fires a shot thru the win dow, but it misses the minister and grazes Nan's arm. Mr. Carter and the minister ruslfc^ her aid, and to his great surprise Carter recognizes his daughter by the scar she sus tained when coming in contact with the sealing wax. . 1 John B. O'Brien is the auraidr and director of the production. Will Have Baaeball Team At a meeting of the McHenry Coun cil, Knights of Columbus, held at the K. 6f C. hall. last Thursday evening, it wf|8 decided to place ^another base ball team into the field the coming summer. ° In case no town team is organized here' the teai^ will -play most of itrf games at home.' How ever, should a town team agjjain be organized the Catholic boys will be away from home the greater part of the season. t ̂ ' " Card of Thaaka In this manner we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks .to- .those wh any way assisted us during tmr re cent illness and after the death of our beloved one.) Also do we wish to > thank Sonera of flowers. ' , ' > MTS. w. Parkwv « ) s Mrs. C. N. Culver. • • • .^ rT \ '%ru. P. V. Cobt^ , -j ' •*' V ?4 3 ; Give Your Boy a Start . • . . . . . * - I f ' ^ V • A b^by boy WHS born in a certain Ohio town a few years agt>, and its mother said to the proud father: "£et us give this child V Mart in life. Can we set aside a dollar a week? Let us try." f This*was done^ At the age of twenty-one the child was ab|e to purchase an interest in a growing business. This man later be- came the president of the Western Union Telegraph company. ' " .One* dollar per weeka small sacrifice, hut if^will amount M twenty years, at five per qent interest, compounded semi-annually, to $1801.72. We invite yojj to open a savings account with us. We pay 3 per cent intere^. " ^ McHenry State Bank .4 VUm Cleanliness mi m i& a matter of much un pleasant work when it comes to floors unless they are covered with ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUMS It provides a bright, cheer ful floor covering that is so readily kept spic and span that dirt simply cannot ac cumulate. . Thoroughly good, but not expensive, and a variety of patterns from which to choose. Send your wife in today to pick out the pattern. She'll like our assortment. N. J. Justen & Son 'PHONES: ICS.. S9-R; OFflCE, 63 W. FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING WEST M'fiLNRY, ILL. THE UN(VE|SAL CAR Every factor of a good investment is met in the Ford car for business utility--low first cost small upkeep, minimum deprecia tion With these merits is all the motor car performance you can. buy at any price. In city or Country Ford t service is close at v hand--the service that keeps more than 1,750,000 Ford cars in daily use Touring Car, $360; Runabout, $345; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, *595; Sedan, $645--all f. o. b. Detroit. Remember, Ford owners drive their cars all the year around. < JOHN. R. KNOX McHenry, SB. STAR GARAGE Tel . 3* .a1"?- -' rf *,4 i r .Afe