Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1917, p. 4

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kk' * iiw * K J. ^ Too Can Make Excellent Cake With Fewer Eggs iSSe an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. • This applies equally well to nearly all baked foods. Try the following recipe according to the1 new way: CREAM LAYER CAKE Old Way New Way 1 cup su(U lilk I?. r?ty W ' , i £ d$» ' \<<t * * - .".j'rtS • vV.-. i; ' " ' I cop sugatf % cup milk tcup mil A cups f l o u r .. S cups floor - _ S teaspoons Dr. Print Btktef Powder 41easpoonsDr. price*Baktaf r»w«« 3 eccs - i «K \ cup shortening Wf * tablespoons shortening ln#^ 1 teaspoon flavorii 1 teaspoon Savoring Makes 1 Large 2-Layer Cake ' DIRECTIONS--Cream the sugar and shortening totfether.then mix lath* egg- After sifting the flour and Dr. Price's Baking Powder together, two or three times, add it all to the mixture. Gradually add the milk and beat with spoon until you have e smooth pour batter. Add the flavoring. Pour Into greased layer cake tins and bake in B moderately hot oven for twenty minutes. Thlt cake is best baked in two layers. Put together with cream filling and spread with white Icing. ;J Dr.Prige's * * CREAM BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes No Alum No Phosphate v ti.r' THE FTHENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER «*»»« |n Bank Building Telephone 98-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OaeYear »I.» lis Months, 75c Three Months. «p Thursday, April 19, 1917 FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT Away at His Late Home at Adams, Minn. [Adams, Minn., Review] '»4 One by one they go--the sturdy old pioneers, who braved the wilds md imderwent the trials in the early days open a new country and to deve|t>p T*" , f.i".' k it for the generations to come. From IV^ ' many lands they came to reap the romise of America and well was their *, J" I **? tvork done. So well in fact that they t- . ± ('" .Spent the evening of their lives in the ~ ^ i - , "peace of the surroundings they helped % to create, with a consciousness of a life well spent and duty nobly exe- 0-i ' vuted. / • For one pioneer this consolation of V' the years can no longer be in this life. • . Bartholomew Shumacher answered - call of his Maker at 4:00 o'clock $&£•• on Easter morn, fortified by the rites '?$. >. and blessings of his religion. He was y born at Lind, Rhine Province, Ger- ^ «%iany, on May 10, 1840, the youngest ' -of a family of six children. His child- ' f\=. hood and the days of his young man- : tiood were spent in the old country . . amid the scenes of his native place. / jjfe' He attended the schools of his village fend later applied himself to work on the farm until he came to this country. l. In March, 1868, when nearly 28 ^xfrears of age, he set sail for the United States, settling at McHenry, Illinois, f where he remained six years. In ' '1874 he came to northern Iowa, tak-ing possession of a farm near Meyer, U:& '-jwrhich he operated for many years. Sh9rtly after this time he married •^--Miss Gertrude Roeder of Stacyville. There were no children, but Mr. and Mrs. Shumacher reared a boy and a £ girl, who were entrusted to them by ' the state. They remained at Meyer until three years ago, when they pur- |y vf chased a home in Adams. Mr. Shumacher had not been ser- ^icusly ill for any length of time, but old age, brought on a state of feeble- l liess, which caused him to slowly "H 1^5- drop away. 5 Of a pleasant and retiring dispo- \ sition, cheerful and ever ready to help If •J • )*'tone ^eec^ °r a kind word, he has a L * *y.^ost of friends who mourn his loss. -V \ s" He was a faithful and devoted mem- iW" tni^d^ier of the Catholic church, a zealous .^.'-VOTker in all of its activities. The funeral services were held at Sacred Heart church Wednesday i ,£'ii -morning at 10 o'clock. Interment ,o1i" "took place at the Sacred Heart ceme- ^lV.^'.-tery- " ' The deceased is survived by a wife, son, John, of McHenry, 111., and daughter, Mrs. Robert Schaefer of McHenry. Administrator's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. The undersigned having been ap- pointed Administrator of the Estate of Susan Freund, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, hereby gives notice that he will ^appear before the County Court of | McHenry County, at the Court House s in Woodstock, at the June Term, on - first Monday in June next, at • 1 v ' w h * c h t i m e a l l p e r s o n s h a v i n g c l a i m s t ^ M against said Estate are notified and £2 ' * requested t8 attend for the purpose of having the Bame adjusted. All - persons indebted to ,said Estate are f.; 1 requested to make immediate payment :& to the undersigned. . Dated this 2nd day of April, A. D. 01 f ~-L 1917. Peter Freund, Jr., |^V 42-3t J** Administrator. ^ y ! , Ready to do whitewashing at 8c per Y stanchon. Work guaranteed. Phone -e00-MrI« Fred Smith, Johnsburg, ^BL •• - • 42_tf ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and Go Daring A Week Miss Eva Laures went to Chicago Wednesday morning. Rev. J. J. Lonergan of Cary was a caller here Wednesday. Loren Martin returned to his school duties at Madison Tuesday. Fred A. Beller was a Chicago pas­ senger Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. E. Whiting spent a re­ cent day with Richmond relatives. Herbert Landwer of Barrington spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Mrs Jas. T. Perkins is spending the day with relatives at Woosdtock. E. II. Thompson of Woodstock was a business visitor in town last Fri­ day. Miss Marion Conway of Elgin vis­ ited at the parental liome here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Colby left Wed­ nesday morning for Kansas "City, Kan. Mrs. J. E. Waite of Lake Geneva spent Wednesday in the home of R. Waite. Atty. A. H. Pouse was a profes­ sional visitor at the county seat Monday. John Brefeld of Woodstock vis­ ited in the home of his parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke of Chi­ cago visited Miss Ellen Doherty Tuesday- M. J. Walsh, F. A. Bohlander and J. C Bickler w:ere Chicago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday at the F. H. Wattles home. John H. Kennebeck attended to matters of a business nature at the county seat Monday. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Pearl, spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, J. Sutton of Crystal Lake attended the band con­ cert here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Frett and children and Mrs. S* Stoffel and daughter, Clara, motored to Elgin Sunday. Mrs. C. S. Dumbleton returned Wednesday from a few days' visit with friends at Detroit, Mich. A. O. Hunter of Saskatchewan, Canada, is a guest in the home of his brother-in-law, F. A. Cooley. John Long of Woodstock passed Saturday la$t as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Doherty. Mrs. Belle Fairweather and little granddaughter of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon a couple of days last week. . -> Mrs. Mary Leickem went to Wood­ stock Wednesday morning and will visit her daughter in Chicago before returning. ' Mrs. Stacia Kane and son, Thos., of Ringwood visited the former's sister, Mrs. John Carey, at her home on Green street yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and Miss Lelah Claxton attended a concert at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. The concert was given by the Landwer quartet of Chicago. John Knox of Chicago spent the first of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kiiox. He re­ turned Wednesday, morning accom­ panied by his sisters, Misses Vara and Theresa. seed potatoes at M. M. Nie 'v SH Catarrh Caiiuot Be Cured With LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot r<:ach tht? h»-.*s the dise&s6. Catarrh 13 a local disease, greatly in­ fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Ca­ tarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur­ faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure wrfs prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It la composed of some of the beat tunica known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect com­ bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure ia what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal condi­ tions. Send for testimonials, free J. CHKNKY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Read The Piaindealer and Irtflp posted on local happenings. -- 'a V*'» ' ! • V - • ' WEEKLY PERSONAL ITERS \ » • COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK 111 OUR BUST VILLAGE ______ '-|V. Aa Seen By Piaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our . Frienda. Wm. Spemior visited his wife in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Irene Harruff was a Chicago visitor last Friday. Mrs. R. T. Wray spent Saturday last in the windy city. f J. H. Miller spent Sunday at Arlington Heights, 111. M. A. Thelen boarded the Chicago train Moftday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter were Chicago visitors Tuesday. F. O. Gans was among the Chicago passengers Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling were Chicago visitors last Friday. John Pufahl was a^ business visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Miss Julia Stoffel spent Sunday as the guest of friends at West Chicago, C. F. Hoy of Crystal Lake attended to business matters here last Satur­ day. . F. O. Gans attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago last Fri­ day. ' Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent the first of the week at his home here. Atty? F. M&rtin of Chicago passed a day last week as the guest of Geo. H. Hanly. Wm. Howard of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of friends in Mo- Henry. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a busi­ ness visitor in the >windy city last Friday. Mrs. Chas. Colby was among the Chicago passengers last Saturday morning. Miss Elizabeth Thelen was a busi­ ness visitor in the metropolitan city Monday. F. J. Barbian attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Tuesday. F. A. Beller attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Mrs. Ella Hanly went to Elgin last Saturday for a few days' visit with relatives. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of home folks. Chas. J. Reihansperger was the guest of relatives at West Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at iWest Chicago. Jay Comiskey of Woodstock was a Sunday guest in the hon^e of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Clarence Baron of Hebron spent a recent day as a guest in the home of his parents here. William Bickler of Evanston spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bickler. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buch and chil­ dren of Chicago were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Alma Thomas spent Tuesday as the guest of her son, Ray, find family at Crystal Lake. Miss Marion McOmber of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Clara Miller. Miss Anna Weber of Woodstock was a Sunday guest in the home of her father, 4dathias Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chi­ cago spent Sunday as guests of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. Mrs. John Miller passed the latter part of last week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Mr. 4nd Mrs. J. M. McOmber of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Fred Sherburne of North Crystal Lake was a recent guest of his grand­ ma and aunt, Mrs. and Miss Sher­ burne. John Spencer of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of his son, William, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and daughter, Adeline, were guests of Woodstock relatives and friends Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Warner of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Mrs. Carl Mead and daughters of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nellis. Miss Esther Stoffel passed the lat­ ter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of Chicago rel­ atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Woods and Homer and Iva Woods of Hebron spent a recent day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potter. c Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and infant daughter arrived here last week from Houghton Lake, Mich., and have taken up their abode with her moth­ er, Mrs. Christina Schreiner. Mr, Kelleh^; will follow the family to this village shortly. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phalin motored to Elgin Sunday and called at the home of the late John Doherty. Mrs. Conway re* mained for the funeral Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary, Mrs. John Mc­ Carthy, Mrs. R, I. Overton, Mrs. El­ len Bolger, Misses B. and Mary Doh­ erty, Mr. and Mrs. Peter'^Doherty and John R. Knox atetnded the funerij? of John Doherty at Elgin Monday. P H I L I P - J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVBN TO THK SAL* pTv Qfgmd BmI; rtutton, Hogs, VmI, Poultr Hides, etc., Butter and Eggs •» * ^ - * I > ». • . \ . 4 This Is the oldest honae on the street. Tags and prioe lists tarnished application. Stall I a 3, Pnttos Wholesale Market. •). STORAQB FREE CHICAaO.'lLLilvrOIS. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Alford H. Pouse, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, Frank Steinsdoerfer, Administrator of the estate of Frank Pfannenstill, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said deceased, at the April Term, A. D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit, on the 4th day of April, 1917, notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 5th day of May next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the after­ noon of said day, to-wit, at the hour of 1 p. m., at the front door of the village hall in ithe Village of Mc­ Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinoi|, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Frank Pfannenstill, deceased, to-wit: Five aCres of land, more or less, lo­ cated South of the highway on the East side of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section Number Thirty-two (32), in Township Num­ ber Forty-five (45JT North, of Range Number Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to gov­ ernment survey, bounded and de­ scribed as follows, to-wit: Com­ mencing in the center of the high­ way, known as the Waukegan road, where said highway intersects the East lihe of the said Southwest quar­ ter of said Section Number Thirty- two (32); thence South along said Eastern boundary line about Eighty (80) rods to the Southern boundary line of said Section; thence West on said Southern boundary line Ten (10) rods; thence North, parallel with said East line of said quarter section, to said highway; thence in an Easterly direction along the center of said highway, to the place beginning, sit­ uated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois. Will"be sold to the highest and best bidder. Terms of Sale: 20 per cent of pur­ chase price on day of sale and balance to be paid when deed is delivered. Frank Steinsdoerfer, Administrator of the Estate of Frank Pfannenstill, Deceased. April 4, 1917. *2-4t Alford H. Pouse, Atty. State of Illinois,) McHenry County) ss In County Court, to June Term, A. D. 1917. Alford H. Pouse, Administrator of the Estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased, vs. Edward Brehm, Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sherman and Geraldine Webb. Petition for leave to sell Real Estate to pay Debts. Affidavit of the non-residence of Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sher­ man and Geraldine Webb, defendants in the above entitled cause, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, notice is hereby given to said non-resident defendants, that on the sixteenth day of April, A. D. 17, Alford H. Pouse, Administrator the Estate of Carrie Brehm, de­ ceased, filed in said Court a, petition for an ordjer to sell the following de­ scribed real estate situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, to-wit: y Lot Eleven (11) in River Park, as appears from the Plat of said River Park on file in the Recorder's Office of 'McHenry County, Illinois, said River Park and premises being situ­ ated in the Northwest Quarter (N. W. &) of Section Nnmber Twenty- five (25) in Township Number Forty- five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois: That there upon a summons issued out of said Court against all the defendants, return­ able on the fourth day of June, A. D. 1917. Now, therefore, unless you, the said Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sher­ man and Geraldine Webb, shall per- onally be and appear before the Coun­ ty Court of McHenry County on the firft day of the June Term thereof, to be holden in the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, on the fourth day of June, A. D. 1917, and plead answer or demur to said peti­ tion, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree entered against you according "to the prayer of the said petition. IiVv testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my officte in Woodstock, Illinois, this sixteenth day of ApHl, A. D. i«if. 44-4t G. E. Still, Clerk. - E. P. Flanders Is Re-elected In an election held last Saturday for the purpose of electing a school trustee for township 15, range 8, E. P. Flanders defeated Math. M. Blake for the office by a vote of 77 to 64. In the McHenry voting pre­ cinct Mr. Flanders received seventeen votes, while Mr. Blake received forty- - . .* IT- BORN BOOK OF ON DISPLAY HERE The Born Blue Book is something more than a mere collection of woolen samples and fashion plates. It is a faithful guide to correct fashion--a complete compendium of all th»t<js new and desirable in fabric designs isl­ and style creation. You can't buy style in ready wrapped pack­ ages^--it must be created to con­ form with your personality and individual body proportions, The. creation of true style is a rare' art in which Born cutters iire past masters. Select your idfeal of fabric from this comprehensive showing and let us have it tail­ ored just as you want it. 'PHONE 26 ANTON SCHNEIDER BLDG. SHARON, WISCONSIN Wednesday and Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday and Monday By appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ' --. The Series 18 Studebaker FOUR and SIX . manufactured complete in the, factories of Stude­ baker, a company whose great nam'e for^ft|gh qual­ ity and reliability has been deveJoped thru sixty- |our years of successful business eXperi€fnce. Thru its broad experience in manufacturing, thru the elimination of parts makers" pfofit^and thru enor­ mous quantity production of fine cars, Studebaker has been able ta„einbody in its Series 18 cars all the essential's of quality thai you would ' find cars costing from $2,000 to $3,000.' • ;" % Thru concentrating on one basic design, Stud' ebaker engineers have been able to constantly ink- prove Studebaker cars. They ha ̂observed the performances of over 250,000 Studebaker ctfirs in the hands of owners, and thru, this Je^perienee oif actual service, Jhe Studebaker car yias beeiLre- fined, improved, perfected, until thq Studebaker Series |oda^C)ne of the bestc^rs in the world rega rd 1 m;ice. < a demonstration^ ^nfNPassengei4 POUR, $ 985 50~-H. , \ 7"Passenger SIX, 1250 GEO. A. STILLING^ Oome in and pve ym Agent McHenry, 111. CLASSIFIED • DEPARTMENT WANTED--A housekeeper for^ firm home. Inquire at this office. 43-2t* FOR SALE--A team of light driving horsesj^alsb harnesses*1 buggies and wagons. Peter J. Freund, McHenry, 111. 43-tf . ... --. j 1 _ 1, , *sm WANTED--To buy a home on Pis- takee baj?£» $4,000 or up. Hayes & Justen, West McHenry, 111. Phone 54-J. 43 FOR SALE--A 1915 3 speed 15 h. p. Indian motorcycle. Newly repainted and in first-class condition. Call at this office. ! 88-tf FOR SALE--Nine n»om house, barii and one acre of land; also piano. In­ quire at Math. J. Scheafer's, McHen­ ry, 111. 4s HREY AUTOMATIC* GEYSER S AT£R HOTi^jjNSTAKTD^j CHF.AI'LV N . Automatic W atcr Heaters' are designed to f uraiclv hot ^water to all plasts af ajb\i|l ingr* Placed m t lie b^entent, connected f/b s tke gas and watery lioj t Water is a l- lable on opening\a faucet . WANTED--An elderly man who" is willing to make himself Useful about the housex and garden and care for a Inquire at this office. 44 LOST-^rMackinawAin McHenry or be­ tween IvicHenry aijd Ringwood oiKthe night of the btUid concert. Finder please leave 'at Piaindealer office. WANTED--Large, j broody hens f setting. Must be^in good condition and from this vicinity. George Kuhn, McHenry, 111. Phone 605-M-2. 44-2t and Electric Compaq '<0: FOUND--On W&lnesday afternoon on streets of McHenry, a cross for rosary. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. 44 FOR SALE--A dumber of two and three year old heifers©. Will be fresh soon. One brood sow and. a quantity of timothy*$bay.a Chris. Smith, Mc- rn " * Henry, 111. 41-tf FOR SALE--One^fine lot at Rose- dale, on good terms. Alsto- two lots in Parks addition near OfiVer writer works. Freeport, 111. type- Inquire ofvBox 416, ^ -^2-.4tl FOR SALE--14 inch Gale gang pfe> $65.00; Chanticleer power washer, $25.00; also all other kinds of farm Vnachinery. / Inquire of F. E. Ho\ves Ridgefieldjlll. $49. Easy payment, nothing down, buys the NEW NO. 9 OLIVER type­ writer. I.give you the lowest factory price. For particulars address H. T. Cooney, Woodstock, 111. 40 FOR SALpI--One four cylinder 7 pas­ senger Studebaker touring car. Has run about 1200 miles. Is in .perfect condition. Price, $1700. Inquire at Spencer mill, West McHenry, 111. 2t FOR SALE--One ^09 acre farm, known as the John A. Smith , place, two miles east of McHenry; one 145 acre farm at Lake Defiance, also one block containing 12 lots with good, improved house, located east of Fox river bridge. Apply to or write S= H. Freund, Administrator John A. Smith estate, McHenry, 111. 41-tf seven. At Ringwood the vote stood: Flanders, 80; Blake, 17. Up until Saturday only a few voters of the township were aware that there was a contest on for the office, j Opens physical Culture Class C. D. Schoonmaker, publisher of the Genoa, 111., Republican-Journal, and former editor "of Tlw Piaindealer, has opened a class in physical culture at Genoa. Read Tlw Piaindealer for news. / •*;4> Every - wom^rf' who AJ/ YyTSg .good ^hoppem,~4siM3kJW: \ ' • --~--"T i •• s* that it is to buy®only the B^SST .1 Tiat is the sp^in^tpal upon which we We BUY only th« b e f f t f i n o r d e r t h a t w m . * may SELL only the besIA W e d o o u r b e s t t o please our customers. C o n e i n a n d a e e 1 o u r fine J.ine of best veg«^ tables and fruits. ros., WMcHenry . ' W E PROPERTY We write Fire and Life Insurance. ' We can save you from $5 to $10 on your Autornobile ^Insuranee. Call and receive • map of McHenry ̂ Connty FREE. ^IJSTEN^ . Wtuti McHen% Offlcein, Spiuldinf Bids*. m , j , t < ; ,• ^ a / Alford h; Attorney-at-La4,r " a., Weift Mcrfenry^-^. ykX fll. 'Telephiine ni Vt-^sr .. \S W

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